MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 1611: The Effects of Interim Performance Evaluations under Risk Aversion

- Zeynep Yurday
- 1610: On the Ontology of Events in Demographies of Organizations

- Lajos Brons
- 1600: Lignite price negotiation between opencast mine and power plant as a two-stage, two-person, cooperative, non-zero sum game

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 1599: Iterated Potential and Robustness of Equilibria

- Daisuke Oyama and Olivier Tercieux
- 1597: Nonparametric estimation of time-varying covariance matrix in a slowly changing vector random walk model

- Yuanhua Feng and Keming Yu
- 1593: Modelling financial time series with SEMIFAR-GARCH model

- Yuanhua Feng, Jan Beran and Keming Yu
- 1592: A local dynamic conditional correlation model

- Yuanhua Feng
- 1590: The Romanian Journal of European Studies No.4/2005

- Martin Geiger, Paolo Ruspini, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Peter van Krieken, Luminita Nicolescu, Daniela Constantin and Vasile Ghetau
- 1586: La Simplicidad de los Sistemas Tributarios: El Caso de Chile (Simplicity of the Tax Systems: The Chilean Case. (in Spanish))

- Patricio Barra
- 1584: Flaw in the fund skill/luck test method of Cuthbertson et al

- John Nuttall
- 1583: Rural Digital Services

- Anirban Mukerji
- 1582: Economic and social issues of east and southeast turkey: policy implications

- Ilhan Ozturk
- 1577: Causality in Crude Oil Prices

- Bjorn Hagstromer and Szymon Wlazlowski
- 1576: The North American natural gas liquids markets are chaotic

- Apostolos Serletis and Periklis Gogas
- 1575: Too much or not enough crimes? On the ambiguous effects of repression

- Eric Langlais
- 1567: Instrumentos híbridos de capitalizacion bancaria (Hybrid instruments for bank capitalization)

- Miguel Delfiner and Cristina Pailhé
- 1566: Internet Kiosks in Rural India: What Influences Success?

- Jake Kendall and Nirvikar Singh
- 1556: Joint venture instability: a life cycle approach

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury and Indrani Roy Chowdhury
- 1553: The Decision to Retire: Some Microeconomic Hints

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 1551: Optimal copyright length and ex post investment: a Mickey Mouse approach

- Nodir Adilov and Michael Waldman
- 1550: The signaling role of promotions: Further theory and empirical evidence

- Jed DeVaro and Michael Waldman
- 1549: Structural Breaks and the Demand for Money in Fiji

- B. Rao and Saten Kumar
- 1548: The effects of exports, aid and remittances on output: The case of Kiribati

- B. Rao and Toani Takirua
- 1547: Time Series Econometrics of Growth Models: A Guide for Applied Economists

- B. Rao
- 1546: Cointegration, structural breaks and the demand for money in Bangladesh

- B. Rao and Saten Kumar
- 1541: The New Value debate and the birth of a paradigm

- Alan Freeman
- 1540: Electronic publishing: technical constraints with policy consequences

- Alan Freeman
- 1539: The Psychopathology of Walrasian Marxism

- Alan Freeman
- 1538: Revealing the naked truth behind price determinacy, infinite-horizon rational expectations, and inflation targeting

- David Eagle
- 1535: Yours, Mine, and Ours: The Effect of Ersatz Property Rights on Outcome Based Fairness and Reciprocity

- Robert Oxoby and John Spraggon
- 1534: Skewed Libor Market Model and Gaussian HJM explicit approaches to rolled deposit options

- Marc Henrard
- 1533: Efficiency Performance of Hospitals and Medical Centers in Vietnam

- Khac Minh Nguyen and Long Giang
- 1532: Entry Liberalization, Export Subsidy and R&D

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 1529: Desarrollo socioeconómico y pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe (Socio Economic Development and poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean)

- Jorge Mora-Alfaro
- 1526: Grameen Bank II: una Possibile analisi in prospettiva relazionale (Grameen Bank II: a possible analysis with a relational perspective)

- Tommaso Reggiani
- 1525: Política agraria y desarrollo rural en Costa Rica: elementos para su definición en el nuevo entorno internacional (Agrarian policies and rural development in Costa Rica: definitions elements in the new international context)

- Jorge Mora-Alfaro
- 1524: Measuring Impatience: Elicited Discount Rates and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale

- Kendra McLeish and Robert Oxoby
- 1523: Developing Heuristic-Based Quality Judgements: Attention Blocking in Consumer Choice

- Robert Oxoby and Hugh Finnigan
- 1522: Il successo del microcredito

- Tommaso Reggiani
- 1521: Organización Rural, Desarrollo Territorial y Sostenibilidad Ambiental en el Caribe de Costa Rica: El Caso del Área de Conservación Tortuguero (Rural Organization, Territorial Development and Sustainability Environmental in the Caribbean of Costa Rica: The Case of Tortuguero Conservation Area)

- Jorge Mora-Alfaro and Isabel Román-Vega
- 1515: Firm Size and Pricing Policy

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 1512: First, the women and children: why it is indispensable to give political weight to the under-age ones: the perspective of Luigi Campiglio

- Tommaso Reggiani
- 1510: Premio Nobel al microcredito

- Tommaso Reggiani
- 1509: Brazilian Poverty Between and Within Groups: Decomposing by Geographical Group-Specific Poverty Lines

- Paola Salardi
- 1507: Reflexiones a propósito de la estrategia de crecimiento económico en Colombia 2019 (Reflections on Colombia's plan for economic growth 2019)

- Mauricio López and Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas
- 1506: Эконометрические оценки гедонических индексов цен на персональные компьютеры в России: пример рынка г. Екатеринбурга (Estimating Hedonic Price Indices for Personal Computers in Russia)

- Alexander Parkhomenko and Anastasiya Redkina
- 1505: Financing basic education in Bangladesh

- Samer Al-Samarrai
- 1503: Controlling Collusion in Auctions: The Role of Ceilings and Reserve Prices

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 1502: Alliances Among Asymmetric Countries

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 1491: A Policy Impact Evaluation Model For Scotland: Decoupling Single Farm Payments

- Ayele Gelan and Gerald Schwarz
- 1490: System-wide Impacts of Agricultural Export Taxes: A Simulation Experiment with Ethiopian Data

- Ayele Gelan
- 1486: Petrol and Crude Oil Prices: Asymmetric Price Transmission

- Szymon Wlazlowski
- 1485: Accelerated Internationalisation by Emerging Multinationals: the Case of White Goods Sector

- Federico Bonaglia, Andrea Goldstein and John Mathews
- 1484: Evolutionary Economics and Moral Relativism - Some Thoughts

- Martin Binder
- 1480: Economic reforms and foreign direct investment in Iran

- Leyla Sarfaraz
- 1472: Price Points and Price Rigidity

- Daniel Levy, Dongwon Lee, Haipeng (Allan) Chen, Robert Kauffman and Mark Bergen
- 1470: A Simple Model Of Currency Crises And Budget Deficits: The Case Of Turkey

- Tevfik Hakan Ongan and Gokhan Karabulut
- 1469: Tasa de Mortalidad Materna en Bolivia: Escenarios de Proyección y Requerimientos Financieros (Maternal Mortality rate in Bolivia: Projection Scenarios and Financial Requirements (in Spanish))

- Martin Barrenechea
- 1468: Non-linearities in mark-up on costs

- Szymon Wlazlowski, Jane Binner, Monica Giulietti and Nathan Joseph
- 1465: On the construction of cersonal, corporate and effective overall marginal tax rates for Canada (1977-1992)

- Periklis Gogas
- 1464: The revenue smoothing hypothesis in an ARIMA Framework: Evidence from the United States, in Claude Diebolt, Catherine Kyrtsou et al. (eds.), New Trends in Macroeconomics

- Periklis Gogas and Apostolos Serletis
- 1461: Lecture Notes on The Optimal Growth Problem

- Todd Keister
- 1458: Artificiality in Social Sciences

- Jean-Philippe Rennard
- 1456: Economic Growth and Poverty: Does Formalisation of Informal Enterprises Matter?

- Robert Kappel and Esther K. Ishengoma
- 1452: Options valuation

- Ilya Gikhman
- 1451: Some critical comments on credit risk modeling

- Ilya Gikhman
- 1450: Corporate debt pricing I

- Ilya Gikhman
- 1449: Fixed-income instrument pricing

- Ilya Gikhman
- 1447: Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization in India

- Nirvikar Singh
- 1444: The Industrial Organization of the Japanese Bar: Levels and Determinants of Attorney Income

- Minoru Nakazato, John Ramseyer and Eric Rasmusen
- 1443: Structure and stylized facts of a deregulated power market

- Ingve Simonsen, Rafał Weron and Birger Mo
- 1441: Información privilegiada, administración de riesgos y utilidades esperadas: Una aplicación de los juegos de señalización al estudio de crisis cambiarias

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 1440: Endogenous Network Formation In the Laboratory

- Boğaçhan Çelen and Kyle Hyndman
- 1438: Conflict and Conflict Managment with Asymmetric Stakes (The Bad-Cop and the Good Cop part II)

- Raul Caruso
- 1436: Tunisian Financial System: a Growth Factor

- Imene Ben Fredj and Christophe Schalck
- 1435: Coordination des Politiques Budgétaires dans une Union Monétaires Hétérogène: Modélisation et Application à l'UEM Coordination of Budgetary Policies in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union: Modelisation and Application

- Christophe Schalck
- 1434: Règles Budgétaires et Gestion du Policy-Mix dans l'UEM Budgetary Rules and Management of the Policy-Mix in the UME

- Christophe Schalck
- 1433: Handling losses in translog profit models

- J. Bos and Michael Koetter
- 1432: Positive effects of fiscal expansions on growth and debt

- Rosaria Rita Canale
- 1429: L'Unione monetaria europea fra integralismo monetario e dipendenza della politica fiscale. Alcune considerazioni (Monetary "integralism" and fiscal policy dependence in the European Monetary Union. Some reflections)

- Rosaria Rita Canale
- 1426: Competition, Monopoly Maintenance, and Consumer Switching Costs

- Hodaka Morita and Michael Waldman

- Branko Milanovic
- 1424: Estimating regressions and seemingly unrelated regressions with error component disturbances

- Paolo Foschi
- 1423: TIPS Options in the Jarrow-Yildirim model

- Marc Henrard
- 1422: Hermes: an Ontology-Based News Personalization Portal

- Jethro Borsje, Leonard Levering, Hanno Embregts and Flavius Frasincar
- 1421: systemfit: A Package to Estimate Simultaneous Equation Systems in R

- Arne Henningsen and Jeff Hamann
- 1419: The impact of young motherhood on education, employment and marriage

- Bruce Bradbury
- 1418: The determinants of the Harare Stock Exchange (HSE) market capitalisation

- Peter Ilmolelian
- 1416: Do study grants help refugees find jobs? A case study of the effects of the voluntary sector grants on the education, training and employment of refugees in the United Kingdom

- Peter Ilmolelian
- 1413: A Pure-Jump Transaction-Level Price Model Yielding Cointegration, Leverage, and Nonsynchronous Trading Effects

- Cliiford Hurvich and Yi Wang
- 1403: The Nature Of Impulse Mechanısm: An Empırıcal Study For Turkey

- Tevfik Hakan Ongan and Dündar Murat Demiröz
- 1398: The Single-Mindedness of Labor Unions: Theory and Empirical Evidence

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 1396: External debt sustainability and domestic debt in Heavily Indebted Poor Countries

- Andrea Presbitero and Marco Arnone
- 1395: Economic Impact of the Mid-Term Review on Agricultural Production, Farm Income and Farm Survival: A Quantitative Analysis for Local Sub-Regions of Schleswig-Holstein in Germany

- Arne Henningsen, Christian H.C.A. Henning, Carsten Struve and Jörg Müller-Scheeßel
- 1393: Indigenous Job Search Success

- Matthew Gray and Boyd Hunter
- 1392: The Economic Value of Wild Resources to the Indigenous Community of the Wallis Lakes Catchment

- Matthew Gray, Jon Altman and Natane Halasz
- 1391: Policy issues for the Community Development Employment Projects scheme in rural and remote Australia

- Jon Altman, Matthew Gray and Robert Levitus
- 1388: Dynamics, Welfare and Migration in Open Economies

- Alexandra Espinosa
- 1385: Vietnam’s Trade Liberalisation: Potential Impacts on Child Well-being

- Anh Nguyen and Nicola Jones
- 1384: Has the U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement Led to Higher FDI into Vietnam?

- Steve Parker, Vinh Quang Phan and Anh Nguyen
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