MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 114261: أثر التغيرات الإقليمية والعالمية على التجارة الزراعية البينية العربية (The impact of regional and global changes on intra-Arab agricultural trade)

- Ibrahim Soliman
- 114259: The Impact of Digitalization and Patent on Economic Growth in Romania

- Sayef Bakari
- 114258: Characterizing the Anchoring Effects of Official Forecasts on Private Expectations

- Carlos Barrera
- 114256: Проблема потребительского рыночного спроса в экономической теории и её разрешение: методология, теория, верификация (The problem of consumer market demand in Economics and its resolution: methodology, theory, verification)

- Vladimir Gorbunov
- 114254: Decision Choice under Pareto Optimal Criteria

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 114249: Economic Growth Analysis When Balanced Growth Paths May Be Time Varying

- Andrew Mountford
- 114248: Perspectives des relations africaines de la Croatie en tant que membre imminent de la zone euro (Perspectives of Croatia's Africa relations as impending member of the Eurozone)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 114247: Primera estimación de las elasticidades de demanda de importación y exportación de servicios reales de Argentina (A first estimate of import and export demand elasticities of real services in Argentina)

- Luis Frank
- 114244: Employment and distributional effects of Greece’s national minimum wage

- Stelios Roupakias
- 114243: Perspectives of Croatia's new Africa relations as impending member of the Eurozone

- Dirk Kohnert
- 114239: Analisi delle strutture produttive e delle caratteristiche socio-economiche delle marine italiane (An Analysis of the productive and socio-economic characteristics of the Italian fishing fleet)

- Gianluigi Coppola, Monica Gambino, Carlo Paolucci and Marialuisa Restaino
- 114233: The Journey of a Remittance in the US-Mexico Corridor: From My Salary to My Family

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Ignacio González-Correa
- 114232: Utilization Pattern of PM-KISAN Benefits

- Gopi H and Rangappa K B
- 114231: Improved Tests for Granger Non-Causality in Panel Data

- Jiaqi Xiao, Arturas Juodis, Yiannis Karavias, Vasilis Sarafidis and Jan Ditzen
- 114227: An Event Based Analysis of Stock Return and Political Uncertainty in Pakistan: Revisited

- Marc Audi, Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, Amjad Ali and Razan Al-Masri
- 114226: Issues and Prospects of Women Street Merchants’: A Study in Davanagere District of Karnataka

- Gopi H
- 114224: Portfolio shocks and the financial accelerator in a small open economy

- Marco Ortiz and Ken Miyahara
- 114221: Capital Control and Heterogeneous Impact on Capital Flows

- Anirban Sanyal
- 114220: Elasticidades de demanda de bienes exportados por Argentina (Demand elasticities of goods exported by Argentina)

- Luis Frank
- 114219: An Empirical Note on Tourism and Sustainable Development Nexus

- Mehmet Destek and Sercan Aydın
- 114218: Does biomass energy drive environmental sustainability? An SDG perspective for top five biomass consuming countries

- Mehmet Destek, Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie and Ernest Frimpong Asamoah
- 114217: A role for epigenetics in economic analysis

- Werner Neu
- 114215: The Export of Medium and High-Tech Products Manufactured in Europe

- Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello and Lucio Laureti
- 114214: The Role of STEM Education in Improving the Quality of Education: A Bibliometric Study

- Seyedh Mahboobeh Jamali, Ale Ebrahim Nader and Fatemeh Jamali
- 114209: Трансакционный сектор аграрной экономики: исследовательская практика, организационное поведение сотрудников как потенциальный ресурс снижения издержек (Transactional sector of the agrarian economy: research practice, organizational behavior of employees as a potential cost reduction)

- Oksana Shumakova, Nadezhda Anikin, Victor Stukach and Vitaly Pomogaev
- 114208: Modeling the altrustic policy for local development with data envelopment analysis

- Chrysleine Chantale Kamga Kamga, Gérard Tchouassi and Jean - Roger Essombe Edimo Nya Bonabébé
- 114206: Returns to Education in the Public and Private Sectors: Europe and Central Asia

- Harry Patrinos and Claudio Montenegro
- 114200: The Impact of Leverage on the Firm Performance: A Case of Fertilizers Sector of Pakistan

- Wajid Alim, Amjad Ali and Amna Shafiq Minhas
- 114196: GDP Growth and the US Debt Sustainability

- Haider Ellalee and Walid Alali
- 114191: A legal-economic framework of electricity markets: Assessing Australia’s transition

- Zsuzsanna Csereklyei and Anne Kallies
- 114188: Modeling Path-Dependent State Transition by a Recurrent Neural Network

- Bill Huajian Yang
- 114187: Why Economic Theories and Policies Fail? Unnoticed Variables and Overlooked Economics

- Victor Olkhov
- 114183: National Accounts of Portugal in 2018. Integrated economic accounts, matrix representations and extensions

- Susana Santos
- 114182: Determinants of Poverty among Urban Households in Afghanistan: Case study of Mazar-e-Sharif

- Ahmad Walid Barlas, Mohammad Ehsan Sadiq and Ajmal Haidari
- 114181: Licensing in a Stackelberg industry, product differentiation, and welfare

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 114180: Liquidity and credit problems and the effect on the soundness of Tunisian groups (GDA )

- Oussama Neily and Mohamed Neily
- 114179: Population Movements in Afghanistan: A Historical Overview, Migration Trends under the Taliban Regime, and Future Outlooks

- Ahmad Walid Barlas
- 114177: Testing the knowledge-capital model of foreign direct investment: New evidence

- Henk Kox
- 114175: Востребованность научных разработок аграрного вуза в условиях социально - политической турбулентности, оценка актуальности исследований (The relevance of the developments of scientific schools of the agrarian university: diagnostics of the problems of the region in the conditions of socio -political turbulence, assessment of the relevance of research)

- Oksana Shumakova and Victor Stukach
- 114170: Search and competition in expert markets

- Yiran Cao, Yongmin Chen, Yucheng Ding and Tianle Zhang
- 114168: How much more can the tax administration collect? Measuring tax potential for Senegal

- Youssoupha Diagne and Arona Ba
- 114167: PASSAGE DES BUDGETS DE MOYENS AUX BUDGETS DE PROGRAMMES: QUELS IMPACTS SUR L’ECONOMIE SENEGALAISE ? (Program based budgeting; What implications for the senegalese economy?)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Issa Faye
- 114166: La crédibilité budgétaire au Sénégal (Fiscal credibility in Senegal)

- Youssoupha Diagne
- 114164: Renewable energy and portfolio volatility spillover effects of GCC oil exporting countries

- Simona Bigerna, Maria Chiara D'Errico, Paolo Polinori and Paul Simshauer
- 114163: Introduction to The Creative Class Revisited: New Analytical Advances

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
- 114162: The risk of a recession period in the U.S. and the possible role of home equity

- Kees De Koning
- 114161: Nurturing Career Development for human resource sustainable development

- Emerson Jackson, Elijah Jackson and Hudson Jackson
- 114160: Avoiding unanticipated power outages: households’ willingness to pay in India

- Simona Bigerna, Piyush Choudhary, Nikunj Kumar Jain, Silvia Micheli and Paolo Polinori
- 114157: Environmental variables and power firms' productivity: micro panel estimation with time-Invariant variables

- Simona Bigerna, Maria Chiara D'Errico and Paolo Polinori
- 114156: Understanding the green-growth: which pathways cities undertake in their climate programs

- Simona Bigerna, Maria Chiara D'Errico and Paolo Polinori
- 114155: Do Twitter Sentiments Really Effective on Energy Stocks? Evidence from Intercompany Dependency

- Emrah Sıtkı Yılmaz, Aslı Ozpolat and Mehmet Destek
- 114151: Technological Innovation, Financialization and Ecological Footprint: Evidence from BEM Economies

- Mehmet Destek and Muge Manga
- 114149: Deindustrialization, Reindustrialization and Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Ecological Footprint of Turkey

- Mehmet Destek
- 114147: Pricing Cancellation Product

- David Lee
- 114140: Экономика как сложная система: В поисках новой парадигмы (The Economy as a Nonlinear Complex System: In Search of a New Paradigm)

- Паата Леиашвили
- 114136: Renewable, Non-renewable Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in G7: Fresh Evidence from CS-ARDL

- İlyas Okumus, Arif Eser Guzel and Mehmet Destek
- 114135: Analisi storica delle rese agricole e la variabilità del clima: Analisi dei dati italiani sui cereali (Historical crop yields and climate variability: analysis of Italian cereal data)

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Irene Maccarone
- 114134: Развитие аграрного сектора - фактор обеспечения продовольственной безопасности Казахстана в условиях ЕАЭС (The development of the potential of the agar economy is a factor of food security of Kazakhstan, a member of the EAEU)

- Ainur Baidalinova, Rustam Suleimanov and Victor Stukach
- 114130: Liquidity and credit problems and the effect on the soundness of Tunisian groups (GDA )

- Oussama Neily and Mohamed Neily
- 114124: The Impact of the Public Education Expenditures on Regional Development in Turkey: Evidence from Static and Dynamic Panel Data

- A. Murat Köktaş, Şükrü Apaydın and Koray Pirçekli
- 114121: Marketing and Organizational Innovations in Europe

- Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti and Angelo Leogrande
- 114106: Do Afghan Youth Think of Migrating to other Countries under the Taliban Regime?

- Ahmad Walid Barlas and Abdullah Ammar
- 114078: Elective social insurance systems in developing East and South-East Asian countries

- Mel Cousins
- 114067: The Great Resignation, Unemployment, and Underemployment in the US: A Study of Labor Market Segmentation

- Thomas Lambert
- 114063: Duration of Support and Financial Health of Business Support Structures in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Ghana: A Micro-Econometric Analysis

- Jean Kouam, Simplice Asongu, Bin Meh, Robert Nantchouang, Fri Asanga and Denis Foretia
- 114062: A Synthetic Indicator of the Quality of Support for Businesses in Burkina-Faso, Cameroon, and Ghana

- Jean Kouam, Simplice Asongu, Bin Meh, Robert Nantchouang, Fri Asanga and Denis Foretia
- 114061: Effects of Taxation on Social Innovation and Implications for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Developing Countries: A Literature Review

- Jean Kouam and Simplice Asongu
- 114059: The Long-Term Health Effects of Oil Discoveries: Evidence from China

- Ohad Raveh and Yan Zhang
- 114057: ارتفاع الأسعار وتداعيات الأزمة على فلسطين (High prices and the repercussions of the crisis on Palestine)

- Akram Jamee
- 114056: ‘How is the Stock Market Doing?’ Using Absence of Arbitrage to Measure Stock Market Performance

- Geoffrey Poitras and John Heaney
- 114053: The Determinants of Lifelong Learning in Europe

- Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti and Angelo Leogrande
- 114052: L'impact d'une récession européenne déclenchée par la crise énergétique sur l'Afrique subsaharienne (The impact of the energy-induced EU recession on Sub-Saharan Africa)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 114051: The impact of the energy-induced EU recession on Sub-Saharan Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 114037: Law and Inequality: A Comparative Approach to the Distributive Implications of Legal Systems

- Illan Barriola, Bruno Deffains and Olivier Musy
- 114032: Potterian Economics

- Daniel Levy and Avichai Snir
- 114028: Feeling discriminated means poor self-perceived health: a gender analysis using SHARE

- Sara Pinillos-Franco, David Cantarero-Prieto and Javier Lera
- 114027: Normative analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on prominent sectors of Indian economy by using ARCH Model

- Chetan Kumar G.K., Rangappa K.B. and Suchitra S.
- 114026: Do store atmosphere and playfulness matter during the ongoing pandemic crisis?

- Meletios Niros, Angelica Niros and Spyridon Omri
- 114025: Effective digital loyalty strategies in services during COVID-19 pandemic: does digital adoption matter?

- Meletios Niros and Angelica Niros
- 114022: The VET era: equipping Australia’s workforce for the future digital economy

- Andrew Reeson, Claire Mason, Todd Sanderson, Alexandra Bratanova and Stefan Hajkowicz
- 114021: Are you ready for change? Farsight for construction: Exploratory scenarios for Queensland’s construction industry to 2036

- George Quezada, Alexandra Bratanova, N Boughen and Stefan Hajkowicz
- 114020: The Community Explorer How to Inform Effectively Policy on U.S. Diversity with County Level Data

- Claude Lopez, Hyeongyul Roh and Maggie Switek
- 114019: Health Literacy in the United States: Enhancing Assessments and Reducing Disparities

- Claude Lopez, Bumyang Kim and Katherine Sacks
- 114018: La résilience de l'économie sénégalaise: Quelles politiques publiques en réponses aux chocs exogènes? (Resillience of the senegalese economy; What policy responses to exogenous shocks?)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Dame Thiam
- 113996: Etude de la migration interne au Senegal: determinants et impact sur la pauvrete (Internal migration in Senegal: Determinants and impact of workers’ remittances on poverty)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Babacar Diagne
- 113995: Enjeux du projet de monnaie unique CEDEAO (Implications of the ECOWAS single currency project)

- Youssoupha Diagne
- 113994: Efficience des dépenses publiques au Sénégal (Public spending efficiency in Senegal)

- Youssoupha Diagne, Hamat Sy and Dame Thiam
- 113993: Limits of Externally Backed Institutional Reform and Development in Azerbaijan

- Firuza Nahmadova
- 113989: How has the correlation between FII and DII resulted in a positive trend in Indian stock markets in spite of lower GDP; catalyzing the markets to rise?

- Mosammat Gulsanara Khatun
- 113985: Product licensing in a Stackelberg industry

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 113984: Optimal capacity allocation in a vertical industry

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 113982: Public sector management: indispensable facilitating factors in sculpting organizational ambidexterity

- Martinus Tukiran, Widodo Sunaryo, Nurul Ghufron, Zil Irvan Rusli and Elih Dalilah
- 113981: Hybrid audit as an innovative approach in the audit practice of forestry

- Daniela Georgieva and Diyana Bankova
- 113980: Attitudes, priorities and opportunities for managerial development of female forest professionals and female forest owners in Bulgaria

- Daniela Georgieva
- 113979: Assessing the innovation potential of the furniture industry value chain in Bulgaria

- Daniela Georgieva, Nedka Gateva, Teodora Georgieva, Irina Tsakova and Vita Jukneviciene
- 113977: Growth with Automation Capital and Declining Population

- Hiroaki Sasaki
- 113970: Exploring the Impact of Agricultural Investment on Economic Growth in France

- Sayef Bakari and Malek El Weriemmi
- 113969: How Can Research Improve Foster Care Policy and Practice?

- Sarah Kroeger, Tess Monahan and Brendan Perry
- 113968: Does democracy guarantee the resilience of African economies? Analysis based on a duration model

- Siméon Koffi
- 113961: Prévision de l’inflation en Côte D’ivoire: Analyse Comparée des Modèles Arima, Holt-Winters, et Lstm (Inflation Forecasting in Côte D'Ivoire: A Comparative Analysis of the Arima, Holt-Winters, and Lstm Models)

- Siméon Koffi
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