MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 39591: Fundamentos hipotéticos para proyectos de investigación sobre la crisis económica contemporánea (Hypothetical foundations for research projects on the contemporary economic crisis)

- Sergio Reuben Soto
- 39587: Pass-Through of SBP Policy Rate to Market Interest Rates: An Empirical Investigation

- M. Nadim Hanif and Mahmood ul Hasan Khan
- 39584: Analytical content of properties of uncertainty and certainty of organizational-economic systems: derivatives indicators

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 39583: Intrinsic Inflation Persistence in a Developing Country

- M. Nadim Hanif, Muhammad Jahanzeb Malik and Javed Iqbal
- 39581: Regulation and supervision of microfinance institutions: an example of cooperative credit society

- Mathurin/M Founanou, and Zaka/Z Ratsimalahelo,
- 39579: The Hayek hypothesis and long run competitive equilibrium: an experimental investigation

- Jason Shachat and Zhenxuan Zhang
- 39574: Malinvaud on Wicksell’s legacy to capital theory: some critical remarks

- Saverio Fratini
- 39572: Science and technology parks and cooperation for innovation: Empirical evidence from Spain

- Ángela Rocío Vásquez-Urriago, Andrés Barge-Gil and Aurelia Modrego
- 39571: An Investigation of Household Reproductive Behaviour in Pakistan

- Irfan Mohammad, G. M. Farooq, Zubaida Khan, Rafiq Mohammad, Javed Khan Tariq and Zafar Nasir
- 39570: The Making of a Good Society: Lowe’s Instrumental Method and the Pursuit of Full Employment

- Michael Murray
- 39568: Channels of Monetary Transmission in the CIS

- Rustam Jamilov
- 39566: Fertility Levels, Trends and Differentials in Pakistan: Evidence from the Population, Labour Force and Migration Survey 1979-80

- Iqbal Alam, Irfan Mohammad, Naseem Iqbal Farooqi, Khalid Hameed Sheikh, H. B. Siyal, Tariq Ahmad Syed, Zafar Nasir and Rashida Haq
- 39565: Zeitpunktsignale zum aktiven Portfoliomanagement (Time-Point-Signals for Active Portfolio Management)

- Thomas Czinkota
- 39564: Corporate environmental and economic performances of Japanese manufacturing firms: Empirical study for sustainable development

- Hidemichi Fujii, Kazuyuki Iwata, Shinji Kaneko and Shunsuke Managi
- 39563: Nonlinear time series: semiparametric and nonparametric methods

- Jiti Gao
- 39562: Partially linear models

- Wolfgang Hardle, Hua LIang and Jiti Gao
- 39561: An inquiry into the explanatory virtues of transaction cost economics

- Lukasz Hardt
- 39560: To drive or not to drive? A simple evolutionary model

- Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi and Gerardo Marletto
- 39559: Push and pull forces and migration in Vietnam

- Huy Huynh Truong and Nonneman Walter
- 39557: Assessing the economic value of protecting artificial lakes

- George Halkos
- 39555: Reassessing the Evolution of World Trade, 1870-1949

- Mariko Klasing and Petros Milionis
- 39554: The Role of Mechanical Refrigeration in Spatial and Temporal Price Dynamics for Regional U.S. Egg Markets, 1880–1911

- Lee Craig and Matthew T. Holt
- 39553: Public sector transparency and countries’ environmental performance: A nonparametric analysis

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 39552: The law and finance of venture capital financing in Europe: findings from the RICAFE research project

- Marco Da Rin, Ulrich Hege, Gerard Llobet and Uwe Walz
- 39551: Venture capital performance: the disparity between Europe and the United States

- Ulrich Hege, Frederic Palomino and Armin Schwienbacher
- 39550: The Private Equity Secondaries Market During the Financial Crisis and the “Valuation Gap”

- Ulrich Hege and Alessandro Nuti
- 39549: Asset sales and the role of buyers: strategic buyers versus private equity

- Ulrich Hege, Stefano Lovo, Myron B. Slovin and Marie E. Sushka
- 39546: Combining AHP with GIS in the evaluation of locational characteristics quality for purpose-built offices in Malaysia

- Edie Ezwan Mohd Safian and Abdul Hadi Nawawi
- 39545: The effect of trade liberalization on payroll tax evasion and labor informality

- Lourenco Paz
- 39542: Cost-oriented recommendation model for e-commerce

- Grzegorz Chodak and Grażyna Suchacka
- 39541: Romanian seismic design code: benchmarking analyses with reference to international codes and research needs for future development

- Iolanda-Gabriela Craifaleanu
- 39539: Divisia monetary aggregates for the GCC countries

- Ryadh Alkhareif and William Barnett
- 39534: Overlapping ETF: Pair trading between two gold stocks

- Peter Bell, Brian Lui and Alex Brekke
- 39533: Implications of food production and price shocks for household welfare in Ethiopia: a general equilibrium analysis

- Sherman Robinson, Dirk Willenbockel, Hashim Ahmed and Paul Dorosh
- 39532: Reduction of disaster vulnerability through Indigenous knowledge

- Pervez.A Pathan, A. Razzaq Khan, S Razzaq and Gulam.A Jariko
- 39525: The nature of the S-linear algebra: For an S-propagator

- Francesco Strati
- 39524: New Evidence on Linear Regression and Treatment Effect Heterogeneity

- Tymon Słoczyński
- 39520: Study on workload of public health nurses and other women health workers

- Srinivasan Kannan and Sankara P Sarma
- 39518: Quantity or quality? foreign aid implications on economic growth in least developed countries

- Evelyn Wamboye
- 39516: Can America pay its public debt

- Mohamed Rabie
- 39514: La demanda de dinero en una economía abierta: el caso del Perú 2003-2011 (Money demand in an open economy: the case of Peru 2003-2011)

- Ronald Peña Aldazabal
- 39511: Intergenerational links, taxation, and wealth distribution

- Jing Wan and Shenghao Zhu
- 39510: Effective virtual teams for new product development

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid and Zahari Taha
- 39506: Türkiye Otomotiv Sektöründe Çokuluslu Şirketler Aracılığıyla Ana Sanayiden Yan Sanayiye Yapılan Bilgi ve Teknoloji Transferinin Analizi (Analysis of Knowledge and Technology Transfer by Multinational Companies to Local Suppliers in the Turkish Automotive Industry)

- Alper Sönmez and Mehmet Pamukçu
- 39505: Time varying fractional cointegration

- Kisu Simwaka
- 39504: Testing for partial exogeneity with weak identification

- Firmin Doko Tchatoka
- 39499: A theory of compliance with minimum wage legislation

- Mohamed Jellal
- 39497: Innovation and cooperation with horizontal spillovers

- Massoud Khazabi
- 39496: A new model of trend inflation

- Joshua Chan, Gary Koop and Simon Potter
- 39494: Kullback-Leibler Simplex

- Popon Kangpenkae
- 39483: Küreselleşmeyi “Büyük Dönüşüm” Üzerinden Okumak (Understanding Globalization through "The Great Transformation" of Karl Polanyi)

- Devrim Dumludag
- 39482: La crescita in Italia dopo l’euro: quali riforme? (Growth in Italy after the euro: which reforms?)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 39481: Research collaboration in co-inventor networks: combining closure,bridging and proximities

- Lorenzo Cassi and Anne Plunket
- 39480: Proceedings"Agro-food and rural economy competitiveness in terms of global crisis"

- Drago Cvijanović, Jean Vasile Andrei, Jonel Subić and Raluca Ion
- 39477: Aggregate efficiency and interregional equity: a contradiction?

- Stilianos Alexiadis
- 39473: Applying relevant ethical theories to equality

- Siize Punabantu
- 39470: Economics in the mirror of the financial crisis

- Rodolfo Signorino
- 39467: Finance-Growth-Crisis Nexus in India: Evidence from Cointegration and Causality Assessment

- Takashi Fukuda and Jauhari Dahalan
- 39463: Political power and aid tying practices in the development assistance committee countries

- Jared Pincin
- 39462: The Search for New Drugs: A Theory of R&D in the Pharmaceutical Industry

- Massoud Khazabi and Nguyen Quyen
- 39460: R&D Spillovers, Innovation, and Entry

- Massoud Khazabi and Nguyen Quyen
- 39459: A model of R&D capitalization

- Gamal Atallah and Massoud Khazabi
- 39458: Marx's theory of crisis in the context of financialization. analytical insights on the current crisis

- Nikos Stravelakis
- 39456: Typical and atypical employment contracts: the case of Italy

- Cristina Tealdi
- 39453: Competition and innovation with horizontal R&D spillovers

- Massoud Khazabi and Nguyen Quyen
- 39452: Real-time forecasting in a data-rich environment

- Joëlle Liebermann
- 39450: Financing investment under fundamental uncertainty and instability: A heterodox microeconomic view

- Tae-Hee Jo
- 39446: Participation in pro poor agro based enterprises in Malawi: do households’ poverty levels change automatically?

- Innocent Pangapanga-Phiri and Lucy Tembo Thangalimodzi
- 39444: Propriétés à distance finie d'estimateurs du modèle dynamique en données de panel à effets fixes lorsque N (Finite sample properties of dynamic panel data estimators with fixed effects when N)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 39443: Are fluctuations in electricity consumption per capita transitory? evidence from developed and developing economies

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Aviral Tiwari, Ozturk Ilhan and Farooq Abdul
- 39442: The Evolution of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a Decision Making Tool in Property Sectors

- Edie Ezwan Mohd Safian and Abdul Hadi Nawawi
- 39441: Shadow banking in China

- Jianjun Li and Sara Hsu
- 39440: Asian development bank: can it become an actual development bank?

- Haider Khan
- 39439: Assessing the Impact of Deterrence on Road Safety due to the Demerit Point System

- Vincent Chandler
- 39438: "Natural hedging" of exchange rate risk: The role of imported input prices

- Dario Fauceglia, Anirudh Shingal and Martin Wermelinger
- 39434: Norm for redistribution, social capital, and perceived tax burden: comparison between high- and low-income households

- Eiji Yamamura
- 39433: Rule of law and its implications for the environmental taxation-income path across European Countries

- Concetta Castiglione, Davide Infante and Janna Smirnova
- 39432: The role of relational knowledge in the structuring of health-care networks: a methodological contribution

- Corinne Grenier and Bertrand Pauget
- 39430: Endowment as a blessing

- Sivan Frenkel, Yuval Heller and Roee Teper
- 39429: Three steps ahead

- Yuval Heller
- 39426: Globalization and protection of employment

- Justina A. V. Fischer and Frank Somogyi
- 39423: Effects of health care decentralization in Spain from a citizens’ perspective

- José Ignacio Antón, Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo, Enrique Fernandez-Macias and Jesús Rivera
- 39422: The characteristics of purpose built offices in Malaysia: a review of issues

- Edie Ezwan Mohd Safian, Mariati Bagdad and Abdul Hadi Nawawi
- 39413: The European origins of economic development

- William Easterly and Ross Levine
- 39412: Asymmetric learning from financial information

- Camelia Kuhnen
- 39411: Exploration for human capital: Theory and evidence from the MBA labor market

- Camelia Kuhnen and Paul Oyer
- 39410: Does brain research provide a case for the transfer of public monies to the arts?

- Stefan Mann
- 39409: International Trade, Technology Diffusion, and the Role of Diffusion Barriers

- Yao Li
- 39405: Marketing in smes: the role of entrepreneurial sensemaking

- M Bettiol, Eleonora Di Maria and Vladi Finotto
- 39403: Managerial spans, industry tasks and ICT: evidence from the U.S

- Tatu Westling
- 39401: The fading scope of labour – remarks about the lost rationale of a common term

- Stefan Mann and Henry Wüstemann
- 39400: Les cycles économiques des pays de l'UEMOA: synchrones ou déconnectés? (Business cycles in the WAEMU countries: synchronous or disconnected?)

- Gammadigbe Vigninou
- 39399: A first introduction to S-Transitional Lotteries

- Francesco Strati
- 39398: Rational equity bubbles

- Ge Zhou
- 39389: U.S. tax policy and the overseas activities of U.S. multinational corporations: a quantitative assessment

- Timothy Goodspeed and Daniel Frisch
- 39387: Lessons from Korean development experience

- Haider Khan
- 39385: Some remarks on restricted bargaining sets

- Javier Hervés-Estévez and Emma Moreno-García
- 39384: Institutions éducation et travail des enfants (Institutions education and child labor)

- Mohamed Jellal and Essaid Tarbalouti
- 39383: Revisiting the Feldstein-Horioka Hypothesis of savings, investment and capital mobility: evidence from 27 EU countries

- Masud Alam and Rafiqul Islam Mohammad
- 39381: Human development and capabilities in MENA economies with special emphasis on Egypt

- Haider Khan
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