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80423: Are You the Right Partner ? R&D Agreement as a Screening Device Downloads
Chiara Conti and Marco Marini
80418: Backtesting VaR Models: A Τwo-Stage Procedure Downloads
Timotheos Angelidis and Stavros Degiannakis
80417: Spatial non-price competition in port infrastructure services Downloads
Soraya Hidalgo-Gallego, Ramón Núñez-Sánchez and Pablo Coto-Millán
80415: Measuring Welfare Changes from Commodity Price Stabilization: Case Study of Import Tariff in Indonesia’s Rice Market in 2001-2005 Downloads
Rus'an Nasrudin
80408: On The “Scientificity” Of Microeconomics: Individual Demand, And Exchange-value Determination Downloads
C-Rene Dominique
80402: The role of human assets in economic growth: theory and empirics Downloads
Ibrahima Diallo
80401: The dynamic relationship between financial development and economic growth: New evidence from Zimbabwe Downloads
Musharavati Ephraim Munyanyi
80399: Trade Openness and Carbon Emissions: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Bernard Njindan Iyke and Sin-Yu Ho
80393: Inflation Convergence In East African Countries Downloads
Jemma Dridi and Anh Nguyen
80391: Time devoted by elderly people to physical activities: micro-econometric evidence from Spain Downloads
Juan Campaña
80388: How Large Should the “Bullets” be? Dissecting the Role of Unilateral and Tie Punishment in the Provision of Public Goods Downloads
Jia Liu, Yohanes Riyanto and Ruike Zhang
80384: Normalization of citation impact in economics Downloads
Klaus Wohlrabe and Lutz Bornmann
80382: Effects of Licensing Reform on Firm Innovation: Evidence from India Downloads
Murat Seker and Mehmet Ulu
80381: Persistence of Informal Credit in Rural India: Evidence from ‘All-India Debt and Investment Survey’ and Beyond Downloads
Narayan Pradhan
80378: Reality of Food Losses: A New Measurement Methodology Downloads
Luciana Delgado, Monica Schuster and Maximo Torero
80376: Транзиција у Русији: либерализам у изведби „породице“ (Transition in Russia: Liberalism at the Manner of „Family”) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
80369: Cost efficiency and economies of diversification of biogas-fuelled cogeneration plants in Austria: a nonparametric approach Downloads
Andreas Eder
80367: Търговски отношения на България с основните партньори от Субсахарска Африка – тенденции и перспективи (Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with the Main Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa – Trends and Prospects) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
80366: Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with the Main Partners in Sub-Saharan Africa – Trends and Prospects Downloads
Eduard Marinov
80365: Географска структура на търговията на България със Субсахарска Африка (Direction of Bulgarian Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
80364: Външнотърговски отношения на България с държавите от Субсахарска Африка: нагласи на българските фирми (Bulgaria’s Trade Relations with Sub-Saharan Africa Countries: Bulgarian enterprises attitudes) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
80362: Стокова структура на външната търговия на България с държавите от Субсахарска Африка (Commodity structure of Bulgarian international trade with Sub-Saharan Africa) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
80360: A Decomposition of the Herfindahl Index of Concentration Downloads
Giacomo de Gioia
80359: Stagnation and minimum wage: Optimal minimum wage policy in macroeconomics Downloads
Masao Yamaguchi
80358: Central Counterparties Help, But Do Not Assure Financial Stability Downloads
Claude Lopez and Elham Saeidinezhad
80356: Evaluations of endogenous efficiency of the norm Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
80355: Informal and formal meaning of the norm and the institution Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi
80351: Възможности и перспективи пред външнотърговските отношения на България с държавите от Субсахарска Африка (Opportunities and Prospects for Bulgarian Trade Relations with the Sub-Saharan Africa Countries (in Bulgarian, with an extended resume in English)) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
80347: L’islamisme Politique: Echec de Gouvernance et Chute Inévitable (Political Islamism: Failure of Governance and Inevitable Fall) Downloads
Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
80344: The Effect of Taxpayer Education on Tax Compliance in Kenya.( a case study of SME's in Nairobi Central Business District) Downloads
Gitaru Kelvin
80343: The Impact Of System Automation On Revenue Collection in Kenya Revenue Authority. (A Case Study of SIMBA) Downloads
Gitaru Kelvin
80342: Endogenous timing in private and mixed duopolies with emission taxes Downloads
Sang-Ho Lee and Lili Xu
80340: Strategic Trade and Privatization Policies in Bilateral Mixed Markets Downloads
Lili Xu, Sang-Ho Lee and Leonard Wang
80339: Analisis Surplus Padi dan Kaitannya Dengan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Petani (Suatu Studi Tentang Marketable Surplus dan Marketed Surplus Komoditas Padi Serta Tingkat Ketahanan Pangan Pada Rumah Tangga Petani Padi di Kabupaten Subang) (Analysis of Surplus of Rice and Its Relation With Farmer Household Food Security (A Study on Marketable Surplus and Marketed Surplus of Rice Commodity As Well As Food Security In Household Level Rice Farmers In Subang Regency)) Downloads
Kundang Harisman
80337: Is the US stock market getting riskier? Downloads
Ronny Suarez
80336: Access to Finance and Human Rights Downloads
Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
80334: Extent and Nature of Banking Exclusion among the Marginalized: A Study of Non-Primitive Tribes in Wayanad District, Kerala, India Downloads
Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
80330: Capital Flows and Capital Account Management in Selected Asian Economies Downloads
Abhijit Sen Gupta and Rajeswari Sengupta
80329: Extended Gini-type measures of risk and variability Downloads
Mohammed Berkhouch and Ghizlane Lakhnati
80328: Tax Reforms and Domestic Revenue Mobilization in Uganda Downloads
Milton Ayoki, Marios Obwona and Moses Ogwapus
80327: Trade Policies and Poverty in Uganda: A Computable General Equilibrium Micro Simulation Analysis Downloads
Milton Ayoki
80325: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment within the SMEs of Karachi Downloads
Rao Shahzaib Khan, Bismah Rao, Khurram Usman and Safia Afzal
80324: The Gift and the Centipede Downloads
Henrik Egbert
80319: Some estimations of the minimal magnitudes of forbidden zones in experimental data Downloads
Alexander Harin
80317: Le brevet instrument de politique économique pour promouvoir l’innovation au profit de la croissance: discussion théorique (The patent economic policy instrument to promote innovation for growth: theoretical discussion) Downloads
Mohamed Mabrouki
80316: Inequality and Production Elasticity Downloads
Amir Goren
80311: Revisiting the Exchange Rate Pass-through in Emerging Markets Downloads
Lamia Beldi, Mouldi Djelassi and Mohamed Kadria
80310: Islamic approach to human resource development and the condition of Indian Muslims Downloads
Abdul Azim Islahi
80308: Immigrant Concentration at School and Natives’ Achievement: Does the Type of Migrants and Natives Matter? Downloads
Laurent Bossavie
80302: الحساب الجاري للاقتصاد السعودي عبر نموذج داخلي الزمن دلائل من منهجية نموذج التقهقر الذاتي البنيوي (The Current Account of Saudi Economy through Intertemporal Model: Evidence from SVAR) Downloads
Hassan Ghassan and Essam H. Al-Jefri
80301: El rol de los regímenes de precipitaciones sobre la dinámica de precios y actividad del sector agropecuario de la República Dominicana durante el período 2000-2016 (The role of rainfall regimes on agricultural sector price and activity dynamics in the Dominican Republic during the period 2000 - 2016) Downloads
Ariadne Checo, Mariam Mejía and Francisco Ramírez de León
80299: Analyzing Wage Differentials by Fields of Study: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Antonio Di Paolo and Aysıt Tansel
80297: Two conditions for the application of Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient to voting and allocated seats Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
80295: Productivity Change Analysis of Polish Dairy Farms After Poland’s Accession to the EU – An Output Growth Decomposition Approach Downloads
Kamil Makieła, Jerzy Marzec and Andrzej Pisulewski
80293: La promozione turistica durante la Belle Époque: il caso della Riviera ligure (Tourist Promotion during the Belle Époque: the case of the Riviera Ligure) Downloads
Andrea Zanini
80290: Why Don’t Highly Skilled Women Want to Return? Turkey’s Brain Drain from a Gender Perspective Downloads
Adem Elveren and Gülay Toksöz
80287: Una alternativa en la Marca País para el empleo productivo de excombatientes, construcción de nación y obtención de paz con enfoque constitucional (An alternative in the Country Brand to productively employ former combatants, nation building, and peace obtaining with a constitutional approach) Downloads
Diana Santacruz
80284: What Are the Benefit of Living in Urban Compared to Rural Area (Cases in Great Bandung Area of West Java, Indonesia) Downloads
Siti Afni Afiyani
80281: Bank Loan Loss Provisions, Investor Protection and the Macroeconomy Downloads
Peterson Ozili
80277: War and Conflict in Economics: Theories, Applications, and Recent Trends Downloads
Erik Kimbrough, Kevin Laughren and Roman Sheremeta
80275: Trust, Reciprocity and Rules Downloads
Thomas Rietz, Eric Schniter, Roman Sheremeta and Timothy Shields
80273: How Do Different Oil Price Shocks Affect the Relationship Between Oil and Stock Markets? Downloads
Hassan Heidari, Mahyar Ebrahimi Torki and Saharnaz Babaei Balderlou
80271: Role of socio-economic variables in adoption of crop insurance: A Discriminant Function Approach Downloads
Mrinali Kumari, K.M. Singh, D.K. Sinha, Nasim Ahmad and R.R. Mishra
80270: Changing Scenario of Pulses in India: An Analysis of its Growth and Instability in Eastern States Downloads
Pushpa Singh, K.M. Singh, Nasim Ahmad and Brajesh Shahi
80269: Pulses for Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security Downloads
Pushpa Singh, K.M. Singh and Brajesh Shahi
80268: Shrinking Net Sown Area and Changing Land Use Pattern in Bihar: An Economic Analysis Downloads
D.K. Sinha, Nasim Ahmad and K.M. Singh
80267: Growth Performance and Resource Use Efficiency of Maize in Bihar: An Economic Perspectives Downloads
Nasim Ahmad, D.K. Sinha, K.M. Singh and R.R. Mishra
80266: Sentiment indicators and macroeconomic data as drivers for low-frequency stock market volatility Downloads
Annika Lindblad
80265: An exploratory research on income dynamics, inequality, determinants & policy implications for sustainable livelihoods of tribal community in eastern India Downloads
M.S. Meena, K.M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh, Anjani Kumar and Abhay Kumar
80264: An Investigation of Factors for Changing Land Use Pattern in Bihar with a Piercing Insight on Current Fallow Lands Downloads
D.K. Sinha, Nasim Ahmad and K.M. Singh
80263: Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi ve BİST’in Zayıf Form Etkinlik Analizi (Book Chapter) (Efficient Market Hypothesis and Weak Form Efficiency Analysis of Borsa Istanbul (Book Chapter)) Downloads
Yener Coskun and Ünal Seven
80262: A Study on Maize Production in Samastipur (Bihar): An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Amalendu Kumar and K.M. Singh
80261: Histéresis y Asimetría en Delitos: un análisis de los robos a nivel colonias en la ZMG (Hysteresis and Asymmetry in Crime: an analysis of robbery in Guadalajara´s neighborhoods) Downloads
Willy Cortez
80260: Encompassing the Work-Life Balance into Early Career Decision-Making of Future Employees Through the Analytic Hierarchy Process Downloads
Remigiusz Gawlik
80258: Delincuencia, Pobreza y Crecimiento Económico en México, ¿existe una relación asimétrica? (Delinquency, Poverty and Economic Growth in Mexico, is there an asymmetric relationship?) Downloads
Willy Cortez and Alejandro Islas-Camargo
80254: A Spatial Regression Approach to FDI in Vietnam: Province-Level Evidence Downloads
Bulent Esiyok and Mehmet Ugur
80253: Spatial dependence in the growth process and implications for convergence rate: Evidence on Vietnamese provinces Downloads
Bulent Esiyok and Mehmet Ugur
80252: Prevalence of neuro-musculoskeletal complications in patients with T2DM Downloads
Mehvish Saif, Syed Zain Ali, Syeda Zufiesha Zehra and Beenish Zehra
80251: The Effects of Non-Existent Property Ownership Rights Within the Electricity Production Sector on Labor Force Participation in the Dominican Republic Downloads
Brian Stacey
80247: The Main Determinants of Moroccan Students' Outcomes Downloads
Mariem Liouaeddine, Mohammed Bijou and Faïrouz Naji
80245: Collaborative learning as a tool for social innovation Downloads
Ani Matei and Andreea-Maria Tirziu
80243: Abnormal Retained Earnings Around The World Downloads
Paulo Alves and Paulo Silva
80242: Liberté économique et entrepreneuriat en ASS: une approche par le genre (Economic freedom and entrepreneurship in SSA: a gender approach) Downloads
Dany R. Dombou T.
80241: Implications of Information Technology for Employment, Skills, and Wages: Findings from Sectoral and Case Study Research Downloads
Handel Michael J.
80235: Guest Editorial: Institutional role, the Market for corporate control and Firm performance Downloads
Rao Narendar V. and Reddy K.S.
80229: الإدارة العامة: بعض الأمراض المستعصية و طرق مواجهتها (Public Administration: some incurable diseases and ways to deal with them) Downloads
Benzarour Choukri
80228: Culture, Diffusion, and Economic Development: The Problem of Observational Equivalence Downloads
Ani Harutyunyan and Ömer Özak
80227: One Global Map but Different Worlds: Worldwide Survey of Human Access to Basic Utilities Downloads
Florin Mihai
80225: Взаимодействие университетских коллективов России и Китая при разработке проектов модернизации аграрной экономики: методология, направления исследований, сравнение потенциалов, социально-культурные измерения сельских территорий (Interaction of university teams in Russia and China in the development of the project for the modernization of the agrarian economy: methodology, research areas, comparison of potentials, socio-cultural dimensions of rural areas) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Wei Feng
80220: Национальный форсайт - проект сельского хозяйства Казахстана: научно-техническая стратегия, ресурсы, приоритеты развития, конкурентоспособность (National foresight project of agriculture in Kazakhstan: scientific and technical strategy, resources, development priorities, competitiveness) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Yelena Shevchenco
80218: Гармонизация данных государственной статистики и региональных выборочных обследований для измерения продолжительности внутренней трудовой миграции населения регионов Российской Федерации (Harmonization of state statistical data and regional sample surveys for measuring the length of the internal labour migration of population of regions of the Russian Federation) Downloads
Nina Eldyaeva and Kovanova Ekaterina
80216: Analytical Portfolio Value-at-Risk Downloads
Guy Kaplanski
80214: Favouritism Or Fairness?: A Framed Laboratory Experiment Downloads
Oindrila Dey, Abhishek Das, Gautam Gupta and Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay)
80213: Una mirada al ejercicio y desarrollo de la Marca País en Latinoamérica: camino a la armonización andina (A look at the exercise and development of Country Brand in Latin America: towards an Andean harmonization) Downloads
Diana Santacruz
80212: La unificación del derecho privado europeo y las transacciones jurídico-mercantiles transfronterizas (The unification of European private law and the cross-border legal-mercantile transactions) Downloads
Yeisson Coronel
80211: Temporal disaggregation by dynamic regressions: recent developments in Italian quarterly national accounts Downloads
Laura Bisio and Filippo Moauro
80209: Fiscal Policy and Lending Rate Nexus in Ghana Downloads
Lawrence adu Asamoah
80208: Quality control and improvements in research of Islamic Economics Downloads
Abdul Azim Islahi
80207: The E-Monetary Theory Downloads
Duong Ngotran
80206: Liability in Markets for Credence Goods Downloads
Yongmin Chen, Jianpei Li and Jin Zhang
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