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99364: Zero Pricing Platform Competition Downloads
Shiva Shekhar
99359: Quantifying the Effect of Corporate Taxes on the Life Cycle of Firms Downloads
Julian Neira and Rish Singhania
99357: Total factor productivity and the measurement of neutral technology Downloads
Alban Moura
99355: Values for level structures with polynomial-time algorithms, relevant coalition functions, and general considerations Downloads
Manfred Besner
99354: Involuntary unemployment with divisible labor supply with a three-periods overlapping generations model under monopolistic competition Downloads
Yasuhito Tanaka
99349: Financial Access, Financial Depth, and Economic Growth in Nigeria Downloads
Adeniyi Adenuga and Babatunde Omotosho
99346: Monetary Models Evaluation of Exchange Rate Determination in the Non-WAEMU Anglophone West Africa and Guinea Downloads
Peter Mogaji
99342: Termes de l'échange, balance commerciale et performances économiques: examen de l'effet Harberger - Laursen - Metzler en République Démocratique du Congo (Terms of trade, trade balance and economic performance: examination of the Harberger -Laursen - Metzler effect in the Democratic Republic of Congo) Downloads
Élie Mupu Mamputu
99340: Организация на снабдяването с финанси в българските ферми (Governing of finance supply in Bulgarian farms) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
99339: Организация на реализацията на продукцията в българските ферми (Governing of output realisation in Bulgarian farms) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
99338: Structures for organisation of transactions in Bulgarian agriculture Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev and Masao Tsuji
99337: Социален диалог и образование – традиции и съвременни потребности на пазара на труда (Social dialogue and education – traditions and contemporary needs on the labour market) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
99334: Review of Architectural Flaws of the EMU: What Eurozone Crisis Lessons for the Proposed ‘Afrozone’? Downloads
Peter Mogaji
99329: Doubly Strong Equilibrium Downloads
Vincenzo Scalzo
99322: Disparities in Regional Productivity, Capital Accumulation, and Efficiency across Indonesia: A Convergence Clubs Approach Downloads
Carlos Mendez-Guerra and Mitsuhiko Kataoka
99317: Spillover of COVID-19: Impact on the Global Economy Downloads
Peterson Ozili and Thankom Arun
99316: Nonlinear Models of Convergence Downloads
Konstantin Gluschenko
99313: N-shaped Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Note on Validation and Falsification Downloads
Avik Sinha, Muhammad Shahbaz and Daniel Balsalobre
99312: Economic Growth and Financial Stability in MENA Countries: Does Exporting Oil Matters? Downloads
Noha Emara, Xiaojun Zhang and Shangchao Liu
99310: An Analysis of the Seasonal Cycle and the Business Cycle Downloads
Noha Emara and Jinpeng Ma
99308: Law of conservation of real wealth and rising inequality Downloads
Pete Yashin
99307: Reconstructing The Past: The New Production-Side Estimates For Italy, 1861–1913 Downloads
Stefano Fenoaltea
99306: Revenues from Financial Capital. A Formal Framework Downloads
Götz Rohwer and Behr*, Andreas
99305: Effects of competition forms and market structure on green innovation incentives Downloads
Hiroki Iwata
99304: Do Vertical Spillovers Differ by Investors' Productivity? Theory and Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Bin Ni and Hayato Kato
99303: Is Environmental Tax Harmonization Desirable in Global Value Chains? Downloads
Haitao Cheng, Hayato Kato and Ayako Obashi
99302: Is Bitcoin Money? An Economic-Historical Analysis of Money, Its Functions and Its Prerequisites Downloads
Thomas Umlauft
99301: The Paradoxical Genesis of Too-Big-To-Fail Downloads
Thomas Umlauft
99299: Social capital in Greece: Measurement and comparative perspectives Downloads
Nikoleta Jones, Chrysovalantis Malesios, Theodoros Iosifides and Costas Sophoulis
99296: The Impact of International Student Mobility in Romania Downloads
Anatolie Coșciug
99295: Le Protectionnisme: analyse économétrique. Le cas de la Communauté économique et Monétaire de l’Afrique centrale (CEMAC) (The Protectionism: econometic analysis. The case of CEMAC) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
99294: Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior in the context of recycling: The role of moral norms and of demographic predictors Downloads
Iosif Botetzagias, Antora-Fani Dima and Chrysovalantis Malesios
99293: Natural Resources Revenue Buoyancy in India: Empirical Evidence From State-specific Mining Regime Downloads
Lekha Chakraborty, Emmanuel Thomas and Piyush Gandhi
99291: Una consideración empírica preliminar del Coronavirus en Colombia (An empiric preliminary consideration of the Coronavirus en Colombia) Downloads
John Riveros Gavilanes
99290: City Shapes' Contribution to Why Donald Trump Won Downloads
Kristof Dascher
99289: Trends in aggregate employment, hours worked per worker, and the long-run labor wedge Downloads
Brendan Epstein, Rahul Mukherjee, Alan Finkelstein Shapiro and Shanthi Ramnath
99286: Behavioral sciences and auto-transformations of functions Downloads
Alexander Harin
99280: Post-Keynesian Economics - Challenging the Neo-Classical Mainstream Downloads
Arne Heise
99279: The Welfare State and Liberal Democracy - A Political Economy Approach Downloads
Arne Heise and Ayesha Serfraz Khan
99277: Environmental Implications of Increased US Oil Production and Liberal Growth Agenda in Post -Paris Agreement Era Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Akassi Kablan, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Muhammad Ali Nasir and Andreas Kontoleon
99276: The Gender Pay Gap: Micro Sources and Macro Consequences Downloads
Iacopo Morchio and Christian Moser
99274: Закон сохранения реального богатства и рост неравенства (Law of conservation of real wealth and rising inequality) Downloads
Pete Yashin
99268: Labor Productivity, Capital Accumulation, and Aggregate Efficiency Across Countries: New Evidence for an Old Debate Downloads
Carlos Mendez-Guerra
99267: Breaking the UIP: A Model-Equivalence Result Downloads
Yossi Yakhin
99266: Empowering the power sector through UDAY: A study of Haryana Downloads
Kamaljit Singh and Simmi Vashishtha
99263: Правен режим на почивките и отпуските (Legal regime of the breaks and leaves) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
99261: Complexity of Electricity Markets and their Regulation: Insights from the Turkish Experience Downloads
Fuat Oguz
99258: On the Impact of Financial Inclusion on Financial Stability and Inequality: The Role of Macroprudential Policies Downloads
Noha Emara, Ayah El Said and Joseph Pearlman
99257: Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth: The Role of Governance in Selected MENA Countries Downloads
Noha Emara and Ayah El Said
99256: The Non-Linear Relationship between Financial Access and Domestic Savings Downloads
Noha Emara and Hicran Kasa
99255: Financial Inclusion and Extreme Poverty in the MENA Region: A Gap Analysis Approach Downloads
Noha Emara and Mahmoud Moheildin
99254: Sovereign Ratings, Foreign Direct Investment and Contagion in Emerging Markets: Does Being a BRICS Country Matter? Downloads
Noha Emara and Ayah El Said
99253: Structure, content and elements of the accounting policies of hotels in Bulgaria Downloads
Daniela Georgieva
99247: Transportation Improvement and Hollowing-out of Urban Commercial Center: Do They Harm Consumer Welfare? Downloads
Akio Kishi and Tatsuhito Kono
99244: Travel Cost Method Considering Trip-day Counts as Integers Downloads
Tatsuhito Kono and Jun Yoshida
99243: Uniform Inference after Pretesting for Exogeneity Downloads
Firmin Doko Tchatoka and Wenjie Wang
99242: Fiscal Discipline, Financial Development & Economic Growth in Nigeria Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
99240: Factors Affecting Employee Turnover at Architecture Engineering Construction Operations and Management (AECOM) Afghanistan Downloads
Abdul-Hakim Karimi and Abdul-Tawab Rahimi
99239: Social Infrastructure Finance and Institutional Investors. A Global Perspective Downloads
Georg Inderst
99227: From the Aura of Sun to the Devil’s Door: A Brief History of Corona Downloads
Atanu Sengupta and Anirban Hazra
99221: A revised application of 3Ts´ Florida in peri-urban areas Downloads
Valentina Cattivelli and Agnieszka Stawinoga
99216: Convergence des politiques fiscales de la CEMAC: une application des tests de la racine unitaire en données de panel (Fiscal policies Convergence in CEMAC: an application of panel data unit root tests) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
99215: Whistleblowing Behavior in Organizations Downloads
María José Quinteros, Marcelo Villena and Mauricio Villena
99213: Tests for Fiscal Dominance in the Anglophone West Africa and Guinea: A Quantile Regression Approach Downloads
Peter Mogaji
99212: Blockchain Technology and the Financial Market: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Olaniyi Evans
99210: The Paradox of Thrift in the Two-Sector Kaleckian Growth Model Downloads
Lucrezia Fanti and Luca Zamparelli
99208: Multi-Dimensional Development – An Application of Fuzzy Set Theory to the Indian States Downloads
Rjumohan A.
99207: Fiscal policy with high debt and low interest rates Downloads
William Gale
99197: Raising Revenue with a Progressive Value-Added Tax Downloads
William Gale
99196: How Will Retirement Saving Change by 2050? Prospects for the Millennial Generation Downloads
William Gale, Hilary Gelfond and Jason Fichtner
99195: Universal basic income and skill-biased technological change Downloads
José Coelho
99194: Tourism marketing and distribution through social media: Assessing business economic performance Downloads
Simone Gartner, Alexander Nicholson and Evangelos Christou
99185: Linear and Nonlinear Growth Determinants: The Case of Mongolia and its Connection to China Downloads
Amanda M.Y. Chu, Zhihui Lv, Niklas Wagner and Wing-Keung Wong
99184: Choosing Your Ethnicity: A Longitudinal Analysis of Ethnic Identity Choice and Intra-Individual Ethnicity Change Downloads
Robbert Rademakers and André van Hoorn
99182: Петр Кропоткин, философия сотрудничества и цифровая революция (Peter Kropotkin, Philosophy of Collaboration and the Digital Revolution) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
99181: Attitude and Performance in Mathematics Downloads
Conrado Panerio
99180: Peningkatan Keuangan Inklusif di Indonesia melalui Fintech Syariah (Increasing Financial Inclusion Through Syaria Fintech) Downloads
Tri Ngasuko
99177: Актуални правни аспекти на трудовите договори и свързани с тях правни институти (Topical legal aspects of employment contracts and legal institutions associated with them) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva, Galina Yolova and Radoslav Rachev
99176: The effect of ethical responsibility on performance Downloads
Caroline Stein and Anna Untertrifaller
99173: Financial inclusion in Nigeria: determinants, challenges and achievements Downloads
Peterson Ozili
99172: Why is productivity slowing down? Downloads
Ian Goldin, Pantelis Koutroumpis, François Lafond and Julian Winkler
99171: Is the most unproductive firm the foundation of the most efficient economy? Penrosian learning confronts the Neoclassical fallacy Downloads
Lazonick William
99167: Long term impact of parents’ smoking on their children’s health: Childhood circumstances and adult outcomes Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
99166: Agrarian reform and democracy: Lessons from the Philippine experience Downloads
Leonardo Lanzona
99165: Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models Using Normal-Independent Distributions: Formulation and Applications Downloads
Isaac Adeola Adeniyi
99164: Social Responsibility: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Downloads
Ronny Suarez
99161: Drivers of eco-innovation and economic development in the Spanish hospitality industry Downloads
Marios Sotiriadis, Marta Magadán-Díaz and Jesús Rivas-García
99160: Forecasting Income Inequality with Demographic Projections Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong and Yiu Tung Ka
99159: Factors influencing the intention to use cryptocurrency payments: An examination of blockchain economy Downloads
Nuryyev Guych, Spyridou Anastasia, Yeh Simon and Achyldurdyyeva Jennet
99158: Law of nature or invisible hand: when the satisficing purchase becomes optimal Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
99156: Entrepreneurship, Capacity Development and Youth Employment Generation: A Study of Selected Sub-Saharan Africa Countries Downloads
Feyisayo Oyolola and Adewumi Otonne
99155: Natural Gas Industry Restructuring for Value Optimisation: A Case Study of Ghana Downloads
Shafic Suleman
99154: Optimal Reduction of Cartel Fines induced by the Settlement Procedure Downloads
Panagiotis Fotis and Markos Tselekounis
99153: Blessing or curse? Government funding of deposit insurance and corporate lending Downloads
Manthos Delis, Maria Iosifidi and Panagiotis Papadopoulos
99152: Foreign Ownership of Insurance Companies: Indonesian Case 2012-2015 Downloads
Tri Ngasuko
99151: Level Keuangan Inklusif Indonesia 2015: Studi Kasus Data Susenas 2015 (2015 Indonesia Financial Inclusion Level: Case Study On 2015 Susenas Data) Downloads
Tri Ngasuko
99150: Estimating Local Government Efficiency using a Panel Data Parametric Approach: The Case of Chilean Municipalities Downloads
Francisca Pacheco, Rafael Sanchez and Mauricio Villena
99149: Gender Wage Gap and Firm Market Power in Chile Downloads
Rafael Sanchez, Javier Finot and Mauricio Villena
99148: How Do Business Schools compete in Latin America?Stability and Best Predictors of Success for the AmericaEconomia MBA Ranking Downloads
María José Quinteros, Rafael Sanchez and Mauricio Villena
99147: Gender Wage Gap and FirmsíDynamic Monopsony: Voluntary versus Involuntary Separations Downloads
Rafael Sanchez, Javier Finot and Mauricio Villena
Page updated 2025-03-25
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