MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2025: Re-examining Purchasing Power Parity for East-Asian Currencies: 1976-2002

- Ahmad Zubaidi Barumshah, Tze-Haw Chan and Stilianos Fountas
- 2023: East Asian Real Exchange Rates and PPP: New Evidence from panel-data tests

- Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Raj Aggarwal and Tze-Haw Chan
- 2022: Faculty Rewards and Education Portfolios: A Report on Faculty Perceptions

- Hla Yee-Yee, Ponnudurai Gnanajothy and Tze-Haw Chan
- 2021: Real Financial Integration among the East Asian Economies: A SURADF Panel Approach

- Tze-Haw Chan, Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah and Evan Lau
- 2016: Units of investigation for local economic development policies

- Margherita Russo
- 2011: Banking Sector Integration and Competition in CEMAC

- Samer Saab and Jerome Vacher
- 2010: Payments for Environmental Services in Costa Rica

- Stefano Pagiola
- 2009: Innovation policy in the European Union: instruments and objectives

- Federica Rossi
- 2008: The introduction of an appeals court in Dutch tax litigation

- Jurjen Kamphorst and Ben C.J. Van Velthoven
- 2007: Trust and reciprocity in incentive contracting

- Mary Rigdon
- 2006: Sustaining cooperation in trust games

- Mary Rigdon, Kevin McCabe and Vernon Smith
- 2003: Analysing the contribution of business services to European economic growth

- Henk Kox and Luis Rubalcaba
- 2001: Bonds futures and their options: more than the cheapest-to-deliver; quality option and marginning

- Marc Henrard
- 2000: Completing correlation matrices of arbitrary order by differential evolution method of global optimization: A Fortran program

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 1998: A general refutation of Okishio’s theorem and a proof of the falling rate of profit

- Alan Freeman
- 1992: The middle way between flexible and fixed exchange rates

- Tosson Deabes
- 1985: Time-trend in spatial dependence: Specification strategy in the first-order spatial autoregressive model

- Fernando López and Coro Chasco Yrigoyen
- 1984: Characteristic function approach to the sum of stochastic variables

- Annibal Figueiredo, Iram Gleria, Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
- 1983: The Levy sections theorem revisited

- Annibal Figueiredo, Iram Gleria, Raul Matsushita and Sergio Da Silva
- 1982: Latin American foreign exchange intervention - Updated

- Sergio Da Silva and Mauricio Nunes
- 1981: Are Pound and Euro the Same Currency? - Updated

- Raul Matsushita, Iram Gleria, Annibal Figueiredo and Sergio Da Silva
- 1980: Informational inefficiency of the Brazilian stockmarket

- Caio Guttler, Roberto Meurer and Sergio Da Silva
- 1979: Staggered wages, inflation, and discounting

- Patricia Bonini and Sergio Da Silva
- 1978: Estimating demand elasticities of fixed telephony in Brazil

- Manfrim Gustavo and Sergio Da Silva
- 1974: Short- and medium-term determinants of current account balances in Middle East and North Africa countries

- Aleksander Aristovnik
- 1973: The Optimum Quantity of Money Revisited: Distortionary Taxation in a Search Model of Money

- Moritz Ritter
- 1970: A Perspective on Unit Root and Cointegration in Applied Macroeconomics

- Weshah Razzak
- 1967: Exchange Rate Arrangements in Central and Eastern European Countries – Evolutions and Characteristics

- Ramona Toma
- 1964: Banking integration and co-movements in EU banks’ fragility

- Giuseppe Vulpes and Andrea Brasili
- 1959: Principle of uncertain future and utility

- Alexander Harin
- 1958: Political economy of anti-corruption reform in two-candidate elections

- Haldun Evrenk
- 1956: Technical efficiency, technological change and total factor productivity growth in Malaysian manufacturing sector

- Idris Jajri and Rahmah Ismail
- 1952: A fast and accurate FFT-based method for pricing early-exercise options under Lévy processes

- Roger Lord, Fang Fang, Frank Bervoets and Cornelis Oosterlee
- 1947: Social Network Capital, Economic Mobility and Poverty Traps

- Sommarat Chantarat and Christopher Barrett
- 1946: Searching for Equitable Energy Price Reform for Indonesia

- Arief Yusuf and Budy Resosudarmo
- 1943: Volatility of short term capital flows and socio-political instability in Argentina, Mexico and Turkey

- Firat Demir
- 1938: Participatory approach to comunity health: Sustainable strategy from India

- Sudha Menon
- 1928: Optimal Monetary Policy and Expectation Driven Business Cycles

- Shen Guo
- 1926: SMES and enjoying Economic Human Rights in Egypt

- Hussien Alasrag
- 1924: The Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate: Evidence from Turkey

- C. Emre Alper and Ismail Saglam
- 1921: Foreign direct investment in Vietnam: An overview and analysis the determinants of spatial distribution across provinces

- Anh Nguyen and Thang Nguyen
- 1920: Japanese manufacturing investment in the UK 1972-1996: an econometric analysis

- Anh Nguyen
- 1919: Social security administration in India- study of provident funds and pension scheme

- P. Madhava Rao
- 1918: A Life experiment of development Mountain tourism in Portugal observed from the point of view of theories of Complexity, Complication and Self-organization

- Pedro Carvalho and Michael Sonis
- 1913: Firm-Specific Skills, Wage Bargaining, and Efficiency

- Ayşe Mumcu
- 1911: The welfare effects of government's preferences over spending and its financing

- C. Emre Alper, Oya Ardic, Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
- 1910: Production Complementarity and Investment Incentives: Does Asset Ownership Matter?

- Ayşe Mumcu
- 1908: One-to-One Matching with Interdependent Preferences

- Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
- 1907: Marriage and Divorce in a Model of Matching

- Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
- 1906: College Admissions under Early Decision

- Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
- 1904: Money, Tobin Effect, and Incerasing Returns

- Erdem Basci, Ayse Erdogan and Ismail Saglam
- 1903: Commuting, Migration, and Rural Development

- Ayele Gelan
- 1902: Trade Policy and Mega-Cities in LDCs: A General Equilibrium Model with Numerical Simulations

- Ayele Gelan
- 1899: Learning in Bayesian Regulation

- Semih Koray and Ismail Saglam
- 1898: A Unified Implementation Theory

- Ismail Saglam
- 1896: A formula for the optimal taxation in Probabilistic Voting Models characterized by Single Mindedness

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 1890: Correctly finger-pointing the Lisbon-process-villains

- Arno Tausch
- 1889: Enforcing cooperation among medieval merchants: The Maghribi traders revisited

- David Harbord
- 1888: Explaining the gaps in labour productivity in some developed countries

- Weshah Razzak
- 1887: Has New Zealand benefited from its investments in research & development?

- Weshah Razzak, Steve Stillman and Robin Johnson
- 1886: A Macroeconomic perspective on skill shortages and the skill premium in New Zealand

- Weshah Razzak and Jason Timmins
- 1884: A Macroeconomic perspective on skill shortages and the skill premium in New Zealand

- Weshah Razzak and Jason Timmins
- 1882: Education and labour productivity in New Zealand

- Weshah Razzak and Jason Timmins
- 1880: Education and labour productivity in New Zealand

- Weshah Razzak and Jason Timmins
- 1878: "Ideas" in Development from George Soros: Power and Influence through Philanthropy?

- Samer Saab
- 1873: Credit risk management in banks: Hard information, soft Information and manipulation

- Brigitte Godbillon-Camus and Christophe Godlewski
- 1871: Testing the Equilibrium Exchange Rate Model - Updated

- Guilherme Moura and Sergio Da Silva
- 1869: Tax Systems and Tax Reforms in South and East Asia: Overview of Tax Systems and main policy issues

- Luigi Bernardi, Luca Gandullia and Laura Fumagalli
- 1867: A family of big brother that do not talk each other

- Luigi Bernardi
- 1865: Assessing Euro-Med trade preferences: the case of entry price reduction

- Victor Martinez-Gomez
- 1864: The Role of Education in Development

- Marla Ripoll and Juan Cordoba
- 1863: Testing for Separation in Agricultural Household Models and Unobservable Household-Specific Effects

- Jean-Louis Arcand and Béatrice d'Hombres
- 1862: Does social capital determine health? Evidence from eight transition countries

- Béatrice d'Hombres, Lorenzo Rocco, Marc Suhrcke and Martin McKee
- 1860: Gradual retirement and lengthening of working life

- Pekka Ilmakunnas and Seija Ilmakunnas
- 1859: Lower bounds of concentration in a small open economy

- Pekka Ilmakunnas
- 1858: Helsinki Zirvesi sonrası Türkiyenin Avrupa Birliğine tam üyeliği (Turkey's membership perspective after Helsinki Summit)

- Özgür Tonus and Rıdvan Karluk
- 1857: Avrupa Birliği Anayasa Taslağı Üzerine Değerlendirmeler (An Evaluation of the European Union Constitutional Treaty)

- Özgür Tonus and Sanem Baykal
- 1856: The Future of SMEs in Egyptian Economy

- Hussien Alasrag
- 1855: Genişleyen Avrupa Birliği’nin enerji politikaları kapsamında Türkiye’nin yeri ve önemi (The position and importance of Turkey in the scope of energy policies of the enlarging EU)

- Özgür Tonus
- 1851: Global Trade Models and Economic Policy Analyses: Relevance, Risks and Repercussions for Africa

- Hakim Ben Hammouda and Patrick Osakwe
- 1850: Emerging Issues and Concerns of African Countries in the WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and the Doha Round

- Patrick Osakwe
- 1849: Sharpening Intertemporal Prospect Theory

- Rathie Pushpa, Radavelli Carlos and Sergio Da Silva
- 1848: Disposition effect and gender

- Da Costa Newton, Mineto Carlos and Sergio Da Silva
- 1847: The Chinese Chaos Game

- Matsushita Raul, Gleria Iram, Figueiredo Annibal and Sergio Da Silva
- 1844: Multiple-bidding in auctions as bidders become confident of their private valuations

- Christopher Cotton
- 1843: The Hot Hand, Competitive Experience, and Performance Differences by Gender

- Christopher Cotton and Joseph Price
- 1842: Informational Lobbying and Competition for Access

- Christopher Cotton
- 1841: The level and growth effects in the empirics of economic growth

- B. Rao and Rukmini Gounder
- 1839: The Optimal Quantity of Money Consistent with Positive Nominal Interest Rates

- Taiji Harashima
- 1838: Why should central banks be independent?

- Taiji Harashima
- 1833: Rural development in the North-Eastern Region of India: Constraints and prospects

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 1832: Modelling Euro-Mediterranean Agricultural Trade

- Jose-Maria Garcia-Alvarez-Coque, Victor Martinez-Gomez and Mique Villanueva
- 1829: On self-financing of institutions of higher learning in India

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 1828: Issues and problems in human resource development in the NER (India)

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 1827: Alternative Payment Vehicles in Contingent Valuation: The Case of Genetically Modified Foods

- Andreas Kontoleon, Mitsuyasu Yabe and Laura Darby
- 1826: Surat 2006 Floods: A Citizens’ Report

- Akash Acharya, Das Biswaroop, Kiran Pandya and Madhusudan Raj
- 1825: La desinflación reciente en Colombia y los riesgos de la política monetaria (The recent desinflation in Colombia and the risks of the monetary policy)

- Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas, Remberto Rhenals Monterrosa and Carlos Mario Londoño T.
- 1824: Rural indebtedness: concept, correlates and consequences: a study of four tribal villages in the North Lakhimpur subdivision, Assam

- Mk Mitra, Dc Roy and Sudhanshu Mishra
- 1821: La economia colombiana en el 2003 mejora pero a un ritmo lento. Perspectivas para el 2004 (The Colombian economy in the 2003 improvement but to a slow rate. Perspective for 2004)

- Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas and Remberto Rhenals Monterrosa
- 1820: Perspectivas sobre el desempeño macroeconomico colombiano en 2003 (Perspective on the Colombian macroeconomic performance in 2003)

- Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas and Remberto Rhenals Monterrosa
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