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92494: Monitoring Intensity and Technology Choice in A Model of Unemployment Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
92493: A Model for the Valuation of Assets with Liquidity Risk Downloads
Bert-Jan Nauta
92492: The Impact of Natural Gas Consumption on Industry Value Added in the Mediterranean Region Downloads
Tahar Harkat
92490: Concentration of income inequality on the basis of Palma ratio and income deciles of Turkey on national and regional level Downloads
Emine Tahsin
92489: Geopolítica do minério de ferro brasileiro no entreguerras (Geopolitics of the Brazilian iron ore in the interwar period) Downloads
Gustavo Barros
92485: University Governance and Heterodox Economis: Mapping an Academic Field of Power in Germany Downloads
Arne Heise and Sebastian Thieme
92483: Reconciling Facts with Fiction, or: A Theoretical Speculation of why the Minimum Wage has no Discernible Effect on Employment Downloads
Arne Heise
92482: Deconstructing Job Search Behavior Downloads
Stefano Banfi, Sekyu Choi and Benjamin Villena-Roldan
92478: Правна регламентация на социалната и солидарна икономика и влиянието й върху заетостта (Legal regulation of the social and solidarity economics and its influence on the employment) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
92473: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania Downloads
Ana Ursu
92471: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in MENA countries: an Analytical and Econometric Approach Downloads
Iyad Dhaoui
92470: Forecasting travel time variability Downloads
Jonas Eliasson
92465: Effects of Economic Climate on Internal and External Conflicts Downloads
Muhammad Waqas and Israr Hussain
92463: Modeling and forecasting remittances in Bangladesh using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA methodology Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92462: Poverty, income inequality and unemployment in Spain in the 2008's Financial Crises Downloads
Migbaru Alamirew Workneh
92461: Measuring the effeciency of medical tourism industry in EU members states Downloads
Lorena Androutsou and Theodore Metaxas
92460: Understanding inflation dynamics in the United States of America (USA): A univariate approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92459: Will the United States of America (USA) be a beneficiary of the Alburg (1998) and Becker et al (1999) prophecies? Recent insights from the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92458: Modeling and forecasting inflation in Tanzania using ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92457: Somalia population dynamics versus the Malthusian population trap: What does the ARIMA approach tell us? Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92456: Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach to predicting total population in Russia Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92455: Uncovering inflation dynamics in Morocco: An ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92454: Modeling and forecasting CPI in Iran: A univariate analysis Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92453: CSR in South Europe during the financial crisis and its relation to the financial states of Greek companies Downloads
Ioannis Ziogas and Theodore Metaxas
92452: Predicting inflation in the Kingdom of Bahrain using ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92451: Understanding inflation patterns in Thailand: An ARMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92450: Inflation dynamics in Niger unlocked: An ARMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92449: Inflation dynamics in Jamaica: Evidence from the ARMA methodology Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92448: Understanding inflation trends in Finland: A univariate approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92446: ARIMA modeling and forecasting of inflation in Egypt (1960-2017) Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92444: Modeling and forecasting inflation in Burundi using ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92443: Forecasting inflation in Burkina Faso using ARMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92442: ARIMA modeling and forecasting of Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Germany Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92441: Is South Africa the South Africa we all desire? Insights from the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92440: Addressing the population question in Mexico: A Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92439: What will be China's population in 2050? Evidence from the Box-Jenkins approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92438: Metal and machine industry in Serbia Downloads
Dragan Petrović and Rajko Bukvić
92437: Forecasting the population of Brazil using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92436: Predicting total population in India: A Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92435: Where is Eritrea going in terms of population growth? Insights from the ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92434: A Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach to the population question in Pakistan: A reliable prognosis Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92433: Forecasting total population in Yemen using Box-Jenkins ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92432: Predicting inflation in Sri Lanka using ARMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92431: Predicting inflation in Senegal: An ARMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92430: Análisis de los Patrones de Demanda en el Sector Textil Español (Demand Analysis of Clothing Sector in Spain) Downloads
Sara Miranda-Buetas and Elisa Gracia-Raluy
92429: Modeling and forecasting inflation in Philippines using ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92428: Modeling and forecasting inflation in Lesotho using Box-Jenkins ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92427: Understanding inflation trends in Israel: A univariate approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92426: Prediction of Inflation in Algeria using ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92425: Can Algeria be the first African country to outsmart the Malthusian population trap? Insights from the ARIMA approach Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92423: Modeling and forecasting CPI in Mauritius Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92422: Predicting consumer price index in Saudi Arabia Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92421: Analyzing CPI dynamics in Italy Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92420: Modeling and forecasting CPI in Myanmar: An application of ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92419: Predicting CPI in Panama Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92418: Forecasting CPI in Sweden Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92417: Interactions between Social and Topping Up Insurance under ex-post Moral Hazard Downloads
Rosalind Bell-Aldeghi
92416: Predicting CPI in France Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92415: Understanding CPI dynamics in Canada Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92414: Time series modeling and forecasting of the consumer price index in Belgium Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92413: Predicting CPI in Singapore: An application of the Box-Jenkins methodology Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92412: Forecasting Australian CPI using ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92411: Forecasting consumer price index in Norway: An application of Box-Jenkins ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92410: Forecasting UK consumer price index using Box-Jenkins ARIMA models Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92409: Time series modeling and forecasting of the consumer price index in Japan Downloads
Thabani Nyoni
92408: The Evolution of Factor Shares: Evidence from Switzerland Downloads
Guido Baldi and Martina Pons
92406: Необходимост от нов модел за определяне на минималната работна заплата и минималния осигурителен доход (Necessity of new model for determining of the minimal wage and the minimum contributory income) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
92405: Електронните документи в трудовото досие на работника или служителя – съвременна трудовоправна уредба (Electronic documents in the employee's file - modern labor law) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
92404: Трудовоправни и осигурителноправни аспекти на трудовите договори за краткотрайна сезонна работа (Labor- and insurance-legal aspects of the employment contracts for short-term seasonal work) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
92403: Специфики при вземането на решения от компетентността на областните съвети за тристранно сътрудничество (Specificity in decisions of regional tripartite cooperation council's competence making) Downloads
Mariyana Shirvanyan
92401: Economic complexity and jobs: an empirical analysis Downloads
Antonis Adam, Antonios Garas and Athanasios Lapatinas
92400: Gastos Médicos en España: Estimaciones del Sistema de Demanda Casi Ideal y del Modelo de Rotterdam (Medical Expenses in Spain: Estimations of the Almost Ideal Demand System and of the Rotterdam Model) Downloads
Celia Perchín Milián and Miguel Cañoto Martínez
92396: Natural resources, economic growth and geography Downloads
Rafael González-Val and Fernando Pueyo
92395: Emergence of Urban Landscapes: Equilibrium Selection in a Model of Internal Structure of the Cities Downloads
Minoru Osawa and Takashi Akamatsu
92394: An Improved IS-LM Model To Explain Quantitative Easing Downloads
Martin Hiermeyer
92392: An analysis of the determinants of bank performance in Malawi: A case of listed commercial banks Downloads
Perry Mkandawire
92391: Heuristic Switching Model and Exploration-Explotation Algorithm to describe long-run expectations in LtFEs: a comparison Downloads
Annarita Colasante, Simone Alfarano and Eva Camacho-Cuena
92390: Heterogeneous Consumer Preference for Seafood Sustainability in Japan Downloads
Hiroki Wakamatsu
92389: Getting on and moving up the property ladder: Real hedging in the U.S. housing market before and after the crisis Downloads
Damian S Damianov and Diego Escobari
92388: Rainfall variability and groundwater availability for irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from the Niayes region of Senegal Downloads
Amy Faye and Siwa Msangi
92387: Teoría del valor en Valenzuela Feijóo: Una representación walrasiana de Marx (Value theory in Valenzuela Feijóo: A Walrasian representation of Marx) Downloads
Julio Goicoechea
92382: Complexity Theory, Democratic Transition and Public Policy Choices in Iraq Downloads
Alfio Cerami
92381: A Will in Search of a Way: Philanthropy in Education in Peru Downloads
Vicente Leon and Matthew Bird
92380: Impact de la qualité du capital humain sur la capacité d’innovation des PME: application sur un pays en développement (Impact of quality of human capital on the innovation capacity of SMEs: application to a developing country) Downloads
Honoré Tekam Oumbe, Charles Bertin Pilag Kakeu and Miamo Clovis
92379: Everything that Rises Must Converge: Huaicos, the Spirit of Solidarity and the Asymmetrical Uses of Humanitarian Aid in Peru Downloads
Vicente Leon, Matthew Bird, Erika Leon and Alejandra Hidalgo
Honoré Tekam Oumbe and Charles Bertin Pilag Kakeu
92371: The Impact of Oil Prices on the Banking system in the Gulf Cooperation Council Downloads
Ken Miyajima, Padamja Khandelwal and Andre Santos
92367: A interiorização do ensino superior no Rio Grande do Sul (The expansion to hinterland of Higher Education in Rio Grande do Sul) Downloads
Livio Oliveira
92366: Analysis of Factors Affecting Potato Farmers' Gross Margin in Central Ethiopia: The Case of Holeta District Downloads
Mesfin Mersha and Leykun Demeke
92365: Продовольственная помощь незащищенным слоям населения: роль местного производства в поставках ресурсов нуждающимся в продовольственной помощи, анализ институциональной среды, проблемы инфраструктурного обустройства системы внутренней продовольственной помощи (Food aid to vulnerable segments of the population: the role of local production in the supply of resources to those in need of food aid, analysis of the institutional environment, the problems of infrastructure development of the system of domestic food aid) Downloads
Victor Stukach, Natali Starovoytova, Ecaterina Astashova and Olga Evdohina
92363: Wider Covered Interest Parity Deviations and Lower Stock Returns: Evidence from the Eurozone Downloads
Oyakhilome Ibhagui
92362: Impact of inflation on the monetary policy: case study of Pakistan Downloads
Ramsha Ali
92360: Study on the effect of leadership style, reward systems, and working conditions on employee work performance (case study of the state plantation of Merbau Pagar, Indonesia) Downloads
Zhon Jepri Ebenezer Aritonang, Isfenti Sadalia and Rulianda P Wibowo
92359: The influence of emotional intelligence on the performance of health department officers of Deli Serdang regency Downloads
Siti Aisah Osro, Harmein Nasution and Isfenti Sadalia
92358: The analysis of the influence of motivation, competence, and incentive toward employee performance at pt Sianjur resort, a housing developer of Oma Deli Medan, Indonesia Downloads
Ridwansyah Ridwansyah, Isfenti Sadalia and Yeni Absah
92357: The effect of organizational commitment to the performance of y generation employees in PT bank Sumut with transformational leadership as moderation variables Downloads
Kelven Daniel Tambunan, Nazaruddin Nazaruddin and Endang Sulistya Rini
92356: Influence of reference group indicators to the image of modern retail (case in Indonesia) Downloads
Sugito Sugito, Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Endang Sulistya Rini and Yeni Absah
92355: The influencing factors of turnover on nurses in private hospitals in Binjai city, Indonesia Downloads
Septi Utami Anugrah, Harmein Nasution and Nazaruddin Nazaruddin
92353: Liberalism, Islam and the idea of Mankind Downloads
Azmat Hayat and Mohammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai
92347: Size, Efficiency, Market Power, and Economies of Scale in the African Banking Sector Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
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