MPRA Paper
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- 116679: NCC Productivity Statement 2019

- Javier Papa
- 116677: Evaluate Ho Chi Minh City Sustainability Using Fuzzy Extent Analysis Method

- Hien Thi Thu Dinh, Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen and Phong Thanh Nguyen
- 116676: What is behind aggregate productivity growth in Ireland? A granular approach

- Javier Papa
- 116672: Patterns of Firm-Level Productivity in Ireland

- Javier Papa, Luke Rehill and Brendan OConnor
- 116666: Testing Club Convergence in COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Administered in the United States

- Kolawole Ogundari
- 116663: The Regulatory Quality and ESG Model at World Level

- Alberto Costantiello and Angelo Leogrande
- 116662: Heteroskedasticity and Clustered Covariances from a Bayesian Perspective

- Gabriel Lewis
- 116658: Covid-19

- Ashok Nag
- 116656: Redes y autoempleo: Evidencia con datos de Facebook (Networks and self-employment: Evidence from Facebook data)

- Antonio Gutierrez-Lythgoe
- 116655: Improving the quality of silk yarn and fabric using various edible oils during pre-treatment

- Garizaldy G. Gaudia
- 116652: Correlates of Distress Financing In Case of Institutional Delivery In India: Evidence From The National Family Health Survey

- Bhaskar Bhattacharyya, Biswajit Mandal and Sarbajit Sengupta
- 116651: Do effective governance and political stability facilitate the promotion of economic growth through natural resource rents? Evidence from Africa

- Frank Bannor, Isaiah Magambo, Jean Luc Mubenga-Tshitaka, Mduduzi Biyase and Bismark Osei-Acheampong
- 116649: Demand for Maternal Health Care in The Eastern States of India: Evidence From A National Health Survey

- Ramananda Roy, Bhaskar Bhattacharyya and Biswajit Mandal
- 116642: Introduction à la modélisation de type Modèle d'Equilibre Général Dynamique Stochastique avec friction (MEGDS) (Introduction to Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Modeling with friction (DSGE))

- Andrianady Josue and Njakanasandratra Rajaonarison
- 116635: The Impact of Investments on Economic Growth: Evidence from Tajikistan

- Abduvaliev Mubinzhon
- 116632: Implications of Robotics and Manufacturing for Economic Growth in the Future: Taking a Closer Look

- Arun Tomar
- 116631: Licensing a product innovation in a Cournot industry

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 116625: The effect of socioeconomic status on the student achievement gap in the United States: Race/ethnic disparities

- Kolawole Ogundari
- 116621: Understanding Commons and Anticommons in different economic contexts

- Ismail Azaguagh and Ahmed Driouchi
- 116620: Russia-Ukraine War: A Note on Short-Run Production and Labour Market Effects of the Energy Crisis

- Christian Hutter and Enzo Weber
- 116615: The Emergence of China’s Mergers and Acquisitions Market

- Chien-Hsun Chen
- 116614: Efficiency-enhancing role of mandatory leave policy in a search-theoretic model of the labor market

- Koichi Miyazaki
- 116613: Why are overlapping land rights disincentive against investment in agriculture?: customary land tenure institution in West Africa

- Yuichi Kimura
- 116612: Smooth versus Harsh Regulatory Interventions and Policy Equivalence

- Linda Schilling
- 116611: Does migration theory explain international migration from Bangladesh? a primer review

- Wadood Syed Naimul, Choudhury Nayeema Nusrat and Azad Abul Kalam
- 116609: Search and Competition Under Product Quality Uncertainty

- Yongmin Chen
- 116606: Is Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy Effective in the Global Supply Chain?

- Chien-Hsun Chen
- 116605: A bias test for heteroscedastic linear least squares regression

- Eric Blankmeyer
- 116598: Stability and Bifurcations in Banks and Small Enterprises—A Three-Dimensional Continuous-Time Dynamical System

- Marco Desogus and Beatrice Venturi
- 116597: Sustainable Development Goals: An Economic and Social Perspective

- Arun Singh Tomar
- 116596: The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the World as a Whole from an Economic Perspective

- Rahul Sharma
- 116595: Use of vectors in financial graphs

- Abdul Rahim Wong
- 116592: Logistic Regression Collaborating with AI Beam Search

- Daniel Tom
- 116591: Дигитална трансформация на процеса по обслужване на главните книги в университетите: проблеми и възможни решения (Digital transformation of the general ledger process in universities: problems and possible solutions)

- Ivan Kuyumdzhiev and Andriyana Andreeva
- 116590: По някои въпроси за информираността на работниците и служителите при възникването и по време на действието на трудовото правоотношение (On certain issues concerning the information of workers and employees at the start and during the duration of the employment relationship)

- Andriyana Andreeva
- 116588: Effects of Fiscal Rules and Political Framework: Evidence from COVID-19 Crisis

- Erdem Kilic, Sitki Sonmezer and Orhan Ozaydin
- 116586: Financial inclusion and environmental sustainability

- Peterson Ozili
- 116581: Unpaid family labor and self-employment: Two multi-sector models of capitalist reproduction and endogenous cycles

- John Cajas Guijarro
- 116579: Machine Learning algorithms, perspectives, and real-world application: Empirical evidence from United States trade data

- Sakshi Aggarwal
- 116578: Prospects for Taiwan’s Outward Investment in China

- Chien-Hsun Chen
- 116576: Les conséquences des élections présidentielles de 2023 au Nigéria et son impact sur la sous-région (The aftermath of Nigeria’s 2023 presidential elections and its impact on the sub-region)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 116572: Impact of Social Media-Enabled Technology Innovation on Government: A Perspective

- Krishna Goyal
- 116568: Coping with Concurrent Crises in Lebanon: For an Inclusive National Social Registry to Protect the Vulnerable

- Leila Dagher, Ali Abboud and Ola Sidani
- 116567: The aftermath of Nigeria’s 2023 presidential elections and its impact on the sub-region

- Dirk Kohnert
- 116563: Why the rich and the poor value freedom and equality differently

- Vladimir Popov
- 116562: The Impact of Brand Personality on Brand Equity and the Marketing Strategies to Dealing with such Issues

- Mirza Wahid Baig
- 116560: Investigating Tax Compliance with Mixed-Methods Approach: The Effect of Normative Appeals Among the Firms in Latvia

- Andris Saulitis and Philipp Chapkovski
- 116559: Is the Physical Infrastructure in Pakistan Enough to Attract Foreign Direct Investment

- Kunwer Arsalan Shahid
- 116558: Overview of the Crash of KSE

- Mustufa Hanif
- 116557: Feasibility of a Leather Manufacturing Unit

- Yaman -
- 116556: Customer's Preferences about Mobile Phones: Nokia, Samsung, and Ericsson

- Farnazia -
- 116555: A Study on the Consumers' Perception and Their Consumption Pattern for Processed Dairy Dairy Products in Karachi

- Aleshba Hasan
- 116554: The Recommended Strategies for Pakistan to Avail the Advantage of Textile Quota Free Regime in Exports

- Madiha Abdul Karim
- 116553: Reasons for the Decline of Bicycle Industry in Pakistan

- Nadia Ahmad
- 116552: The Customer Relationship Management Practices in Banking Industry

- Abrar Ahmed Khan Kamali
- 116547: Analysis of Banker's Perception on Islamic Banking In Pakistan

- Muhammad Ebbad Ul Haque
- 116543: Taiwan’s Rapidly Aging Population: A Crisis in the Making?

- Chien-Hsun Chen
- 116541: Hartman-Stampacchia theorem, Gale-Nikaido-Debreu lemma, and Brouwer and Kakutani fixed-point theorems

- Pascal Gourdel, Cuong Le Van, Ngoc-Sang Pham and Cuong Tran Viet
- 116540: Taking Advantage of Digitalization in Economy and Innovation to Transform Modern Society

- Krishna Goyal
- 116538: Sensitivity Analysis for Profit Maximization with Respect to Per Unit Cost of Subsidiary Raw Materials

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 116537: Collective risk taking by couples: individual vs household risk

- Jiakun Zheng, Helene Couprie and Astrid Hopfensitz
- 116532: Ensuring Accountability in Reconstruction and Reform Efforts in Lebanon: Phase Two Key Informant Interviews Report of Findings

- Leila Dagher, Ghina Tabsh, Ola Sidani and Oussama Abi Younes
- 116531: Фридрих Хайек за международният паричен ред. Идеи и проекти от 30-те и 40 години (Friedrich Hayek on the international monetary order. Ideas and projects from the 30s and 40s)

- Nikolay Nenovsky and Adrien Faudot
- 116529: Daily commuting

- Marcus Berliant
- 116527: Business cycle and factor income shares: a VAR sign restrictions approach

- Lorenzo Tonni
- 116522: Response of Inflation to the Climate Stress: Evidence from Azerbaijan

- Tural Yusifzada

- Adriana Zait
- 116519: World Prices and Business Cycles of a Small Open Input-Output Economy

- Atef Khelifi
- 116513: Is Taiwan’s Declining Public Investment a Crisis in the Making?

- Chien-Hsun Chen
- 116512: A Welfare and Pass-Through Effects of Regulations within Imperfect Competition

- Haider Ellalee and Walid Y. Alali
- 116510: Negative Influence of Electronic Advertising - Specifically Televison in Shaping the Behavior and Preferences of Children in Ages (10-14)

- Emmad Ali
- 116509: The Risks in Forex Trading in Commercial Banks in Pakistan

- Saima Saima
- 116508: Evolving Trend of Manufacturer-Retailer Outlets in the Textile Sector of Pakistan

- Sukaina Yousuf
- 116507: Have drivers of portfolio capital flows changed since the Global Financial Crisis?

- Tjeerd Boonman
- 116504: Occupational Stress and Stress Management in Air Traffic Control

- Rashida Rao
- 116503: Investment Forecasting with Multivariate Linear Regression in the Construction Industry of Pakistan

- Masood Mehdi
- 116499: Academic Publishing – An Annotated Inventory of Challenges and chosen Pathways

- Adriana Zait
- 116497: Renewable electricity generation and government expenditure on economic growth of South Africa and Botswana

- Nyiko Worship Hlongwane, Olebogeng David Daw and Mixo Sweetness Sithole
- 116495: Sensitivity Analysis between Commodity and Budget: Utility Maximization Case

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 116494: A Review of Current Electric Power Network Expansion Models

- Lei Wu, Shen Lu and Yinong Chen
- 116492: ICO versus Credit versus Venture Capital Financing under Stochastic Demand: A comment on '`Entrepreneurial Incentives and the Role of Initial Coin Offerings'' by R. Garratt and M. v. Oordt

- Linda Schilling
- 116488: Demutualization of Stock Exchanges in Pakistan and its Comparison with International Scenario

- Syed Babar Ali and Mohsin Adhi
- 116485: Internal Barriers to Customer Relationship Management Implementation

- Sonia Shah
- 116484: Unveiling the Carbon Footprint of Europe and Central Asia: Insights into the Impact of Key Factors on CO2 Emissions

- Muhammad Tufail Khan and Muhammad Imran
- 116483: Simple Rules of the Monetary Policy and Incomplete Exchange Rate Pass-Through

- Walid Y. Alali
- 116481: The Impact of Public Sector Lending on Financial Stability in Central Africa

- H Kouam and S Kouam
- 116480: Solution Strategies of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models

- Walid Y. Alali
- 116478: Potential Telehealth in Pakistan

- Humera Hashim Syed
- 116477: How Do the Owners Hide their Real Profits

- Arif Iqbal Junejo
- 116476: Stock market correlation and geographical distance: does the degree of economic integration matter?

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Mathias Manguzvane
- 116475: Note de conjoncture Madagascar second trimestre 2021 (Madagascar 's economic update quarter 2 2021)

- Ravahiny Josué Andrianady
- 116472: Weather, Credit, and Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from China

- Zhenzhu Chen, Li Li and Yao Tang
- 116471: Cartel Damages Claims, Passing-On and Passing-Back

- Luke Garrod, Tien-Der Jerry Han, James Harvey and Matthew Olczak
- 116470: The Impact of Information and Communication Technologies on Economic Competitiveness

- Devashish Sharma
- 116469: Cartel Damages Claims, Passing-On and Passing-Back

- Luke Garrod, Tien-Der Jerry Han, James Harvey and Matthew Olczak
- 116468: Environmental Kuznets curve on water pollution in Chinese provinces

- Hiroyuki Taguchi, Takeshi Fujino, Hidekatsu Asada and Jui-Jun Ma
- 116466: The impact of global FX liquidity on the rand

- Tim Olds, Daan Steenkamp and Rossouw Van Jaarsveld
- 116463: Analyse des impacts de la tension Russie-Ukraine à Madagascar (Impacts analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in Madagascar)

- Andrianady Josue, Njakanasandratra Rajaonarison and Gerzhino Rasolofomanana
- 116462: An Analysis of Non-Performing Loans in Pakistan

- Sajid Ali
- 116458: Prioritising Investment Opportunities in Research and Development Using Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis

- Alexandra Bratanova, Jerad A. Ford and Emma Schleiger
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