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64705: The Urban-Rural Gap in Governance: Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Acuna-Alfaro Jairo, Cuong Nguyen, Anh Tran and Tung Phung
64704: Multidimensional Poverty: First Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Ha Le, Cuong Nguyen and Tung Phung
64703: Optimal production resource reallocation for CO2 emissions reduction in manufacturing sectors Downloads
Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
64702: Association for Heterodox Economics Submission to UK Science and Technology Parliamentary Select Committee on peer review Downloads
Alan Freeman
64700: A life-span perspective on life satisfaction Downloads
Paula Thieme and Dennis Dittrich
64698: Profits encourage investment, investment dampens profits, government spending does not prime the pump — A DAG investigation of business-cycle dynamics Downloads
José Tapia Granados
64697: Some Aspects of Haryana State Finances –An Exploratory Analysis Downloads
Laxmi Narayan
64694: The impact of financial sector development on economic growth: analysis of the financial development gap between Cameroon and South Africa Downloads
Serge Piabuo
64688: The financing and management of Euro 2012 arenas Downloads
Mathew Bornah
64687: Перспективы инвестиций в аптечную франшизу в России (Investment prospects in retail franchises in Russia) Downloads
Polina Velikodnaya
64685: Infrastructural investments in the Euro 2012 host cities in Poland Downloads
Richard Ferrir
64680: Investigating the Role of Contract Enforcement and Financial Costs on the Payment Choice: Industry-Level Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Kemal Turkcan and Veysel Avsar
64679: Theoretical approaches of endogenous regional development Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
64678: Endogenous regional growth and foreign trade, in Romania Downloads
Gheorghe Zaman and Daniela Antonescu
64676: Valuing the environment: Happiness and willingness-to-pay Downloads
Zhiming Cheng and Ben Wang
64675: Un modelo Mundell-Fleming con economía ilegal y lavado de dinero (Modeling illegal economy and money laundering: a Mundell-Fleming framework) Downloads
Sadri Slim
64672: Is Prelec’s function discontinuous at p = 1? (for the Einhorn Award of SJDM) Downloads
Alexander Harin
64671: Environmental Economics, Law and Policy: Brazil vis-a-vis India (Part I: Theoretical Modelling) Downloads
Rituparna Das and Mononita Das
64666: Reason-based choice and context-dependence: An explanatory framework Downloads
Franz Dietrich and Christian List
64658: Indentifying Bollywood as a crucial factor of India’s economic development: A review analysis Downloads
Eleni Bouka, Maria-Marina Merkouri and Theodore Metaxas
64655: Heterogeneous Fixed Export Costs and the Division of Labor Downloads
Koji Shintaku
64654: Export Decision, the Division of Labor, and Skill Intensity Downloads
Koji Shintaku
64653: Could there be a "Sub-market Interest Rate" in the IS-LM Framework? Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
64652: The Possible Tragedy of Quantitative Easing: An IS-LM Approach Downloads
Kui-Wai Li and Hazari Bharat R.
64650: Export Sophistication and Export-Led Growth: An Analysis of the Export Basket of Selected East Asian Economies Downloads
Connie Bayudan-Dacuycuy and Joseph Anthony Lim
64647: Exact Methods for Path-Dependent Credit Exposure Downloads
Richard Zhou
64646: An existence theorem for restrictions on the mean in the presence of a restriction on the dispersion Downloads
Alexander Harin
64643: Financial Contributions and Bank Fees in the Banking Union Downloads
Lucia Orszaghova and Martina Miskova
64641: The Dynamic Effects of Obesity on the Wages of Young Workers Downloads
Joshua Pinkston
64639: Robert Louis Stevenson's Bottle Imp: A strategic analysis Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin
64638: Bertrand-Edgeworth games under triopoly: the payoffs Downloads
Massimo De Francesco and Neri Salvadori
64637: Извоз на технолошко-интензивни производи како конкурентска предност на новоиндустријализираните земји - со осврт на Република Кореја (Hi-Tech Exports as a Competitive Advantage of Highly-Industrialized Countries - The Korea Case) Downloads
Goran Kovachev
64636: An Analysis of the Covered Warrants listed on the Athens Exchange Downloads
Costas Siriopoulos
64632: The costs and benefits of microfinance. The market for Dutch East India Company transportbriefen in 18th century Amsterdam Downloads
Mikołaj Malinowski
64630: The roles of human values and generalized trust on stated preferences when food is labeled with environmental footprints: insights from Germany Downloads
Carola Grebitus, Bodo Steiner and Michele Veeman
64626: Efficiency of Australian TAFE and further education providers Downloads
Peter Fieger, Renato Villano and Ray Cooksey
64625: Two dimensional efficiency measurements in Australian TAFE Institutes Downloads
Peter Fieger, Renato Villano and Ray Cooksey
64618: An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox Downloads
Scott Albers
64614: A Structural Model of Exchange Rate Dynamics Downloads
Anton Kuzmin
64612: Open Economy, Global Value Chain and Corporate Social Responsibility in China Downloads
Fei Peng, Wei Huang and Lili Kang
64611: The effects of public supports on business R&D: firm-level evidence across EU countries Downloads
David Aristei, Alessandro Sterlacchini and Francesco Venturini
64607: Diversification strategy, Ownership Structure, and Firm Value: a study of public‐listed firms in Indonesia Downloads
Rayenda Brahmana, Doddy Setiawan and Chee Wooi Hooy
64601: Reconsidering Ethnic-Based-Autonomy Movements in Meghalaya: An Analysis Downloads
Komol Singha and Purusottam Nayak
64600: Gender Disparity and Women Empowerment in Assam Downloads
Purusottam Nayak and Bidisha Mahanta
64599: Does Financial Development Induce Economic Growth in UAE? The Role of Foreign Direct Investment and Capitalization Downloads
Rashid Sbia and Sahel Al Rousan
64598: Indirect Tax Incidence under Inelastic Underground Economy Demand Downloads
Gerasimos Soldatos
64597: Can e-payment systems revolutionize finance of the less developed countries? The case of mobile payment technology Downloads
Helmi Hamdi
64593: Piketty is wrong Downloads
Carlos Obregón Díaz
64592: Remuneration policies for bank executive: international and European tendencies Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64591: Mathématique et Démocratie: une contribution de la Théorie du Choix Social à la pratique de la démocratie en RDC (Mathematics and Democracy: a Social Choice Theory contribution to practicing democracy in DRC) Downloads
Ruffin-Benoît Ngoie and Ruffin M. Mbaka
64590: Facts and Fantasies about Gold Downloads
Joachim Klement
64588: Evaluation of the DICE climate-economy integrated assessment Downloads
Gerry Greaves
64586: Corporate governance of banking group: international recommendations, european policies and national practices (Corporate governance of banking group: international recommendations, european policies and national practices) Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64582: Prisoner’s dilemma for EU bank groups Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64581: Quantifying the Value of Preferential Trade in Russia and CIS Downloads
Boris Taganov
64579: Autocorrelation in an unobservable global trend: Does it help to forecast market returns? Downloads
Anatoly Peresetsky and Ruslan Yakubov
64569: Corporate boards: practices and tendencies for Bulgaria Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64568: Measuring resilience to energy shocks Downloads
Lynette Molyneaux, Colin Brown, John Foster and Liam Wagner
64567: Supporting Digital Literacy Public Policies and Stakeholders' Initiatives. Country report. Bulgaria Downloads
Rossitsa Chobanova
64566: Exploring corporate disclosure on climate change: Evidence from the Greek business sector Downloads
George Halkos and Antonis Skouloudis
64562: Financial Liberalization, Banking Crisis and Economic Growth in MENA Region: Do Institutions Matter? Downloads
Houssem Rachdi, Abdelaziz Hakimi and Helmi Hamdi
64561: The Influence of Corporate Governance on Long-term Employment:A Study Using Data on Japanese Listed Firms Downloads
Hisashi Okamoto and Tsukasa Matsuura
64560: Отворен достъп – дефиниции, правна уредба, предимства (Open Access – Definitions, Legal Basis, Benefits) Downloads
Kalina Georgieva and Eduard Marinov
64559: How to model the impact of political risk Downloads
Ronny Suarez
64558: Does Education Increase Interethnic and Interreligious Tolerance? Evidence from a Natural Experiment Downloads
Christopher Roth and Sudarno Sumarto
64556: Knowledge, Cause and Level of Acceptance of Interest among Muslims in Balochistan Downloads
Faiza Nadeem, Nadeem Uz Zaman and Syed Raza Irfan Shah
64554: The construction-development curve: evidence from a new international dataset Downloads
Daniele Girardi and Antonio Mura
64553: Development of non-banking sector in EU and Bulgaria Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64551: New Instruments In Corporate Governance Of EU Bank Groups Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64550: Interdependence between US and European Military Spending: A Panel Cointegration Analysis (1988-2013) Downloads
Raul Caruso and Marco Di Domizio
64549: Development Blocks in Innovation Networks. The Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1970-2007 Downloads
Josef Taalbi
64542: The Modern Corporation and Private Property – 80 Years Later Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64541: Decrease of ‘Principal-Principal’ Conflicts Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
64540: Animal spirits, investment and unemployment: An old Keynesian view of the Great Recession Downloads
Marco Guerrazzi
64538: Choix social et préférence collective: analyse a posteriori de l’élection présidentielle de 2011 en République Démocratique du Congo (Social choice and collective value: A posteriori analysis of 2011 presidential election in Democratic Republic of the Congo) Downloads
Ruffin-Benoît Ngoie and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
64535: Money and Credit as Means of Payment: A New Monetarist Approach Downloads
Sébastien Lotz and Cathy Zhang
64529: Size and Structure of Same-Sex Couples in Germany Downloads
Stephan Humpert
64527: Knowledge externalities and knowledge creation: the role of inventors’ working relationships and mobility Downloads
Donata Favaro, Eniel Ninka and Margherita Turvani
64526: Modeling bank default intensity in the USA using autoregressive duration models Downloads
Vasilios Siakoulis
64524: The Simple Economics of Motor Vehicle Pollution: A Case for Fuel Tax Downloads
Josef Montag
64522: Euro 2012 economic impact on host cities in Poland Downloads
Krystian Zawadzki
64521: Technical Analysis in the Stock Markets of Pakistan: A Case of Commercial Banks Downloads
Mashood Ahmad and Syed Ali
64520: The Impact of Working Capital Management on Firm Profitability and Fixed Investment in Pakistan Downloads
Madiha Ali and Syed Ali
64519: Регионалната икономическа интеграция в Африка – история и съвременно развитие (Regional Economic Integration in Africa – History and Current Developments) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
64517: A tale of paradigm clash: Simon, situated cognition and the interpretation of bounded rationality Downloads
Enrico Petracca
64516: Is globalization really good for public health? General considerations and implications for the Arab world Downloads
Arno Tausch
64512: Rent-focused behavior and rent-seeking in the context of rent relations theory development Downloads
Andrey Latkov
64511: Globalization, the environment and the future “greening” of Arab politics Downloads
Arno Tausch
64510: Corruption and the Shadow Economy at the Regional Level Downloads
Robert Gillanders and Sinikka Parviainen
64506: Capital Mobility and Monetary Policy: An Overview Downloads
Miguel Fuentes, Claudio Raddatz and Carmen Reinhart
64503: Volatility forecasting using global stochastic financial trends extracted from non-synchronous data Downloads
Lyudmila Grigoryeva, Juan-Pablo Ortega and Anatoly Peresetsky
64502: Elusive Relationship between Business-cycle Volatility and Long-run Growth Downloads
Debdulal Mallick
64500: Optimal Subsidization and Structural Change under Monopolistic Competition with Technical Progress a la Ethier Downloads
Thomas Ziesemer
64499: Macroprudential Policy: A Silver Bullet or Refighting the Last War? Downloads
Claude Lopez, Donald Markwardt and Keith Savard
64497: Financial Market Efficiency Should be Gauged in Relative Rather than Absolute Terms Downloads
Sergio Da Silva
64496: Internal Labor Markets in Equilibrium Downloads
Timothy Bond
64495: Anchoring Heuristic Messes with Inflation Targeting Downloads
Evelin Da Silva and Sergio Da Silva
64493: Poverty and Inequality in urban India with special reference to West Bengal Downloads
Nandini Mukherjee and Biswajit Chatterjee
64490: Are Female Headed Households in Distress? Recent Evidence from Indian Labour Market Downloads
Nandini Mukherjee and Jhilam Ray
64489: Re-visting the electricity-growth nexus in South Africa Downloads
Andrew Phiri and Nyoni Bothwell
Page updated 2025-03-25
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