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7217: Organized Crime and Foreign Direct Investment: the Italian Case Downloads
Daniele Vittorio and Ugo Marani
Alberto Chilosi
7207: Novos modelos de produção na indústria automóvel? Análise de uma fábrica de motores em Portugal (New production models in the automotive industry? Analysis of an engine factory in Portugal) Downloads
António Moniz
7199: Long-run Trends and Recent Developments in Official Assistance from Donor Countries Downloads
Howard White
7197: Informal Insurance and Income Inequality Downloads
Sarolta Laczó
7193: Hibridação de um sistema flexível de produção: possibilidades de aplicação do conceito de antropocentrismo (Hybridation of a flexible production system: possibilities for an application of the anthropocentrism concept) Downloads
António Moniz, Paula Oliveira and Sofia Bento
7192: Hipóteses para uma hibridação de um sistema flexível de produção (Hipothesis for a flexible production system hybridation) Downloads
António Moniz
7191: Concepção de postos de trabalho em novos sistemas produtivos: o exemplo da robÓtica industrial (Job design in new productive systems: the exemple of industrial robotics) Downloads
António Moniz
7186: The EU trade policy is an important contribution to overcome slow economic growth in the EU countries. Challenge this point of view Downloads
Mico Delescluse, Matthieu Delescluse and Michal Delescluse
7185: The Euro: The Economic Stabilizer of the Eurozone Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7184: Industrial Activity in Indian States: The Role of Infrastructure Downloads
Jayasri Dutta, Nicholas Horsewood and Nicholas Vasilakos
7183: The Reform Treaty: Its Impact on the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7182: Five Years with the Euro Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7181: Productivity, Multinationals and Knowledge Spillovers: Evidence from the UK Retail Sector Downloads
Dolores Anon-Higon and Nicholas Vasilakos
7180: Habilidades Cognitivas: Transmision Intergeneracional Por Niveles Socioeconomicos (Cognitive Abilities: Intergenerational Transmission by Socioeconomic Levels) Downloads
David Mayer Foulkes, Maria Fernanda Lopez Olivo and Edson Servan Mori
7178: End-Point versus Point of Sale Levying of Plant Breeding Royalties: An Economic Analysis using Optimal Control Theory Downloads
Rodney Beard
7177: The European Union Budget Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7176: The Currency Equivalent Index and the Current Stock of Money Downloads
Logan Kelly
7175: Co-evolution of capabilities and preferences in the adoption of new technologies Downloads
Davide Consoli
7174: What Drives the Dynamic Conditional Correlation of Foreign Exchange and Equity Returns? Downloads
Gregorio Vargas
Camelia Stefanescu and Laura Popa
7167: Numeraire Invariance and application to Option Pricing and Hedging Downloads
Farshid Jamshidian
7165: On the combinatorics of iterated stochastic integrals Downloads
Farshid Jamshidian
7164: The Substitutability of Labor between Immigrants and Natives in the Canadian Labor Market: Circa 1995 Downloads
Asad Islam
7163: An overview on various ways of bootstrap methods Downloads
Venus Liew
7160: Information Revelation and Random Entry in Sequential Ascending Auctions Downloads
Maher Said
7155: Trabalho Operário e Novas Tecnologias de Produção: Alguns resultados de investigações internacionais (Workers labour and new production technologies: some results from international research) Downloads
António Moniz
7154: Fisheries Development and Fisheries Dependent Communities in Portugal: Socio-Economic Change and Strategic Planning Downloads
António Moniz, Ilona Kovács, Duarte Vicente and Ana R. Ramos
7149: Banking Sector Reforms and Co-operative Credit Institutions in India Downloads
Deepak Shah
Deepak Shah
7146: Who pays the taxes? Downloads
C. A. de Kam, Jakob de Haan, C. Giles, Antonio Manresa, Eduard Berenguer and Samuel Calonge
7144: The distribution of effective tax burdens in four EU countries Downloads
C. A. de Kam, Jakob de Haan, C. Giles, Antonio Manresa, Eduard Berenguer, Samuel Calonge, Joachim Merz and K. Venkatarama
7143: Privatisierung, Deregulierung und Freie und staatlich gebundene Freie Berufe - Einige ökonomische Aspekte Downloads
Joachim Merz
7142: Preferred vs. Actual Working Hours - A Ten Years Paneleconometric Analysis for Professions, Entrepreneurs and Employees in Germany Downloads
Joachim Merz and Rainer Lang
7140: Institutional Credit through Cooperatives in Maharashtra: A Region-wise Analysis Downloads
Deepak Shah
7138: Skilled Immigration and Wages in Australia Downloads
Asad Islam and Dietrich Fausten
7130: Wandel der Arbeit: Die Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft (Change on Work: the crisis of the labour economy) Downloads
Bettina Krings
7129: Genderforschung und Technikentwicklung (Gender Research and Technology Development: introduction to the main topics) Downloads
Bettina Krings
7128: Labor Market Outcomes, Savings Accumulation, and Return Migration Downloads
Murat Kırdar
7126: Hedge fund portfolio selection with modified expected shortfall Downloads
Kris Boudt, Brian Peterson and Peter Carl
7125: “Capital Inflows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Latin America: The Role of External Factors Downloads
Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
7124: Capital Flows to Latin America: Is There Evidence of Contagion Effects?” Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Sara Calvo
7123: Some Lessons for Policy Makers Who Deal with the Mixed Blessing of Capital Inflows Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
7121: Gümrük Birliği sonrasında Türkiye'de dışa açıklık ve sanayileşme (Openness and industrialization in Turkey after the Customs Union) Downloads
Özgür Tonus
7118: Belize’s Northern Region; Its Economic Performance in the post-independence period Downloads
Crucita Ken
José Sampaio and Antonio Guerra
Ioan Boldea
7110: The sociological perspective on the knowledge-based society: assumptions, facts and visions Downloads
Bettina Krings
7108: Dynamic GMM Estimation With Structural Breaks. An Application to Global Warming and its Causes Downloads
Guido Travaglini
7107: Estimating Central Bank Behavior in Emerging Markets: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Ozan Hatipoglu and C. Emre Alper
7105: Risk aversion and the dynamics of optimal liquidation strategies in illiquid markets Downloads
Alexander Schied and Torsten Schoeneborn
Camelia Stefanescu and Laura Popa
7102: Menu Costs and Inflation Asymmetries - Some Micro Data Evidence Downloads
Peter Karadi and Adam Reiff
7100: ‘Separating the Roots of the Chrysanthemum’: Nishihara Kamezō and the Abortive China Loans, 1917-18 Downloads
Michael Schiltz
7099: 'As Close as Lips and Teeth' The Daiichi Ginkō and Megata Tanetarō in Korea Downloads
Michael Schiltz
7097: Economic and Religious Choice: A Case-Study from Early Christian Communities Downloads
George Gotsis and Stavros Drakopoulos
7093: Firm Value and the mis-use of the CAPM for valuation and decision making Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
7090: Explaining the Size Distribution of Cities: X-treme Economies Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
7088: The Dynamics of Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
7087: SELLING OUR WAY INTO POVERTY: The Commercialisation of Poverty in Malawi Downloads
Fanwell Bokosi
7086: The Use of Pseudo Panel Data for Forecasting Car Ownership Downloads
Biao Huang
7085: The Euro-Mediterranean Trade relations Downloads
Khaled Melad
7084: Egyptian Foreign trade status with special focus on USA and EU as Egypt’s major trading partners Downloads
Khaled Melad
7083: An Empirical Test of Trade Gravity Model Criteria for the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) Downloads
Emmanuel Balogun
7082: Web Services and IT Management in Healthcare and Grid Computing Downloads
Srinivasan K.
7081: Artificial Societies and Agent Technology Downloads
Srinivasan K.
7080: Management of Asynchronous Learning Networks: A case study of Graduate students of Management using unconventional teacing methods Downloads
Srinivasan K
7079: Risky Swaps Downloads
Ilya Gikhman
7078: Risky Swaps Downloads
Ilya Gikhman
7077: Organization of Indian Health Bureaucracy and its Delivery System Downloads
Srinivasan K. and Sharan Raka
7076: Religiosity and Health Downloads
Srinivasan K. and Sharan Raka
Srinivasan K. and Sharan Raka
7071: Social Capital, Well-Being, and Earnings: Theory and Evidence from Poland Downloads
Jakub Growiec and Katarzyna Growiec
7070: Human Capital, Aggregation, and Growth Downloads
Jakub Growiec
7069: A New Class of Production Functions and an Argument Against Purely Labor-Augmenting Technical Change Downloads
Jakub Growiec
7068: On the Commensurability of Directional Distance Functions Downloads
Mykhaylo Salnykov and Valentin Zelenyuk
7066: A Citation-Based Ranking of Strategic Management Journals Downloads
Ofer Azar and David M. Brock
7065: Geographical Information System Redefined for Tourism Downloads
Srinivasan K and V Nath Anand
7064: Level of participation among the audience attended primary education training using group observation method Downloads
Srinivasan K
7063: Assessing the effectiveness of Communication Media in Health Downloads
Srinivasan K
7060: Empirical Evidence On The Correlation Between The Exchange Rate And Romanian Exports Downloads
Valentin Cojanu, Cristian Paun and Radu Lupu
7058: Digital Library of IIITM-K – Experiences of Next Generation resource centre Downloads
K. Srinivasan, B. V. Laxmi, Manjul Sahay, Abhay Singhal and K. R. Srivathsan
7050: Business Cycle Accounting for the Chinese Economy Downloads
Xu Gao
7049: Direct Mechanisms, Menus and Latent Contracts Downloads
Gwenael Piaser
7046: Ancien régime of Japan’s foreign aid policy: Main characteristics of Japan’s aid administration system before its reforms Downloads
Larisa Nikitina and Fumitaka Furuoka
7045: Index Formula of Laspeyres and the Inversion Test Downloads
Peter von der Lippe
7043: Consequências da flexibilidade (The consequences of flexibility) Downloads
Margarida Paulos
7034: Investors’ behaviour in the Chinese Stock Exchanges: Empirical Evidence in a Systemic Approach Downloads
Caterina Lucarelli and Giulio Palomba
7033: Borderplex Economic Growth: Chicken, Egg, or Scrambled? Downloads
Thomas Fullerton, Angel Molina and Santiago Ibarreche
7032: Borderplex Population Modeling Downloads
Thomas Fullerton and Martha Barraza de Anda
7031: Detecting Peaks and Valleys in the Number of Births in Portugal Downloads
António Caleiro
7030: Do Poverty Reduction Strategies Help Achieve The Millennium Development Goals? Downloads
Andrea Eggen and Dirk Bezemer
7029: Understanding Long-Run African Growth: Colonial Institutions or Colonial Education? Evidence from a New Data Set Downloads
Jutta Bolt and Dirk Bezemer
7028: Coordination risk and cost impacts on economic development in poor rural areas Downloads
Andrew Dorward, Jonathan Kydd, Colin Poulton and Dirk Bezemer
7027: World on Fire? Democracy, Globalization and Ethnic Violence Downloads
Dirk Bezemer and Richard Jong-A-Pin
7026: Agriculture, Development and Urban Bias Downloads
Dirk J Bezemer and Derek Headey
7025: The Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence: excellence in spite of mediocrity Downloads
Alessandro Narduzzo and Zan Luca
7024: Friedman’s Methodology: A Puzzle and A Proposal for Generating Useful Debates through Causal Comparisons Downloads
Haider Khan
7022: Modeli financiranja regionalnog razvitka Istočne Hrvatske (Models financing regional development of Eastern Croatia) Downloads
Branko Matić and Hrvoje Serdarušić
7020: The Impact of Return Nonnormality on Exchange Options Downloads
Minqiang Li
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