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91829: Revisiting the AA-DD model in Zero Lower Bound Downloads
Charles Olivier Mao Takongmo
91827: Using Utilitarian and Rawlsian Policies to Attract the Creative Class: A Tale of Two Cities Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
91824: Spain's tourism models in the first third of the twentieth century Downloads
Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
91819: Effects of Patents on the Industrial Revolution Downloads
Angus Chu, Zonglai Kou and Xilin Wang
91818: Some Higher Education Issues in Muslim Countries with Islamic Economics as an Illustrative Case Downloads
Zubair Hasan Hasan
91816: Dynamics and Interactions of Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Variables: Empirical Investigation in the UK Economy with Bayesian VAR Downloads
Shahida Pervin
91813: No change in sight - Togo’s Political and Socio-Economic Development (2017 – 2019) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
91806: Implementation of wampac security and stability improvement of power grids with systems Downloads
Soheila Parandeh, Nasim S Esmaeilzadeh, Amir Vaezi, Kimia Parandeh and Ehsan Bagheri
91805: Políticas lingüísticas para estudiantes indígenas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá (Language policies for indigenous students of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá) Downloads
Carlos Santiago Figueroa Londoño
91803: Does Size influence Jail Efficiency?: A Metafrontier analyisis of local Jails in the United States Downloads
Erik Alda
91801: Investigating the causal relationship between exchange rate variability and palm oil export: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and nonlinear ARDL approaches Downloads
Kam Weng Lee and Abul Masih
91797: Are the Most Productive Regions Necessarily the Most Successful? Local Effects of Productivity Growth on Employment and Earnings Downloads
Mark Partridge, Alexandra Tsvetkova and Michael Betz
91795: Правен статут на областния управител (Legal status of the district governor) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
91789: Theoretical perspective of dynamic credit risk analysis and lending model; effective to enterprises of fragile economy Downloads
Emmanuel Senzu
91787: Načasovanie diskrétnej voľby v teórii investovania (Timing of the Discrete Choices in Investment Theory) Downloads
Adriana Lojschova
91785: Trade Potential of India against BRCS Economies: An empirical analysis based on Gravity Model Downloads
Nassir ul Wani and Jasdeep kaur Dhami
91783: Do Fixers Perform Worse than Non-Fixers during Global Recessions and Recoveries? Downloads
Marco Terrones
91777: Macroprudential Policy, Banking and the Real Estate Sector Downloads
Niall McInerney
91773: The mediation of customer satisfaction and moderation of Price: Evidence from the generation Y users of cell phones Downloads
Kamran Khan and Irfan Hameed
91772: Science, Technology and Innovation through Entrepreneurship Education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Downloads
Irfan Hameed, Muhammad Babar Khan, Atif Shahab, Imran Hameed and Faisal Qadeer
91771: Conceptualizing Humor in Advertising: The Moderating Role of Self-Monitoring Downloads
Irfan Hameed, Siraj Jamal Siddiqui and Javed Husain
91768: With Whom You Compare Yourself – Relationship of Social Comparison & Employee Work Outcomes - Leader Member Exchange (LMX) as Mediator Downloads
Naveed Anwar, Niaz Ahmed Bhutto, Irfan Hameed and Badar Zaman Quershi
91764: Does asymmetry matter in the relationship between exchange rate and remittance? Evidence from a remittance recipient country based on ARDL and NARDL Downloads
Sharmin Akhtar and Abul Masih
91763: Sorting On-line and On-time Downloads
Stefano Banfi, Sekyu Choi and Benjamin Villena-Roldan
91762: Cross-temporal aggregation: Improving the forecast accuracy of hierarchical electricity consumption Downloads
Evangelos Spiliotis, Fotios Petropoulos, Nikolaos Kourentzes and Vassilios Assimakopoulos
91761: Областният управител като орган на изпълнителната власт (The governor as a body of the executive power) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
91760: The importance of training programs in the improvement of the performance of employees in the petroleum companies"- Case of Sonatrach company - The Regional Directorate of BERKAOUI (Ouargla- Algeria) Downloads
Mohammed Elhassen Allaoui, Bachir Ouddane and Chemseddine Tidjani
91756: Do High-Wage Jobs Attract more Applicants? Directed Search Evidence from the Online Labor Market Downloads
Stefano Banfi and Benjamin Villena-Roldan
91755: Устойчиво потребление в България, Издателски комплекс – УНСС, София, 2012 (Sustainable consumption in Bulgaria, Publishing complex - University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2012), ISBN 978-954-644-389-2 (Sustainable consumption in Bulgaria,Publishing complex - University of National and World Economy, Sofia, 2012) Downloads
Elka Vasileva, Daniela Ivanova, Nina Tipova and Stilian Stefanov
91753: Does Foreign Aid Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Niger Downloads
Jose Antonio Pedrosa-Garcia
91752: Technical Efficiency in the use of health care services in Punjab, Pakistan Downloads
Israr Hussain Israr and Majid Ali Rana Majid
91750: The Commodity Standard Downloads
Jean de Largentaye
91745: “Middle Income Trap”; the position of Algerian economy: a comparative analysis overview Downloads
Elhassen Allaoui, Chemseddine Tidjani and Miloud Lacheheb
91738: Fundamentarea deciziei de finantare a activitatii unui IMM (The foundation of the decision to financing the activity of an SME) Downloads
Mihai Marginean
91737: Analytical methods for designing technological trajectories of the object of labour in a phase space of states Downloads
Oleh Pihnastyi
91736: Romanian`s fiscal policy in the context of the global crisis and implication Downloads
Mihai Marginean
91735: Agricultural Growth and Environmental Quality in Cameroon: Evidence from ARDL Bound Testing Approach Downloads
Edmond Noubissi and Henri Njangang
91729: Foreign Direct Investment–CO2 Emissions Nexus in Middle East and North African countries: Importance of Biomass Energy Consumption Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente and Avik Sinha
91728: Theories of value and ultimate standards in Sraffa's notes of summer 1927 Downloads
Saverio Fratini
91725: The effects of language skills on immigrant employment and wages in Italy Downloads
Luca Pieroni, Giorgio d'Agostino and Donatella Lanari
91723: The folk rule through a painting procedure for minimum cost spanning tree problems with multiple sources Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños and Adriana Navarro
91722: The Folk Rule for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems with Multiple Sources Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños, Youngsub Chun, Eunju Lee and Leticia Lorenzo
91721: Individually Rational Rules for the Division Problem when the Number of Units to be Allotted is Endogenous Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños, Jordi Masso and Alejandro Neme
91719: Cooperative and axiomatic approaches to the knapsack allocation problem Downloads
R. Pablo Arribillaga and Gustavo Bergantiños
91718: How to apply penalties to avoid delays in projects Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños and Leticia Lorenzo
91716: Mixed rules in multi-issue allocation situations Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños, José María Chamorro, Leticia Lorenzo and Silvia Lorenzo-Freire
91714: On Societies Choosing Social Outcomes, and their Memberships: Internal Stability and Consistency Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños, Jordi Masso and Alejandro Neme
91713: Stability in EMU Downloads
Theo Peters
91709: Keynesian Models, Detrending, and the Method of Moments Downloads
Charles Olivier Mao Takongmo
91708: Comparison between ideal and estimated pv parameters using evolutionary algorithms to save the economic costs Downloads
Javad Rahmani, Ehsan Sadeghian and Soheil Dolatiary
91705: Назначаване или избиране на областния управител (Appointment or election of the regional governor) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
91698: Exchange Rate vs Foreign Price Pass-through: Evidence from the European Gasoline Market Downloads
George Deltas and Michael Polemis
91692: Completing incomplete preferences Downloads
Jianying Qiu
91685: Съдебните производства по закона за защита от дискриминация (The judicial proceedings under the protection against descrimination act) Downloads
Mariyana Shirvanyan
91679: Togo - 2018: Domestic politics, foreign affairs, socio-economic development Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
91674: Using Value-at-Risk for effective energy portfolio risk management Downloads
George Halkos and Apostolos Tsirivis
91671: Conditional loyalty and its implications for pricing Downloads
Massimo De Francesco
91666: Re-examining the equation of exchange according to Shariah rationale money Downloads
Hassan Ghassan
91662: Is Scopus polluting its own database by indexing junk articles? A case study of five journals Downloads
Jackie Earle Haley and Jonny Lee Miller
91659: Fruit and vegetable consumption in the former Soviet Union: the role of individual- and community-level factors Downloads
Yevgeniy Goryakin, Lorenzo Rocco, Marc Suhrcke, Martin McKee and Bayard Roberts
91658: The influence of social capital on health in Eight Former Soviet Countries: why does it differ? Downloads
Béatrice d'Hombres, Lorenzo Rocco, Marc Suhrcke, Christian Haerpfer and Martin McKee
91657: Trust me, you will be in better health Downloads
Lorenzo Rocco
91655: The division of labor and the extent of the market Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
91653: Stock Market Volatility Clustering and Asymmetry in Africa: A Post Global Financial Crisis Evidence Downloads
Kalu O. Emenike
91651: Economic Development, Inequality and Generalized Trust Downloads
Andreas Kyriacou and Pedro Trivin
91638: Evaluating the effect of upside and downside slope on flow hydraulic in cylindrical overflows by using Flow 3D software Downloads
Kasra Hossein Mostofi and Rooholla Kolbadi nezhad
91635: Shareholder Activism Externalities Downloads
Zhan Li
91631: Revisiting the Phillips curve trade-off: evidence from Tanzania using nonlinear ARDL approach Downloads
Malik Abdulrahman Nkoba and Abul Masih
91628: Digital Government: ICT and Public Sector Management in Africa Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
91627: За стопанската дейност на общината в условията на пазарна икономика (For the economic activity of the municipality in conditions/circumstances of market economy) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
91624: Energy Saving Obligations and White Certificates: Ideas and Considerations for the Transport Sector Downloads
Paolo Bertoldi, Silvia Rezessy, Jillian Anable, Patrick Jochem and Vlasis Oikonomou
91622: Acid Rain is a Local Environment Pollution but Global Concern Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
91615: Money Neutrality: An Empirical Assessment for Mexico Downloads
Carolina Carbajal-De-Nova
91614: Financial Portfolios based on Tsallis Relative Entropy as the Risk Measure Downloads
Sandhya Devi
91613: Model-Based Quantification of Load Shift Potentials and Optimized Charging of Electric Vehicles Downloads
Tobias Hahn, Martin Schönfelder, Patrick Jochem, Vincent Heuveline and Wolf Fichtner
91612: Ein Rollenmodell zur Einbindung der Endkunden in eine smarte Energiewelt Downloads
Lutz Hillemacher, Kai Hufendiek, Valentin Bertsch, Holger Wiechmann, Jan Gratenau, Patrick Jochem and Wolf Fichtner
91605: Determinants of real exchange rate misalignment: An empirical analysis for MENA region Downloads
Slah Slimani and Khawla Ben Allem
91602: External costs of electric vehicles Downloads
Patrick Jochem, Claus Doll and Wolf Fichtner
91601: Climate change and transport Downloads
Patrick Jochem, Werner Rothengatter and Wolfgang Schade
91600: Empirical carbon dioxide emissions of electric vehicles in a French-German commuter fleet test Downloads
Axel Ensslen, Maximilian Schücking, Patrick Jochem, Henning Steffens, Wolf Fichtner, Olaf Wollersheim and Kevin Stella
91599: Charging strategies for economic operations of electric vehicles in commercial applications Downloads
Maximilian Schücking, Patrick Jochem, Wolf Fichtner, Olaf Wollersheim and Kevin Stella
91590: Décision du mariage des ménages tchadiens et Caractéristiques socio-économiques (Marriage decision of Chadian households and socio-economic characteristics) Downloads
Jean-Claude Kouladoum
91587: Econophysics of Asset Price, Return and Multiple Expectations Downloads
Victor Olkhov
91584: Is gold a hedge against equity risk? Malaysian experience based on NARDL approach Downloads
Saajid Sabry and Abul Masih
91580: Corporate Social Responsibility and Profit Shifting Downloads
Iftekhar Hasan, Panagiotis Karavitis, Pantelis Kazakis and Woon Sau Leung
91579: Feasibility Study of Company Investment on Public Cigarette Manufacturing Companies Downloads
Syamsul Huda and Heikal Muhammad Zakaria Hakim
91578: Effect of Online Systems Quality, Banking Service Product Quality and Customer Trust on the Success of BRI Syari'ah E-Banking Information System Downloads
Karmawan Karmawan and Suhaidar Suhaidar
91577: Public Service and Micro-Small Enterprise Developments in Indonesia Downloads
Metasari Kartika
91576: Employment Situation of Person with Disabilities: Case Study in Indonesia Downloads
Antonio Frian, Fransiska Mulyani, Hansi Joachim, Dellia Anggreni and Willy Yanto Effendi
91575: Transformational Leadership in Digital Era: Analysis of Nadiem Makarim (Founder of GO-JEK Indonesia) Leadership Figure Downloads
Imelda Junita
91574: The Influence of Zakat on Economic Growth and Welfare Society in Indonesia Downloads
Elleriz Aisha Khasandy and Rudy Badrudin
91573: Online Reputation Mechanisms and the Decreasing Value of Chain Affliation Downloads
Brett Hollenbeck
91565: Is the relation between lending interest rate and non-performing loans symmetric or asymmetric ? evidence from ARDL and NARDL Downloads
Wan Athirah Bahruddin and Abul Masih
91562: Measuring the Immeasurable: A Survey of Sustainability Indices Downloads
Christoph Böhringer and Patrick Jochem
91561: Perceived price complexity of dynamic energy tariffs: An investigation of antecedents and consequences Downloads
Patrick Layer, Sven Feurer and Patrick Jochem
91559: Identifying the symptoms of financial crises Downloads
Blessica Batista
91558: Oil price and the global conventional and islamic stock markets: Is the relationship symmetric or asymmetric ? evidence from nonlinear ARDL Downloads
Ibrahim Opeyemi Adediran and Abul Masih
91549: An empirical examination of reducing status quo bias in heterogeneous populations: evidence from the South African water sector Downloads
Genius Murwirapachena and Johane Dikgang
91546: Renewable energy price-control policy in the presence of innovation: is government pre-commitment preferable? Downloads
Reinhard Madlener and Ilja Neustadt
91543: Incentivizing smart charging: Modeling charging tariffs for electric vehicles in German and French electricity markets Downloads
Axel Ensslen, Philipp Ringler, Lasse Dörr, Patrick Jochem, Florian Zimmermann and Wolf Fichtner
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