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61027: Problems of utility and prospect theories. A discontinuity of Prelec’s function Downloads
Alexander Harin
61026: Problems of utility and prospect theories. Certainty effect near certainty Downloads
Alexander Harin
61023: Peculiar Results and Theoretical Inconsistency of New Keynesian Models Downloads
Minseong Kim
61022: Distressed Sales and the FHFA House Price Index Downloads
William Doerner and Andrew Leventis
61019: The Role of Representative Agents in the Property Tax Appeals Process Downloads
William Doerner and Keith Ihlanfeldt
61017: Asymmetric shocks, persistence in volatility and spillover effects between non ferrous metals on the LME spot market Downloads
Eric Martial Etoundi Atenga
61016: Lo sviluppo dei mercati esteri (Foreign market development) Downloads
Fabio Musso
61015: On the dynamics of the primary housing market and the forecasting of house prices Downloads
Hanna Augustyniak, Robert Leszczyński, Jacek Łaszek, Krzysztof Olszewski and Joanna Waszczuk
61013: The impact of the Bosman ruling on the market for native soccer players Downloads
Miriam Marcén
61010: A Kink that Makes You Sick: the Effect of Sick Pay on Absence in a Social Insurance System Downloads
Petri Böckerman, Ohto Kanninen and Ilpo Suoniemi
61007: Нови факти за живота на професор Симеон Демостенов (1886–1966) (New facts on the life of Professor Simeon Demostenov (1886-1966)) Downloads
Nikolay Nenovsky
61004: Напрями узгодження стандартів фінансової звітності банків із сучасними концепціями управління кредитним ризиком (Directions of coordination of financial accounting standards with principles for credit risk management in banks) Downloads
Ihor Voloshyn
61003: Law and structure of the capital markets Downloads
Xian Gu and Oskar Kowalewski
60999: The Tourism Industry in Italy during the Great Recession (2008-12): What Data Show and Suggest Downloads
Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia
60997: The Timing and Probability of Switching to Second-line Regimen - An application to Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy in India Downloads
Felipa De Mello-Sampayo
60996: Sensitivity analysis of scenario models for operational risk Advanced Measurement Approach Downloads
Dinesh Chaudhary
60988: Economics of Sex in Advertising: Are Men More Receptive to the Provocation? Downloads
Eze Osuagwu
60987: Affirmative Action: Has the Election of Barack Obama Changed the Discussion? Downloads
Eze Osuagwu
60985: Are Prices Sticky in Large Developing Economies? An Empirical Comparison of China and India Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Tingting Zhu and M.S. Rafiq
60984: Антикризисное управление банком: моделирование привлечения денежных средств для поддержания его ликвидности (Antirecessional bank management. The modelling of the borrowing money amount for supporting of its liquidity) Downloads
Alexander Lubich, Ihor Voloshyn and Viktor Tkachuk
60982: Методологічні проблеми фінансового управління в банківському секторі України: уроки кризи (Methodological problems of financial management in Ukraine's banking sector: lessons of the crisis) Downloads
Ihor Voloshyn and Oleksandr Lubich
60981: Land savings account to stop farmers' suicides in India Downloads
Vijaya Varma
60973: Human capital and the probability of divorce Downloads
Ori Zax
60971: Environmental implications of crop insurance subsidies in Southern Italy Downloads
Fabian Capitanio, Felice Adinolfi and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
60970: Новая теория рынка и капитализма. В 3-х частях. Часть 3. Капитализм (A New Theory of Market and Capitalism. In three parts. Part 3. Capitalism) Downloads
Anatoliy Zheleznyak
60969: Новая теория рынка и капитализма. В 3-х частях. Часть 2. Стоимость (A New Theory of Market and Capitalism. In three parts. Part 2. Value) Downloads
Anatoliy Zheleznyak
60967: Новая теория рынка и капитализма. В 3-х частях. Часть 1. Рынок (A New Theory of Market and Capitalism. In three parts. Part 1. Market) Downloads
Anatoliy Zheleznyak
60964: Новая теория рынка и капитализма. В 3-х частях. Предисловие (A New Theory of Market and Capitalism. In three parts. Preface) Downloads
Anatoliy Zheleznyak
60963: Egy importliberalizálási javaslat és környezete (A proposal on import liberalization and its environment) Downloads
János Gács
60961: A Perceptual Measure of Innovation Performance: Micro Level Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Derya Fındık and Berna Beyhan
60960: Estimation and inference of FAVAR models Downloads
Jushan Bai, Kunpeng Li and Lina Lu
60959: La relación entre los ciclos discretos en la inflación y el crecimiento: Perú 1993-2012 (The relationship between inflation's and growth's discrete cycles: Peru 1993-2012) Downloads
Carlos Barrera-Chaupis
60958: Virtual Integration of Financial Markets: A Dynamic Correlation Analysis of the Creation of the Latin American Integrated Market Downloads
Cristhian Mellado and Diego Escobari
60954: The Verdoorn Law: Some Evidence from Non-parametric Frontier Analysis Downloads
Sergio Destefanis
60948: Determinants of Bank Profitability in Nigeria Downloads
Eze Osuagwu
60947: The Antecedents and Effects of Corruption - A Reassessment of Current (Empirical) Findings Downloads
Eugen Dimant
60946: Hysteresis in European labour market Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka
60945: Nowcasting Tourist Arrivals to Prague: Google Econometrics Downloads
Ayaz Zeynalov
60944: Voting in general elections on single day and in single phase Downloads
Vijaya Varma
60943: The Gravity of Institutions in Resource-Rich Country Downloads
Ayaz Zeynalov
60940: Анализ экономической целесообразности открытия франшизы Subway в Крыму (Analysis of economic feasibility of opening a franchise Subway in Crimea) Downloads
Nataly Tsoy
60936: A Quick and Dirty Estimate of Measurement Error in Household Survey Consumption Expenditures: Application to Indonesian Data Downloads
Lant Pritchett, Sudarno Sumarto and Asep Suryahadi
60931: Social Impacts of the Indonesian Crisis: New Data and Policy Implications Downloads
Jessica Poppele, Sudarno Sumarto and Lant Pritchett
60921: Analogy Making and the Structure of Implied Volatility Skew Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
60920: An unobvious dynamics of rolled over time banking deposits under a shift in depositors’ preferences: whether a decrease of weighted average maturity of deposits is indeed an early warning liquidity indicator? Downloads
Ihor Voloshyn
60919: Impact Evaluation of Development Programmes and Policies: Experiences from Viet Nam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
60918: Logistics Performance Measurements - Issues and Reviews Downloads
Mohd Azlan Abu Bakar, Harlina Suzana Jaafar, Nasruddin Faisol and Azlina Muhammad
60915: Puzzles of public opinion: Why Soviet population supports the transition to capitalism since the 1980S Downloads
Vladimir Popov
60911: Nominal Term Structure and Term Premia. Evidence from Chile Downloads
Luis Ceballos, Alberto Naudon and Damian Romero
60908: Corruption entre l'étude microéconomique et l'approche macroéconomique: Problèmatique de la corruption (Corruption between microeconomic study and Macroeconomic approach: Problem of corruption) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
60907: Формирование системы дропшиппинга в России (Formation of dropshipping system in Russia) Downloads
Sevil Gadzhieva
60904: Revealing the Components of the Intangible Wealth for Morocco Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi, Amale Achehboune and Alae Gamar
60902: Акции с наибольшей доходностью (Stocks with highest yield) Downloads
Regina Sinchugova
60895: 公平与效率对养老改革的双重约束——延迟退休?还是并轨? (Fairness and Efficiency were the Double Constraints of Pension Reform——Delay Retirement ? or Incorporation ?) Downloads
Tieding Zou and Hang Ye
60893: A fokozatos importliberalizálás megvalósításának feltételei, lehetősége és várható következményei a magyar gazdaságban (Gradual liberalization of imports in the Hungarian economy: preconditions, possibilities and expected results) Downloads
János Gács
60891: Search Deterrence Downloads
Mark Armstrong and Jidong Zhou
60875: Women and happiness Downloads
Nicola Matteucci and Sabrina Vieira Lima
60874: Contrôle de la Corruption, Croissance Économique et Capital Humain: Analyse Comparative MENA-OCDE (Control of corruption, economic growth and human capital: MENA-OECD benchmarking) Downloads
Abderraouf Mtiraoui
60872: Public-private wage differentials in Turkey: public policy or market dynamics? Downloads
Ayça Akarçay and Sezgin Polat
60871: Инвестирование в кирпичный завод в городе Калачинске Омской области (Investing in a brick factory in the Kalachinsk Omsk region) Downloads
Alice Balyakno
60869: Инвестирование в деревоперерабатывающее предприятие в Калининградской области (Investing in wood processing enterprises in the Kaliningrad region) Downloads
Konstantin Starovoytov
60866: Перспективы и проблемы развития "зеленых" инвестиций в России (Perspectives and problems of development of "green" investment in Russia) Downloads
Natalia Yakovleva
60864: Инвестиции в развитие российского смартфона YotaPhone (Investing in the development of the Russian smartphone YotaPhone) Downloads
Anton Alexeev
60861: Local Taxation, Private-Public Consumption Complementarity, and the Optimal Number of Jurisdictions Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
60859: On the Religion-Public Policy Correlation Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
60858: Bureaucracy, Underground Activities, and Fluctuations Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
60857: On the Relative Size of Direct and Indirect Taxation Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
60855: Monetary Policy Experience of Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Nadim Hanif
60849: Франчайзинг как развивающийся вид бизнеса (Franchising as an emerging type of business) Downloads
Anastasia Razumova
60847: Farmland and peri-urban livelihoods in Hanoi, Vietnam: evidence from household survey data Downloads
Tuyen Tran
60840: The Underground Economy in the U.S.A: Preliminary New Evidence on the Impact of Income Tax Rates (and Other Factors)on Aggregate Tax Evasion, 1975-2008 Downloads
Richard Cebula
60839: The Stochastic Approach to Index Numbers: Needless and Useless Downloads
Peter von der Lippe
60838: Криптовалюта в экономике Российской Федерации: положительные и отрицательные стороны (Cryptocurrency as part of Russian Federation economy: pros and cons) Downloads
Pavel Urlapov
60836: What determines household income of ethnic minorities in North-West Mountains, Vietnam: A microeconometric analysis of household surveys Downloads
Tuyen Tran
60832: On the Sustainability of Product Market Collusion under Credit Market Imperfection Downloads
Sugata Marjit, Arijit Mukherjee and Lei Yang
60831: Virtual Trade and Growth Downloads
Sugata Marjit
60830: A Ricardian Theory of Production, Trade and Finance - The Role of Credit Market Imperfection Downloads
Hamid Beladi, Avik Chakrabarti and Sugata Marjit
60825: A New Recognition Algorithm for “Head-and-Shoulders” Price Patterns Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong and Ka-Ho Poon
60824: From Fixed to Float: A Competing Risks Analysis Downloads
Terence Tai Leung Chong, Qing He and Wing Chan
60823: Toward ASEAN Economic Community: Revitalising Indonesia’s Position in Financial and Customs Cooperation Downloads
Wempi Saputra and Ari Cahyo Trilaksana
60820: Land.Value.Money Downloads
Stephen Ternyik
60818: Проблемы и перспективы cекьюритизации активов на российском рынке (Problems and prospects of asset securitization in the Russian market) Downloads
Polina Velikodnaya
60814: Инвестиции в недвижимость в городе Омске (Investing in real estate in the city of Omsk) Downloads
Polina Velikodnaya
60811: Привлечение клиентов при помощи контекстной рекламы (Attracting customers by using contextual advertising) Downloads
Nikita Kornienko
60809: Особенности инвестирования в человеческий капитал (Features of investment in human capital) Downloads
Alexey Belenkov
60808: Kanał YouTube jako przykład wykorzystania mediów społecznościowych w procesie transferu wiedzy do biznesu turystycznego (YouTube channel as an example of the use of social media in the proces of knowledge transfer to tourism business) Downloads
Sebastian Kopera, Marta Najda-Janoszka and Ewa Wszendybył-Skulska
60807: Abating CO2 emissions in the Greek energy and industry sectors Downloads
George Halkos, Nickolaos Tzeremes and Stavros Kourtzidis
60805: Studiu privind percepția managerilor asupra necesarului de training (Study on the perception of managers on training needs) Downloads
Eugen Stefan
60801: The Economic Interpenetration Between the EC and Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary Downloads
János Gács
60799: Small Scale Privatization in Eastern Europe and Russia from a Historical and Comparative Perspective Downloads
János Gács, Il'dar Karimov and Christoph Schneider
60797: Valorile întreprinzătorilor și potențialilor antreprenori din mediul rural (Values entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in rural areas) Downloads
Eugen Stefan
60796: A quarter of a century: mobility and stagnation in India’s rural labour market Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder
60795: A simple new test for slope homogeneity in panel data models with interactive effects Downloads
Tomohiro Ando and Jushan Bai
60794: The Role of Employee Retention and Employee Productivity on the Performance of Oil & Gas Sector of Pakistan Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Hassan Raza and Irfan Ullah Munir
60793: Impact of Dividend Policy, Earning per Share, Return on Equity, Profit after Tax on Stock Prices Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Muhammad Shahzad Ijaz, Muhammad Chani, Sabih ul Hassan and Umer Mustafa
60792: Impact of Micro Economic Variables on Firms Performance Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Muhammad Chani, Sehrish Javed, Sana Naeem and Muhammad Shahzad Ijaz
60791: The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Prices in Pakistan Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Muhammad Chani, Muhammad Shahzad Ijaz, Muhammad Farooq and Kamran Khan
60790: Financial performance of banks in Pakistan after Merger and Acquisition Downloads
Qamar Abbas, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Rauf I Azam, Muhammad Shahzad Ijaz and Maliha Zahid
60788: CRM Implementation: A Descriptive Study of the Service Industry in Pakistan Downloads
Sana Akbar Khan, Salman Ali Qureshi and Ahmed Imran Hunjra
60787: Assessing the Financial Failure Using Z-Score and Current Ratio: A Case of Sugar Sector Listed Companies of Karachi Stock Exchange Downloads
Muhammad Shahzad Ijaz, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Zahid Hameed, Adnan Maqbool and Rauf i Azam
Page updated 2025-03-25
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