MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 3723: Poverty Dynamics in Peru 2001-2003: A Probit Model Analysis

- Renzo Gambetta Podesta
- 3721: Adaptabilité et complexité: les choix éducatifs et technologiques sont-ils efficaces? (Adaptability vs complexity: on the efficiency of educational and technological choices)

- Bruno Decreuse and Pierre Granier
- 3717: Market Effects of Generic Entry: The Role of Physicians and of Non-Bioequivalent Competitors

- Jorge Gonzalez, Catarina Sismeiro, Shantanu Dutta and Philip Stern
- 3716: Corruption, uncertainty and growth

- R Djumashev
- 3715: Common and uncommon sources of growth in Asia Pacific

- Enzo Weber
- 3713: Decentralization and Ethnic Conflict: The Role of Empowerment

- Jean-Pierre Tranchant
- 3708: A dynamic model to estimate the long-run trends in potential GDP

- Lucian Albu
- 3707: La decisione della Commissione Newscorp/Telepiù (COMP/M. 2876). Flessibilità nell’applicazione del concetto di dominance nella creazione di un quasi-monopolio, in considerazione degli interessi del consumatore finale e degli impegni assunti dall’acquirente (European Commission Decision Newscorp/Telepiù (Comp/M.2876). Flexibility of the dominance test in a situation of near-monopoly: final consumer interest and undertakings offered by the acquiring company)

- Pierluigi Congedo

- Stephen Goodridge, Don Harding and Peter Lloyd
- 3705: Can the Poor Participate in Payments for Environmental Services?: Lessons from the Silvopastoral Project in Nicaragua

- Stefano Pagiola, Ana R. Rios and Agustin Arcenas
- 3704: Cultures of Innovation of the African Poor: Common Roots, Shared Traits, Joint Prospects? On the Articulation of Multiple Modernities in African Societies and Black Diasporas in Latin America

- Dirk Kohnert
- 3703: Metodologia - O Sector Informal em Moçambique: Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional (2005) (Methodology Handbook - Informal Sector in Mozambique - First National Survey (INFOR - 2004))

- Manlio Calzaroni, Antonio Cappiello, Giorgio Della Rocca, Marco Di Zio, Cristina Martelli, Guido Pieraccini, Francesco Profili and Cirilo Tembe
- 3702: Market distortions and public enterprise strategies in an international mixed oligopoly

- Richard Cornes and Mehrdad Sepahvand
- 3701: Cooperation as self-interested reciprocity in the Centipede

- Francesco Farina and Patrizia Sbriglia
- 3700: Identifying and measuring the economic effects of unfair dismissal laws

- Don Harding
- 3699: Notes on neglected seasonality in the Australian national accounts

- Don Harding
- 3698: The Australian Business Cycle: A New View

- Don Harding
- 3697: Evaluation of the Australian Industry Group / PricewaterhouseCoopers - Performance of Manufacturing Index (Ai-PMI)

- Don Harding, Lei Lei Song and Duy Tran
- 3696: Perspectives on Unemployment from a General Equilibrium Search Model

- Don Harding and Timothy Kam
- 3690: Reforming the Form of the Auditors’ Report: The Case of Building Societies, 1956-1960

- Masayoshi Noguchi and Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
- 3689: Emergence and Evolution of Proprietary ATM Networks in the UK, 1967-2000

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
- 3684: The Nakamura numbers for computable simple games

- Masahiro Kumabe and H. Reiju Mihara
- 3682: Rent-seeking measurement in coal mining by means of labour unrest: an application of the distance function

- Ana Rodriguez-Alvarez, Ignacio Del Rosal and Jose Baños Pino
- 3681: Book Review to Luigi Campiglio - 'First,Women and Children: why it is Indispensable to Give Political Weight to the Under-Age Ones'

- Tommaso Reggiani
- 3675: Micro-finance in the India: the changing face of micro-credit Schemes

- Rajat Wanchoo
- 3674: Vom Camarade Zum Monsieur: Strukturanpassung Und Demokratisierung in Benin (From 'Camarade' to 'Monsieur': Structural Adjustment and Democratization in Benin)

- Dirk Kohnert and Hans-Joachim Preuss
- 3673: The Impact of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production in Pakistan

- Muhammad Iqbal, Munir Ahmad and Kalbe Abbas
- 3672: Wheat Productivity, Efficiency, and Sustainability: A Stochastic Production Frontier Analysis

- Munir Ahmad, Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhry and Muhammad Iqbal
- 3671: The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania

- Elibariki Msuya
- 3669: Rural class differentiation in Nigeria: Theory and practice - a quantitative approach in the case of Nupeland

- Dirk Kohnert
- 3667: Human Capital, Innovation, and Productivity Growth: Tales from Latin America and Caribbean

- Barış Yörük
- 3662: Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Müşavirlerin Yaşam Değeri Yönelimlerini Oluşturan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Factor Analysis to Investigate the Life Value Directions of Certified Public Accountants)

- Ercan Bayazitli, Hilmi Yayla and Eymen Gurel
- 3659: New Pecking Order Financing for Innovative Firms: an Overview

- Lino Sau
- 3658: Reconsidering the logit: the risk of individual names

- Zoltan Varsanyi
- 3657: Allocation of scarce resources when rationality is one of them: some consequences of cognitive inequalities for theory and policy

- Pavel Pelikan
- 3655: Stabilité de la structure des coefficients techniques: Approche par un estimateur hybride (Stability of the Structure of the Technical Coefficients: Hybrid Estimator Approach)

- Latif Laye, Oumy Laye and Diama Laye
- 3650: Economics of traceability for mitigation of food recall costs

- Moises Resende-Filho and Brian Buhr
- 3646: Supply chain management and the Romanian transition

- Daniel Glaser-Segura, Laurentiu-Dan Anghel and Jack Tucci
- 3645: RTAs and WTO compatibility: Catch me if you can? The case of EPA negotiations

- Lucian Cernat, Bonapas Onguglo and Taisuke Ito
- 3643: Analysis of Place and Role of SME’s in the new Member States of the European Union

- Laurentiu-Dan Anghel and Alina Filip
- 3642: Extensive Capture: the rise of international industrial regulation

- Carlos Marquez
- 3641: Stato del Credito, Effetto Cash-flow ed Instabilità (State of Credit, Cash-flow Effect and Instability)

- Lino Sau
- 3637: Income convergence: fresh evidence from the Nordic countries

- Venus Liew and Yusuf Ahmad
- 3636: Choosy search and the mismatch of talents

- Bruno Decreuse
- 3631: Higher education, employers’ monopsony power and the labour share in OECD countries

- Emilie Daudey and Bruno Decreuse
- 3630: Job search with ubiquity and the wage distribution

- Bruno Decreuse and Andre Zylberberg
- 3629: Parental altruism, life expectancy and dynamically inefficient equilibria

- Hippolyte d'Albis and Bruno Decreuse
- 3624: Over-education for the rich, under-education for the poor: a search-theoretic microfoundation

- Olivier Charlot and Bruno Decreuse
- 3623: Enabling mobile commerce through mass customization

- Key Pousttchi, Bernhard Selk and Klaus Turowski
- 3620: The optimal lifetime of assets under uncertainty in the rate of embodied technical change

- George Bitros
- 3619: Investment, replacement and scrapping in a vintage capital model with embodied technological change

- George Bitros, Natali Hritonenko and Yuri Yatsenko
- 3618: Added Value-based Approach to Analyze Electronic Commerce and Mobile Commerce Business Models

- Key Pousttchi, Moritz Weizmann and Klaus Turowski
- 3617: Mobile Business in the Vending Industry

- Christian Heinkele and Key Pousttchi
- 3616: Extending Knowledge Management to Mobile Workplaces

- Volker Derballa and Key Pousttchi
- 3615: A comparison of nominal regression and logistic regression for contingency tables, including the 2 × 2 × 2 case in causality

- Thomas Colignatus
- 3613: Aprender a aprender. Un método valioso para la educación superior (Aprender a aprender. Un método valioso para la educación superior)

- René Fernández Montt and Fredy Wompner
- 3612: Analysis of Gender Disparity in Meghalaya by Various Types of Composite Indices

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 3610: Estimation of the Equilibrium Interest Rate: Case of CFA zone

- Latif Dramani and Oumy Laye
- 3609: Abrechnung mobiler Dienste im Mobile-Payment-Referenzmodell (Charging of mobile services by mobile payment reference model)

- Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
- 3608: Kategorisierung von mobilen Werbekampagnen (Categorization of Mobile Advertising Campaigns)

- Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
- 3607: Relativer Vorteil bei mobilen Bezahlverfahren - mobiles Bezahlen aus dem Blickwinkel der Diffusionstheorie (Relative advantage of mobile payment procedures - Mobile Payment from the perspective of the diffusion theory)

- Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
- 3606: Akzeptanz mobiler Bezahlverfahren in Deutschland (Acceptance of Mobile Payment Procedures in Germany)

- Darius Khodawandi, Key Pousttchi and Dietmar Georg Wiedemann
- 3605: An analysis of Champions League match statistics

- Christos Papahristodoulou
- 3603: Mental Accounting and Remittances: A Study of Malawian Households

- Simon Davies, Joshy Easaw and Atanu Ghoshray
- 3598: Investment and firm dynamics

- Pablo D'Erasmo
- 3596: Optimal exchange rate policy in a low interest rate environment

- Robert Pavasuthipaisit
- 3592: College Admissions Game: Early Action or Early Decision?

- Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
- 3589: Technology Shocks, Statistical Models, and The Great Moderation

- Cristina Fuentes-Albero
- 3585: The Cost of Social Pacts

- Nicola Acocella and Giovanni Di Bartolomeo
- 3584: Is there any scope for corporatism in stabilization policies?

- Nicola Acocella, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo and Wilfried Pauwels
- 3582: Dynamic Factor analysis of industry sector default rates and implication for Portfolio Credit Risk Modelling

- Andrea Cipollini and Giuseppe Missaglia
- 3580: Deterministic and stochastic trends in the time series models: A guide for the applied economist

- B. Rao
- 3574: The Triangular Relationship between the Commission, NRAs and National Courts Revisited

- Pierre Larouche and Maartje Larouche
- 3573: Innovation, Investment and Regulation: What are the Options for Regulation in the Near Future?

- David Flacher, Hugues Jennequin and Jean-Hervé Lorenzi
- 3572: Six Degrees of Separation: Operational Separation as a Remedy in European Telecommunications Regulation

- Martin Cave
- 3571: Infrastructure-Based Versus Service-Based: Competition In Telecommunications

- Jörg Lundborg, Martin Lundborg and Ernst-Olav Lundborg
- 3570: Markets Susceptible to ex ante Regulation: Methodology and Commission Recommendation

- Ulrich Stumpf
- 3569: The Road to More Flexibility in Spectrum Usage and Access: Are We There Yet?

- Gérard Pogorel
- 3568: e-Communications: Investment and the Regulatory Framework

- Siôn Jones and Pau Jones
- 3567: Competition in European Telecom Markets

- Sophie Bismut
- 3566: The Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus for Turkey

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 3565: A Multivariate Causality Analysis of Export and Growth for Turkey

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 3564: The Bilateral J-curve: Turkey versus her 13 Trading Partners

- Ferda Halicioglu

- Anita Halicioglu and Ferda Halicioglu
- 3562: Volatilidad del Precio de la Mezcla Mexicana de Exportación (Price Volatility of the Mexican Export Crude Oil Blend)

- Javier Dávila-Pérez, Jose Antonio Nuñez-Mora and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 3561: Gender-bias in Education Opportunities for Population Aged 12-18 in Mexico: 1992-2004

- Ernesto Aguayo-Téllez, Joana Chapa, Erick Rangel, Lourdes Treviño and Jorge Valero-Gil
- 3560: Do Freedom of Information Laws Decrease Corruption?

- Samia Tavares
- 3559: Choosing Electoral Rules in the Presence of Corruption

- Samia Tavares
- 3556: The Gibson Paradox: An Empirical Investigation for Turkey

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 3555: Coordination et décentralisation des règles budgétaires dans une structure fédéraliste: Le cas des cantons suisses (Coordination and decentralisation of budget rules in a federalist structure: The case of Swiss cantons)

- Nils Soguel
- 3553: Service Bundling and the Role of Access Charge in the Broadband Internet Service Market

- Sunghee Shim and Jungsuk Oh
- 3552: Triple Play Time

- Claude Hollander and Abraham Hollander
- 3551: Optimal Bundle of Multimedia Services in Emerging Mobile Markets

- ChanGi Lee, SeongCheol Lee, DeockHee Lee and HyeongJik Lee
- 3550: Bundles and Range Strategies: The Case of Telecom Operators

- Sophie Pernet
- 3549: Do tax distortions lead to more indeterminacy? A New Keynesian perspective

- Giovanni Di Bartolomeo and Marco Manzo
- 3547: Verification theorem and construction of epsilon-optimal controls for control of abstract evolution equations

- Giorgio Fabbri, Fausto Gozzi and Andrzej Swiech
- 3545: Ownership, Performance and Executive Turnover

- Wei Chi and Yijiang Wang
- 3544: Glass Ceiling or Sticky Floor? Examining the Gender Pay Gap across the Wage Distribution in Urban China, 1987-2004

- Wei Chi and Bo Li
- 3543: The random-lags approach: application to a microfounded model

- Pierre-Alain Bruchez
- 3542: The NBA, Exit Discrimination, and Career Earnings

- Ha Hoang and Daniel Rascher
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