MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 28531: Ellsberg Paradox and Second-order Preference Theories on Ambiguity: Some New Experimental Evidence

- Chun-Lei Yang and Lan Yao
- 28521: Cooperative comebacks: resilience in the face of the Hurricane Katrina Catastrophe (New Orleans and Southern Mississippi, May 2005–May 2006)

- Mark Klinedinst
- 28518: El desempeño de los estudiantes de secundaria en los colegios de Fe y Alegría en Colombia: una cuestión de Fe y/o Alegría? (Academic performance of Fe y Alegria high school students in Colombia: is it a matter of Fe (faith) and/or Alegria (joy)?)

- Juan Carlos Parra and Quentin Wodon
- 28515: Role of Rules of Thumb in Forecasting Foreign Tourist Arrival: A Case Study of India

- Kaushik Bhattacharya
- 28513: Global production methods and women employment in garment units in Mumbai Metropolitan Region

- Sanjay Sanju
- 28512: EUROMON: The multi-country model of De Nederlandsche Bank

- Maria Demertzis, Peter Van Els, Sybille Grob and Marga Peeters
- 28510: The Participation Gap: Evidence from Compulsory Voting Laws

- Dominik Hangartner and Lukas Schmid
- 28509: Financial Liberalization and the Agrarian Sector: India and Kenya Compared

- Sukanya Bose
- 28506: GDP-spillovers in multi-country models

- Rudy Douven and Marga Peeters
- 28505: Concorrenza senza equilibrio. La "scoperta imprenditoriale" nella Teoria Economica Austriaca (Competition without equilibrium. The 'entrepreneurial discovery' in Austrian Economic Theory)

- Passarella Marco and Hervé Baron
- 28504: Internal finance and corporate investment: Belgian evidence with panel data

- Fernando Barran and Marga Peeters
- 28503: How are the Children of Visible Minority Immigrants Doing in the Canadian Labour Market?

- Patrick Grady
- 28499: A simplified stock-flow consistent dynamic model of the systemic financial fragility in the 'New Capitalism'

- Passarella Marco
- 28498: Systemic financial fragility and the monetary circuit: a stock-flow consistent approach

- Passarella Marco
- 28496: Does political accountability matter for infrastructure regulation? The case of telecommunications

- Laura Recuero Virto, Farid Gasmi and Paul Noumba Um
- 28494: Energy consumption and aggregate income in Italy: cointegration and causality analysis

- Cosimo Magazzino
- 28493: The nexus between public expenditure and inflation in the Mediterranean countries

- Cosimo Magazzino
- 28488: Opening the Black Box: Internal Capital Markets and Managerial Power

- Markus Glaser, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes and Zacharias Sautner
- 28487: Giants at the Gate: On the Cross-section of Private Equity Investment Returns

- Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Ludovic Phalippou and Olivier Gottschalg
- 28486: Monetary Policy and the Credit Channel: Evidence from India

- Sukanya Bose
- 28485: Interdependence in Multinational Production Networks

- Maggie Chen
- 28484: Human Capital, Higher Education Institutions, and Quality of Life

- John Winters
- 28483: Incomplete Contracts and Complexity Costs

- Luca Anderlini and Leonardo Felli
- 28473: Exports and labor income by gender: a social accounting matrix analysis for Senegal

- Ismael Fofana, Juan Carlos Parra and Quentin Wodon
- 28472: Se așteaptă consumatorii ca organizațiile să fie responsabile din punct de vedere social? (What do consumers expect from companies regarding social responsibility?)

- Cosmina Paula Bradu
- 28471: Oil price shocks, poverty, and gender: a social accouting matrix analysis for Kenya

- Jean-Pascal Nganou, Juan Carlos Parra and Quentin Wodon
- 28470: Endogenitatea criteriilor teoriei zonei monetare optime (The endogeneity of the optimum currency area criteria)

- Cristina Puiu
- 28465: Gender, Time Use, and Labor Income in Guinea: Micro and Macro Analyses

- Juan Carlos Parra and Quentin Wodon
- 28463: المشهد الحضاري العربي: سؤال المؤسسة.. سؤال الإنسان.. في تحديد ملامح الابعاد السياسية و الاقتصادية (The Arab cultural scene… An Institutional and Human Question in Shaping the Political and Economic Dimensions)

- Mohamed Kouni
- 28462: Imports-economic growth nexus: ARDL approach to cointegration

- Faridul Islam, Qazi Muhammad Adnan Hye and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 28460: Retirement Decisions in Transition: Microeconometric Evidence from Slovenia

- Sašo Polanec, Aleš Ahčan and Miroslav Verbič
- 28458: Rural Credit in India in Peril

- Sukanya Bose
- 28454: Economic vitality in a transition to sustainability

- Neva Goodwin
- 28453: Implicații ale volatilității cursului de schimb asupra schimburilor comerciale internaționale (cazul Romaniei) (Implications of exchange rate volatility on international trade (The case of Romania))

- Nicolae Ghiba
- 28452: Corporate governance, market competition and investment decisions in Mexican manufacturing firms

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras and Celina Lopez-Mateo
- 28451: Impactul modificării ratei dobânzii asupra cursului de schimb în România (The impact of interest rates changes on the exchange rate in Romania)

- Nicolae Ghiba
- 28449: Surse ale instabilitatii financiare in contextul crizei internationale. A Literature Review (Sources of Financial Instability in the context of the Financial Crisis. A Literature Review)

- Anamaria Avadanei
- 28448: Efecte ale volatilității cursului de schimb asupra exporturilor (Effects of exchange rate volatility on exports)

- Nicolae Ghiba
- 28440: Industry Concentration and the Cross-section of Stock Returns: Evidence from the UK

- Hashem Nawar
- 28438: Estimating risk attitudes in conventional and artefactual lab experiments

- Andreas Drichoutis and Phoebe Koundouri
- 28436: Research, Development, Production and Performance of heavy duty CNG fleets in Iran

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Maziar Rostamnezhad and Ali Momeni
- 28435: A dynamic general equilibrium model for tax policy analysis in Colombia

- Gustavo Adolfo Hernandez, Miles Light and Thomas Rutherford
- 28432: ¿Es posible alcanzar los Objetivos del Milenio en Colombia? Una evaluación de estrategias de focalización y financiamiento

- Gustavo Adolfo Hernandez, Jairo Nunez and Nestor Gonzalez
- 28427: An Overview on Institutionalism and Decentralized Decision-Making

- Alexandra Ema Cioclea
- 28426: Labour Market Returns to Higher Education in Vietnam

- Tinh Doan
- 28424: Regional Skill Supplies and Location of Firms: The Case of Information Technology Industry in India

- Vinoj Abraham
- 28422: Western Guilt and Third World Development: Part 1

- Joseph Baafi Antwi
- 28421: L'étrange victoire: Leontief et la transformation de la science économique: de la planification sans théorie à la mesure sans théorie 1920-1949 (The Strange Victory: Leontief and the transformation of economics: from planning without theory to measurement without theory 192-1949)

- Amanar Akhabbar
- 28420: O abodare de ansamblu privind provocările adoptării euro: cazul României (An overview of euro adoption challenges: the case of Romania)

- Andreea Avadanei
- 28419: Impacto económico del Supermercadismo (The Economics of Supermarkets: A Brief Literature Review)

- Leandro Zipitria
- 28418: Financing Social Protection in the Light of International Spending Targets: A Public Sector Spending Review

- Jessica Hagen-Zanker and Anna McCord
- 28417: Living with Macro-financial Linkages: Policy Perspectives and Challenges for SEACEN Countries

- Reza Siregar and Vincent Lim
- 28416: An empirical study of corporate bond pricing with unobserved capital structure dynamics

- Iain C Maclachlan
- 28414: The impact of power market reforms on electricity price-cost margins and cross-subsidy levels: a cross country panel data analysis

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 28413: Time series estimates of the US new Keynesian Phillips curve with structural breaks

- B. Rao and Antonio Paradiso
- 28411: Estimates of the US Phillips curve with the general to specific method

- B. Rao and Antonio Paradiso
- 28409: The use of indicators for unobservable product qualities: inferences based on consumer sorting

- Matthew Nagler, Fredi Kronenberg, Edward J. Kennelly, Bei Jiang and Chunhui Ma
- 28407: Is Private Leverage Excessive?

- Kalin Nikolov
- 28406: Tax evasion, information reporting, and the regressive bias hypothesis

- Jori Pinje and Simon Boserup
- 28404: Екзогенні чинники розвитку національної фінансової системи (The exogenous factors of national financial system’s development)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 28403: Financial development and energy consumption nexus in Malaysia: A multivariate time series analysis

- Faridul Islam, Muhammad Shahbaz and Md. Mahmudul Alam
- 28402: Análisis de Portafolio con Ratios de Sharpe Remuestrados Mediante Bootstrapping (Portfolio analysis with Sharpe ratios resampled by bootstrapping)

- Rolando Gonzales Martínez
- 28398: The Beat of Visions:The challenging features of a new global mode of production

- Hardy Hanappi
- 28397: Phillips curve in a small open economy: A time series exploration of North Cyprus

- Faridul Islam, Muhammad Shahbaz and Muhammad Shabbir
- 28396: New Combinations:Taking Schumpeter's concept serious

- Hardy Hanappi and Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger
- 28395: Time Series Estimates of the Italian Consumer Confidence Indicator

- Antonio Paradiso, B. Rao and Patrizia Margani
- 28393: Revisiting the Electricity Consumption-Growth Nexus for Portugal: Evidence from a Multivariate Framework Analysis

- Chor Foon Tang and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 28391: Economic Factors Contributing to Time-Varying Conditional Correlations in Stock Returns

- Jun Nagayasu
- 28387: World Economic Prospects in the Context of an Ongoing Global Crisis

- Anda Gheorghiu and Anca Gheorghiu
- 28385: Trade Barriers and the Price of Nontradables Relative to Tradables

- Michael J. Sposi
- 28384: The economic impact of electricity conservation policies: A case study of Ireland

- Batsaikhan Nyamdash and Eleanor Denny
- 28383: Econophysical Approaches for the Direct Foreign Investments

- Anca Gheorghiu, Ion Spanulescu and Anda Gheorghiu
- 28376: A new panel dataset for cross-country analyses of national systems, growth and development (CANA)

- Fulvio Castellacci and José Natera
- 28375: TIC, innovation et effets perçus dans les entreprises luxembourgeoises (ICT, Innovation and perceived effects in Luxembourgish firms)

- Leila Ben Aoun and Anne Dubrocard
- 28374: The disciplinary power of accounting-based regulation: the case of building societies, circa 1960

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Masayoshi Noguchi
- 28373: The Effects of Global Warming on Fisheries

- Carlos A. Medel
- 28371: تحليل التغييرات: في توجهات السياسات الاقتصادية في العراق (Analysis of changes: in the orientation of economic policy in Iraq)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 28369: Bay Ponzi’den Bay Madoff’a Ponzi Finansman (Ponzi Finance from Mr. Ponzi to Mr. Madoff) (Ponzi Finance from Mr. Ponzi to Mr. Madoff)

- Yener Coskun
- 28368: Aracı Kurumların Risk Haritası (Risk Maps of Securities Firms) (Risk Maps of Securities Firms)

- Yener Coskun
- 28367: Private renting in Romania

- Patrick Francis Gray and Manuela Epure
- 28366: Money creation and control from Islamic perspective

- Zubair Hasan
- 28364: Behind the North-South divide: A decomposition analysis

- David Vizer
- 28362: Етичні мотиви інвестування в контексті екологізації національної економіки (The ethical motives of investment in the context of national economy's ecologization)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 28361: An Analysis of the Strenghts and Weaknesses of the Turkish Real Estate Market

- Yener Coskun
- 28360: Future Bangalores? The increasing role of Central and Eastern Europe in the global services offshoring market: evidence from trade statistics

- Zoltán Gál
- 28359: Impact of the prior school environment on academic achievement of students at the secondary stage in Punjab (Pakistan)

- Muhammad Dahar, Riffat Dahar and Rashida Ahmad Dahar
- 28358: The role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer: the case of non-metropolitan regions in Central and Eastern Europe (examples from Hungary and the Czech Republic)

- Zoltán Gál and Pavel Ptáček
- 28348: Activity diversification and performance of Islamic banks in Malaysia

- Mohamed Ali Chatti, Akassi Kablan and Ouidad Yousfi
- 28344: Drivers of consumer behaviour-the economic crisis in our every day's life

- Manuela Epure and Ruxandra Eleonora Vasilescu
- 28343: Тренди довгострокового впливу іноземних фондових бірж на динаміку українського фондового ринку (The trend of influence of foreign stock market on Ukrainian stock market in long run)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 28340: Валютна криза в Україні в контексті сучасних моделей фінансових криз (Currency crisis in Ukraine in the context of modern models of financial crisis)

- Bohdan Petrushchak
- 28339: Merging and Going Bankrupt: A Neutral Solution

- Jose Alcalde, María del Carmen Marco-Gil and José A. Silva
- 28337: Repeated Rounds with Price Feedback in Experimental Auction Valuation: An Adversarial Collaboration

- Jay Corrigan, Andreas Drichoutis, Jayson Lusk, Rodolfo Nayga and Matthew Rousu
- 28331: Is Deprivation Index is a vaible tool to analyze poverty: A case study of Nepal

- Chirangivi Bista
- 28330: THE AFTA-CEPT and the ASEAN-China Early Harvest Program: An Assessment of Potential Short-run Impact

- Ann Pimentel-Prenio, Majah-Leah Ravago and Erlinda Medalla
- 28327: Some information on the relative valuations of residential and other private assets using Bureau of Economic Analysis fixed assets data

- John Kitchen
- 28326: يک نظريه برقانون تعديل ساختاری اقتصادی ايران (An Analysis of Structural Economic Change in Iran)

- Hamid Zangeneh
- 28323: Prior achievement is the indicator of use of school resources and the predictor of academic achievement in Punjab (Pakistan)

- Muhammad Dahar, Rashida Ahmad Dahar and Riffat Tahira Dahar
- 28320: Why the determinacy condition is a weak criterion in rational expectations models

- Moeen Mostafavi, Hamed Shakouri G. and Ali-Reza Fatehi
- 28312: What is the Future of Internet in Africa?

- Laura Recuero Virto and Marianne Parvati-Goudry
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