MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 15805: Technology Adoption And Pest Control Strategies Among UK Cereal Farmers: Evidence from Parametric and Nonparametric Count Data Models

- Abhijit Sharma, Alastair Bailey and Iain Fraser
- 15804: Joint Tests for Zero Restrictions on Non-negative Regression Coefficients

- Grant Hillier
- 15802: Drivers of Agglomeration: geography VS. History

- Francisco Goerlich Gisbert and Matilde Mas
- 15801: Empirical Evidence of Population Concentration in Spain, 1900-2001

- Francisco Goerlich Gisbert and Matilde Mas
- 15799: An Investigation of the Effect of Eco-Labeling on Office Occupancy Rates

- Franz Fuerst and Patrick McAllister
- 15798: Sobre el tamaño de las ciudades en España. Dos reflexiones y una regularidad empírica

- Francisco Goerlich Gisbert and Matilde Mas
- 15797: Los motores de la aglomeración en España: geografía versus historia

- Francisco Goerlich Gisbert and Matilde Mas
- 15796: On Teachers Quality Decline

- Francesco Amodio
- 15795: Infrastructures and New Technologies as Sources of Spanish Economic Growth

- Matilde Mas
- 15794: Long-run validity of purchasing power parity and rank tests for cointegration for Central Asian Countries

- Venus Liew, Ricky Chia and Tai-Hu Ling
- 15793: Investigating causal relationship between stock return with respect to exchange rate and FII: evidence from India

- Sundaram Kumar
- 15790: Iran’s Banking and Monetary Problems

- Amir Naghshineh-Pour
- 15783: The number and size of nations revisited: Endogenous border formation with non-uniform population distributions

- Wolfgang Radax
- 15782: Who disciples the CFO? An assessment of stakeholder power in corporate governance

- Diedrich Bremer, Jan-Philipp Lüdtke, Ansgar Richter and Utz Schäfer
- 15781: Sector and size effects on effective corporate taxation

- Gaëtan Nicodème
- 15779: The role of education in regional innovation activities and economic growth: spatial evidence from China

- Wei Chi and Xiaoye Qian
- 15771: Central bank’s role and involvement in bank regulation: Lender of last resort arrangements and the Special Resolution Regime (SRR)

- Marianne Ojo
- 15769: Gordon and Newell queueing networks and copulas

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 15766: Banks As Social Accountants: Credit and Crisis Through an Accounting Lens

- Dirk Bezemer
- 15764: This is not a credit crisis

- Dirk Bezemer
- 15763: Energy efficiency in Europe: trends, convergence and policy effectiveness

- Ramon Ortiz, Andrea Bastianin, Andrea Bigano, Cristina Cattaneo, Alessandro Lanza, Matteo Manera, Anil Markandya, Michele Plotegher and Fabio Sferra
- 15760: The long run-effects of the Poland's accession to the eurozone. Simulation using POLDYN - a dynamic computable general equilibrium model

- Tomasz Daras and Jan Hagemejer
- 15759: Impact of competition and business cycles on the behaviour of monopolistic markups in the Polish economy

- Jan Hagemejer and Michał Gradzewicz
- 15755: Achieving Sustainable Consumption for Sustainable Development: Issues and Solutions

- Sudarkodi K
- 15750: On Models of Stochastic Recovery for Base Correlation

- Hui Li
- 15749: Endogenous Labor Force Participation and Firing Costs

- Weh-Sol Moon
- 15748: Before and after the Black Death: money, prices, and wages in fourteenth-century England

- John Munro
- 15747: The role of the external auditor in bank regulation and supervision: A comparative analysis

- Marianne Ojo
- 15746: General correcting formula of forecasting?

- Alexander Harin
- 15745: Modeling risk of international country relations

- Sergey Sveshnikov and Victor Bocharnikov
- 15744: Exchange Market Pressure in Central Europe: An Application of the Girton-Roper Model

- Daniel Stavarek and Marek Dohnal
- 15742: Capital misallocation and aggregate factor productivity

- Costas Azariadis and Leo Kaas
- 15741: The structure and dynamics of the global network of inter-firm R&D partnerships 1989-2002

- Michal Bojanowski, Rense Corten and Bastian Westborck
- 15740: Quality of Human and Physical Capital and Technological Gaps across Italian Regions

- Vincenzo Scoppa
- 15732: Investigating suicidal trend and its economic determinants: evidence from India

- Manoj K. Pandey and Charanjit Kaur
- 15731: Taxes, Health Insurance and Women’s Self-Employment

- Malathi Velamuri
- 15728: Structural Change in Meghalaya: Theory and Evidence

- Purusottam Nayak and Sudhanshu Mishra
- 15725: A note on positive semi-definiteness of some non-pearsonian correlation matrices

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 15723: Is the Internet Bad News? The Online News Era and the Market for High-Quality News

- Paul Frijters and Malathi Velamuri
- 15722: Misspecification and Heterogeneity in Single-Index, Binary Choice Models

- Pian Chen and Malathi Velamuri
- 15718: Centralization of Decentralized Governance - Evidence from West Bengal Panchayat

- Jaydev Misra
- 15715: Is the US Demand for Money Unstable?

- B. Rao and Saten Kumar
- 15714: 世界金融危機とG20金融サミットをめぐる経済外交 (Global Financial Crisis and Economic Policy Over G20 Financial Summit)

- Sayuri Shirai
- 15713: EUの通貨統合と金融・財政政策の規律 (EU Currency Union and Disciplines for Financial・Moneatry Policies)

- Sayuri Shirai
- 15704: Does Internet access to official data display any regularity: case of the Electronic Data Delivery System of the Central Bank of Turkey

- Emre Tokel and Mustafa Yücel
- 15701: An overview of decentralization and local governance in Eastern and Southern Africa

- Phillip Kundishora
- 15696: Innovation and Social Capital in the Small-Medium Enterprises: a case of bamboo handicraft in Indonesia

- Aloysius Brata
- 15695: The Unemployment Volatility Puzzle: The Role of Matching Costs Revisited

- José Ignacio Silva and Manuel Toledo
- 15693: Mending the Meltdown: Fending off the Interventions and Resurrecting the Market

- Madhusudan Raj
- 15691: The Economists of Tomorrow

- Alan Freeman
- 15677: 作为人力资本的语言:专业化、组织沟通与语言习得 (Language as Human Capital: Labor Specialization, Organizational Communication and Language Acquisition)

- Weiting Huang
- 15675: Mecanismos kaldorianos del crecimiento regional: Aplicación empírica al caso del ALADI (1980-2007) (Kaldorian mechanisms of regional growth: An empirical application to the case of ALADI 1980-2007)

- Christine Carton
- 15673: Outsourcing versus technology transfer: Hotelling meets Stackelberg

- Andrea Pierce and Debapriya Sen
- 15670: US Industry-Level Returns and Oil Prices

- Qinbin Fan and Mohammad Jahan-Parvar
- 15668: An Overinvestment Cycle in Central and Eastern Europe?

- Andreas Hoffmann
- 15667: Term Structure Equations Under Benchmark Framework

- Yassine El Qalli
- 15666: The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts - Or Is It? A Review of the Empirical Literature on Complementarities in Organizations

- Edgar Ennen and Ansgar Richter
- 15665: Harnack inequality and no-arbitrage bounds for self-financing portfolios

- Alessandro Carciola, Andrea Pascucci and Sergio Polidoro
- 15663: Domestic Value Added and Employment Generated by Chinese Exports: A Quantitative Estimation

- Xikang Chen, Leonard Cheng, K.C. Fung, Lawrence J. Lau, YunWing Sung, C. Yang, Kunfu Zhu, J. Pei and Z. Tang
- 15659: Successive Monopolies with Endogenous Quality

- Hans Zenger
- 15657: Does legislative turnover adversely affect state expenditure policy? Evidence from Indian state elections

- Yogesh Uppal
- 15656: Strengthening the Governance of the International Monetary Fund: How a Dual Board Structure Could Raise the Effectiveness and Legitimacy of a Key Global Institution

- Christian Thimann, Christian Just and Raymond Ritter
- 15653: “Ombro-Cabeça-Ombro”: Testando a Lucratividade do Padrão Gráfico de Análise Técnica no Mercado de Ações Brasileiro (Head and Shoulder: testing the profitability of graphic pattern of technical analysis for the Brazilian Stock Exchange)

- Pedro G. Boainain and Pedro Valls Pereira
- 15652: La politique monétaire et la crise (Monetary Policy and The Crisis)

- Bernard Landais
- 15650: Financial development, International Trade and welfare

- Michel Blanchard and Frederic Peltrault
- 15649: Understanding labour income share dynamics in Europe

- Alfonso Arpaia, Esther Pérez and Karl Pichelmann
- 15648: The day-to-day interbank market, volatility, and central bank intervention in a developing economy

- José R. Sánchez-Fung
- 15646: Perfect correlated equilibria in stopping games

- Yuval Heller
- 15645: Justifiable choice

- Yuval Heller
- 15640: Large reservoirs: are they the last Oasis for the survival of cities in India?

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee, Zankhana Shah and M. Dinesh Kumar
- 15637: Do foreign-owned firms pay more?

- Ann E. Harrison and Jason Scorse
- 15636: What makes cities bigger and richer? Evidence from 1990-2000 in the US

- Rafael González-Val
- 15630: Gobierno Corporativo: los problemas, estado actual de la discusión y un ejercicio de medición para Argentina (Corporate Governance: the problems, the current stage of the discussion and a measurement exercise for Argentina)

- Omar Chisari and Gustavo Ferro
- 15629: A fundamental power price model with oligopolistic competition representation

- Miguel Vazquez and Julián Barquín
- 15628: Creative Industries: Case Studies from Arab Countries

- Najib Harabi
- 15624: Testing the long-run implications of the expectation hypothesis using cointegration techniques with structural change

- Emerson Marçal, Pedro Valls Pereira and Omar Abbara
- 15623: Testing the Hypothesis of Contagion using Multivariate Volatility Models

- Emerson Marçal and Pedro Valls Pereira
- 15622: Precautionary Demand for Money in a Monetary Business Cycle Model

- Irina Telyukova and Ludo Visschers
- 15621: New Nationalism and Development in Africa: review article

- Dirk Kohnert
- 15619: Eventological Theory of Decision-Making

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev, Joe Jeff Goldblatt and Rebecca Finkel
- 15618: Inferencia Estadística (Inferential Statistics)

- Rodrigo Alfaro
- 15615: Dispelling Some Myths About Offshoring

- Ann E. Harrison and Margaret McMillan
- 15614: Estimaciones alternativas del PIB potencial en la República Dominicana (Alternative methods to estimate the potential GDP of the Dominican Republic)

- Alexis Cruz Rodriguez and Martin Francos
- 15612: Marca comercial y D.O. Ribeiro: una primera aproximación a su valoración económica (Brand and the Ribeiro Denomination of Origin: a first insight to its economic value)

- Jacobo Gómez Conde and Angel Barajas
- 15608: The theory of access pricing and interconnection

- Mark Armstrong
- 15607: Are oil-price-forecasters finally right? -- Regressive expectations towards more fundamental values of the oil price

- Stefan Reitz, Jan Ruelke and Georg Stadtmann
- 15605: Risk Taking of HIV-Infection and Income Uncertainty: Empirical Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

- Elodie Djemai
- 15603: The Effects of Japanese Interventions on FX-Forecast Heterogeneity

- Stefan Reitz, Georg Stadtmann and Mark Taylor
- 15602: Financial Intermediation and the Role of Price Discrimination in a Two-Tier Market

- Stefan Reitz, Markus Schmidt and Mark Taylor
- 15600: Globalization, governance, and the economic performance of Sub-Saharan Africa

- Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 15597: Towards a Hierarchical Approach to Trade Union Behaviour

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 15596: Burnout from pools to loans: Modeling refinancing prepayments as a self-selection process

- Jumwu Gan
- 15593: Financial appraisal of the innovation projects

- Gabriela Lucia Sipos and Jeanina Biliana Ciurea
- 15587: In what format and under what timeframe would China take on climate commitments? A roadmap to 2050

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 15583: Should Students Be Allowed to Miss?

- Ricardo Paredes and Gabriel Ugarte
- 15580: Poverty and disability among elderly in India: evidences from household survey

- Manoj K. Pandey
- 15579: A Required Yield Theory of Stock Market Valuation and Treasury Yield Determination

- Christophe Faugere
- 15576: Oil Exports, Non Oil GDP and Investment in the GCC Countries

- Nasri Harb
- 15575: The stuff of legend: diamonds and development in southern Africa

- Marcus Noland and Brooks Spector
- 15572: United States Economic Policy Toward Asia

- Marcus Noland
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