MPRA Paper
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- 58250: Some Lessons from Korea's Industrialization Strategy and Experience

- Leonardo L. Sta. Romana
- 58248: Population-Monotonicity of the Nucleolus on a Class of Public Good Problems

- Tayfun O. Sonmez
- 58247: Increasing the Opportunity of Live Kidney Donation by Matching for Two and Three Way Exchanges

- Susan L. Saidman, Alvin Roth, Tayfun Sonmez, Utku Unver and Francis L. Delmonico
- 58246: Utilizing List Exchange and Non-directed Donation through “Chain” Paired Kidney Donations

- Alvin Roth, Tayfun Sonmez, Utku Unver, Francis Delmonico and Susan L. Saidman
- 58245: Welfare implications of technological progress with segmented factor markets

- Soumyatanu Mukherjee and Sameen Zafar
- 58244: Macro Stress-Testing Credit Risk in Romanian Banking System

- Catalin Ruja
- 58243: Petróleo: peligro mortal. Unas islas alquitranadas (Oil: Fatal danger. The Balearic Islands tarred)

- Joan Carles Cirer Costa
- 58240: Dynamic causal chain of money, output, interest rate, exchange rate and prices: Nigeria as a case study

- Abul Masih and Fatima AbdulKarim
- 58238: Анализ использования методов индексного прогнозирования для подготовки управленческих решений (Analysis of the use of Methods index predicting for preparation of administrative decisions)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58237: Fertility Choice and Financial Development

- Valerio Filoso and Erasmo Papagni
- 58235: Новая парадигма теории самоорганизации (New paradigm self-organization theory)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58233: Is South Africa's inflation target too persistent for monetary policy conduct?

- Joseph Faul, Bridgette Khumalo, Mpho Pashe, Miranda Khuzwayo, Kamogelo Banda, Senzo Jali, Bathandekile Myeni, Retlaodirela Pule, Boitshoko Mosito, Lona-u-Thando Jack and Andrew Phiri
- 58232: 养老金亏空与劳动力市场的联动效应——普遍延迟退休,还是分类延迟退休? (The Interaction between Pension Deficit and Labor Market——Unified Delay Or Differentiated Delay ?)

- Tieding Zou and Hang Ye
- 58231: Creative city concept in local economic development: the case of Finnish cities

- Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko
- 58230: The linkage between bank net interest margins and non-interest income: The case of the Cambodian Banking industry

- Vithyea You
- 58229: Colonial Life Insurance Company Limited - From Growth to Failure: An Analysis of Reported Financial Activity 2003-2008

- Leo-Rey Gordon
- 58228: A Three-level Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain Network Design under Disruption

- Sonia Irshad Mari, Young Hae Lee, Muhammad Saad Memon and Su Yeon Cho
- 58227: Are Smaller Turbines the Way Forward for Wind Energy in Herefordshire?

- Peter Linnell
- 58224: Проблемы общественного самоуправления в свете теории самоорганизации (Problems of self-government in the light of the theory of self-organization)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58222: Информационное поле Омского региона сегодня (Information field of Omsk Region today)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58221: Функционализация анализа рынка в маркетинге (Functionalization Research in Marketing)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58218: Методология анализа системных противоречий общественного развития (Methodology of the analysis of System contradictions of Social development)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58214: Effects of innovation on employment in low-income countries: A mixed-method systematic review

- Mehmet Ugur and Arup Mitra
- 58213: A Critical Marxist Simple Approach to Capital Theory

- Duccio Cavalieri
- 58212: Issuing Bonds, Shares or Staying Private? Determinants of Going Public in an Emerging Economy

- Krzszof Jackowicz, Oskar Kowalewski, Łukasz Kozłowski and Paulina Roszkowska
- 58211: El consumo, ingreso y ahorro del Venezolano: un primer análisis descriptivo de la V República (Venezuelan's consumption, incomes and savning: a first descriptive analysis of the V Republic)

- Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda and Yasmin Sanchez
- 58210: Формирование и развитие социальных систем (Formation and development of social systems)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58209: Проблема взаимодействия интересов при внедрении инноваций на региональном уровне (The problem of interaction of interests in the implementation of innovation at the regional level)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58208: Региональные приоритеты открытого образования (Regional priorities for open education)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58207: Gospodarcze efekty organizacji we Wrocławiu Mistrzostw Europy w piłce nożnej UEFA EURO 2012™ (Economic impacts of UEFA Euro 2012 staging in Wroclaw)

- Marcin Filip
- 58206: Impact of International Economic Policies on National Level Business

- Lubna Ahsan, Burhan Qazi and Shahabuddin Hashmi
- 58204: Optimization and Simulation Modeling of Disaster Relief Supply Chain: A Literature Review

- Keli Feng, Emmanuel Bizimana, Deedee D. Agu and Tana T. Issac
- 58203: The Firm-Bank Interaction Regime and "Softness"

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos
- 58199: Несколько слов о социальном детерминизме (A few words about the social determinism)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58198: Towards an integrated theory of value, capital and money

- Duccio Cavalieri
- 58197: Дропшиппинг – революционная форма продвижения товара в условиях мирового экономического кризиса (Dropshipping - a revolutionary form movement of goods in the global economic crisis)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58193: Croisssance Agricole et Options d'Investissement en R.D.Congo: une Analyse en Equilibre Général Calculable (Agriculture Growth and investments options for poverty reduction in D.R.Congo)

- J.Blaise Nlemfu Mukoko and James Wabenga Yango
- 58191: Новый подход к разработке методик анализа региональных экономических процессов (A new approach to the development of methods of analysis of regional economic activity)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58190: Конкурентоспособность в маркетинге (Competitiveness in marketing)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58189: The development of capital market and its impact on providing alternative sources of business financing: Empirical analysis

- Fadil Govori
- 58188: Социальный феномен глобализации (Social phenomenon of globalization)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58185: Рациональная функция протестантизма (Rational Functions of Protestantism)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58183: Кризис русской социальной философии (Crisis of Russian Social Philosophy)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58182: Impact of import liberalisation on poverty: a dynamic computable general equilibrium and microsimulation analysis for Ghana

- Camara Kwasi Obeng
- 58181: Determinants of agriculture biodiversity in Western Terai landscape complex of Nepal

- Bikash Paudel, Ram B Rana, Bhuwon R Sthapit, Shree Kumar Maharjan, Anuja Shrestha, Pitambar Shrestha, Asha Ram Gurung, Bimal Raj Regmi, Arjun Basnet and Anu Adhikari
- 58178: Why do Russian firms invest abroad? A firm level analysis

- Amar Anwar and Mazhar Mughal
- 58177: Exchange Rate, Market Size and Human Capital Nexus Foreign Direct Investment – A Bound Testing Approach for Pakistan

- Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry, Mian Saqib Mehmood, Asif Mehmood and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba
- 58175: Multi-jumps

- Massimiliano Caporin, Aleksey Kolokolov and Roberto Renò
- 58173: Framework for Human Capital Development in Nigeria: A Public-Private Partnership Approach

- Emmanuel Akande
- 58171: Microfinance around the world – regional SWOT analysis

- Zuzana Harmincova and Karel Janda
- 58170: Influence of External Funding on Microfinance Performance

- Karel Janda, Quang Van Tran and Pavel Zetek
- 58169: Региональные интересы и региональная политика в сфере занятости на территории Омской области (Regional interests and regional employment policies in the Omsk region)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58166: Vliv externího financování na mikrofinanční rozvoj - makro perspektiva (Influence of external funding on microfinance performance - macro perspective)

- Karel Janda, Quang Tran and Pavel Zetek
- 58165: Logic of Interval Uncertainty

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 58164: Региональная политика и продовольственная безопасность субъекта Российской Федерации (Regional policy and food security of the subject of the Russian Federation)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 58162: Financial Integration among ASEAN+3 Countries: Evidence from Exchange Rates

- Chin Lee and M. Azali
- 58161: Measuring Contagion Risk in High Volatility State between Major Banks in Taiwan by Threshold Copula GARCH Model

- EnDer Su
- 58160: Digital India - a model developed by Varma

- Vijaya Varma
- 58151: Forex Trading and the WMR Fix

- Martin Evans
- 58148: Job quality in Europe in the first decade of the 21st Century

- Enrique Fernandez-Macias, Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo and José Ignacio Antón
- 58146: Human Capital Formation and Patterns of Growth with Multiple Equilibria

- Kazuo Mino
- 58144: A state level analysis of the status of social sector in India

- Purusottam Nayak and Sudhanshu Mishra
- 58142: 随机需求下的WEEE双回收渠道管理研究 (Dual-recycling channel management for WEEE with stochastic demand)

- Chuanfa Li, Lipan Feng and Xuehong Wang
- 58137: Human Capital Formation and Patterns of Growth with Multiple Equilibria

- Kazuo Mino
- 58136: A State Level Analysis of the Status of Social Sector in India

- Purusottam Nayak and Sudhanshu Mishra
- 58131: Model Uncertainty in Panel Vector Autoregressive Models

- Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
- 58130: The First Oil Shock, Stylized Facts, Reflections and The Easterly Puzzle in a Forty-Year Retrospective

- Giovanni Covi
- 58125: Exploitation or Empowerment? The Impact of Textile and Apparel Manufacturing on the Education of Women in Developing Countries

- Emre Ozsoz
- 58124: Understanding the supply chain resilience: a Dynamic Capabilities approach

- Yuan Yao and Beatrice Meurier
- 58120: Divided Loyalists or Conditional Cooperators? Creating Consensus about Cooperation in Multiple Simultaneous Social Dilemmas

- Matthew McCarter, Anya Samek and Roman Sheremeta
- 58119: Online networks and subjective well-being

- Fabio Sabatini and Francesco Sarracino
- 58118: Coordination des Politiques Economiques au Sein de la Zone UEMOA: Bilan et Perspectives (Economic Policy Coordination in the WAEMU: Results and Prospects)

- Adama Combey and Kako Nubukpo
- 58117: Involuntary non-standard employment: evidence from Italian regions

- Glauco De Vita, Ilias Livanos and Simone Salotti
- 58116: Rationality of Self-Employment: Do Female and Male Entrepreneurs Differ?

- Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger
- 58115: Schumpeter's Idea of a Universal Science

- Dieter Bögenhold
- 58114: Diaspora transferts et réduction du chômage (Diaspora remittances and reduction of unemployment)

- Mohamed Jellal
- 58113: A discrete continuous model of vehicle ownership and use in Flanders

- Laurent Franckx, Hans Michiels and Inge Mayeres
- 58111: In Lombard we trust: The value of independent celebrity directors

- Andrew Cardow and Willam Wilson
- 58109: Assessing Regional Quality of Life: A Call for Action in Regional Science

- Dan Rickman
- 58108: Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, Taxation, and Living Standards

- Richard Cebula and Jeff Clark
- 58107: Predicting Stock Market Returns Based on the Content of Annual Report Narrative: A New Anomaly

- Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski and Liafisu Sina Yekini
- 58105: Is Geographic Nearness Important for Trading Ideas? Evidence from the US

- Kyriakos Drivas and Claire Economidou
- 58103: Models of Competitiveness (I)

- Silvia Dusa
- 58102: Economic Dynamics of Tourism in Nepal: A VECM Approach

- Bishnu Gautam
- 58099: Agricultural Productivity, Hired Labor, Wages and Poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh

- M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
- 58091: What Bitcoin Looks Like?

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 58081: Knowledge-Based Economy in the Competitiveness Equation. The Case of the Republic of Serbia

- Natasa Tosic and Nicolae Iordan-Constantinescu
- 58079: Individual and Group Behaviour Toward Risk: A Short Survey

- Tiziana Temerario
- 58077: Strategic Consumption-Portfolio Rules and Precautionary Savings with Informational Frictions

- Yulei Luo
- 58075: An Empirical Note on the Impact of the Price of Imported Crude Oil on Inflation in the United Kingdom

- Richard Cebula, Richard McGrath, Yassamand Saadatmand and Michael Toma
- 58074: Foreign direct investment and trade policy openness in Sub-Saharan Africa

- William Cantah, Emmanuel Wiafe and Abass Adams
- 58072: Higher Education and Inclusion of Women in Labor Markets and in Business Development in Morocco

- Alae Gamar and Ahmed Driouchi
- 58071: The focal point in the Traveller’s Dilemma: An Experimental Study

- Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
- 58068: How do supply-side factors influence informal payments for healthcare? The case of HIV patients in Cameroon

- Hyacinthe Kankeu Tchewonpi, Sylvie Boyer, Raoul Fodjo Toukan and Mohammad Abu-Zaineh
- 58064: Intellectual property rights protection in the presence of exhaustible resources

- Takeo Hori and Hiroaki Yamagami
- 58062: Design of Supply Chain Networks with Supply Disruptions using Genetic Algorithm

- Raghda Taha, Khaled Abdallah, Yomma Sadek, Amin El-Kharbotly and Nahid Afia
- 58059: Risk-sharing versus risk-transfer in Islamic finance: An evaluation

- Zubair Hasan
- 58058: 移动互联网背景下全渠道零售策略研究 (Strategic analysis of Omni-channel retailing under the background of mobile Internet)

- Lipan Feng
- 58054: What an Ungrateful Lot They Are: The Electoral Impact of Federal Budgets

- Brent Davis
- 58052: Historical Missionary Activity, Schooling, and the Reversal of Fortunes: Evidence from Nigeria

- Dozie Okoye and Roland Pongou
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