MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 106330: Labour Participation Decision and Preferences towards Different Employment Status in Response to Remittances: Evidence from the Provincial Capital of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa (KPK), Pakistan

- Waqas Shair, Muhammad Tariq Majeed and Amjad Ali
- 106329: Climate solidarity, green trade unions and timing of technological choice

- Elias Asproudis, Eleftherios Filippiadis and Mo Tian
- 106328: Design Flaw of the Synthetic Control Method

- Timo Kuosmanen, Xun Zhou, Juha Eskelinen and Pekka Malo
- 106327: The Impact of Business Environment Reforms on Firms’ Performance in Transition Economies

- George Berulava and Teimuraz Gogokhia
- 106326: Why Europe looks so much like China: Big government and low income inequalities

- Vladimir Popov
- 106321: Economic preferences over risk-taking and corporate finance

- Manthos Delis, Maria Iosifidi, Iftekhar Hasan and Chris Tsoumas
- 106319: Pollution, partial privatization and the effect of ambient charges

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 106318: Le Sommet UE-Afrique 2021: Quo vadis, compte tenu du Brexit et de la Covid-19 (The EU-Africa summit 2021: Quo vadis, in the light of Brexit and Corona)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 106313: Ecological agriculture and biodiversity -relationships, congruences, objective conditions and perceptions of local actors

- Violeta Florian, Marioara Rusu and Elisabeta Roşu
- 106310: Understanding and evaluating the “missing” governance pillar of sustainability – the case of the Bulgarian agriculture

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 106308: Assessement of competitiviness of moldovan agri-food products at the regional level

- Eugenia Lucasenco and Alexandru Ceban
- 106306: Economic advantages of using bacterial biopreparations in agricultural crops

- George Toader, Viorica Chiurciu, Mrierean Nistor, Petru Sevciuc, Valentina Filip, Floarea Burnichi, Daniela Trifan, Luxita Rasnoveanu, Catalin Ionut Enea, Elena Violeta Toader and Leonard Ilie
- 106304: The perception of consumers from the north-east region of development of Romania of organic produce

- Ioan Bruma, Codrin Dinu Vasiliu, Lucian Tănasă and Seabastian Dobos
- 106303: Development of soft commodity derivative market in function of the risk management in CEE

- Vlado Kovacevic, Jonel Subić and Irena Jankovic
- 106302: Researches regarding the influence of the unconventional soil tillage systems upon weeding and soybean yield, in pedoclimate conditions in the transylvanian plain

- Felicia Cheţan and Cornel Cheţan
- 106301: Territorial dimension of wheat production in Romania

- Marian Zaharia, Rodica- Manuela Gogonea and Aniela Balacescu
- 106300: Retrospective analysis of statistical indicators for vegetable and animal agricultural products obtained in the conventional system and in ecological agriculture

- Ana Ursu
- 106299: The Business Model Canvas ”Camelina Omega 3 Plus”15

- Ion Toncea and Mihai Iordache
- 106297: The competitiveness of Moldova’s agri-food trade with E.U. after DCFTA implementation

- Liliana Cimpoies and Olga Sarbu
- 106296: COVID-19 with Stigma: New Evidence from Mobility Data and “Go to Travel” Campaign

- Augusto Ricardo Delgado Narro
- 106289: The Community Explorer: Informing Policy with County-Level Data

- Claude Lopez and Brittney Butler
- 106286: The long road to democracy: Does the demand for democracy affect its actual level?

- Igor Fedotenkov
- 106285: Complex World Money

- Hardy Hanappi
- 106283: The EU-Africa summit 2021: Quo vadis, in the light of Brexit and Corona

- Dirk Kohnert
- 106279: Commuting y auto-empleo en Italia: diferencias por género y localización geográfica (Commuting and self employment in Italy: gender differences and geographical locations)

- Javier Lozano
- 106275: Causes and Consequences of Higher COVID 19 cases in India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 106274: Educational Status of Pakistan: Pre and Post 18th Amendment Scenario

- Haroon Jamal
- 106266: Central Bank Independence and challenges during the global pandemic: balancing monetary and fiscal policy objectives

- Marianne Ojo and Marianne Roedl
- 106265: The Final straw: High school dropout for marginal students

- Martin Andresen and Sturla Løkken
- 106259: Policy implications of the CSR in an international transportation market under subsidy

- Lili Xu and Sang-Ho Lee
- 106256: Honesty in the City

- Martin Dufwenberg, Maroš Servátka, Jorge Tarrasó and Radovan Vadovič
- 106253: Тормоз на работното място - същност, последици и правна защита (Harassment in the workplace – legal nature, consequences and legal protection)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106251: Spectral nature of soiling and its impact on multi-junction based concentrator systems

- Eduardo F. Fernandez, Daniel Chemisana, Leonardo Micheli and Florencia Almonacid
- 106249: The macroeconomic effects of oil supply news: Evidence from OPEC announcements

- Diego Känzig
- 106248: Asset allocation in extreme market conditions: a comparative analysis between developed and emerging economies

- Keitumetse Montshioa, John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 106247: European Countries on a green path. Connections between environmental quality, renewable energy and economic growth

- Matteo Abbruzzese, Davide Infante and Janna Smirnova
- 106246: The impact of macroeconomic variables on Stock market in United Kingdom

- Malika Neifar, Dhouib, Salma , Bouhamed, Jihen , Ben Abdallah, Fatma , Arous, Islem , Ben Braiek, Fatma and Mrabet, Donia
- 106245: Regional Differences in Cognitive Dissonance in Evacuation Behavior at the time of the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

- Tatsuhito Kono, Masaya Okuno and Kazuho Yamaura
- 106244: Stakeholder Management, Cooperatives, and Selfish-Individualism

- Giovanni Ferri and Angelo Leogrande
- 106242: Production and Scale Efficiency of South African Water Utilities: The Case of Water Boards

- Victor Ngobeni and Marthinus Breitenbach
- 106241: The effectiveness of mobility control, shortening of restaurants’ opening hours, and working from home in Japan

- Asako Chiba
- 106240: Price and Income Elasticity of Residential Electricity Consumption in Khorezm

- Bahtiyor Eshchanov, Mona Grinwis and Sanatbek Salaev
- 106239: Natural capitals for nature’s contributions to people: the case of Japan

- Junya Kumagai, Mihoko Wakamatsu, Shizuka Hashimoto, Osamu Saito, Takehito Yoshida, Takehisa Yamakita, Keiko Hori, Takanori Matsui, Michio Oguro, Masahiro Aiba, Rei Shibata, Tohru Nakashizuka and Shunsuke Managi
- 106236: La disoccupazione in Italia e la crisi economico-finanziaria. Alcune riflessioni (Unemployment in Italy and the economic and financial crisis. Some reflections)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 106227: Wild Bootstrap for Instrumental Variables Regression with Weak Instruments and Few Clusters

- Wenjie Wang
- 106226: Is there any causal link between shariah index and islamic unit trust growth ? Malaysian evidence

- Hazim Farid and Abul Masih
- 106220: Is there a right time for fiscal decentralization in a developing country: a case study of Cameroon

- Bernard Mimboe
- 106218: Do islamic bank deposits depend on total islamic bank assets or the other way around ?

- Izahairani Izani and Abul Masih
- 106214: Involuntary unemployment in overlapping generations model due to instability of the economy and fiscal policy for full-employment

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 106212: Религиозната толерантност и трудовото право (Religious tolerance and labour law)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106211: Равнище на конкурентоспособност на българските ферми през 2020г (Competitiveness Level of Bulgarian Farms in 2020)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Nina Koteva
- 106206: A Review of Literature of Global Value Chains

- Sourish Dutta
- 106204: A Research Background of Global Value Chains

- Sourish Dutta
- 106201: Research Methods of Assessing Global Value Chains

- Sourish Dutta
- 106195: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explore Employees Intentions to Implement Green Practices

- Ahmed Chemseddine Bouarar and Kamel Mouloudj
- 106192: Does the growth of islamic bank financing depend on stock market growth? evidence from Malaysia

- Chee Keong Cheah and Abul Masih
- 106191: Принципи за осигуряване на безопасни и здравословни условия на труд съгласно разпоредбите на Директива /89/391/ЕИО (Principles for ensuring safety and health at work in accordance with the provisions of Directive /89/391/EEC)

- Mariyana Shirvanyan
- 106190: Уредба на забраната за дискриминация в универсалните международноправни актове (Legal regulation of the prohibition of discrimination in the universal legal acts)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106189: По някои въпроси на работодателската правоспособност, работодателска власт и социалната отговорност (On some questions of the employer’s legal capacity, power and social responsibility)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 106188: Travel Cost Method Considering Trip-day Counts as Integers

- Tatsuhito Kono and Jun Yoshida
- 106185: Producción de largometrajes en Uruguay: un análisis desde la Teoría General del Costo (Film production in Uruguay: an analysis from Cost General Theory)

- Juan F. Rodriguez
- 106183: Commuting y autoempleo en Luxemburgo (Commuting and self-employment in Luxemburgo)

- Cristina Margalejo Hernández
- 106180: Simulation of the Costs and Benefits of Delayed Retirement: Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen
- 106173: Examining the relationship between Tourism Seasonality and Tourism Carrying Capacity indexes for the Greek prefectures

- Thomas Krabokoukis and Serafeim Polyzos
- 106166: Being numerous does not yield efficiency - Productivity and entry-exit determinants in European business services

- Henk Kox, George Leeuwen and Henry Van der Wiel
- 106163: Collateral, Reallocation, and Aggregate Productivity: Evidence from the U.S. Housing Boom

- Sebastian Doerr
- 106159: Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) Organisations and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Nepal

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota and Pramila Neupane
- 106158: Covid-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria

- Philipp Bagus, José Antonio Peña Ramos and Antonio Sánchez Bayón
- 106156: Kommer vi resa mindre efter pandemin? (Will we travel less after the pandemic?)

- Jonas Eliasson
- 106151: Escaping the middle income trap and getting economic growth: How does FDI can help the host country?

- Thanh Tam Nguyen-Huu and Ngoc-Sang Pham
- 106150: Exploring the dependencies among main cryptocurrency log-returns: A hidden Markov model

- Fulvia Pennoni, Francesco Bartolucci, Gianfranco Forte and Ferdinando Ametrano
- 106148: Differential Fertility, Intergenerational Mobility and the Process of Economic Development

- Hiroki Aso
- 106146: In search of a suitable heuristic for evolutionary economics: from generalized Darwinism to economic self-organisation

- John Foster
- 106145: Does interest rate impact the shariah index? Malaysian evidence based on ARDL approach

- Junaid Sulaiman and Abul Masih
- 106143: Активность и кооперация университета, бизнеса и государства в Акмолинской области Республики Казахстан (Activity and cooperation of the university, business, and government in the Akmola region of Kazakhstan)

- Marat Myrzakhmet, Zhanat Myrzakhmet and Bolat Myrzakhmet
- 106138: On the political economy of income taxation

- Marcus Berliant and Miguel Gouveia
- 106131: Правомощия на работодателя при престой в предприятието (Powers of the Employer during Stay in the Undertaking)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106129: The dilemma of the sharia conscious investor: a time series analysis

- Mohamed Hamour and Abul Masih
- 106127: Port integration and competition under public and private ownership

- Lili Xu and Sang-Ho Lee
- 106126: Free licensing strategy and ex post privatization in a mixed oligopoly

- Sumi Cho, Doori Kim and Sang-Ho Lee
- 106123: How banks allocate loans in Italy: a long run perspective

- Riccardo De Bonis, Giovanni Ferri, Antonio Forte and Damiano Bruno Silipo
- 106119: Language education and economic outcomes in a bilingual society

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 106118: Impact of macroeconomic variables on shariah stock markets: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL approach

- Raseena Majeed and Abul Masih
- 106116: Противоречието между разпоредби в действащото законодателство като нарушение на принципа на правовата държава (анализ на новата правна уредба относно избора от Факултетния съвет при заемане на академични длъжности) (On the contradiction between provisions in the current legislation as a violation of the principle of the Rule of law (Analysis of the new legal regulation regarding the choice by the Faculty Council when appointed to academic post))

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106114: Decomposing the Influencing Factors of Energy Intensity in the Passenger Transportation Sector in Indonesia

- Dhani Setyawan
- 106113: Determinants of Labor Market in Jakarta Metropolitan Area: a Survival Analysis of Commuters

- Dhani Setyawan, Irwanda Wardhana and Khairunnisah Khairunnisah
- 106112: Granger-causality between islamic finance and growth: evidence from Malaysia

- Hakim Ali and Abul Masih
- 106102: Кодификация на българското обществено осигуряване (The codification of the Bulgarian social insurance)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106100: Национална правна уредба на забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения (National legislation on the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 106099: Brexit, EU and UEFA

- Muyiwa Aladetoyinbo
- 106098: Modeling of Big Chili Supply Response Using Bayesian Method

- Muhammad Fajar and Yuyun Guna Winarti
- 106097: Integrating South Asia into Asia: Evidence from Trade Statistics

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota
- 106096: Human well-being after 2015 Nepal earthquake: micro-evidence from one of the hardest hit rural villages

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota
- 106095: Preference for Sex of Children Among Women in Nepal

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota, Damaru Ballabha Paudel, Pramila Neupane and Rajesh Bahadur Thapa
- 106094: Access to infrastructure and human wellbeing: evidence from rural Nepal

- Jeet Bahadur Sapkota
- 106090: Optimal interventions on strategic fails in repo markets

- Hiroki Fukai
- 106089: Using Information to Improve the Effectiveness of Nonlinear Pricing: Evidence from a Field Experiment

- Matthew Kahn and Frank Wolak
- 106087: Exclusion of Extreme Jurors and Minority Representation: The Effect of Jury Selection Procedures

- Andrea Moro and Martin Van der Linden
- 106083: Sweden is calling: What shapes the delay in the Nobel Prize discoveries? A research note

- Michael Polemis and Thanasis Stengos
- 106076: Трудовоправни и осигурителноправни аспекти на Закона за Държавна агенция "Национална сигурност" (Legal Aspects with Regard to Labour and Social Security Law of the Act on the State Agency for National Security)

- Ивайло Стайков
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