MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 21720: Marketing Concept as a Tool for Development of Tourism in Kosovo

- Fatos Ukaj
- 21719: Decomposition of Industrial Energy Consumption in Indian Manufacturing: The Energy Intensity Approach

- Santosh Sahu and Krishnan Narayanan
- 21718: Savings Mobilization, Financial Development and Liberalization: The Case of Malaysia

- James Ang
- 21717: An essay upon the business cycle facts: the Turkish case

- Levent Korap
- 21716: Regional expression of tourism development

- Margarida Vaz, João Albino Silva and Jose Ramos Manso
- 21713: Political attitudes under repression: evidence from North Korean refugees

- Marcus Noland and Stephan Haggard
- 21704: Testing quantity theory of money for the Turkish economy

- Levent Korap
- 21701: Catching Up to the Technology Frontier: The Dichotomy between Innovation and Imitation

- Jakob Madsen, Md. Islam and James Ang
- 21699: Balance of Payments-consistent unreported flows

- Edsel Beja
- 21694: Income-related health disparity and its determinants in New York state: racial/ethnic and geographical comparisons

- Kajal Lahiri and Zulkarnain Pulungan
- 21693: ARCH models for multi-period forecast uncertainty-a reality check using a panel of density forecasts

- Kajal Lahiri and Fushang Liu
- 21691: Why do People Punish the Rule Breakers?: The Sustainability of Social Norms

- Indervir Singh
- 21690: A Commodity Curse? The Dynamic Effects of Commodity Prices on Fiscal Performance in Latin America

- Leandro Medina
- 21688: A Theory of Migration as a Response to Occupational Stigma

- Oded Stark and Simon C. Fan
- 21682: On a Variation in the Economic Performance of Migrants by their Home Country's Wage

- Oded Stark
- 21672: On Marriage and Migration

- Oded Stark
- 21670: Labour Migration as a Response to Relative Deprivation

- Oded Stark and Shlomo Yitzhaki
- 21659: Criticism, Communication and Debate in Public Environment

- Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez
- 21658: Equity-linked insurances and guaranteed annuity options

- Krzysztof Burnecki and Liliana Pazdan-Siudeja
- 21656: Earth magnetism and the economic behavior

- L Melo
- 21653: Educational Achievement of Immigrant Children in Western Countries: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects on Mathematical Performance

- Mark Levels, Jaap Dronkers and Gerbert Kraaykamp
- 21651: Producción agrícola e inflación en Buenos Aires tardo-colonial (Agricultural production and inflation in the late colonial Buenos Aires)

- Raúl Oscar Amado
- 21650: Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights, Software Protection & Development in the South Mediterranean Countries

- Ahmed Driouchi and Nada Zouag
- 21648: Elementi di novità, meccanismi noti e cause di fondo della recente crisi (Elements of novelty, known mechanisms, and fundamental causes of the recent crisis)

- Alberto Russo
- 21647: Price and Quality Competition

- Ioana Chioveanu
- 21646: Determinants of Energy Intensity in Indian Manufacturing Industries: A Firm Level Analysis

- Santosh Sahu and Krishnan Narayanan
- 21644: Networks information in the civil wars

- Fernando Estrada
- 21642: Definition and Validation of a Business IT Alignment Method for Enterprise Governance Improvement in the Context of Processes Based Organizations

- Christophe Feltus, Petit Michael and Ataya Georges
- 21639: A macroeconomic credit risk model for stress testing the South African banking sector

- Olena Havrylchyk
- 21637: The differences in attitudes about their society between 14 year old pupils with and without an immigration background; a cross-national comparison

- Tijana Prokic and Jaap Dronkers
- 21634: Taxes, Natural Resource Endowment, and the Supply of Labor: New Evidence

- Weshah Razzak and Belkacem Labas
- 21632: Identity and Fragmentation in Networks

- Pritha Dev
- 21631: Choosing `Me' and `My Friends': Identity in a Non-Cooperative Network Formation Game with Cost Sharing

- Pritha Dev
- 21629: The Dynamic of Technological Capabilities of Countries: A Dual Approach Using Composite Indicators & Data Envelopment Analysis

- Andrea Filippetti and Antonio Peyrache
- 21627: The Risk of Operational Incidents in Banking Institutions

- Alexandru Isaic-Maniu and Irina Dragan
- 21625: External constraint and financial crises with balance sheet effects

- Meixing Dai
- 21623: О некоторых направлениях исследований в математической экономике (Some Trends in Research in Mathematical Economics)

- Leonid Kantorovich, Pavel Katyshev, Alexander Kiruta and Victor Polterovich
- 21622: The Risk of Operational Incidents in Banking Institutions

- Alexandru Isaic-Maniu and Irina Dragan
- 21609: Digital Rights Management, Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Economic development: The case of digital piracy in the South Mediterranean countries

- Ahmed Driouchi, Molk Kadiri and Moulay Abdelaziz Alaoui Belghiti
- 21607: Trend Estimation

- Tommaso Proietti
- 21606: Democracy and Growth Reconsidered: Why Economic Performance of New Democracies is not Encouraging

- Victor Polterovich and Vladimir Popov
- 21605: From dollar peg to basket peg:the experience of Kuwait in view of the GCC monetary unification

- Olga Marzovilla and Marco Mele
- 21603: Buchbesprechung Udo Broll: Direktinvestitionen und Multinationale Unternehmen: Einführung in eine außenhandelstheoretische Analyse (Book review: direct investments and multinational enterprises: introduction to a foreign trade-theoretic analysis)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21601: Does Fisher hypothesis hold for the East Asian Economies? an application of panel unit root tests

- Tai-Hu Ling, Venus Liew and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa
- 21599: On the Link Between Fiscal Decentralization and Public Debt in OECD Countries

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 21597: Supranational Integration And National Reorganization

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 21596: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Regional Government

- Arjan Hille Schakel
- 21595: Voting Features based Classifier with Feature Construction and its Application to Predicting Financial Distress

- H. Altay Guvenir and Murat Cakir
- 21594: Regional integration and economic convergence in the post-Soviet space: Experience of the decade of growth

- Alexander Libman and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 21591: Essays on Asymmetric Federalism

- Alexander Libman
- 21587: A new approach to the credibility formula

- Amir Payandeh
- 21584: Managing the Process of Removing Capital Controls: What Does the Literature Suggest?

- Winston Moore
- 21583: The Responsiveness of Taxable Income to Changes in Marginal Tax Rates in Barbados

- Winston Moore
- 21582: A Note on Cross-Border Mergers and Investment

- Winston Moore and Jeremy Stephen
- 21581: The growth and size of the Brazilian mutual fund industry

- Gyorgy Varga and Maxim Wengert
- 21578: Choice and Effectiveness of Private and Public Schools in six countries. A reanalysis of three PISA data sets

- Jaap Dronkers and S Avram
- 21577: De riesgo y pánico: una analítica de volatilidad y crecimiento 1960-2006 (About risk and panic, an overview of volatility and growth 1960-2006)

- Daniel Hernan Vedia Jerez
- 21575: Financial sector reforms and monetary policy reforms in Zambia

- Munacinga C H Simatele
- 21571: Telesupport Experiment for Agricultural Information Management in West Bengal, India

- Rupak Goswami, Jhumpa Ghosh Roy and Jhulan Ghose
- 21568: Labor leasing: economic theory, EU and Russia experience

- Larisa Smirnykh
- 21567: Emigration of Highly Skilled Labor: Determinants & Impacts

- Ahmed Driouchi, Cristina Boboc and Nada Zouag
- 21566: Die griechisch-europäische Krise: Ungleichgewichte, Finanzmärkte und die Stabilität des Euroraums (The Greek-European Crisis: Imbalances, Financial Markets and the Stability of the Eurozone)

- Oliver Gloede and Lukas Menkhoff
- 21565: Factor income taxation and growth with increasing integration of world capital markets

- Wai Hong Ho and C. C. Yang
- 21562: The size of the underground economy in Japan

- Koji Kanao and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 21559: Market Institutions: An Expository Essay

- Nirvikar Singh
- 21558: Transaction, Search and Switching Costs: An Expository Essay

- Nirvikar Singh
- 21556: Uncertainty and Information: An Expository Essay

- Nirvikar Singh
- 21553: Economic Policies, Socieconomic Factors and Overall Health: A Short Review

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 21552: Quantum mechanism helps agents combat Pareto-inefficient social choice rules

- Haoyang Wu
- 21551: Политика реформ, начальные условия и трансформационный спад (Reform policies, initial conditions, and transformational recession)

- Victor Polterovich and Pavel Katyshev
- 21541: Failure of Participation & “Missing Women” in South Mediterranean Economies

- Ahmed Driouchi
- 21539: Optionen der Internationalisierung: Motive ausländischer Direktinvestitionen in einem neuen Licht (Options of internationalisation: motives for foreign direct invetsment in a new light)

- Bernard Gilroy and Elmar Lukas
- 21536: Islamic Finance:Sructure-objective mismatch and its consequences

- Zubair Hasan
- 21534: What Discourages Participation in the Lay Judge System (Saiban’in Seido) of Japan? Interaction between the Secrecy Requirement and Social Networks

- Eiji Yamamura
- 21533: The connection between democratic freedoms and growth in transition economies

- Heckelman Jac
- 21532: Systemy emerytalne w Europie. Przypadek Grecji (Pension systems in Europe; Greece case)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 21531: Trade costs and facilitation in APEC and ASEAN: Delivering the goods?

- Ben Shepherd
- 21529: International Experiences with Decentralisation

- Mandakini Devasher Surie
- 21528: Searching for the parallel growth of cities

- Zhihong Chen, Shihe Fu and Dayong Zhang
- 21527: Inconsistency of fairness evaluation in simulated labot market

- Ch'ng Kean Siang and Yiing Jia Loke
- 21526: A reading Hayek on power to tax

- Fernando Estrada
- 21525: Practical training and the audit expectations gap: The case of accounting undergraduates of Universiti Utara Malaysia

- Azham Ali, Teck Heang Lee, Nor Zalina Yusof and Marianne Ojo
- 21523: Geometrical Considerations on Heston's Market Model

- Mario Dell'Era
- 21522: On Non-binary Personal Preferences in Society, Economic Theory and Racial Discrimination

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 21520: Empirical Study on the Determinants of CO2 Emissions: Evidence from OECD Countries

- Hiroki Iwata, Keisuke Okada and Sovannroeun Samreth
- 21519: A panel study on the relationship between corruption and government size

- Kotera Go, Keisuke Okada and Sovannroeun Samreth
- 21515: Welfare Analysis of Regulating Mobile Termination Rates in the UK (with an Application to the Orange/T-Mobile Merger)

- David Harbord and Steffen Hoernig
- 21513: Measuring inflation through stochastic approach to index numbers

- Zahid Asghar and Tahira Frahat
- 21510: Socio-economic Determinants of Household Food Insecurity in Pakistan

- Zahid Asghar and Ahmed Muhammad
- 21509: Trashëgimia kulturore dhe historike si potencial i zhvillimit të turizmit- me fokus në regjionet e Kosovës (Cultural and historical heritage in Kosova as a potential for development of tourism - focus on the Kosova regions)

- Fatos Ukaj
- 21506: Tax Incentives for R&D in Canada: A Review of the Recent Experience

- Patrick Grady
- 21505: Decentralized Local Governance In Fragile States: Learning From Iraq

- Derick W. Brinkerhoff and Ronald W. Johnson
- 21504: Electoral Budget Cycles: The case of the Argentine Provinces

- Leandro Medina and Daniel Lema
- 21503: The monetary analysis of hyperinflation and the appropriate specification of the demand for money

- Alexandre Sokic
- 21502: Centralized wage setting and labor market policies: the nordic model case

- Francesco Vona and Luca Zamparelli
- 21500: The Economic Exchange Rate Exposure: Evidence for a Small Open Economy

- Abdul Rashid
- 21499: Applying CHAID for logistic regression diagnostics and classification accuracy improvement

- Evgeny Antipov and Elena Pokryshevskaya
- 21495: Corporate governance and innovation: an organizational perspective

- Filippo Belloc
- 21494: Dual Wage Rigidities: Theory and Some Evidence

- Insu Kim
- 21491: Revealed Unawareness

- Burkhard C Schipper
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