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- 2487: The Effect of Scale on Productivity of Turkish Banks in the Post-Crises Period: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

- Nurgul Chambers and Atilla Cifter
- 2486: Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the New Economy: Evidence from Turkey (1997-2006)

- Atilla Cifter and Alper Ozun
- 2485: Estimating the Effects of Interest Rates on Share Prices Using Multi-scale Causality Test in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Turkey

- Atilla Cifter and Alper Ozun
- 2484: Multiscale Systematic Risk: An Application on ISE-30

- Atilla Cifter and Alper Ozun
- 2483: Multi-scale Causality between Energy Consumption and GNP in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Turkey

- Atilla Cifter and Alper Ozun
- 2482: The Effects of International F/X Markets on Domestic Currencies Using Wavelet Networks: Evidence from Emerging Markets

- Atilla Cifter and Alper Ozun
- 2481: Modeling Long-Term Memory Effect in Stock Prices: A Comparative Analysis with GPH Test and Daubechies Wavelets

- Alper Ozun and Atilla Cifter
- 2478: Human security: Concept and practice

- Sudha Venu Menon
- 2472: Subjective Performance Evaluation and Collusion

- Veikko Thiele
- 2471: The Demand for Tailored Goods and the Theory of the Firm

- Veikko Thiele
- 2470: Task-Specific Abilities in Multi-Task Agency Relations

- Veikko Thiele
- 2469: Performance Measurement in Multi-Task Agencies

- Veikko Thiele
- 2468: Optimal Monetary Policy in a Dual Labor Market Economy

- Lorenza Rossi and Fabrizio Mattesini
- 2467: Influence of structure and ownership of lignite opencast mine and power plant bilateral monopoly on its operation

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 2466: Lignite price and split of profit negotiation in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 2464: Asia's economic growth: trends and patterns

- Sudha Venu Menon
- 2462: The problem of prevention

- Jean-Pierre Benoît and Juan Dubra
- 2461: Merger Remedies at the European Commission: A Multinomial Logit Analysis

- Patrice Bougette and Stéphane Turolla
- 2460: Oligopoly Model of a Debit Card Network

- Peter Manchev
- 2457: The Labour Market Implications of Large-Scale Restructuring in the Banking Sector in Turkey

- Aykut Kibritçioğlu
- 2455: Unbundling Policy in the United States Players, Outcomes and Effects

- Johannes M. Bauer
- 2454: The meritocracy as a mechanism to overcome social dilemmas

- Anna Gunnthorsdottir, Roumen Vragov and Kevin McCabe
- 2452: Indonesia: Liberalization at the Crossroad Impact on Sector Performance,Teledensity and Productivity

- Asmiati Rasyid
- 2451: Education, social capital and entrepreneurial selection in Italy

- Francesco Ferrante and Fabio Sabatini
- 2443: Telecommunications Technologies: Deployment in Developing Countries

- Farid Gasmi and Laura Recuero Virto
- 2442: International Broadband Deployment: The Impact of Unbundling

- Martha Garcia-Murillo
- 2441: Local Loop Unbundling in Europe: Experience, Prospects and Policy Challenges

- Paul de Bijl and Martin Peitz
- 2440: An Economist's Guide to Local Loop Unbundling

- Edmond Baranes and Marc Bourreau
- 2433: The agenda and relevance of recent research in Microfinance

- Roy Mersland
- 2432: Contested Capitalism: Financial Politics and Implications for China

- Carney Richard
- 2426: Do institutions matter for FDI? A comparative analysis for the MENA countries

- Vittorio Daniele and Ugo Marani
- 2424: An actuarial approach to short-run monetary equilibrium

- Fernando Mierzejewski
- 2420: Sobre el régimen económico y financiero particular de las sociedades cooperativas (On the economic regime and financial individual of the cooperative societies)

- Pilar Gómez Aparicio and Marta Miranda García
- 2417: La caractierización financiera y contable del capital social a la luz de los principios cooperativos (The financial and countable characterization of the share capital in the light of the cooperative beginning (in Spanish))

- Pilar Gómez Aparicio and Marta Miranda García
- 2416: Diferentes consideraciones en torno al capital social de las sociedades cooperativas (Different considerations about social capital in co-operative societies)

- Josefina Fernández Guadaño
- 2414: Economic capital allocation under liquidity constraints

- Fernando Mierzejewski
- 2412: La reforma del derecho contable y su repercusión en el régimen de los recursos propios de las sociedades cooperativas (The reform of the accounting law and its repercussion in the regime of the own resources of the cooperative societies)

- Mª del Carmen Pastor Sempere
- 2410: El capital social cooperativo en derecho español y su armonización con las normas internacionales de contabilidad (Co-operative share capital in the spanish law and its harmonization with the international accounitng standars)

- Manuel Paniagua Zurera
- 2397: Flexibility, but for whom?: A new approach to examining labour market flexibility across Europe using company level data

- Heejung Chung
- 2396: Different paths towards Flexibility, Deregulated employment protection or temporary employment?

- Heejung Chung
- 2389: Estimates of the steady state growth rates for selected Asian countries with an endogenous growth framework

- B. Rao
- 2388: Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część III – Obliczenia cen i zysków dla hipotetycznych danych (Lignite price as a determinant of the split of profit in systems of mines and power plants. Part III – Calculation of prices and profits for hypothetical data)

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 2386: Explaining the US Bond Yield Conundrum

- Harm Bandholz, Joerg Clostermann and Franz Seitz
- 2385: Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część II – Formuły cen węgla brunatnego (Lignite price as a determinant of the split of profit in systems of mines and power plants. Part II – Lignite price formulas)

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 2384: Cena węgla brunatnego jako wyznacznik podziału zysku w układach kopalń i elektrowni. Część I – Propozycje podziału (Lignite price as a determinant of the split of profit in systems of mines and power plants. Part I – Split of profit proposals)

- Leszek Jurdziak
- 2381: Kerangka Pembangunan Regional dalam Agenda 21: Berkelanjutan dan Berwawasan Lingkungan (Framework of Regional Development in Agenda 21: Sustainability and environmental vision)

- Erlangga Landiyanto and Wirya Wardaya
- 2367: The impact of credit on income poverty in urban Mexico. An endogeneity-corrected estimation

- Miguel Niño-Zarazúa
- 2366: The empirics of social capital and economic development: a critical perspective

- Sabatini Fabio
- 2365: Social capital, social enterprises, public spending and well-being in Italy (Capitale sociale, imprese sociali, spesa pubblica e benessere sociale in Italia)

- Fabio Sabatini
- 2364: The Integration of Financial Markets: Empirical Evidence from South Asian Countries

- Abdul Qayyum and Hasan Mohsin
- 2353: Good Governance, Trade and Agglomeration

- Fabien Candau
- 2352: Political labor market, government policy, and stability of a non-democratic regime

- Valery Lazarev
- 2344: Mobile call termination in the UK

- Mark Armstrong and Julian Wright
- 2341: La ayuda al desarrollo: ¿reduce la pobreza? (Foreign Aid: reduce poverty? (in Spanish))

- Jose Larru
- 2340: The Taylor rule and interest rate uncertainty in the U.S. 1955-2006

- Martin Mandler
- 2337: Актуальные проблемы государственного управления в XXI веке: трансформация роли государства в условиях глобализации (Urgent Problems of State Management in the 21 Century: Transformation of the state's role in a globalizing world)

- Elena Drobot
- 2335: The Proliferation of Fiscal Incentives and the Nicaraguan State as a Manager of Rents: A Political Economy Perspective on Nicaraguan Industrial Policy Since 1990

- Hauke Maas
- 2334: Stakeholders vs. shareholders in corporate governance

- Alberto Chilosi and Mirella Damiani
- 2330: A Note on Jackson's Theorems in Bayesian Implementation

- Ismail Saglam
- 2328: Central bank intervention, sterilization and monetary independence: the case of Pakistan

- Muhammad Waheed
- 2325: Corporate governance of banks: the current state of the debate

- Andrea Polo
- 2320: The single-mindedness of labor unions when transfers are not Lump-Sum

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 2319: EU and US safeguards against Chinese textile exports: What consequences for West African cotton-producing countries?

- Claire Delpeuch
- 2318: Are there gains from including monetary aggregates and stock market indices in the monetary policy reaction function? A simulation study of recent U.S. monetary policy

- Martin Mandler
- 2317: دور سوق الأوراق المالية فى تنمية الادخار فى مصر (Role of the Egyptian securities market on saving development)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 2316: Continuing Conflict and Stalemate: A Note

- Raul Caruso
- 2314: Occupational Self-Selection in a Labor Market with Moral Hazard

- Berna Demiralp
- 2313: Social networks, job mobility and industry evolution

- Ricardo Mamede
- 2308: El Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario (IDA), el desarrollo productivo y el bienestar social en el medio rural de Costa Rica. análisis evaluativo sobre el cumplimiento de sus objetivos y funciones (The Agrarian Development Institute (IDA, the Productive Development and the Social Welfare in the Rural Areas of Costa Rica: An Evaluative Analysis About its Objectives and Functions Achivement.(in Spanish))

- Jorge Mora-Alfaro
- 2306: Economic associations among causes of species endangerment in the United States

- Brian Czech, Paul Krausman and Patrick Devers
- 2303: What happens in crashes? a non-equilibrium, value-theoretic approach to liquidity preference

- Alan Freeman
- 2302: Organes de gouvernance et paradoxe démocratique: Le cas des conseils d’administration d’université (Democratic paradox and governance mediums: the case of university boards)

- Guillaume Biot-Paquerot
- 2298: Using a finite horizon numerical optimisation method for a periodic optimal control problem

- Jeffrey Azzato and Jacek Krawczyk
- 2294: Origins of scaling in FX markets

- Szymon Mercik and Rafał Weron
- 2292: Heavy tails and electricity prices: Do time series models with non-Gaussian noise forecast better than their Gaussian counterparts?

- Rafał Weron and Adam Misiorek
- 2289: Subsidies and regulatory reform in West African cotton: What are the development stakes?

- Ben Shepherd and Claire Delpeuch
- 2288: Who cares about Director Independence?

- Santella Paolo, Carlo Drago and Paone Giulia
- 2283: Poverty-reducing or Poverty-inducing? A CGE-based Analysis of Foreign Capital Inflows in Pakistan

- Rizwana Siddiqui and Abdul Razzaq Kemal
- 2282: The Dynamics of Reform of India’s Federal System

- Nirvikar Singh
- 2281: A Note on the Ethical Implications of the Stern Review

- Charles Kenny
- 2280: Stabilność gospodarcza Rosji w najbliższej przyszłości (Russian economic stability in the nearest future)

- Paweł Augustynowicz
- 2279: Emotions and International Conflicts: Sociological, Evolutionary and Rational Views

- Elias Khalil
- 2277: Innovation and Risk Management

- Eduardo Manuel
- 2276: Phillips Curve for Advanced Economies on Period 1996-2007 - United States and Euro Area Case

- Eduardo Manuel
- 2275: Governance of Innovation in the Different Countries of the World

- Eduardo Manuel
- 2273: Dividend Signaling and Unions

- Arturo Ramirez Verdugo
- 2272: Tax Incentives and Business Investment: New Evidence from Mexico

- Arturo Ramirez Verdugo
- 2268: On the integration of the Internet into informal science communication

- Franz Barjak
- 2265: The Italian Chamber of Lords Sits on Listed Company Boards: An Empirical Analysis of Italian Listed Company Boards from 1998 to 2006

- Paolo Santella, Carlo Drago and Andrea Polo
- 2261: Valid Inference in Partially Unstable GMM Models

- Hong Li and Ulrich Mueller
- 2260: Efficient Estimation of the Parameter Path in Unstable Time Series Models

- Ulrich Mueller and Philippe-Emmanuel Petalas
- 2256: Martingales, Detrending Data, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis

- Joseph L. McCauley, Kevin E. Bassler and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- 2255: Bilateral Investment Treaties and Foreign Direct Investment: Correlation versus Causation

- Emma Aisbett
- 2254: On redistribution effects of public debt amongst single-minded generations

- Emanuele Canegrati
- 2253: To Bid or Not to Bid, This is the Question: The Italian Experience in Competitive Tendering for Local Bus Services

- Andrea Boitani and Carlo Cambini
- 2252: Unemployment, Inflation and Monetary Policy in a Dynamic New Keynesian Model with Hiring Costs

- Mirko Abbritti, Andrea Boitani and Mirella Damiani
- 2249: Bonds futures: Delta? No gamma!

- Marc Henrard
- 2245: Civil Servants’ Salary Structure

- Faiz Bilquees
- 2244: Wheat Markets and Price Stabilisation in Pakistan: An Analysis of Policy Options

- Paul Dorosh and Abdul Salam
- 2243: Significant Shift in Causal Relations of Money, Income, and Prices in Pakistan: The price Hikes in the Early 1970s

- Fazal Husain and Abdul Rashid