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51398: Forecasting and Tracking Real-Time Data Revisions in Inflation Persistence Downloads
Heather Tierney
51397: Strategic Use of Copyright Protection to Deter Entry Downloads
Jin-Hyuk Kim
51396: Corporate Lobbying Revisited Downloads
Jin-Hyuk Kim
51394: Decision-making support systems: actual implementations, limits and requirements Downloads
Sabina Necula
51393: A value network development model and implications for innovation and production network management Downloads
Ben Vermeulen and Ton De Kok
51392: Improved Targeting of Social Programs: An Application to a State Job Coaching Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities Downloads
Melayne McInnes, Orgul Ozturk, Suzanne McDermott and Joshua Mann
51390: Job promotion in mid-career: gender, recession and ‘crowding’ Downloads
John Addison, Orgul Ozturk and Si Wang
51389: Special agricultural microfinance organizations - Macedonian Experience Downloads
Goran Kovachev
51387: Trends and Challenges of India’s Balance of Payments Downloads
Dr Jomon Mathew Sreenilayam
51386: El m-learning en el aprendizaje presencial: un curso híbrido en economía (The m-learning in "face to face" learning: an hybrid course in Economy) Downloads
Nuria G. Rabanal
51384: The impact of FDI on the production networks between China and East Asia and the role of the U.S. and ROW as final markets Downloads
Jing Zhou and María Latorre
51380: Corporate Ownership: Some International Evidence Downloads
Paulo Alves
51378: Optimization in Genetically Evolved Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Supporting Decision-Making: The Limit Cycle Case Downloads
A.S. Andreou, N.h Mateou and George Zombanakis
51377: The Demand for Cultural Activities: a Time-Use Approach Downloads
Sergio Nisticò
51376: Fuzzification and Defuzzification Process in Genetically Evolved Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (GEFCMs) Downloads
N. H. Mateou, A. S. Andreou and George Zombanakis
51375: A comparison of public and private schools in Spain using robust nonparametric frontier methods Downloads
José Manuel Cordero, Diego Prior and Rosa Simancas Rodríguez
51370: Trade Liberalization, Quality, and Export Prices Downloads
Haichao Fan, Yao Li and Stephen Yeaple
51369: Discretionary enforcement and strategic interactions between firms, regulatory agency and justice department: a theoretical and empirical investigation Downloads
Anna Rita Germani, Andrea Morone, Piergiuseppe Morone and Pasquale Scaramozzino
51367: Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country’S H-Index Downloads
Maryam Farhadi, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Masood Fooladi, Hadi Farhadi, Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani and Nader Ale Ebrahim
51361: An optimal three-way stable and monotonic spectrum of bounds on quantiles: a spectrum of coherent measures of financial risk and economic inequality Downloads
Iosif Pinelis
51360: Proiezioni della spesa e del finanziamento dei Sistemi Sanitari Regionali in Italia [2015-2030] (Projections of expenditures and financing resources of Italian Regional Health Care Systems [2015-2030]) Downloads
Nicola Carmine Salerno
51356: Trend Inflation and the Nature of Structural Breaks in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve Downloads
Chang-Jin Kim, Pym Manopimoke and Charles Nelson
51347: Do Nations Combine O-Rings with Cobb-Douglas? Evidence from agriculture, equipment production, and the informal sector Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika
51344: Determinants of Institutional Quality: A Case Study of IMF Programme Countries Downloads
Omer Javed
51342: Automotive Industry Response to its Global QMS Standard ISO/TS-16949 Downloads
Neelam Singh
51338: Conditions and Perspectives of financial lending in Macedonian Agriculture and rural Development Downloads
Marija Gjosheva-Kovachevikj, Goran Kovachev and Hristijan Risteski
51336: Inequality, credit expansion and financial crises Downloads
Cristiano Perugini, Jens Hölscher and Simon Collie
51335: News Flow, Web Attention and Extreme Returns in the European Financial Crisis Downloads
Andreas Chouliaras and Theoharry Grammatikos
51334: Classical competition and regulating capital: theory and empirical evidence Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Persefoni Tsaliki
51332: Déséquilibres globaux, taux de change d’équilibre et modélisation stock-flux cohérente (Global Imbalances, Equilibrium Exchange Rates and Stock-Flow Consistent Modelling) Downloads
Jamel Saadaoui
51331: An analysis of portfolio selection with multiplicative background risk Downloads
Xu Guo, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
51329: Efficacy of a Bidder Training Program: Lessons from LINC Downloads
Dakshina De Silva, Timothy P. Hubbard and Georgia Kosmopoulou
51328: Self-regulation as a remedy for market turmoil: An over-the-counter or a prescription drug? Downloads
Marcin Senderski
51325: Soft computing for crisis management and political decision making: the use of genetically evolved fuzzy cognitive maps Downloads
Andreas S. Andreou, Nicos H. Mateou and George Zombanakis
51324: Convergence of Total Health Expenditure as a Share of GDP: Evidence from Selected OECD Countries Downloads
Firouz Fallahi
51305: The Phillips Curve and a Micro-foundation of Trend Inflation Downloads
Taiji Harashima
51301: The Incentives for Contributing Digital Contents Over P2P Networks: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Tushar Nandi and Fabrice Rochelandet
51300: The Impact of Institutional Environment in Firms´ Capital Structure during the Recent Financial Crises Downloads
Paulo Alves and Paulo Francisco
51292: From the linear model to incremental innovation: Science and Industry in India Downloads
Nasir Tyabji
51290: Applied economic model for an innovation growth Downloads
Dushko Josheski and Marija Magdinceva-Sopova
51288: Evaluating the performance of UEFA Champions League scorers Downloads
Christos Papahristodoulou
51285: The Nexus between Economic Freedom and Islamic Bank Performance in the MENA Banking Sectors Downloads
Fadzlan Sufian and Muhamed Zulkhibri
51282: Goodbye Inflation Targeting, Hello Fear of Floating? Latin America after the Global Financial Crisis* Downloads
Carmen Reinhart
51281: Intergenerational Persistence of Industry of Employment in India Downloads
Tushar Nandi
51279: Child Allowances, Educational Subsidies and Economic Growth Downloads
Hung-Ju Chen
51277: Economic Policy Uncertainty and Firm-Level Investment Downloads
Wensheng Kang, Kiseok Lee and Ronald Ratti
51274: Stationary Markov Perfect Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games Downloads
Wei He and Yeneng Sun
51268: Determinants of the Percent of the Population Enrolled in HMOs Downloads
Gigi Alexander, Richard Cebula and Yassamand Saadatmand
51265: Investment in Human Capital and the Appropriate Discount Rate Downloads
Stephen Renas and Richard Cebula
51263: Capital Inflows, Exchange Rate Flexibility, and Domestic Credit Downloads
Carmen Reinhart
51261: Status of Supply Chain Finance in FMCG companies- a Benchmarking Approach Downloads
Dileep Satappa More and Ravi Kiran Maddali
51259: Choosing between Order-of-Entry Assumptions in Empirical Entry Models: Evidence from Competition between Burger King and McDonald’s Restaurant Outlets Downloads
Philip Gayle and Zijun Luo
51258: Causes of Financial Crises Past and Present: The Role of the This Time is Different Syndrome Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
51257: This Time is Different, Again? The United States Five Years after the Onset of Subprime Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
51255: Capital market inflation in emerging markets: The case of Brazil and South Korea Downloads
Bruno Bonizzi
51253: Data Fusion Between Bank of Italy-SHIW and ISTAT-HBS Downloads
Simone Tedeschi and Elena Pisano
51246: Effects of Health Insurance and Medical Care Inflation on Voluntary Enlistment in the Army: An Empirical Study in the United States Downloads
Richard Cebula
51244: Romanian current account sustainability after the adhesion to European Union Downloads
Ramona Dumitriu and Răzvan Stefanescu
51243: Revisiting the trade effects of services agreements Downloads
Anirudh Shingal
51242: Decizii strategice ale politicii monetare (Strategic decisions of the Monetary Policy) Downloads
Ramona Dumitriu and Răzvan Stefanescu
51241: Cyclicity of stability in economy Downloads
Evgeny Kuzmin
51240: Diffusion and usage of public e-services in Europe: An assessment of country level indicators and drivers Downloads
Paolo Seri, Annaflavia Bianchi and Nicola Matteucci
51239: In Search of Optimum "Relative Unanimity": Reply Downloads
Richard Cebula and Milton Kafoglis
51238: Mergers and Product Quality: Evidence from the Airline Industry Downloads
Yongmin Chen and Philip Gayle
51237: Returns to Foreign Language Skills in a Developing Country: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Antonio Di Paolo and Aysıt Tansel
51236: Anatomy of international banking crises at the onset of the Great Recession Downloads
Mikhail Stolbov
51233: Time Delay and Support for Taxation Downloads
Silvia Tiezzi and Erte Xiao
51232: Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from Turkey, 1923–2012 Downloads
Bulent Dogru
51231: Using Critical Path Analysis (CPA) in Place Marketing process Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Alex Deffner
51229: Capital Flows to Least Developed Countries: What Matters? Downloads
Monzur Hossain
51226: Macroprudential Regulation and Bank Performance: Evidence from India Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
51225: Funding structure, procyclicality and lending: Evidence from GCC banks Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
51224: A bootstrapped spectral test for adequacy in weak ARMA models Downloads
Ke Zhu and Wai-Keung Li
51223: Measures of Equity Home Bias Puzzle Downloads
Anil Mishra
51219: Evaluating Seasonal Food Security Programs in East Indonesia Downloads
Karna Basu and Maisy Wong
51218: The Relationship between Marginal Willingness-to-Pay in the Hedonic and Discrete Choice Models Downloads
Maisy Wong
51217: Estimating the Distortionary Effects of Ethnic Quotas in Singapore Using Housing Transactions Downloads
Maisy Wong
51216: The Buchanan-Tullock Model: Some Extensions Downloads
Milton Kafoglis and Richard Cebula
51208: Effects of Uncertainty on Household Saving Rate Downloads
Rubaiya Zaman, Maria Carannate and Emi Ferra
51206: A comment on: 'Efficient propagation of shocks and the optimal return on money' Downloads
Pidong Huang and Yoske Igarashi
51205: Trejos-Wright with a 2-unit bound: existence and stability of monetary steady states Downloads
Pidong Huang and Yoske Igarashi
51204: Volatility Impact of Stock Index Futures Trading - A Revised Analysis Downloads
Helmut Wagner and Eva Matanovic
51201: Il Pay-as-You-Go pubblico e privato: davvero diversi? Un confronto Europa - Us (Are public PayGo and Insurance Pooling really so different? A Europe-Us comparison for the mid-long term) Downloads
Nicola Carmine Salerno
51195: Il Pay-as-You-Go in Europa attraverso i Programmi di Stabilità. Le risorse che gli attivi/occupati dovranno mettere a disposizione per finanziare il welfare (The scale of PayGo in the mid-long term projections of Stability Programs of European Countries. How much active people and workers will have to contribute to finance welfare) Downloads
Nicola Carmine Salerno
51194: Relative Performance Concerns, Attention Allocation and Complementarities in Information Acquisition Downloads
Zilong Niu
51188: Migration, Economic Opportunity, and the Quality of Life: Reply and Extension Downloads
Richard Cebula and Richard Vedder
51187: Перспективы чистой миграции в Россию и выводы для миграционной политики (Prospects of net migration to Russia and conclusion for migration policy) Downloads
Marina Lifshits
51184: An Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Better Solid Waste Management Services in Urban Areas of District Peshawar Downloads
Naeem Ur Rehman Khattak, Jangraiz Khan and Iftikhar Ahmad
51183: The Impact of Union Corruption on Union Membership Downloads
Christopher Coombs and Richard Cebula
51182: An Analysis of the Demand for Higher Education in Pakistan with Special Reference to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Downloads
Naeem Ur Rehman Khattak Khattak, Jangraiz Khan, Iqbal Khan and Muhammad Tariq
51180: The Contribution of Education to Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Naeem Ur Rehman Khattak and Jangraiz Khan
51178: A Comparison of GDP growth of European countries during 2008-2012 period from regional and other perspectives Downloads
Jiri Mazurek
51177: Role of regulation and micro finance in Africa, Asia and Latin America Downloads
Roedl Marianne
51169: Green finance is essential for economic development and sustainability Downloads
Tasnim Chowdhury, Rajib Datta and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
51167: Trends and Challenges of India’s Balance of Payments Downloads
Dr Jomon Mathew
51165: Reassess of capital structure theories Downloads
Rajib Datta, Tasnim Chowdhury and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
51164: Research Clusters and Technology Diffusion Downloads
Paul Deng
51163: Foreign Entry and Heterogeneous Growth of Firms: Do We Observe “Creative Destruction” in China? Downloads
Paul Deng and Gary Jefferson
51162: Exchange Rate and Consumer Prices in the Euro Area: A Cointegrated VAR Analysis Downloads
Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh
51161: Pauvreté et microfinance au Congo Kinshasa: une approche par l’analyse factorielle discriminante (Poverty and microfinance in Congo Kinshasa: a canonical discriminant analysis) Downloads
Kevin Ngunza Maniata
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