MPRA Paper
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- 18907: Empirical Approaches About the Input-Output Model for the Local Economic Development: Case Study in Braila Municipality

- Ani Matei
- 18906: Partnership and Local Governance in Romania

- Lucica Matei and Ani Matei
- 18905: Improvement of Government Financing through Non-Conventional Methods: Reducing the Administrative Costs in the Public Sector

- Ani Matei and Teodora Dinu
- 18901: Labour market transition in Italy: an empirical investigation

- Giulio Bosio
- 18899: A Poisson Regression Examination of the Relationship between Website Traffic and Search Engine Queries

- Heather Tierney and Bing Pan
- 18898: Micro and macro indicators of competition: comparison and relation with productivity change

- Michael Polder, Erik Veldhuizen, Dirk van den Bergen and Eugène van der Pijll
- 18895: Specific Issues of the Structure and Relations between Executive and Legislature at Local Level in Romania

- Lucica Matei and Ani Matei
- 18893: Productivity effects of innovation modes

- Michael Polder, George Leeuwen, Pierre Mohnen and Wladimir Raymond
- 18892: Assessing the influence of spot price predictability on electricity futures hedging

- Hipolit Torro
- 18890: Measuring consumer inflation expectations in Europe and examining their forward-lookingness

- Tomasz Łyziak
- 18889: Municipalità, lavoro, sviluppo: il contributo dell'Amministrazione comunale di Muggiò per favorire la mobilità e l'occupazione (Municipality, job, development: the contribution of the Town Administration of Muggiò to foster mobility and employment)

- Alberto Suppa
- 18887: Europäische Metropolregionen in Deutschland – eine regionalökonomische Evaluation (European Metropolitan Regions in Germany – a regional economic evaluation)

- Karsten Rusche and Christian Oberst
- 18885: How is the Global Recession Impacting on Poverty and Social Spending? An ex ante assessment methodology with applications to developing Asia

- Ruth Francisco and Guanghua Wan
- 18881: Zentralbank-Politik und makroökonomische Ergebnisse: eine sozio-institutionelle Interpretation (Central Bank Policies and Macroeconomic Results: A Socio-institutional Interpretation)

- Eckhard Hein
- 18880: Institutions and Macroeconomic Performance: Central Bank Independence, Labour Market Institutions and the Perspectives for Inflation and Employment in the European Monetary Union

- Eckhard Hein
- 18877: Conflict Prevention and Decentralized Governance

- Rafael Grasa and Arnau Camps
- 18872: Bank liquidity and the board of directors

- Manthos Delis, Chrysovalantis Gaganis and Fotios Pasiouras
- 18871: Changes in the productivity of labour and vertically integrated sectors — an empirical study for Italy

- Nadia Garbellini and Ariel Wirkierman
- 18869: A two-sector OLG economy: economic growth and demographic behaviour

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 18868: I modelli macroeconomici per la valutazione dell'impatto dei Fondi strutturali nelle economie a Obiettivo 1 (Macroeconomic Models Used for the Impact Evaluation of the Structural Funds in Objective 1 Economies)

- Luigi Moretti
- 18867: Bank Concentration and Structure of Manufacturing Sectors: Differences Between High and Low Income Countries

- Luigi Moretti
- 18866: Technological Progress and the Future of Kuznets Curve's

- Inyong Shin, Hyunho Kim and Eiji Yamamura
- 18864: A knowledge based approach to collaboration in basic research

- Mauro Caminati
- 18861: Why is Access to Basic Services Not Inclusive? A Synthesis with a Special Focus on Developing Asia

- Guanghua Wan and Ruth Francisco
- 18859: Gender and Remittance Flows in Vietnam during Economic Transformation

- Wade Pfau and Long Giang
- 18858: Climate change meets trade in promoting green growth: potential conflicts and synergies

- ZhongXiang Zhang
- 18855: La revalorisation automatique du SMIC (Automatic indexation rules of the French minimum wage (SMIC))

- Gilbert Cette and Etienne Wasmer
- 18854: Equilibrium sovereign default with endogenous exchange rate depreciation

- Sergey Popov and David Wiczer
- 18853: Fraternities and labor market outcomes

- Sergey Popov and Dan Bernhardt
- 18851: Work status and family planning: insights from the Italian puzzle

- Fabio Sabatini
- 18850: Estimating Semiparametric Panel Data Models by Marginal Integration

- Junhui Qian and Le Wang
- 18849: Managerial discretion, incentives and governance rules for non-profit organizations

- Maria Alessandra Antonelli
- 18848: Asset Liability Management for Banks

- Rossano Giandomenico
- 18847: The new relations between global economy, international trade and financial system

- Catalin Popa
- 18846: Urban Public Pension, Replacement Rates and Population Growth Rate in China

- Zaigui Yang
- 18845: Altruism, Lifetime Uncertainty and Optimal Public Pension Contribution Rate

- Zaigui Yang
- 18844: Pricing of the Policy Life in Absence of Default Risk and Asset Liability Management

- Rossano Giandomenico
- 18840: An Extended Macro-Finance Model with Financial Factors

- Hans Dewachter and Leonardo Iania
- 18836: Bayesian estimation of the infrequency of purchase model with an application to food demand in the UK

- Richard Tiffin and M Arnoult
- 18831: Income Security Reform and the Concept of a Guaranteed Annual Income

- Patrick Grady and Constantine Kapsalis
- 18829: Predicting the Medal Wins by Country at the 2006 Winter Olympic Games: An Econometrics Approach

- Wade Pfau
- 18827: Energy prices and China’s international competitiveness

- Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 18826: Why do Employees Leave Their Jobs for Self-Employment? – The Impact of Entrepreneurial Working Conditions in Small Firms

- Arndt Werner and Petra Moog
- 18819: The Choice between Greenfield Investment and Cross-border Acquisition: A Real Option Approach

- Bernard Gilroy and Elmar Lukas
- 18813: Environmental managment without environmental valuation?

- Clive Spash
- 18811: Trade reform in a corrupt economy: A note

- Biswajit Mandal
- 18807: On the Origin of Mass Extinctions: Darwin’s Nontrivial Error

- Matt Funk
- 18805: Accounting Regulation and Management Discretion in a British Building Society, Circa 1960

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Mark Billings
- 18804: قدرة النظام المصرفي على الحد من ظاهرة الفقر: دراسة قياسية تجميعية على الدول النامية (Ability of financial system to reduce poverty)

- Ibrahim Alomar
- 18800: Effects of World Price and Oil Export Price Increases in the Framework of One-sector and Two-Sector Stylized Models

- Zhanna Kapsalyamova
- 18798: الدور التنموي للمصارف والوسطاء الماليين (Develpmental Role of Banks and Financial Intermediaries)

- Ibrahim Alomar
- 18796: في التاريخ الاقتصادي والسياسي لنفط الشرق الأوسط (In Economy and Political History of Middle Eastern Oil)

- Ibrahim Alomar
- 18794: Lifetime Uncertainty and the Optimal Replacement Rate of urban Public Pension in China

- Zaigui Yang
- 18792: Montoneros, FAP Y Peronismo de Base ante las políticas económicas de los gobiernos justicialistas de 1973-1976 (Montoneros, FAP and Peronismo de Base and the economic policies of the peronist governments from 1973-1976)

- Federico Marongiu
- 18791: Pursuing Inflation Targeting Policy Framework in the Midst of Inflationary Pressures and Fiscal Constraint in Indonesia

- Reza Siregar
- 18790: Factor intensity and order of resource extraction

- Giuseppe Freni
- 18789: Population Growth Rate, Life Expectancy and Pension Program Improvement in China

- Zaigui Yang
- 18788: The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Industrialization of Least Developed Countries

- Mehdi Shafaeddin
- 18786: Bezpieczeństwo elektroenergetyczne: Ryzyko > Zarządzanie ryzykiem > Bezpieczeństwo (Power security: Risk > Risk management > Security)

- Rafał Weron
- 18784: Regime-switching models for electricity spot prices: Introducing heteroskedastic base regime dynamics and shifted spike distributions

- Joanna Janczura and Rafał Weron
- 18780: Latin America: The Missing Financial Crisis

- Arturo Porzecanski
- 18777: Measuring Core Inflation in Indonesia: An Asymmetric Trimmed-Mean Approach

- Febrio Kacaribu
- 18771: Влияние Трудовой Эмиграции на Рынок Труда в Латвии (Influence of Labour Migration on Latvia's Labour Market)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 18767: Lifetime Network Externality and the Dynamics of Group Inequality

- Young-Chul Kim
- 18766: Existence of Optimal Strategies in Linear Multisector Models with several consumption goods

- Giuseppe Freni, Fausto Gozzi and Neri Salvadori
- 18765: Group Reputation and the Dynamics of Statistical Discrimination

- Young-Chul Kim and Glenn Loury
- 18764: The Keynesian multiplier and the Pigou effect under substitution between private and public consumption

- Luis Corchon
- 18763: Prospects of American Scholarship to Pakistani School Students

- Gobind M. Herani
- 18761: Welfare Maximizing Contest Success Functions when the Planner Cannot Commit

- Luis Corchon
- 18760: A Vision for Collection and Disbursing of Funds: Suggested policies for District Tharparkar

- Gobind M. Herani
- 18759: "Endogenous" Relative Concerns: The Impact of Workers' Characteristics on Status and Pro ts in the Firm

- Abhijit Ramalingam
- 18752: Social security and retirement across OECD countries

- Jorge Alonso Ortiz
- 18751: Medición de resultados de las facultades de economía de Colombia en el ECAES ¿Existe alguna diferencia entre estas? (Measuring the results of Colombia's universities in the ECAES exam. Are there any differences?)

- Daniel Jose Gonzalez Buitrago
- 18750: Mean-Reverting Stochastic Processes, Evaluation of Forward Prices and Interest Rates

- V. G. Makhankov and M. A. Aguero-Granados
- 18749: The Recent Corporate Income Tax Reform Proposals in Canada and the United States

- Patrick Grady
- 18748: Mapping environmental services in Guatemala

- Stefano Pagiola, Ale Colom and Wei Zhang
- 18746: The Relationship of Income And Money Attitudes To Subjective Assessment of Financial Situation

- Agata Gąsiorowska
- 18741: The role of Regime Shifts in the Term Structure of Interest Rates: Further evidence from an Emerging Market

- Burak Saltoğlu and Ege Yazgan
- 18734: On natural selection in oligopolistic markets

- Luis Corchon
- 18731: Corruption and the Effects of Economic Freedom

- Luca Pieroni and Giorgio d'Agostino
- 18726: Oil Price Shocks and the Macroeconomy of Nigeria: A Non-linear Approach

- Shehu Aliyu
- 18721: Модели экономики в теории институциональных матриц (Economy models within institutional matrices theory framework)

- Svetlana G. Kirdina
- 18720: Education, Utilitarianism, and Equality of Opportunity

- Aitor Calo-Blanco and Antonio Villar
- 18718: A Economia em Ebulição: Integrando o Plural e a Moral numa Ciência Económica Satisfatória (Economics in Turmoil: Integrating Moral and Plural in a Satisfactory Economic Science)

- Hugo Pinto
- 18717: The determinants of international financial integration revisited: the role of networks and geographic neutrality

- Iván Arribas, Francisco Perez and Emili Tortosa-Ausina
- 18716: Does Firm Ownership Differentiate Environmental Compliance? Evidence from Indian Chromite Mining Industry

- Amarendra Das
- 18715: Zur Interdependenz von Geld- und Lohnpolitik: Makroökonometrische Ex-post und Ex-ante Simulationen verschiedener Szenarien für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (On the interdependence of monetary and wage policies: Macro-econometric ex-post and ex-ante simulations of different scenarios for Germany)

- Klaus Bartsch, Eckhard Hein and Achim Truger
- 18710: Intra-Industry Trade and Differences in Technology

- Bernard Gilroy and Udo Broll
- 18709: Collateral in Banking Policy and Adverse Selection

- Bernard Gilroy and Udo Broll
- 18708: Investment decisions and the soft budget constraint: evidence from Hungarian manufacturing firms

- Emilio Colombo and Luca Stanca
- 18706: A Re-examination of Private Consumption in Fiji

- Saten Kumar
- 18705: International Cooperation and Intra-Industrial Transactions

- Bernard Gilroy and Udo Broll
- 18704: Cointegration and the Demand for Energy in Fiji

- Saten Kumar
- 18703: Some Empirical Evidence on the Demand for Money in the Pacific Island Countries

- Saten Kumar and Rup Singh
- 18702: A note on US excess bank reserves and the credit contraction

- Tarron Khemraj
- 18701: The Long-Lived Effects of Historic Climate on the Wealth of Nations

- John Bluedorn, Akos Valentinyi and Michael Vlassopoulos
- 18700: Political Constraints on Monetary Policy During the U.S. Great Inflation

- Charles Weise
- 18698: Labour Values and the Theory of the Firm: Part I: The Competitive Firm

- Klaus Hagendorf
- 18697: Sweet Talk: A Theory of Persuasion

- Marco Di Maggio
- 18696: Communication of Preferences in Contests for Contracts

- Todd Kaplan