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120155: Role of embedded finance in increasing financial inclusion Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120154: Impact of terrorism on financial inclusion: evidence from the most terrorized countries in the world Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120153: Causes and consequences of the 2023 banking crisis Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120152: Dangers of Digital-Only Financial Inclusion Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120151: Artificial intelligence in central banking: benefits and risks of AI for central banks Downloads
Peterson Ozili
120146: Central bank digital currency and the monetary policy and financial stability implications Downloads
Peterson Kitakogelu Ozili
120143: Assessing Income Convergence with a Long-Run Forecasting Approach: Some New Results Downloads
Artur Silva Lopes
120138: The positive net profit space is a subspace of the transfer space Downloads
Thomas Friedrich
120135: Student Reactions to AI-Replicant Professor in an Econ101 Teaching Video Downloads
Alfonso Rosa-García
120134: A Journey to Find God in 21st Century:One Man’s Quest for Global Peace Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
120129: Relaciones entre mercados de petróleo y gas, mercados financieros y PIB en América del Norte (Relationships among oil and gas markets, financial markets and GDP in North America) Downloads
Jesús Jonatan González-Martínez, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and María Teresa Verónica Martínez-Palacios
120127: Supply chain integration and performance relationship: a moderating effects review Downloads
Jorge Tarifa Fernández and Jeronimo de Burgos Jiménez
120126: Examining the moderating role of HIHRP in the relationship between external integration and productivity Downloads
Jorge Tarifa Fernández, José Joaquín Céspedes Lorente and Jerónimo de Burgos Jiménez
120125: Absorptive capacity as a confounder of the process of supply chain integration Downloads
Jorge Tarifa Fernández, Jerónimo de Burgos Jiménez and José Joaquín Céspedes Lorente
120123: Beyond the Balance Sheet: Analyzing the Relationship between Corporate Governance, Financial Performance, and Stock Prices in Pakistan's Non-Bank Financial Industry Downloads
Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri and Amjad Ali
120120: Business or Politics: Exploring the Determinants of Policy Mix in South Asia Downloads
Amjad Ali, Zohaib Ul Hasan, Qasim Abbasi and Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri
120119: Determinants of Human Wellbeing and its Prospect Under the Role of Financial Inclusion in South Asian Countries Downloads
Marc Audi, Marc Poulin and Amjad Ali
120115: Estimating Demand for Lamb, Beef, Pork, and Poultry in Canada Downloads
Zakary Diakite
120113: Quantitative evaluation of benefits of place-based policies for retail agglomeration Downloads
Hiroki Aizawa and Tatsuhito Kono
120111: Dimension fiscale de l’intégration économique: Peut l’Union Européenne s’ajouter l’union fiscale à l’union monétaire ? (The fiscal aspects of Economic Integration: might the EU become a Fiscal Union?) Downloads
Liviu Catalin Andrei and Dalina Andrei
120108: India’s rural employment scenario: challenges & opportunities Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder
120106: Energy infrastructure in India: challenges and opportunities Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder, Subhadip Ghosh and Bidisha Chatterjee
120105: Youth employment in India: dimensions and challenges Downloads
Dipa Mukherjee and Rajarshi Majumder
120099: Free movement of inventors: open-border policy and innovation in Switzerland Downloads
Gabriele Cristelli and Francesco Lissoni
120095: Women's Empowerment and Intra-Household Bargaining Power Downloads
Marina Nacka, Andreas Drichoutis and Rodolfo Nayga
120089: Word of mouth: How upward social comparisons influence the sharing of consumption experiences Downloads
Ana Vázquez, Li Dub and Ana Belén del Río Lanza
120082: Famine falsehoods and publication ethics: rejoinder to Daoud and the Journal of International Development Downloads
Peter Bowbrick
120074: 1980’lerden Günümüze: Neoliberal Politikalar Altında Türkiye’nin En Büyük 500 Sanayi Kuruluşunda İstihdam, Verimlilik ve Bölüşümün Seyri (From the 1980s to the Present: The Course of Employment, Productivity and Distribution in Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises under Neoliberal Policies) Downloads
Osman Berke Duvan
120072: Stabilizing the Financial Markets through Communication and Informed Trading Downloads
Qi Guo, Shao'an Huang and Gaowang Wang
120070: Innovation Studies, Social Innovation, and Sustainability Transitions Research: From mutual ignorance towards an integrative perspective? Downloads
Attila Havas, Doris Schartinger and Matthias K. Weber
120067: Reserves, Prices, and Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Strategic Crop Reserves in Arab Countries Downloads
Fatih Chellai
120066: The Financial Development, Savings and Economic Growth Nexus Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia Downloads
Anulo, Olkamo, Degefe
120063: The Dynamic Impact of biodiversity on Tourism: empirical evidence from Gambia Downloads
Sarjo Darboe
120054: Can the Euro Survive? Downloads
Jamal Haidar
120053: The trust paradox Downloads
Francesco Sarracino and Giulia Slater
120050: Public debt and growth in Asian developing economies: evidence of non-linearity and geographical heterogeneity Downloads
Gan-Ochir Doojav and Munkhbayar Baatarkhuu
120045: How to use machine learning in finance (How to use machine learning in finance) Downloads
Sami Mestiri
120044: Anticipated Monitoring, Inhibited Detection, and Diminished Deterrence Downloads
Matthew Makofske
120041: Smooth Regulatory Intervention Downloads
Linda Schilling
120040: An Application of Judgement Modeling to Examine Inter-Cultural Differences Regarding Perceptions of Business Skill Importance Downloads
Ken C. Snead, Margo J. Kraft, Aida R. Lozada, Richard N. McGrath, Tania Biswas and Fuzhao Zhou
120039: Nafta: More Than A Regıonal Trade Agreement Downloads
Firat Uner and Assoc. Prof. Dr.M. Cem Oğultürk
120033: Perspektiven und Herausforderungen für EU-Importe seltener Erden aus Russland: Fallstudien aus Deutschland, Frankreich und Italien (Prospects and challenges for EU rare earth imports from Russia: The case of Germany, France and Italy) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
120028: Family Constitution and Business Performance: Moderating Factors Downloads
R. Arteaga and Susana Menéndez-Requejo
120022: Foreign economic policy uncertainty shocks and real activity in the Euro area Downloads
Filippo Arigoni and Črt Lenarčič
120017: Shocks regulatorios al mercado inmobiliario de Chile: ¿Cuánto del IVA a la vivienda se transfiere a precio de venta? (Regulatory shocks to housing market: How much of the Chilean VAT on housing sales is transferred to prices?) Downloads
Francisco-Javier Lozano Navarro and Byron Idrovo Aguirre
120016: Family Constitution to manage family firms' agency conflicts Downloads
P. Rodriguez-Garcia and Susana Menéndez-Requejo
120014: Resolving the Discounting Dilemma Downloads
Szabolcs Szekeres
120010: The Value of Anonymous Option Downloads
Jianpei Li and Wanzhu Zhang
120005: Collaboration and SDG-related research at the University of Stavanger Downloads
Heike Brökel and Tom Broekel
120003: The Latin American Integration Route in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil: territorial circulation, transportation and logistics Downloads
Ana Paula Camilo Pereira, Mateus Boldrine Abrita, Angelo Rondina Neto, Daniel Amorim Souza Centuriao, Rafaella Stradiotto Vignandi, Guilherme Espíndola Junior, Nelagley Marques, Vanessa Aparecida de Moraes Weber and Ruberval Franco Maciel
120002: Impacts of capital intensity on family formation and gender equality in Vietnam Downloads
Tien Vu and Hiroyuki Yamada
120001: Impacts of road transport infrastructure investments on the Latin American Integration Route Downloads
Daniel Centuriao, Mateus Boldrine Abrita, Angelo Rondina Neto, Ana Paula Camilo, Rafaella Stradiotto Vignandi, Guilherme Espíndola Junior, Vanessa Weber, Nelagley Marques and Ruberval Franco Maciel
119999: Welfare implications of nomimal GDP targeting in a small open economy Downloads
Marco Ortiz, Arthur Inca and Fabrizio Solf
119998: Financial applications of machine learning using R software Downloads
Sami Mestiri
119994: The nexus between economic growth, healthcare expenditure, and CO2 emissions in Asia-Pacific countries: Evidence from a PVAR approach Downloads
Mingqing Yuan
119993: Market size, trade, and productivity reconsidered: poverty traps and the home market effect Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Takatoshi Tabuchi
119992: Economic Policy Uncertainty and Corporate Investment Dynamics: Evidence from Listed Chinese Firms Downloads
Mingqing Yuan
119985: Factores asociados a la migración neta cero entre México y Estados Unidos, 2005-2015 (Factors Associated with Net Zero Migration Between Mexico and the United States, 2005-2015) Downloads
David Alejandro Calvillo Preciado, Jaime Lara, Arnoldo Martínez Elizondo, Eliseo Samuel Pequeño Morán and Victor Manuel Velarde Villasana
119984: Perspectives et défis pour les importations européennes de terres rares en provenance de Russie: études de cas d'Allemagne, de France et d'Italie (Prospects and challenges for EU rare earth imports from Russia: The case of Germany, France and Italy) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
119971: Uncertainty Shocks and Inflation: The Role of Credibility and Expectation Anchoring Downloads
Joscha Beckmann and Robert Czudaj
119970: Balancing Climate Change and Economic Development: the Case of China Downloads
Fan Lin and Danyang Xie
119964: The Imperfections of Conditional Programs and the Case for Universal Basic Income Downloads
Luis Guimarães and Diogo Lourenço
119960: Credit Risk Prediction based on Bayesian estimation of logistic regression model with random effects Downloads
Sami Mestiri and Abdejelil Farhat
119958: The role of the New Development Bank on Economic growth and Development in the BRICS states Downloads
Mixo Sweetness Sithole and Nyiko Worship Hlongwane
119956: Benchmarking agri-food sustainability certifications: evidences from applying SAFA in the Ecuadorian banana agri-system Downloads
Lorenzo Bonisoli, Laura Piedra-Muñoz, Emilio Galdeano-Gómez and Juan Carlos Pérez Mesa
119941: The experience of development banking in Peru: 1990-2015 Downloads
Óscar Dancourt and Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
119938: Economic Growth Analysis When Balanced Growth Paths May Be Time Varying Downloads
Andrew Mountford
119937: Nexus Between Financial System and Economic Growth: Evidence from Bangladesh Downloads
Nazim Ullah, Chayan Barua, Ehsanul Haque, Md Arif Hosen Raja and Mohammed Tahsinul Islam
119930: Advancing Hospital Sustainability: A Multidimensional Index Integrating ESG and Digital Transformation Downloads
Midori Takeda, Jun Xie, Kenichi Kurita and Shunsuke Managi
119925: An Empirical Assessment of India’s Position in Global Sustainable Bond Market Downloads
Datta Susanta
119924: Is diversification effective in reducing the systemic risk implied by a market for weather index-based insurance in Spain? Downloads
Andrea Martínez-Salgueiro and María-Antonia Tarrazón-Rodón
119923: Optimal Monetary Policy and Taylor Rule Extensions Downloads
Nicolas Blampied, Alessia Cafferata, Luisa Tibiletti and Mariacristina Uberti
119919: Impacto de las transferencias monetarias agrícolas en el desarrollo humano en los municipios de México; un modelo teórico de crecimiento del sector agrícola (Impact of agricultural monetary transfers on human development in the municipalities of Mexico; a theoretical growth model of the agricultural sector) Downloads
Juan Francisco Islas-Aguirre, Juan Manuel Torres-Rojo, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Humberto Ríos-Bolívar
119918: Interrelationship between international trade and environmental performance: Theoretical approaches and indicators for sustainable development Downloads
Yolanda Sorroche-del-Rey, Laura Piedra-Muñoz and Emilio Galdeano-Gómez
119917: Sustainability of non-renewable resources: the case of marble in Macael (Spain) Downloads
Anselmo Carretero-Gómez and Laura Piedra-Muñoz
119916: The Historical Origins of Pro-Democratic Attitudes in Ukraine Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
119915: The Analysis of Life Satisfaction Predictors Among Ukrainian Students During Times of Conflict Downloads
Larysa Tamilina
119914: Improving Allocative Efficiency from Network Consolidation: A Solution for the Health Workforce Shortage Downloads
Theepakorn Jithitikulchai
119912: Measuring well-being: A Buen Vivir (living well) indicator for Ecuador Downloads
Marina Mero-Figueroa, Emilio Galdeano-Gómez, Laura Piedra-Muñoz and Moisés Obaco
119910: Navigating extreme market fluctuations: asset allocation strategies in developed vs. emerging economies Downloads
Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Keitumetse Montshioa
119909: Measuring eco-innovation dimensions: The role of environmental corporate culture and commercial orientation Downloads
Eva M. García-Granero, Laura Piedra-Muñoz and Emilio Galdeano-Gómez
119908: Women’s Socially Embedded Capabilities and Development: A Theory-based Empirical Investigation Downloads
Haider Khan
119906: Factors Affecting Service Quality and Satisfaction Customers Use of Mobile Commerce in Ho Chi Minh Downloads
Luan-Thanh Nguyen
119905: Eco-innovation measurement: A review of firm performance indicators Downloads
Eva M. García-Granero, Laura Piedra-Muñoz and Emilio Galdeano-Gómez
119904: The role of survey-based expectations in real-time forecasting of US inflation Downloads
Zo Andriantomanga
119903: Determinants of Blockchain Adoption as Decentralized Business Model by Spanish Firms: – An Innovation Theory Perspective Downloads
Loha Hashimy, Jain Geetika and Emili Grifell-Tatje
119895: Políticas para la gestión de activos y pasivos soberanos: Una propuesta para el Tesoro del Perú (Policies for sovereign asset and liability management: A proposal for the Treasury of Peru) Downloads
Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
119894: Recent Developments in Financial Stability, Macroprudential Arrangements, and Shadow Banking Downloads
Marianne Ojo
119893: Can Paddy Growing Phase Produce an Accurate Forecast of Paddy Harvested Area in Indonesia? Analysis of the Area Sampling Frame Results Downloads
Kadir Kadir and Octavia Rizky Prasetyo
119892: Development of Paddy Yield Gap Between Java and Outside Java: Does It Have a Contribution to Paddy Yield Improvement from 2018 to 2021? Downloads
Kadir Kadir and Octavia Rizky Prasetyo
119890: El irrealismo en la Economía estándar: el supuesto de los rendimientos decrecientes de escala, como caso paradigmático (Unrealism in mainstream economics: the assumption of decreasing returns to scale, as paradigmatic) Downloads
Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
119885: Drivers for efficient water use in agriculture: an empirical analysis of family farms in Almería, Spain Downloads
Laura Piedra-Muñoz, Laura L. Vega-López, Emilio Galdeano-Gómez and José A. Zepeda-Zepeda
119883: Scheduling vegetable sales to supermarkets in Europe: The tomato case Downloads
Juan Carlos Pérez-Mesa, Fº Javier Pérez-Mesa, Juan José Tapia-León and Diego Valera-Martínez
119882: The agri-food crisis in the post-truth age: an application to the Spanish greenhouse sector Downloads
Juan Carlos Pérez-Mesa, Mª Carmen García Barranco, Mª Mar Serrano-Arcos and Raquel Sánchez Fernández
119881: A Review of Consumer Affinity Research: Recent Advances and Future Directions Downloads
Mª Mar Serrano-Arcos, Raquel Sánchez-Fernández, Juan Carlos Pérez-Mesa and Petra Riefler
119877: Japanese Aid and Economic Development of Bangladesh Downloads
Haider Khan
119875: An efficient Bayes classifier for word classification: an application on the EU Recovery and Resilience Plans Downloads
Michele Limosani, Emanuele Millemaci and Paolo Mustica
119872: Negative supply shocks and delayed health care: evidence from Pennsylvania abortion clinics Downloads
Andrea Hall
119868: Occupazione e crescita in Europa e in Italia: 1997-2015 (Employment and Growth in Europe and Italy:1975-2015) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
119867: Temporal mapping of vegetation cover change in Gazipur district, Bangladesh: a framework for environmental sustainability Downloads
Mst. Urmi Akter Shima and Mohammad Monirul Hasan
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