MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 80641: Point-in-Time PD Term Structure Models with Loan Credit Quality as a Component

- Bill Huajian Yang
- 80637: Emigrant’s remittances, Dutch Disease and capital accumulation in Mekong countries

- Hiroyuki Taguchi and Ni Lar
- 80636: Technology and Business Cycles: A Schumpeterian Investigation for the USA

- Konstantinos Konstantakis and Panayotis Michaelides
- 80632: Bayesian analysis of chaos: The joint return-volatility dynamical system

- Mike Tsionas and Panayotis Michaelides
- 80630: Spatially Heterogeneous Effects of a Public Works Program

- Joshua D Merfeld
- 80627: Private Debt is the Problem!

- Savvakis C. Savvides
- 80622: Youth Inclusion Policies and NEETs’ Targeting Requirements in Arab Countries

- Ahmed Driouchi and Tahar Harkat
- 80616: The Effect of Education Expansion on Intergenerational Mobility of Education: Evidence from China

- Ling Liu and Qian Wan
- 80610: The Firm as Transaction Cost Economics Concept

- Plamen Tchipev
- 80608: How Borda voting rule can respect Arrow IIA and avoid Cloning manipulation

- Dany R. Dombou T.
- 80607: Disentangling the channels from birthdate to educational attainment

- Luís Martins and Manuel Pereira
- 80603: نموذج النفقة والإعتدال حسب كتابات الشيباني (Spending and Fairness Model Based on the Writing of Shibani)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 80602: Immigrant Children’s Access to Public Health Insurance after CHIPRA-2009

- Mir Mahmud
- 80601: The silk handloom industry in Nadia district of West Bengal: a study on its history, performance & current problems

- Chandan Roy
- 80594: Behavior of business investment in the USA under variable and proportional rates of replacement

- George Bitros and M. Ishaq Nadiri
- 80586: Contours of Internal Migration in India: Certain Experiences from Kerala

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 80582: Directed Technological Change & Cross Country Income Differences: A Quantitative Analysis

- Michal Jerzmanowski and Robert Tamura
- 80581: The Contingent Valuation Method in assessing the value of sport’s stadium in developing nations. The case of Poland

- Ruszkowski Robert
- 80580: Dividend taxation in an infinite-horizon general equilibrium model

- Ngoc-Sang Pham
- 80579: On a strictly convex and strictly sub-additive cost function with positive fixed cost

- Yasuhito Tanaka and Masahiko Hattori
- 80578: Does Soft Corruption Make Grease or Sand for Development? Evidence from Road's Special Allocation Fund for Indonesian Districts

- Rus'an Nasrudin
- 80576: Revisiting the causal effects of exporting on productivity: Does price heterogeneity matter?

- Tewodros Wassie
- 80575: Do Speculative Bubbles Migrate in the Chinese Stock Market?

- Qing He, Zongxin Qian, Zhe Fei and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 80574: The Sources of Country and Industry Variations in ASEAN Stock Returns

- Chee-Wooi Hooy, Meng-Horng Lee and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 80572: Le Pouvoir de Vote dans les Etablissements Publics de Coopération Intercommunale de la Martinique et de la Guadeloupe (The Voting Power in the Inter-communal Council of Martinique and Guadeloupe)

- Ibrahima Dia and Eric Kamwa
- 80564: The Roadmap of Interest Rate Liberalization in China

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Wenqi Liu
- 80563: Profitability of CAPM Momentum Strategies in the US Stock Market

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Qing He, Hugo Tak Sang Ip and Jonathan T. Siu
- 80562: Government Size, Political Institutions and Output Growth in Nigeria

- Modupe Mary Fasoranti and Rasaq Santos Alimi
- 80561: The Debt-Equity Choice of Japanese Firms

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Daniel Tak Yan Law and Feng Yao
- 80559: An Empirical Comparison of Fast and Slow Stochastics

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Alan Tsz Chung Tang and Kwun Ho Chan
- 80558: Economic Ideas of Ibn ‘Ābidīn: A Legal Analysis

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 80556: Extreme Risk Value and Dependence Structure of the China Securities Index 300

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Yue Ding and Tianxiao Pang
- 80555: Factor Pricing in Commodity Futures and the Role of Liquidity

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Chun Tsui and Wing Chan
- 80554: A New Approach to Modelling Sector Stock Returns in China

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Nasha Li and Lin Zou
- 80553: Long Range Dependence and Structural Breaks in the Gold Markets

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Chenxi Lu and Wing Chan
- 80551: Oyster Mushroom as Cash-Crop Fungus Cultivated

- Ai Suminarti Dewi
- 80549: Evaluation of the ocean ecosystem: climate change modelling with backstop technology

- Tetsuya Tamaki, Wataru Nozawa and Shunsuke Managi
- 80548: Non-parametric methods applied in the efficiency analysis of European structural funding in Romania

- Monica Roman and Gotiu (Lucaciu), Liliana
- 80542: What do the shadow rates tell us about future inflation?

- Annika Kuusela and Jari Hännikäinen
- 80539: An Elo Ranking for Economic Journals

- Robert Lehmann and Klaus Wohlrabe
- 80535: Marx, maths, and MEGA 2

- Alain Alcouffe and Julian Wells
- 80531: The Nexus between Visitor Arrivals and Residential Property Rents in Hong Kong

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Alex Wing-Ho Yiu
- 80529: The Impact of Oil Shocks on the Housing Market: Evidence from Canada and U.S

- Robert N. Killins, Peter V. Egly and Diego Escobari
- 80528: Endogenous Mergers in Markets with Vertically Differentiated Products

- Jean Gabszewicz, Marco Marini and Ornella Tarola

- Martin Sirucek
- 80526: Alternative Evaluation of S&P 500 index in Relation to Quantitative Easing

- Martin Sirucek and Ondřej Galečka
- 80522: Simulating the Mutual Sequential Mate Search Model under Non-homogenous Preferences

- Ismail Saglam
- 80519: Kinked Norms of Behaviour and Cooperation

- Sergio Currarini and Marco Marini
- 80517: Monetary policy decision-making when information search is costly

- Alexander Jung and Francesco Mongelli
- 80515: Entry in Beauty-Contest Games

- Miguel Sanchez Villalba and Silvia Martinez Gorricho
- 80513: Towards a new role of the institution of waqf

- Hussein Elasrag
- 80511: Is It All About the Fundamentals? A Structural Interpretation of Global Crisis

- Ibrahim Turhan
- 80510: Structural change in non-stationary AR(1) models

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Tianxiao Pang, Danna Zhang and Yanling Liang
- 80509: Duality in land rental problems

- Alfredo Valencia-Toledo and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 80508: New alternative measuring financial stability

- Hassan Ghassan
- 80507: Regional regulators in healthcare service under quality competition: A game theoretical model

- Michele Bisceglia, Roberto Cellini and Luca Grilli
- 80506: Exchange Rate Induced Export Quality Upgrading: A Firm-Level Perspective

- Cui Hu, David Parsley and Yong Tan
- 80505: Une perspective macroprudentielle pour la stabilité financière (A macroprudential perspective on financial stability)

- Christian Pinshi
- 80502: Convexity, concavity, super-additivity, and sub-additivity of cost function without fixed cost

- Yasuhito Tanaka and Masahiko Hattori
- 80496: Forecasting Inflation in Latin America with Core Measures

- Pablo Pincheira, Jorge Selaive and Jose Nolazco
- 80495: Oil and stock price returns: Evidence from European industrial sector indices in a time-varying environment

- Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis and Christos Floros
- 80493: Evaluation des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement en RDC: quelles leçons pour les Objectifs du Développement Durable? (Evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals in DRC: which lessons for the Sustainable Development Goals?)

- Akhenaton Izu and Benedicte Mulolo
- 80491: Empirical Examination for Operational and Credit Risk Perspective – A Case of Commercial Banks of Pakistan

- Mian Saqib Mehmood, Iram Sheraz, Asif Mehmood and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
- 80489: Realized Volatility or Price Range: Evidence from a discrete simulation of the continuous time diffusion process

- Stavros Degiannakis and Alexandra Livada
- 80488: Forecasting Realized Intra-day Volatility and Value at Risk: Evidence from a Fractional Integrated Asymmetric Power ARCH Skewed-t Model

- Stavros Degiannakis
- 80487: Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) Models: A Review

- Stavros Degiannakis and Evdokia Xekalaki
- 80486: Predictability and Model Selection in the Context of ARCH Models

- Stavros Degiannakis and Evdokia Xekalaki
- 80485: Brevet d’invention et croissance économique: une analyse dans le cadre de l’économie tunisienne durant la période 1970 - 2010 (Patent of invention and economic growth: an analysis within the framework of the Tunisian economy during the period 1970 - 2010)

- Mohamed Mabrouki
- 80484: Analyse empirique de la relation entre les décisions de renouvellement des brevets et les montants d’annuités (Empirical analysis of the relationship between patent renewal decisions and the amounts of annuities)

- Mohamed Mabrouki
- 80482: Analysis of Gender Parity for Pakistan: Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education

- Maida Umar and Zahid Asghar
- 80481: Daylight saving time and energy consumption: The case of Argentina

- Pedro Hancevic and Diego Margulis
- 80475: Historical urban growth in Europe (1300–1800)

- Rafael González-Val
- 80474: Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Domestic Investment in Ghana

- Bernard Njindan Iyke and Sin-Yu Ho
- 80472: Finansal Dışa Açıklık İle Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisi: Asimetrik Nedensellik Testi (The Relation between Financial Openness and Economic Growth: Asymmetric Causality Test)

- Durmuş Yıldırım and Emrah Çevik
- 80471: NEET Policies and Knowledge in Arab & East Central European Economies

- Ahmed Driouchi and Tahar Harkat
- 80470: Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Intellectual Property, Patents and R&D

- Korhan Arun and Durmuş Yıldırım
- 80468: Evaluating Volatility Forecasts in Option Pricing in the Context of a Simulated Options Market

- Evdokia Xekalaki and Stavros Degiannakis
- 80467: Modeling Risk for Long and Short Trading Positions

- Timotheos Angelidis and Stavros Degiannakis
- 80466: A Robust VaR Model under Different Time Periods and Weighting Schemes

- Timotheos Angelidis, Alexandros Benos and Stavros Degiannakis
- 80465: ARFIMAX and ARFIMAX-TARCH Realized Volatility Modeling

- Stavros Degiannakis
- 80464: Rolling-sampled parameters of ARCH and Levy-stable models

- Stavros Degiannakis, Alexandra Livada and Epaminondas Panas
- 80463: Evaluating Value-at-Risk Models before and after the Financial Crisis of 2008: International Evidence

- Stavros Degiannakis, Christos Floros and Alexandra Livada
- 80457: A Theory of Dichotomous Valuation with Applications to Variable Selection

- Xingwei Hu
- 80452: Organization and Governance in Social Economy Enterprises: an Introduction

- Michael Kopel and Marco Marini
- 80449: Realized Volatility or Price Range: Evidence from a discrete simulation of the continuous time diffusion process

- Stavros Degiannakis and Alexandra Livada
- 80447: Governance of Non-Profit and Non-Governmental Organizations - Within- and Between- Organization Analyses: An Introduction

- Gani Aldashev, Marco Marini and Thierry Verdier
- 80445: Modeling CAC40 Volatility Using Ultra-high Frequency Data

- Stavros Degiannakis and Christos Floros
- 80441: Sur-réaction sur le marché tunisien des actions: une investigation empirique (Overreaction on the Tunisian stock market: an empirical test)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 80440: Governance and Performance of Tunisian banks

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 80439: Are higher wages good for business? An assessment under alternative innovation and investment scenarios

- Alessandro Caiani, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
- 80438: Multivariate modelling of 10-day-ahead VaR and dynamic correlation for worldwide real estate and stock indices

- Stavros Degiannakis and Apostolos Kiohos
- 80437: Business Cycle Synchronisation in EU: A time-varying approach

- Stavros Degiannakis, David Duffy and George Filis
- 80436: US stock market regimes and oil price shocks

- Timotheos Angelidis, Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
- 80435: Time-varying correlation between oil and stock market volatilities: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries

- Rustam Boldanov, Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
- 80434: Volatility forecasting: intra-day vs. inter-day models

- Timotheos Angelidis and Stavros Degiannakis
- 80433: Forecasting Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall using Fractionally Integrated Models of Conditional Volatility: International Evidence

- Stavros Degiannakis, Christos Floros and Pamela Dent
- 80432: ‘To sell or not to sell’: Licensing versus Selling by an outside innovator

- Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay) and Sougata Poddar
- 80431: A Monte Carlo Simulation Approach to Forecasting Multi-period Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall Using the FIGARCH-skT Specification

- Stavros Degiannakis, Pamela Dent and Christos Floros
- 80426: Core Existence in Vertically Differentiated Markets

- Jean Gabszewicz, Marco Marini and Ornella Tarola
- 80424: A sequential bargaining protocol for land rental arrangements

- Alfredo Valencia-Toledo and Juan Vidal-Puga
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