MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 25631: Financial development and trade: evidence from the world's three largest economies

- Pramesti Resiandini
- 25629: Construction of poverty map for the HCM city in Vietnam using the 2004 VHLSS and the 2004 HCM Mid-Census

- Cuong Nguyen Viet, Roy van der Weide, Hai Le and Ngoc Truong Tran
- 25628: The Cost of Living Index for Poor Households: The Case of Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 25627: Assessing the Impact of Poverty Reduction Programs in Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 25626: Competitiveness of Bulgarian farms

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 25621: Institutions: a critical analysis of their main characteristics

- Eduardo Strachman
- 25619: Optimal option pricing and trading: a new theory

- Alghalith Moawia
- 25613: Technological Progress, Factor Endowments and Structural Change:A Note

- M.G. Quibria and T.N. Srinivasan
- 25609: Coping with ex-ante regulations for planting Bt maize: the Portuguese experience

- Theodoros Skevas, Justus Wesseler and Pedro Fevereiro
- 25608: Impacts of HIV/AIDS on labour allocation and agrobiodiversity depend on the stage of the epidemic: case studies in Ethiopia

- Kidist Gebreselassie, Lisa Price, Justus Wesseler and Ekko van Ierland
- 25606: Advance-Purchase Programs: When to Introduce and What to Inform Consumers

- Tianle Zhang
- 25603: Editor’s introduction. the future of agricultural biotechnology: creative destruction, adoption, or irrelevance?–in honor of Prof. Vittorio Santaniello

- Justus Wesseler and Sara Scatasta
- 25602: The Santaniello theorem of irreversible benefits

- Justus Wesseler
- 25601: Overview of special issue from the 2009 ICABR Conference

- Justus Wesseler, Stuart J. Smyth and Sara Scatasta
- 25600: Policy recommendations from the 13th ICABR conference on the emerging bioeconomy

- Stuart J. Smyth, José B. Falck-Zepeda, Richard Gray, Anwar Nassem, Robert Paarlberg, Peter W. B. Phillips, Carl E. Pray, Sara Savastano, Pasquale L. Scandizzo, Sara Scatasta, Justus Wesseler and David Zilberman
- 25598: Positive but also negative effects of ethnic diversity in schools on educational performance? An empirical test using cross-national PISA data

- Jaap Dronkers
- 25597: The Effects of Induced Mood on Preference Reversals and Bidding Behavior in Experimental Auction Valuation

- Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga and Stathis Klonaris
- 25596: Study On Dividend Policy: Antecedent and Its Impact On Share Price

- Werner-Ria Murhadi
- 25594: El cambiante panorama latinoamericano en cuanto a prestación y regulación de los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento (The changing Latin American landscape in provision and regulation of the water and sanitation services)

- Emilio J Lentini and Gustavo Ferro
- 25593: Seguros, crisis, regulación y disciplina del mercado (Insurance, crisis, regulation and market discipline)

- Gustavo Ferro and Fermando Castagnolo
- 25592: Human Capital and Population Growth in Non-Metropolitan U.S. Counties: The Importance of College Student Migration

- John Winters
- 25591: Derechos de propiedad y subjetivos en Juan de Mariana (Property and subjective rights in Juan de Mariana)

- Angel Fernandez
- 25590: Systemic Risk in Banking: New Approaches Under the Current Financial Crisis

- Ionica Munteanu
- 25589: Non rivalry and complementarity in computer software

- Luigi Marengo and Corrado Pasquali
- 25588: An econometric model to quantify benchmark downturn LGD on residential mortgages

- Marco Morone and Anna Cornaglia
- 25587: Agricultural Land Distribution in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Policy Implications

- Cuong Nguyen, Tim McGrath and White Pamela
- 25578: Global imbalances: Is Germany the new China? A skeptical view

- Rajeswari Sengupta and Joshua Aizenman
- 25577: Functions of Central Bank of Kosovo and the need for their advancement

- Valon Lluka
- 25576: Adoption of a clean technology using a renewable energy

- Slim Ben Youssef
- 25572: “The Right to the City” An Ecosystemic Approach to Better Cities, Better Life

- André Pilon
- 25570: Family Intertemporal Fiscal Incidence: A new Methodology for Assessing Public Policies

- Veronica Polin and Nicola Sartor
- 25567: Dimensione e dinamica della povertà nell’Unione Europea dopo l’allargamento: un’analisi comparata delle determinanti dei movimenti delle famiglie (Poverty and inequality dynamics in the enlarged Europe: a comparative analysis of determinants of households’ movements)

- Veronica Polin and Michele Raitano
- 25566: Banks versus venture capital when the venture capitalist values private benefits of control

- Eren Inci and Mehmet Barlo
- 25565: Rule of Law, Legal Development and Economic Growth: Perspectives for Pakistan

- Lubna Hasan
- 25563: Freedom as the key to prosperity: Lessons from the world's growth miracles and economic disasters

- Marek Hlavac
- 25561: ICT4D and the human development and capabilities approach: the potentials of information and communication technology

- Jean-Yves Hamel
- 25560: India’s Increased International Integration and the Financial Crisis: Has India Become More Prone to External Shocks?

- Jyotirmoy Sircar
- 25559: Unintended Consequences of Price Controls: An Application to Allowance Markets

- Andrew Stocking
- 25557: Switching over to Organic Cultivation and Its Impact on Living Wage and Employment in the Agricultural Labour Market

- Amit Kundu
- 25555: A Competing Risk Model for Health and Food Insecurity in the West Bank

- Elisa Cavatorta and Luca Pieroni
- 25553: Warm glow in charitable auctions: Are the WEIRDos driving the results?

- Kyriaki Remoundou, Andreas Drichoutis and Phoebe Koundouri
- 25552: Change in Social Capital – a Case Study of Collective Rice Farming Practice in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

- Anh Tuan Le
- 25551: Taxpayers' Response to Warnings of a Possible Tax Audit: Do They Change Their Compliance Behavior?

- Yongzhi Niu
- 25546: China-Malaysia’s Trading and Exchange Rate: Complementary or Conflicting Features?

- Tze-Haw Chan and Chee-Wooi Hooy
- 25545: Sindicalismo: o fim do contra poder? (Unionism: the end of a balanced power?)

- José João Sampaio
- 25543: The systemic dimension of operational decision in complex systems work

- José João Sampaio
- 25540: A Study on Dynamic General Equilibrium under the Classical Growth Framework

- Wu Li
- 25538: Model based Monte Carlo pricing of energy and temperature quanto options

- Massimiliano Caporin, Juliusz Pres and Hipolit Torro
- 25537: The Economic Policy of Ronald Reagan. Between Supply-Side and Keynesianism

- Cosimo Magazzino
- 25536: Organizational Learning Strategies of Start-up Firms; Creating the Office Of Strategic Thinking (OST)

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 25532: Pengaruh Jangka Pendek dan Jangka Panjang Perubahan Suku Bunga dan Kurs Rupiah Terhadap Harga Saham: Studi Empiris di Indonesia (2000:1 – 2010:4)

- Rogatianus Maryatmo
- 25528: Sul Welfare State. Considerazioni critiche e proposte di riforma

- Cosimo Magazzino
- 25527: On the failure of European planning for less developed regions. The case of Calabria

- Francesco Forte, Cosimo Magazzino and Michela Mantovani
- 25526: Wagner's law in Italy: empirical evidence from 1960 to 2008

- Cosimo Magazzino
- 25525: Determinants of reserve money demand: a multivariate co-integrating approach

- Levent Korap
- 25524: Labour Market Reforms in the Context of Political Power Theory: The Case of Slovenia

- Mitja Cok, Polona Domadenik, Tjasa Redek and Miroslav Verbič
- 25522: Coefficient of Structural Concordance and an Example of its Application: Labour Productivity and Wages in Slovenia

- Miroslav Verbič and Franc Kuzmin
- 25519: Subjection of African women: The effects on economic development

- John Ifediora
- 25516: Outsourcing and R&D Investment with Costly Patent Protection

- XiaoGang Che, Yibai Yang and Haoyu Zhang
- 25515: The quest for the best consumer confidence indicator

- Andreas Jonsson and Staffan Lindén
- 25514: Stakeholder protection in corporate governance and in the legal system, the founders’ perspective, and the varieties of capitalism

- Alberto Chilosi
- 25511: Revealing the arcane: an introduction to the art of stochastic volatility models

- Alexander Tsyplakov
- 25508: Market Myths in Contemporary Economics

- Siize Punabantu
- 25505: The convergence of corporate social responsibility practices

- Nicola Misani
- 25498: Performance Evaluation Of Mutual Funds In Indonesia

- Werner-Ria Murhadi
- 25497: Strategic Defense and Attack for Series and Parallel Reliability Systems: Reply on Comment

- Kjell Hausken
- 25494: Models for Heavy-tailed Asset Returns

- Szymon Borak, Adam Misiorek and Rafał Weron
- 25493: Inequality and fractionalization

- Gregory Casey and Ann Owen
- 25492: Building Loss Models

- Krzysztof Burnecki, Joanna Janczura and Rafał Weron
- 25491: FX Smile in the Heston Model

- Agnieszka Janek, Tino Kluge, Rafał Weron and Uwe Wystup
- 25487: The Effect of Higher Education on Gender Wage-Gap

- Ilias Livanos and Imanol Nunez
- 25486: Primary care utilisation and workers’ opportunity costs. Evidence from Italy

- Giuliana De Luca and Michela Ponzo
- 25485: On-the-job search in Italian labour markets: an empirical analysis

- Michela Ponzo
- 25483: Does the Way in which Students Use Computers Matter for their Performance?

- Michela Ponzo
- 25482: Bridging logistic and OLS regression

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25481: Rational indecisive choice

- Georgios Gerasimou
- 25480: Does Government Expenditure on Education Promote Economic Growth? An Econometric Analysis

- Abhijeet Chandra
- 25474: The quantitative role of child care for female labor force participation and fertility

- Alexander Bick
- 25472: The role of taxes in capital structure: evidence from taxed and non-taxed Arab economies

- Mounther Barakat and Ramesh Rao
- 25468: The Surprising Wealth of Pre-industrial England

- Gregory Clark, Joseph Cummins and Brock Smith
- 25467: The Consumer Revolution: Turning Point in Human History, or Statistical Artifact?

- Gregory Clark
- 25466: 1381 and the Malthus Delusion

- Gregory Clark
- 25465: Malthus to Modernity: England’s First Fertility Transition, 1760-1800

- Gregory Clark and Neil Cummins
- 25464: Capital standards and banking stability in emerging countries: an empirical approach

- Zied Saadaoui
- 25461: Jumpy or Kinky? Regression Discontinuity without the Discontinuity

- Yingying Dong
- 25460: From qualification to professional competencies

- José João Sampaio
- 25459: Cost-based Management and Decision Making in Greek Luxury Hotels

- Stella Zounta and Michail G. Bekiaris
- 25458: Spanish Tourist Behaviour: A Specific Objective-base Segmantation

- Pablo Rodríguez González and Oscar Molina
- 25456: Using Multiple Senses in Tourism Marketing: The Helsinki Expert, Eckero Line and Linnanmaki Amusement Park Cases

- Annica Isacsson, Leena Alakoski and Asta Bäck
- 25454: Technical Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in India- A Stochastic Frontier Approach

- Tariq Masood and Mohd. Izhar Ahmad
- 25451: Firm performance and CEO pay: Evidence from Indian manufacturing

- Saibal Ghosh
- 25446: Land Reform in Brazil: the arrival of the market model

- Guilherme B. R. Lambais
- 25444: Simulation of Risk Processes

- Krzysztof Burnecki and Rafał Weron
- 25443: Peut-on encore parler des mesures de performance ? (One is able again to speak of performance measures?)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 25442: Les nouveaux modèles de décision dans le risque et l’incertain: quel apport ? (The new models of decision under risk or uncertainty: What approach?)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 25441: Reorganizarea şi restructurarea funcţiunii de resurse umane (Reorganizing and restructuring the human resources function)

- Stan Alexandrina Mirela
- 25439: Forecasting the Growth of e-Tourism Sector: The Case Study of Mediterranean Countries

- Maria Mavri and Vasilis Angelis
- 25438: Loosing it: Knowledge Management in Tourism Development Projects

- Alan Clarke, Agnes Raffay and Peter Wiltshier
- 25436: Creating UGC Areas of Official Destination Websites: Is there a Recipe for Success? An Insight through Netnographic Research

- Linda Osti
- 25434: The flaws in Keynsian borrow and spend

- Ralph Musgrave
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