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59404: Economic Growth and the Natural World Downloads
Joseph Wesson
59402: Urban Cooperative Banks:At CrossRoads Downloads
Ramu Nagarajapillai
59398: Electoral involvement and appreciation for democracy under a compulsory voting rule Downloads
Andrés Acuña-Duarte
59397: Does Intelligence Affect Economic Diversification ? Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Simplice Asongu
59394: Conversant for the Prisoners of Earth Downloads
Mohsin Alvi and Mehreen Surani
59393: Подходы к повышению конкурентоспособности предпринимательской деятельности в сфере строительства (Approaches to increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurial activity in the construction sector) Downloads
Valery Karpov and Petr Cement
59392: Бюджетирование как элемент стимулирования предпринимательской деятельности (Budgeting as part to promote business) Downloads
Victoria Latysheva and Valery Karpov
59389: Descriptive Analysis of Economic Diversification, Price and Revenue Dynamics in Oil and Energy in the Arab World Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi, Hajar El Alouani and Alae Gamar
59388: International Trade, Unemployment, and Firm Owners in a General Equilibrium with Oligopoly Downloads
Keita Kamei
59381: Asimmetria del rischio sistematico dei titoli immobiliari americani: nuove evidenze econometriche (Systematic Risk Asymmetry of the American Real Estate Securities: Some New Econometric Evidence) Downloads
Paola De Santis and Carlo Drago
59378: Особенности и проблемы развития предпринимательских структур швейной промышленности в России (Features and problems of business organizations garment industry in Russia) Downloads
Valery Karpov and Elena Karsyuk
59377: Unveiling the House Price Movements and Financial Development Downloads
Belgin Akcay and Mustafa Yücel
59376: Основные направления развития трудового потенциала в условиях рынка труда Сибири (Main areas of employment potential in the labour market in Siberia) Downloads
Valery Karpov
59375: Использование CASE-технологий при моделировании организации предпринимательской деятельности в агропромышленном комплексе (Using CASE-technologies in the simulation of business organization in the agricultural sector) Downloads
Valery Karpov, Nadezhda Mozzherina and Elena Andreeva
59373: Диверсификация производственной деятельности в строительном комплексе: проектно-интрапренерский подход (Diversification of production activities in the construction industry: Project and entrepreneurial approach) Downloads
Valery Karpov and Dmitry Petrenko
59372: Конкурентные преимущества предпринимательских структур в рыночных условиях (Competitive advantages of enterprise structures in market conditions) Downloads
Valery Karpov
59371: Формирование организационно-экономического механизма по привлечению инвестиций в сельскохозяйственное производство региона на примере Омской области (Formation of the organizational and economic mechanisms to attract investment in agricultural production regions on the example of Omsk area) Downloads
Valery Karpov, Anna Korableva and Artem Lagzdin
59370: Uncertainty shocks: it's a matter of habit Downloads
Dario Bonciani
59369: Linkages, contagion and resilience: an input-output scope from the demand and supply side Downloads
Ana Salomé García Muñiz and Carmen Ramos Carvajal
59368: Exchange Rate Impact on Russia’s Exports: Some Evidence from an Evolutionary Co-spectral Analysis Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
59365: A Note on the Computation of the Pre-Kernel for Permutation Games Downloads
Holger Meinhardt
59363: Determinants of Vietnam’s exports: Application of the Gravity Model Downloads
Huy Nguyen
59361: Model Averaging in Markov-Switching Models: Predicting National Recessions with Regional Data Downloads
Pierre Guérin and Danilo Leiva-Leon
59360: Lehren aus der Verhaltensökonomik für die Gestaltung umweltpolitischer Maßnahmen (Lessons from behavioral economics for the design of environmental policy measures) Downloads
Özgür Yildiz
59359: Standards, IPR and digital TV convergence: theories and empirical evidence Downloads
Nicola Matteucci
59358: Impact of a Disaster on Land Price: Evidence from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident Downloads
Shunsuke Managi and Kenta Tanaka
59353: Strategic outsourcing with technology transfer under price competition Downloads
Tarun Kabiraj and Uday Bhanu Sinha
59350: Multicriterial Assessment of RES- and Energy-Efficiency Promoting Policy Mixes for Russian Federation Downloads
Alexander Didenko
59349: Productivity Spillovers in the Russian Federation: The Case of Chemical Market Downloads
Anastasia Kuzyaeva and Alexander Didenko
59348: Application of Ensemble Learning for Views Generation in Meucci Portfolio Optimization Framework Downloads
Alexander Didenko and Svetlana Demicheva
59346: Innovations as factor of absorptive capacity of FDI spillovers across regions of Russian Federation Downloads
Alexander Didenko and Tatiana Egorova
59339: An Analysis on Economic Opportunity Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
59338: Liquidity expansion in China and the U.S. economy Downloads
Wensheng Kang, Ronald Ratti and Joaquin Vespignani
59337: Investment in Fixed Broadband Networks and Access Regulation in Developed and Developing countries: Panel Data Applications Downloads
Inès Ben Dkhil
59336: Inflation Targeting As a Monetary Policy Rule: Experience and Prospects Downloads
Olfa Manai Daboussi
59335: The real exchange rate as a target of macroeconomic policy Downloads
Roberto Frenkel and Martin Rapetti
59323: Globalisation, energy usage and sustainability Downloads
Mohsin Raza and Muhammad Ather Elahi
59322: Evidence and Prospects of Shortage and Mobility of Medical Doctors: A Literature Survey Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi
59321: Firms’ disclosure compliance with IASB’s Management Commentary framework:an empirical investigation Downloads
Macchioni Riccardo, Sannino Giuseppe, Ginesti Gianluca and Carlo Drago
59320: Financement Public des dépenses de santé et survie infantile au Togo (Public funding of health expenditure and infant survival in Togo) Downloads
Esso - Hanam Atake
59319: Lentil in India: An Overview Downloads
K. M. Singh and A. K. Singh
59316: Efficient water management: way forward to climate smart grain legumes production Downloads
Anil Kumar Singh, K.M. Singh and B.P. Bhatt
59313: A Linear Multi-Sector Equilibrium Model with Taxation Downloads
Wu Li and Bangxi Li
59312: Efficient estimation of heterogeneous coefficients in panel data models with common shock Downloads
Kunpeng Li and Lina Lu
59306: Globalization and Transformation in Central European Countries: The Case of Poland Downloads
Tadeusz Kowalski
59299: The Emergence of For-Profit Higher Education Institutions Downloads
Julien Jacqmin
59296: Анализ подходов к обеспечению энергетической безопасности регионов (Analysis of approaches to energy security regions) Downloads
Valery Karpov
59295: Dynamic asset allocation for bank under stochastic interest rates Downloads
Fatma Chakroun and Fathi Abid
59294: Equilibrium in Economic Development A Perspective of Social Capital Downloads
Syed Akhter Hussain Shah, Tariq Shah and Eatzaz Ahmad
59293: Top-Down Approach for the Social Capital Development Downloads
Syed Akhter Hussain Shah, Tari shah Shah and Eatzaz Ahmed
59286: A Theory of Political Accountability and Journalism Downloads
Christian Bruns and Oliver Himmler
59285: La transitoriedad histórica del capital: La tendencia descendente de la tasa de ganancia desde el siglo XIX (The historical transience of capital: The downward trend in the rate of profit since XIX century) Downloads
Esteban Ezequiel Maito
59284: Qualitative variables and their reduction possibility. Application to time series models Downloads
Daniel Ciuiu
59283: Income distribution, turnover speed and profit rate in Japan, Chile, Netherlands and United States Downloads
Esteban Maito
59281: Social Protection Strategry Downloads
Syed Akhter Hussain Shah
59277: Ethnicity and politics in the Romanian space. The case of northwestern Transylvania Downloads
Mircea Brie
59276: From Periphery to Centre.The Image of Europe at the Eastern Border of Europe Downloads
Sorin Şipoş, Gabriel Moisa, Dan Octavian Cepraga, Mircea Brie and Teodor Mateoc
59275: Future-of-Eco-Coop-in-SARRC-Countries Downloads
Syed Akhter Hussain Shah
59271: Myths and Misconceptions in the Tax Mix Debate Downloads
Russell Smyth
59259: Cooperative vs. non-cooperative R&D incentives under incomplete information Downloads
Tarun Kabiraj and Srobonti Chattopadhyay
59256: Tariff Induced Fee Licensing and Consumers’ Welfare Downloads
Tarun Kabiraj
59250: Revisiting Executive Pay in Family-Controlled Firms: Family Premium in Large Business Groups Downloads
Juyoung Cheong and Woochan Kim
59246: L’impact de la politique monétaire unique sur l’économie de la zone CEMAC: une approche par la modélisation VAR structurelle et bayésienne (Monetary policy effects in cemac: an assessme,t with the structural and bayesian VAR methodology) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
59236: Analyse de la crise financière actuelle Où vont-ils chercher ces milliards qu’ils n’ont pas? Comment l’État assureur en dernier ressort permet d’accéder à la Banque centrale européenne, prêteur en dernier ressort (Analysis of the current financial analysis. Where do they take these billions they have not? How the State, insurer in last resort, offers access to the European Central Bank) Downloads
Bernard Vallageas
59231: The GST Cut is not so Stupid Downloads
Patrick Grady
59230: Are the Children of Uneducated Farmers Doubly Doomed? Farm, Nonfarm and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Rural China Downloads
M. Shahe Emran and Yan Sun
59220: Regional inflation, spatial location and the Balassa-Samuelson effect Downloads
Jun Nagayasu
59218: Uncertainty and the Zero Lower Bound: A Theoretical Analysis Downloads
Rhys Mendes
59217: Corporate Governance Reforms, Interlocking Directorship and Company Performance in Italy Downloads
Carlo Drago, Francesco Millo, Roberto Ricciuti and Paolo Santella
59215: What is driving the Capital Inflows to Costa Rica? Risk Premium and Interest Rate Differentials Downloads
Jorge Leon and Melissa Vega
59214: Determinants of natural gas demand in Ghana Downloads
Ishmael Ackah
59210: Virtual water trade and country vulnerability: A network perspective Downloads
Martina Sartori and Stefano Schiavo
59208: Managing investor and consumer exposure to electricity market price risks through Feed-in Tariff design Downloads
Mel Devine, Niall Farrell and William Lee
59205: Incomplete information and R&D organization Downloads
Srobonti Chattopadhyay and Tarun Kabiraj
59202: Volunteering at the extensive margins in Developing Countries: Extrinsic or Intrinsic Motives? Downloads
Modeste Dayé
59201: Optimierung der Tarifvergünstigungen für außerordentliche Einkünfte und des negativen Progressionsvorbehalts durch die Schedulenbesteuerung gem. § 34a EStG und §§ 32d, 43 Abs. 5 EStG (Enhancing tax rate privileges for extraordinary income and the negative progressivity proviso by the use of schedular taxation according to Sec. 34 Income Tax Code and Secs. 32d, 43 para. 5 Income Tax Code) Downloads
Schmidtmann Dirk
59199: Трансформация логистического и маркетингового подходов (Transformation logistical and marketing approach) Downloads
Bari Hairov
59193: External terms-of-trade and labor market imperfections in developing countries: theory and evidence Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Anindya Biswas
59184: 生产要素、FDI、环境污染与中国经济增长源泉——基于BM生产率指数的分解 (Production factors, FDI, environmental depletion and sources of economic growth in China ——based on the decomposition of BM productivity index) Downloads
Liwei Tang and Zongyi Hu
59182: What We Don't Know Doesn't Hurt Us: Rational Inattention and the Permanent Income Hypothesis in General Equilibrium Downloads
Yulei Luo, Jun Nie, Gaowang Wang and Eric Young
59181: Human Capital and Economic Growth: The Quest for the Most Relevant Level of Education in Pakistan Downloads
Faisal Sultan, Syed Tehseen and Imtiaz Arif
59175: Evaluation of Grid Level Impacts of Electric Vehicles Downloads
Hameed Safiullah
59170: Can financial ratios predict the Malaysian stock return? Downloads
Chin Lee and Weng Hong Lee
59169: Exchange rate misalignments in ASEAN-5 countries Downloads
Chin Lee and M. Azali
59168: Crop diversification, economic performance and household’s behaviours Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Huy Nguyen
59166: The determinants of CO2 emissions: empirical evidence from Italy Downloads
João Cerdeira Bento
59165: Do Mandatory U.S. State Renewable Portfolio Standards Increase Electricity Prices? Downloads
Hongbo Wang
59163: The evolution of common law: revisiting Posner, Hayek & the economic analysis of Law Downloads
Marianne Ojo
59160: Эволюция представлений о социальном управлении и контроле (Evolution of the idea of social management and control) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
59158: Determinants of nonfarm participation among ethnic minorities in the Northwest Mountains, Vietnam Downloads
Tuyen Tran
59156: Technology, Growth and Trade: Schumpeterian Perspectives Downloads
Jan Fagerberg
59154: Regulatory Lags, Liberalization, and Vulnerability to Systemic Banking Crises Downloads
Ana Carolina Garriga
59153: Basis Risk and the Welfare Gains from Index Insurance: Evidence from Northern Kenya Downloads
Nathaniel Jensen, Christopher Barrett and Andrew G. Mude
59149: Are fruit and vegetables good for our mental and physical health? Panel data evidence from Australia Downloads
Redzo Mujcic
59144: Determinants of poverty among ethnic minorities in the Northwest region, Vietnam Downloads
Tuyen Tran, Son Hong Nguyen, Huong Van Vu and Viet Quoc Nguyen
59143: Critical Analysis of Acquitted Conduct Sentencing in the U.S.: "Kafka-esque," "Repugnant," "Uniquely Malevolent" and "Pernicious"? Downloads
Orhun Yalincak
59142: Market differences in wild and farmed marine fish in the Spanish seafood market Downloads
Gonzalo Rodriguez and Roberto Bande
59140: Nonlinear time series analysis of annual temperatures concerning the global Earth climate Downloads
George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
59139: Too Much of a Good Thing: Attention Misallocation and Social Welfare in Coordination Games Downloads
Heng Chen, Yulei Luo and Guangyu Pei
59136: Les enquêtes sur le secteur informel à Djibouti: une analyse comparative 1980-2001 (The surveys on the informal sector in Djibouti: A Comparative Analysis 1980-2001) Downloads
Ismael Mahamoud and Philippe Adair
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