MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 113960: Discount opportunities in hub-and-spoke networks: The determinants of hidden-city ticketing

- Alexander Luttmann and Alberto Gaggero
- 113959: Déterminants et efficacité des exportations camerounaises des produits agricoles: Une application du modèle de gravité à la frontière stochastique (Determinants and potential of Cameroon’s agricultural product exports: An application of the stochastic frontier gravity model)

- Bruno Legrand Djontu
- 113957: Export-Led Takeoff in a Schumpeterian Economy

- Angus Chu, Pietro Peretto and Rongxin Xu
- 113955: State Finances in India - Analysis of Budget 2022-23 of Major States

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee
- 113953: Measuring Port Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

- Geoffrey Poitras, Jose Tongzen and Hongyu Li
- 113952: Classical Ergodicity and Modern Portfolio Theory

- Geoffrey Poitras and John Heaney
- 113951: The Impact of Digitalization and Patent on Economic Growth in Romania

- Sayef Bakari
- 113948: The Effect of Banking Risk on Indonesia’s Regional Development Banks

- Herman Karamoy and Joy Tulung
- 113930: Декомпозиција промена у концентрацији у сектору осигурања у Србији 2011–2020: утицај промена у структури тржишта и броју друштава за осигурање (Decomposition of Concentration Changes in Insurance Sector in Serbia 2011–2020: Impact of Changes in Market Structure and Number of Firms)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 113929: Estimation Bayésienne d’un modèle DSGE des effets de la politique budgétaire sur l’économie camerounaise (Bayesian estimation of a DSGE model of the effects of fiscal policy on the Cameroonian economy)

- Louis Henri Ngah Ntiga
- 113928: Politique budgétaire et production du secteur industriel au Cameroun (Fiscal policy and production of the industrial sector in Cameroon)

- Louis Henri Ngah Ntiga, Belmondo Tanankem and Olivier Nguemjom Bouya
- 113924: The organic food price premium and its susceptibility to news media coverage: Evidence from the U.S. milk industry

- Philip Gayle, Jin Wang and Shengnan Fang
- 113923: Patent term extensions and commercialization lags in the pharmaceutical industry: A growth-theoretic analysis

- Mei-Ying Hu, You-Xun Lu and Ching-chong Lai
- 113920: Phillips Curve in Self-management Socialism of Yugoslavia

- Florin Aliu, Isa Mulaj and Ruzhdi Matoshi
- 113919: When the Left gets it Right: landslide victories in the U.S. presidential and Kosovo parliamentary elections

- Isa Mulaj and Ruzhdi Matoshi
- 113918: Pakistan: Economy Under Elites— Tax Amnesty Scheme, 2019

- Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmed, Ikram Ali Malik and Nasreen Nawaz
- 113917: An empirical study on the dynamic effects of fiscal shock on the economy of Papua New Guinea

- Eli Direye
- 113915: Extensive and Improved Traditional Poultry Farming in Togo: A Comparative Analysis of Socioeconomic Characteristics of Farmers

- Mawussi Kossivi Soviadan, Anselm Anibueze Enete, Chukwuemeka Uzoma Okoye and Kossivi Fabrice Dossa
- 113905: Sandwiched women: Health behavior, health, and life satisfaction

- Marina Kartseva and Anatoly Peresetsky
- 113904: Disposition Effect and its outcome on endogenous price fluctuations

- Alessia Cafferata and Fabio Tramontana
- 113900: Our Future World: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades

- Claire Naughtin, Stefan Hajkowicz, Emma Schleiger, Alexandra Bratanova, Alicia Cameron, T Zamin and Ayush Dutta
- 113899: Sustained Economic Growth and Physical Capital Taxation in a Creative Region

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 113898: Optimum placement of capacitor in radial distribution system using PSO algorithm

- Iman Ahmadi, Ahoora Farazmanesh and Saber Yazdi
- 113897: Exchange arrangements and economic growth. What relationship is there?

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 113894: Verso un’economia della conoscenza. L’istruzione può diminuire le diseguaglianze e aumentare il benessere sociale? (Towards a "knowledge economy". Can education reduce inequalities and increase social welfare?)

- Lara Gitto and Francesco Moraci
- 113890: Testing for state dependence in the fixed-effects ordered logit model

- Francesco Bartolucci, Claudia Pigini and Francesco Valentini
- 113888: A Cointegration-based cartel screen for detecting collusion

- Berkay Kurdoglu and Mustafa Yücel
- 113885: Effects of Short-time Work Schemes on firm survival during the Covid-19 crisis: insights from new Spanish data

- Javier Garcia-Clemente and Emilio Congregado
- 113880: Choice That’s Rational

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 113879: Public child care and fertility in Germany

- Benjamin Fuchs and Caroline Porada
- 113878: Horizontal agreements about the use of a natural resource

- Geert Van Moer
- 113877: Time to consider the timing of conservation measures: designing cost-effective agri-environment schemes under climate change

- Charlotte Gerling, Martin Drechsler, Klaus Keuler, Astrid Sturm and Frank Wätzold
- 113875: Cross-border flights to safe assets in bond markets: evidence from emerging market economies

- Jakub Janus
- 113873: The macroeconomic effects of Basel III regulations with endogenous credit and money creation

- Boyao Li
- 113869: One-factor model of liquidity risk

- Maksim Osadchiy
- 113862: Daily Commuting

- Marcus Berliant
- 113860: Predicting international tourist arrivals in Greece with a novel sector-specific business leading indicator

- Dimitris Anastasiou, Konstantinos Drakos and Panayotis Kapopoulos
- 113855: Induced innovation, the distributive cycle, and the changing pattern of labour productivity cyclicality: a SVAR analysis for the US economy

- Marco Stamegna
- 113854: Etude empirique de l’impact des formes traditionnelles de protectionnisme: cas de l’économie camerounaise (Empirical study of Old form of protection: case of cameroonian economy)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 113852: Harrodian Instability: A Marxian Perspective

- Nikolaos Chatzarakis and Persefoni Tsaliki
- 113851: Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact income distribution?

- Caterina Astarita and Cinzia Alcidi
- 113850: The Impact of Health on Wealth: Empirical Evidence

- Umesh Ghimire
- 113848: Forecasting using Fuzzy Time Series

- Fatih Chellai
- 113847: الممارسات غير الاخلاقية في الصناعة التقليدية وطرق مواجهتها نحو ميثاق للأخلاقيات المهنية (Unethical practices in handicrafts: how to deal with them. Towards a code of professional ethics)

- Benzarour Choukri
- 113845: Data Envelopment Analysis To Measure Technical Efficiency In The Algerian Companies

- Kamel Bouadam and Faycal Chiad
- 113843: Blockchain 2030: A Look at the Future of Blockchain in Australia

- Alexandra Bratanova, D Devaraj, Joanna Horton, Claire Naughtin, Ben Kloester, Kelly Trinh, Ingo Weber and David Dawson
- 113838: Inflation-based fiscal consolidation: a DSGE approach

- Francesco Busato, Marina Albanese and Monica Varlese
- 113831: Impact of PRIME interventions on Monga mitigation in greater Rangpur region in Bangladesh- Institute of Microfinance

- Khalily Baqui, Latif Muhammad Abdul, Hasan Mohammad Monirul, Khaleque Md. Abdul, Tamanna Badrun Nessa Ahmed, Hashmi Rubayyat, Sarwar Mohammad Nasir Uddin and Khan Md Tareq Ferdous
- 113828: Electricity consumption and population growth in South Africa: A panel approach

- Nyiko Worship Hlongwane and Olebogeng David Daw
- 113821: The future of peer-to-peer trading of distributed renewable energy

- Wen Wu W, George Quezada, Emma Schleiger, Alexandra Bratanova, Paul Graham and B Spak
- 113820: Surfing the Digital Tsunami: Scenarios Report. Preliminary scenarios exploring the decade ahead for Australian business and the economy

- George Quezada, M Adcock, Alexandra Bratanova, R Ponce Reyes and Stefan Hajkowicz
- 113817: Work from Home Arrangements and Organizational Performance in Italian SMEs: Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic

- Laura Abrardi, Elena Grinza, Alessandro Manello and Flavio Porta
- 113816: The Impact of Digitalization and Trade Openness on Economic Growth: New Evidence from Richest Asian Countries

- Sayef Bakari, Malek El Weriemmi and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 113812: Public debt heterogeneity at country level: an empirical analysis

- Francesco Busato, Monica Varlese and Claudia Ulloa Severino
- 113811: Podoby regionálneho a miestneho rozvoja (Patterns of Regional and Local Development)

- Oto Hudec, Nataša Urbančíková, Peter Džupka, Miriam Šebová, Daniel Klimovský, Ladislav Suhányi and Tomas Zelinsky
- 113808: China’s global value chain linkage and logistics performances in emerging ASEAN economies

- Hiroyuki Taguchi and Jun Zhao
- 113807: Еще раз о том, куда идти: к стратегии развития в условиях изоляции от Запада (Once again about where to go: Toward a development strategy in isolation from the West)

- Victor Polterovich
- 113805: Wage inequality and induced innovation in a classical-Marxian growth model

- Marco Stamegna
- 113800: Éthique des machines et identités africaines: Perspectives de l'intelligence artificielle en Afrique (Machine ethics and African identities: Perspectives of artificial intelligence in Africa)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 113799: Machine ethics and African identities: Perspectives of artificial intelligence in Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 113798: Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices among Kentucky Farmers and Their Perception about Farm Sustainability

- Bijesh Mishra
- 113797: Macroeconomic Determinants of Stock Market Development: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis

- Faycal Chiad and Hamoudi Hadj Sahraoui
- 113794: A Kaleckian growth model of secular stagnation with induced innovation

- Marco Stamegna
- 113793: The Influence of Environmental Commitment and Innovation on Export Intensity: Firm-Level Evidence from Tunisia

- Hanen Sdiri
- 113792: Impact of formal and informal institutional constraints on innovation: firm-level evidence from Tunisia

- Hanen Sdiri
- 113791: Valuation of European firms during the Russia-Ukraine war

- Alexandros Bougias, Athanasios Episcopos and George Leledakis
- 113790: Относно промяната на местната подсъдност при съдебното оспорване на експертните решения на Националната експертна лекарска комисия (Regarding the change of local jurisdiction in the judicial challenge of the expert decisions of the National expert medical commission)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113789: Digital financial inclusion

- Peterson Ozili
- 113788: Inclusive Welfare: On The Role of Islamic Public-Social Finance and Monetary Economics

- Solikin Juhro, Ferry Syarifuddin and Ali Sakti
- 113787: The problem of combined optimal load flow control of main conveyor line

- Oleh Pihnastyi, Valery Khodusov and Anna Kotova
- 113786: Hot Spots, Patrolling Intensity, and Robberies: Lessons from a three-year program in Uruguay

- José María Cabrera, Alejandro Cid and Federico Veneri
- 113784: On the Stabilizing Role of Cash for Societies

- Franz Seitz and Gerhard Rösl
- 113783: Estimation de l’IPC par les modèles non paramétriques: cas de l’Algérie (CPI estimation by non parametric models: case of Algeria)

- Tahar Bourioune and Faycal Chiad
- 113775: Caste and Education: A Brief Review of Literature

- Naveen Hari
- 113774: Application de la Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique à la Répartition des Ressources Budgétaires dans la Ville-Province de Kinshasa (Application of Hierarchical Ascendant Clustering to the Distribution of Budgetary Ressources in the City-Province of Kinshasa)

- Denis-Robert Mputu Losala Lomo
- 113768: Digitale Transformation: Technische Innovation braucht mehr als gute Technik! (Digital transformation: Technical innovation needs more than good technology!)

- Stefan Heng
- 113766: Can Not Wanting to Wear a Mask be Rational?

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 113762: Оценивание влияния внешних шоков на российскую экономику с помощью модели GVAR (Estimating the impact of external shocks on Russian economy: GVAR approach)

- Andrey Zubarev and Maria Kirillova
- 113758: City and Regional Demand for Vaccines Whose Supply Arises from Competition in a Bertrand Duopoly

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 113754: Правна уредба и характеристика на осигурителните посредници в държавното обществено осигуряване (Legal regulation and characteristics of social security intermediaries in the state social security)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113752: Относно формата и наименованието на искането за ползване на отпуск (Regarding the form and name of the request for the use of leave)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113751: Systemic Sudden Stops in Emerging Economies: A Recent Perspective

- Mohsin Waheed Tunio
- 113749: Държавен орган ли е Съветът за електронни медии? (Is the Council for electronic media a government body?)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113746: A Rationale for the “Meeting Competition Defense” when Competitive Pressure Varies Across Markets

- Iñaki Aguirre and Arda Yenipazarli
- 113745: Note de conjoncture de Madagascar pour le troisième trimestre 2021 (Madagascar's economic update quarter 3 2021)

- Ravahiny Josué Andrianady
- 113744: Crypto Coins and Credit Risk: Modelling and Forecasting their Probability of Death

- Dean Fantazzini
- 113740: Chilling Effects from Anti-SLAPP Laws

- Brandon Schaufele
- 113739: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Social Welfare and the Health System Capacity of East African Economies: A Comparative Analysis

- Cyprian Amutabi
- 113736: Influencia de la Renta de Recursos Naturales y la Inversión Extranjera en la Degradación Ambiental de Ecuador (Influence of the Rent of Natural Resources and Foreign Investment in the Environmental Degradation of Ecuador)

- Bryan Flores and Rafael Alvarado
- 113732: A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on Covid-19 Mortality - II

- Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung and Steve Hanke
- 113729: Innovazione, crescita ed economia basata sulla conoscenza (Innovation, growth and knowledge-based economy)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 113723: Patterns of protection, infection, and detection: Country-level effectiveness of COVID 19 vaccination in reducing mortality worldwide

- Cosima Rughinis, Mihai Dima, Simona Nicoleta Vulpe, Razvan Rughinis and Sorina Vasile
- 113716: Пенсионно правоотношение – същност и правна характеристика (Pension legal relationship – nature and legal characteristics)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113715: Клауза в трудов договор, която въвежда забрана за работа при работодател с конкурентна стопанска дейност (A clause in an employment contract that prohibits work for an employer with a competitive business)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113712: Съдебно установяване на трудов стаж и на трудов стаж при пенсиониране, положен до 31 декември 1999 г (Judicial establishment of professional experience and professional experience at the time of retirement, which has been achieved by 31 December 1999)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 113709: Análisis del impacto de la Ley Orgánica para la Promoción del Trabajo Juvenil, Regulación Excepcional de la Jornada de Trabajo, Cesantía y Seguro de Desempleo, sobre el desempleo juvenil en Ecuador (Analysis of the impact of the Organic Law for the Promotion of Youth Employment, Exceptional Regulation of Working Hours, Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance on youth unemployment in Ecuador)

- Dayana Dávila and Rafael Alvarado
- 113707: Oil shocks and volatility of green investments: GARCH-MIDAS analyses

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Xuan Vinh Vo
- 113706: Market efficiency and Volatility persistence of green investments before and during COVID-19 pandemic

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Rafiu O Akano and Oluwasegun Adekoya
- 113705: Fondements des décisions financières ayant pour but de réaliser un management préventif (Foundations of financial decisions aimed at carrying out preventive management)

- Viorel Dorin Lacatus
- 113704: Modalités pour apprécier les performances économiques et financières d’une entreprise (Methods for assessing the economic and financial performance of a company)

- Viorel Dorin Lacatus and Andrada Buda
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