MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 22627: Sickness Absence: a Pan-European Study

- Ilias Livanos and Alexandros Zangelidis
- 22625: Aid Financing of Global Public Goods: an Update

- Alessandra Cepparulo and Luisa Giuriato
- 22620: Advertising and Entry Deterrence: How the Size of the Market Matters

- Khaled Bennour
- 22619: Economic Insights and Deficits in European Biotechnology Patent Policy

- Bernard Gilroy and Tobias Volpert
- 22617: The size of informal economy in Pakistan

- Muhammad Arby, Muhammad Jahanzeb Malik and Muhammad Nadim Hanif
- 22612: When the North Last Headed South: Revisiting the 1930s

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 22604: Determining The Value-at-risk In The Shadow Of The Power Law: The Case Of The SP-500 Index

- C-Rene Dominique, Luis Eduardo Rivera-Solis and Francois Des Rosiers
- 22600: The McGarvey problem in judgement aggregation

- Marcus Pivato and Klaus Nehring
- 22599: Inflation and its Cures

- Madhusudan Raj
- 22598: Estimating variances and covariances in a censored regression model

- Giorgio Calzolari and Gabriele Fiorentini
- 22589: The influence of scope, depth, and orientation of external technology sources on the innovative performance of Chinese firms

- Jin Chen, Yufen Chen and Wim Vanhaverbeke
- 22584: Mercury advisories and household health trade-offs

- Jay P. Shimshack and Michael Ward
- 22580: Preserving or escaping? On the welfare effects of environmental self-protective choices

- Angelo Antoci and Simone Borghesi
- 22576: Eventologically multivariate extensions of probability theory’s limit theorems

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev and Lavrentyi S. Golovkov
- 22575: On Elements of Axiomatizing Eventology

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
- 22574: VaR Limits for Pension Funds: An Evaluation

- Solange Berstein and Romulo Chumacero
- 22572: Regional economic divide and the role of technological spillovers in Italy. Evidence from microdata

- Francesco Aiello and Paola Cardamone
- 22569: Characterizing economic trends by Bayesian stochastic model specifi cation search

- Stefano Grassi and Tommaso Proietti
- 22568: Geometrical Approximation method and stochastic volatility market models

- Mario Dell'Era
- 22566: The Value of Commitment: Marriage Choice in the Presence of Costly Divorce

- Anna Yurko
- 22565: Analyse et mesure de l'incertitude en prevision d'un modele econometrique. Application au modele mini-DMS (Analysis and measurement of forecast uncertainty in an econometric model. Application to mini-DMS model)

- Carlo Bianchi, Jean-Louis Brillet and Giorgio Calzolari
- 22564: A consistent econometric test for bid interdependence in repeated second-price auctions with posted prices

- Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga, Panagiotis Lazaridis and Beom Su Park
- 22562: Rational Expectations in Urban Economics

- Marcus Berliant and Chia-Ming Yu
- 22561: The transition of China and Ussr: A political economy perspective

- Kumba Digdowiseiso
- 22559: Evaluating forecast uncertainty due to errors in estimated coefficients: empirical comparison of alternative methods

- Carlo Bianchi and Giorgio Calzolari
- 22558: Local governments opting for PPPs in the schools sector

- João Carvalho, Nuno Cruz and Rc Marques
- 22557: Finite sample performance of the robust Wald test in simultaneous equation systems

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 22555: An Evolutionary Model with Interaction between Development and Adoption of New Technologies

- Victor Polterovich and Gennadi Henkin
- 22553: Smooth Breaks and Nonlinear Mean Reversion: Post-Bretton Woods Real Exchange Rates

- Dimitris Christopoulos and Miguel Leon-Ledesma
- 22550: Selection of optimal lag length in cointegrated VAR models with weak form of common cyclical features

- Carlos Enrique Carrasco Gutierrez, Reinaldo Castro Souza and Osmani Guillén
- 22544: Combining emissions trading and emissions taxes in a multi-objective world

- Paul Lehmann
- 22541: A Proposal of Portfolio Choice for Infinitely Divisible Distributions of Assets Returns

- Pawel Kliber
- 22539: An Economist’s Guide to Heaven

- Nick Muller, Jo Gray and Joe Stone
- 22538: A birth-cohort test of the wilson willis model of nonmarital fertility

- Joanna Gray, Jean Stockard and Joe Stone
- 22532: The Impact of the 2007 European Cultural Capital in Sibiu: A long term perspective

- Greg Richards and Ilie Rotariu
- 22531: Exploding offers and buy-now discounts

- Mark Armstrong and Jidong Zhou
- 22527: Does university choice drive graduates’ employability?

- Daria Ciriaci and Alessandro Muscio
- 22526: Общество перманентного перераспределения: роль реформ (Permanent Redistribution Society: The Role of Reforms)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22525: Capital Structure Decisions: Which Factors are Reliably Important?

- Murray Frank and Vidhan Goyal
- 22524: Risk and capital adjustment over the business cycle: Evidence from Indian banks

- Saibal Ghosh
- 22523: Discretization of highly persistent correlated AR(1) shocks

- Damba Lkhagvasuren and Ragchaasuren Galindev
- 22522: The historical relationship between inflation and political rebellion, and what it might teach us about neoliberalism

- Joseph Cohen and April Linton
- 22521: Sustainable Heterogeneity: Inequality, Growth, and Social Welfare in a Heterogeneous Population

- Taiji Harashima
- 22516: Return Attribution Analysis of the UK Insurance Portfolios

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Christodoulakis George
- 22514: Costly Information, Planning Complementarity and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve

- Sushant Acharya
- 22513: Pricing to Market in Business Cycle Models

- Lukasz A. Drozd and Jaromir Nosal
- 22508: Occupazione irregolare e disoccupazione in Italia: un’analisi panel regionale (Underground Employment and Unemployment in Italy: A Panel Analysis)

- Gaetano Lisi
- 22506: What do we pay for asymmetric information? The evolution of mechanisms in online markets

- Liyun Chen
- 22505: Human Development Measurement: A broader approach in India

- A Sarvalingam and Sivakumar Marimuthu
- 22500: Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation

- Marianne Ojo
- 22499: The classical notion of competition revisited

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- 22496: Exploring Convergence in some OECD Public Social Expenditure Trends

- Elina De Simone, Giuseppe Gaeta and Salvatore Ercolano
- 22492: Risk in the EU banking industry and efficiency under quantile analysis

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and A Koutsomanoli
- 22490: Transition of Social Welfare in the European Country Clubs

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and G Christodoulakis
- 22489: The Effect of Payoff Tables on Experimental Oligopoly Behavior

- Özgür Gürerk and Reinhard Selten
- 22488: Chiadzwa Diamonds: Zimbabwe’s potential economic recovery option

- Albert Makochekanwa
- 22486: La funzione economica del contratto di servizio nella trasformazione in spa delle aziende di servizi pubblici locali (The economic function of the contract for local utilities)

- Valeria Termini and Michela Cella
- 22483: Analyzing the Socio-Cognitive Structure of an Economic Research Community

- Birinder Tiwana and Sudeshna Sarkar
- 22482: Measuring Persistence of U.S. City Prices: New Evidence from Robust Tests

- Syed Abul Basher and Josep Carrion-i-Silvestre
- 22481: The Concept of Neighbourhood in Contemporary Residential Environments: An Investigation of Occupants' Perception

- Mehmet Gokhan Berk
- 22478: Pilot Survey On The Conservation Of Historical Buildings In Malaysia

- Kamarul_Syahril Kamal, Lilawati AbWahab and A_Ghafar Ahmad
- 22477: Capital structure determinants and the new High-Tech firms: The critical distinction between fixed and random effects through a static panel data investigation

- Imen Bouallegui
- 22469: Ethical Aspects in the Activity of Civil Servants. Case Study Romania

- Ani Matei and Florin Popa
- 22468: Testing Kahneman's Attitudinal WTP Hypothesis

- Anthony Ryan and Clive Spash
- 22466: Integrated Approach of the Citizen’s Role in Relation to the Public Services

- Lucica Matei and Ani Matei
- 22465: Reflexive self-organization and path dependency in institutionalization processes

- Maria Bobrova and Arndt Kümpel
- 22463: Zimbabwe’s Currency Crisis: Which Currency To Adopt In The Aftermath Of The Multi-Currency Regime?

- Albert Makochekanwa
- 22461: Κριτική Έκθεση του "Νόμου της Πτωτικής Τάσης του Ποσοστού Κέρδους" του K. Marx: Κατανομή Εισοδήματος, Επισώρευση Κεφαλαίου και Τεχνολογική Μεταβολή στη Μακρά Περίοδο (Critical Exposition of The Marxian 'Law of the Falling Rate of Profit': Income Distribution, Capital Accumulation and Technological Change in the Long-run)

- Theodore Mariolis
- 22458: Myopic investment view of the Indian mutual fund industry

- Rajesh Manjrekar and Pankaj Sinha
- 22457: Hubungan Pembangunan Industri Pelancongan Dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Beberapa Negara Utama ASEAN (Relationship Between Tourism Industry Development and Economic Growth in Major ASEAN Countries)

- Redzuan Othman and Norlida Hanim Mohd Salleh
- 22455: Differences in Quality of Life Estimates Using Rents and Home Values

- John Winters
- 22454: Экономическая политика, качество институтов и механизмы "ресурсного проклятия" (Economic Policy, Quality of Institutions, and Mechanisms of Resource Curse)

- Victor Polterovich, Vladimir Popov and Alexander Tonis
- 22451: Fundamentals and Exchange Rates: Evidence from ASEAN-5

- Abdul Rashid and Jeffrey Ling
- 22450: Financial Prudence among Youth

- Rajasekharan Pillai, Rozita Carlo and D’souza, Rachel
- 22447: دور مؤسسة الوقف فى تحقيق الأمن الاقتصادى (The role of the waqf institution in achieving economic security)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 22445: Innovation regimes, entry and market structure

- Witold Kwasnicki
- 22444: Enterprise in transition: institutional framework, economic behavior and the implications for macroeconomic management. Retrospective look on Russia in the 90th

- Mikhail Sherstnev
- 22443: Demand following and supply leading relationships: An empirical analysis for India

- Saumya S Banerjee and Saibal Ghosh
- 22441: Economic Geography of Industrial Location: Evidence from Indian States

- Saibal Ghosh
- 22440: Democracy and politics: Romanian mechanisms, realities and electoral developments

- Lucica Matei
- 22439: The Relationship Between the Effects of a Wife’s Education on her Husband’s Earnings and her Labor Participation: Japan in the period 2000 -2003

- Eiji Yamamura and Yukichi Mano
- 22437: Is “economic freedom” strictly free market capitalism? A decompositional analysis of the Economic Freedom of the World index

- Joseph Cohen
- 22436: Neoliberalism and patterns of economic performance: 1980 to 2000

- Joseph Cohen and Miguel A. Centeno
- 22435: Managing the Faustian bargain: monetary autonomy in the pursuit of development in Eastern Europe and Latin America

- Joseph Cohen
- 22434: Human Capital Externalities and Employment Differences across Metropolitan Areas of the U.S

- John Winters
- 22433: Main sources of finance for development: retrospective view on the evolution of pre-crisis ideas

- Mikhail Sherstnev
- 22431: Meritocratic Aspects Concerning Civil Servant Career. Comparative Study In Central and Eastern European Countries

- Ani Matei and Florin Popa
- 22430: From Home Bias to Euro Bias: Disentangling the Effects of Monetary Union on the European Financial Markets

- Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher and Hatice Balli
- 22428: The Impact of Central Bank's intervention in the foreign exchange market on the Exchange Rate: The case of Zambia (1995-2008)

- Katwamba Mwansa
- 22425: Are Overconfident CEOs Better Innovators?

- David Hirshleifer, Angie Low and Siew Hong Teoh
- 22424: Corporate ethical policies: evidence from large firms in Chile

- Alvaro E. Pezoa and Bernardo Quiroga
- 22422: Social protection in sub-Saharan Africa: Will the green shoots blossom?

- Miguel Niño-Zarazúa, Armando Barrientos, David Hulme and Sam Hickey
- 22420: The Political Economy of Solar Energy

- Dagobert Brito and Juan Rosellon
- 22419: Policy Research Supporting Policy Making: The CIDE-CRE Agreement

- Juan Rosellon
- 22417: Transfert de technologie sur une ville circulaire

- Fehmi Bouguezzi
- 22416: Robustness of Bayes decisions for normal and lognormal distributions under hierarchical priors

- Pankaj Sinha and Prabha Jayaraman
- 22414: Strict stationarity testing and estimation of explosive ARCH models

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 22410: Epistemology of the economy: comments from Robert Nozick

- Fernando Estrada
- 22409: Examining the Ability of Core Inflation to Capture the Overall Trend of Total Inflation

- Heather Tierney
- 22407: Gold and the U.S. Dollar: Tales from the turmoil

- Massimiliano Marzo and Paolo Zagaglia
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