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112620: Impacts of boycotts concerning the Shapley value and extensions Downloads
Manfred Besner
112619: Export of Medium and High-Tech Products in Europe Downloads
Angelo Leogrande
112615: EURO DIGITAL – un raspuns firesc la provocarile actuale (DIGITAL EURO - a normal reaction to current challenges) Downloads
Marius Danila
112609: Food Insecurity and Malnutrition of Africa: A Combined Attempt Can Reduce Them Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
112608: Intra-Company Crowdsensing: Datafication with Human-in-the-Loop Downloads
Jaroslaw Domaszewicz and Dariusz Parzych
112607: A Modern Gauss-Markov Theorem? Really? Downloads
Benedikt Pötscher and David Preinerstorfer
112603: Математическая экономика с применением Mathcad и Excel (Mathematical economics using Mathcad and Excel) Downloads
Oleg Salmanov
112598: Unintended consequences of corruption indices: an experimental approach Downloads
Philipp Chapkovski
112596: From Low to High Inflation: Implications for Emerging Market and Developing Economies Downloads
Jongrim Ha, Ayhan Kose and Franziska Ohnsorge
112593: The pace of fiscal consolidations, fiscal sustainability, and welfare: An overlapping generations approach Downloads
Noritaka Maebayashi
112590: The Productive Capacity And Environment: Evidence From OECD Countries Downloads
Ihsan Oluc, Mehdi Ben Jebli, Muhlis Can, Ihsan Guzel and Jan Brusselaers
112588: The information content of sentiment indices for forecasting Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall in equity markets Downloads
Antonio Naimoli
112587: When Coal Leaves Town: Can Local Governments Help? Downloads
Hernan Winkler
112583: International trade and environmental corporate social responsibility Downloads
Juan Bárcena-Ruiz and Amagoia Sagasta
112582: По някои въпроси на понятието работно място в контекста на гъвкавите форми на труд (On some issues of the concept workplace in the conditions of work from home (home office)) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Mariyana Shirvanyan
112581: Съдържание на трудовите правоотношения на хабилитираните лица (Content of the employment relationships of the habilitated persons) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
112575: Estimating the Economic Effects of US State and Local Fiscal Policy: A Synthetic Control Method Matched Regression Approach Downloads
Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
112574: Returns in US copper companies the face of the volatility and stringency of COVID-19 Downloads
Boris Pastén, Pablo Tapia and Jorge Sepúlveda
112573: New Legal Standards for Whistleblowers in the Light of the Directive (EU) 2019/1973 on the Protection of Persons Who Report Breaches of Union Law. Case Study: Romania Downloads
Ionut Bogdan Berceanu
112571: The implementation at the national level of the European legislation regarding the administration and recovery of assets resulting from crimes. An overview of the Romanian case Downloads
Ionut Bogdan Berceanu
112568: Temperature surprise shocks Downloads
Filippo Natoli
112565: L'impact de la présence russe en Afrique (The impact of Russian presence in Africa) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
112564: The impact of Russian presence in Africa Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
112562: Empirical Assessment and Comparison of Educational Efficiency between Major Countries across the World Downloads
Lipeng Chen, Yang Yu, Amsalu K. Addis and Xiao Guo
112561: A Tractable Overlapping Generations Structure for Quantitative DSGE Models Downloads
Robert Kollmann
112560: Maxwell-Element Model for Describing Conveyor Belt Stresses Downloads
Oleh Pihnastyi, Georgii Kozhevnikov and Olha Ivanovska
112559: Cumulative knowledge in the social sciences: The case of improving voters' information Downloads
Federica Izzo, Torun Dewan and Stephane Wolton
112558: Two Conditions Which Induce Giffen Behavior In Any Numerical Analysis When Applied To The Wold-Juréen (1953) Utility Function Downloads
Robert Sproule and Michael Karras
112555: Role of global financial crisis in causing dynamic connectedness of Asian equity markets Downloads
Azwar Ariff and Abul Masih
112554: The impact of Russian presence in Africa Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
112553: Sistemul financiar-bancar in era Next Generation EU (Banking in the Next generation EU era) Downloads
Marius Danila
112549: Is the relationship between FDI and inflation nonlinear and asymmetric? new evidence from NARDL approach Downloads
Saddam Hossain and Abul Masih
112548: Testing the Presence of the January Effect in Developed Economies Downloads
Sabahat Nisar, Rabia Asif and Amjad Ali
112547: Natural Selection and Neanderthal Extinction in a Malthusian Economy Downloads
Angus Chu
112540: Poder de negociación intrafamiliar de las familias polacas (Intrahousehould bargaining power in polish families) Downloads
Lorenzo Fau Naval
112539: Rainfall and Birth Outcome: Evidence from Kyrgyzstan Downloads
Kien Le and My Nguyen
112538: Workers in the Knowledge Economy in Europe Downloads
Angelo Leogrande
112536: Wage-rise contract and mixed Cournot duopoly competition with profit-maximizing and socially concerned firms Downloads
Kazuhiro Ohnishi
112535: Zakat and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria: an analytico-longitudinal study Downloads
Abdullahi, Shafiu Ibrahim (*), Shuaibu, Mukhtar (**) and Yusufu, Mustapha (***)
112534: How is the Minimum Wage Shaping the Wage Distribution: Minimum Wage, Spillovers, and Wage Inequality in Portugal Downloads
Carlos Oliveira
112524: Firms behavior around tax thresholds in Albania during the 2015 anti-informality campaign - Bunching features, persistence and growth implications Downloads
Oltion Rrumbullaku
112522: Comment on “Labor- and Capital-augmenting technical change”: Does the stability of balanced growth path depend on the elasticity of factor substitution? Downloads
Benjamin Bental, Defu Li and Xuemei Tang
112521: Impact of ICT in Enhancing Learning Experience among Rural Students in India: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.
112517: The Employment Impact of Innovation in Europe Downloads
Angelo Leogrande
112510: Estimating illiquid asset class alpha and beta using secondary transaction prices Downloads
Alexander Godwin
112509: Hedge fund alpha and beta corrected for stale pricing Downloads
Alexander Godwin
112505: Computers, Programming and Dynamic General Equilibrium Macroeconomic Modeling Downloads
Anelí Bongers, Benedetto Molinari and Jose Torres
112500: Testing the asymmetric and lead-lag relationship between CPI and PPI: an application of the ARDL and NARDL approaches Downloads
Rafede Mohd and Abul Masih
112496: Colonial origins and fertility: can the market overcome history? Downloads
David Canning, Marie Christelle Mabeu and Roland Pongou
112494: Les enjeux d’une zone économique spéciale pour l’industrialisation de la filière bois au Cameroun (Strategy of industrialization giving by an special economic area: the case of the timber sector in Cameroon) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
112493: Interpolation and Shock Persistence of Prewar U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series: A Reconsideration Downloads
Hashem Dezhbakhsh and Daniel Levy
112492: The Lifetime Costs of Bad Health Downloads
Mariacristina De Nardi, Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
112491: Endogenous childcare costs in R&D based model Downloads
Yusuke Miyake
112490: Аспекти на проблематиката във връзка с ползването на различните видове отпуски (Aspects of the issues related to the use of different types of leave) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
112489: Endogenous childcare costs in R&D based model Downloads
Yusuke Miyake
112488: The link between migratory background and crime perceptions. A repeated cross-sectional analysis with household data Downloads
Gianluca Bortoletto
112487: The rise and stall of world electricity efficiency:1900-2017, results and implication for the renewables transitions Downloads
Ricardo Pinto, Sofia Henriques, Paul Brockway, Matthew Heun and Tânia Sousa
112482: The Effect of Liquidity Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Pakistan Downloads
Wajid Alim, Amjad Ali and Mahwish Rauf Metla
112480: The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Expenditure Structure of Pakistan Downloads
Khalil Ahmad, Amjad Ali and Michael Yang
112475: A multiplicative thinning-based integer-valued GARCH model Downloads
Abdelhakim Aknouche and Manuel Scotto
112474: Action in Economics: Mathematical Derivation of Laws of Economics from the Principle of Least Action in Physics Downloads
Sayan Kombarov
112472: Въпроси относно размера и структурата на капитала на фондовата борса (Questions about the amount and structure of the capital on the stock exchange) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
112467: The Economic Impact of Telecommunications in Egypt Downloads
Raul Katz and Noha Emara
112462: Would the volatility of oil price affect the GDP of a country ? Singaporean evidence Downloads
Ahmad Ihsaanul and Abul Masih
112460: Satisfaction with the Environmental Condition in the Italian Regions between 2004 and 2020 Downloads
Lucio Laureti, Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
112459: Does public infrastructure lead or lag GDP? evidence from Thailand based on NARDL Downloads
Nazmi Haskanbancha and Abul Masih
112457: A Note on Economic Growth and Labor Automation Downloads
Ziyun Pang
112448: Greenfield Foreign Direct Investment: Social Learning drives Persistence Downloads
Joe Cho Yiu Ng, Chao Hung Chan, Kwok Ping Tsang and Charles Leung
112447: The relationship between exchange rate and trade balance: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL and Nonlinear ARDL approaches Downloads
Najwa Razak and Abul Masih
112445: Shirking and Capital Accumulation under Oligopolistic Competition Downloads
Haiwen Zhou and Ruhai Zhou
112444: The multi-dimension of international logistics performance and export flows: An empirical study from developing countries Downloads
Cong Minh Huynh and Thien Huong Hong
112442: The heterogeneity of Okun’s law: A metaregression analysis Downloads
María Porras and Ángel Martín-Román
112440: Analyzing Interlinkages between Financial and Real Estate Sector in the aftermath of COVID-19's Second wave: An Econometric Approach using VECM model Downloads
Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.
112438: За характера на споровете във връзка с медицинската експертиза (On the nature of disputes with regard to medical expertise) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
112437: The Recovery of U.S. Cities and States from the COVID-19 Employment Declines of Early 2020 Downloads
Todd Gabe
112432: Относно начина за изчисляване на обезщетението по чл. 225, ал. 3 от Кодекса на труда (становище относно тълкувателно дело № 2 от 2013 г. на ОСГК на ВКС) (On the calculation methods for defining the compensation under article 225 (3) of the Labour Code (opinion regarding interpretative case No 2/2013 of the General Assembly of the Civil Colleges of the Supreme Court of Cassation)) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
112431: Land rights and the impact of farm input subsidies on poverty convergence Downloads
Martin Limbikani Mwale and Tony Mwenda Kamninga
112426: Population aging and bank risk-taking Downloads
Sebastian Doerr, Gazi Kabaş and Steven Ongena
112425: Analyzing the Impact of Companies’ Investment on Skill Upgradation in Improving their Resilience amidst COVID-19 Downloads
Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.
112418: How to Remind People to Work Out via Feedback: Evidence from a Field Experiment Downloads
Liyin Jin, Li, Lingfang (Ivy), Yi Zhou and Yifang Zhou
112409: Optimal Forbearance of Bank Resolution Downloads
Linda Schilling
112404: Intra-EU Migration, Public Transfers, and Assimilation: Evidence for the Netherlands Downloads
Eduard Suari-Andreu and Olaf Vliet
112401: Expectations of Social Capital and Willingness to Pay for Social Health Insurance among the Bari Speakers of Central Equatoria State, South Sudan Downloads
Lado Gwokorok
112399: Insurance and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Philippine Urban and Rural Households Downloads
Medrano Pia
112397: Linking the Cs of Financial Stability: Crises, Competition, and Concentration Downloads
Cristeta Bagsic
112396: Fdi spillover effects on innovation activities of knowledge using and knowledge creating firms: evidence from an emerging economy Downloads
Nina Vujanovic, Slavo Radosevic, Nebojsa Stojcic, Mehtap Hisarciklilar and Iraj Hashi
112395: Spatial impact of entrepreneurial zones: firm, city, and inter city evidence Downloads
Nebojsa Stojcic, Korneliusz Pylak and Dubravka Jurlina Alibegovic
112394: Russia. The Background of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Downloads
Hardy Hanappi
112391: Domestic Supplier Spillovers of Global Value Chains in Central and Eastern European Countries Downloads
Klemen Knez
112390: An Attempt at a literature review of “The Market for Lemons” Theory and a Case Study in Algerian Local E-commerce Downloads
Mabrouka Salmi
112388: Роль банковского канала в передаче денежно-кредитной политики В России (The role of the banking channel in the transmission of monetary policy in Russia) Downloads
Oleg Salmanov and Viktor Zaernyuk
112387: General Constrained Dynamic (GCD) models with intertemporal utility functions Downloads
Erhard Glötzl
112386: A simple General Constrained Dynamics (GCD) model for demand, supply and price shocks Downloads
Erhard Glötzl
112385: Macroeconomic General Constrained Dynamic models (GCD models) Downloads
Erhard Glötzl
112381: Economic policy uncertainty, bank nonperforming loans and loan loss provisions: are they correlated? Downloads
Peterson Ozili
112379: Effects of Green Human Resource Management practices on environmental performance: Evidence from Textile Sector of Emerging Country Downloads
Sidra Khan
112378: Трагедия бензоколонки: почему "создание высокопроизводительных рабочих мест" снижает производительность труда в масштабах экономики (The Tragedy of the Gas Station: a Curious Case of Productivity-Lowering Foreign Direct Investments) Downloads
Victor Spirin
112376: Bitcoin: Future or Fad? Downloads
Daniel Tut
112375: Road infrastructure and TFP in Japan after the rapid growth: A nonstationary panel approach Downloads
Atushi Koike, Takuhiro Sakaguchi and Hajime Seya
112367: Expecting Floods: Firm Entry, Employment, and Aggregate Implications Downloads
Ruixue Jia, Xiao Ma and Victoria Wenxin Xie
Page updated 2025-03-25
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