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40612: Financial Contagion and Systemic Risk: From Theory to Applicable Macroeconomic Model Downloads
Alexander Veysov
40610: Do immigrant-owned businesses grow financially? An empirical study of African immigrant-owned businesses in the South Africa Downloads
Robertson Tengeh, Hb Ballard and As Slabbert
40608: The developmental role of SMEs in the Arab countries Downloads
Hussein Elasrag
40607: Multiplicador de emprego e salário: estudo comparativo para a região sul e restante do Brasil em 1999 e 2004 (Multiplier of employment and wages: a comparative study for southern region and the rest of Brazil in 1994 and 2004) Downloads
Angel dos Santos Fachinelli, Antonio Carlos Moretto, Joaquim Guilhoto, Rossana Lott Rodrigues and Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho
40606: Regional development and greenhouse gases emission: the case of the Amazon Region Downloads
Denise Imori, Joaquim Guilhoto, Letícia Scretas David, Leopoldo Millan Gutierre and Caio Waisman
40604: The pricing of G7 sovereign bond spreads – the times, they are a-changin Downloads
Antonello D'Agostino and Michael Ehrmann
40603: Does Financial Development Reduce CO2 Emissions in Malaysian Economy? A Time Series Analysis Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Sakiru Adebola Solarin and Haider Mahmood
40602: De Nederlandse collectieve uitgaven in historisch perspectief (Dutch public expenditure in historical perspective) Downloads
Frits Bos
40601: LES déterminants des dépenses de santé des ménages pauvres au CAMEROUN (THE determinants of health expenditure of poor households in CAMEROUN) Downloads
Gildas Nzingoula
40600: How Dangerous is the Counterparty Risk of OTC Derivatives in Turkey? Downloads
Burcu D. Yıldırım, Yener Coskun, Ozan Caglar and Kasırga Yıldırak
40599: Cultural Constraints In Leading Malaysian SMEs To Global Markets Downloads
Sayed Mushtaq Hussain
40594: Financial Failures and Risk Management Downloads
Yener Coskun
40592: Estimación de una Función de Reacción para la Política Monetaria en Bolivia (Estimating a Monetary Policy Reaction Function for Bolivia) Downloads
Luis Cernadas and René Aldazosa
40588: Nested hidden Markov chains for modeling dynamic unobserved heterogeneity in multilevel longitudinal data Downloads
Francesco Bartolucci and Monia Lupparelli
40586: A New Stationary Game Equilibrium Induced by Stochastic Group Evolution and Rational Individual Choice Downloads
Darong Dai and Kunrong Shen
40585: Measuring the Energy of Economics (Ё): Theoretical Framework Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40584: Economic modelling:definition, evaluation and trends Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40583: Modeling the minimum time needed to economic maturity Downloads
Darong Dai
40581: Economic Instruments For Improved Water Resources Management In Egypt Downloads
David McCauley, Robert Anderson, Richard Bowen, Ibrahim Elassiouty, Elsayed Mahdy and Ibrahim Soliman
40577: The input-output multi-dimensional analysis: theoretical framework Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40576: Multi-Dimensional Games (MD-Games) Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40575: Entry and exit from Greek manufacturing industry: a test of the symmetry hypothesis Downloads
Helen Louri and V. Anagnostaki
40574: The Macroeconomic Black Holes Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40572: Are Labor Force Participation Rates Really Non-Stationary? Evidence from Three OECD Countries Downloads
Zeynel Ozdemir, Mehmet Balcilar and Aysıt Tansel
40570: Socio-Economic Challenges Faced by Pakistan Downloads
Irfan Mohammad and Hafiz Muhammad Yasin
40566: Demand and Supply Surfaces Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40565: Econoghraphication Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40563: Economic Graphical Modeling from 2-Dimensional Graphs to Multi-Dimensional Graphs Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40562: Measuring port evolution, growth and vulnerability:‘Port Growth Performance Evaluation’ approach Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada and Anthony Chin
40561: An Introduction to the Natural Disaster Vulnerability Evaluation Modeling (NDVE-Modeling): Theory and Application Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada and Donghyun Park
40560: On the Existence and Stability of Pareto Optimal Endogenous Matching with Fairness Downloads
Darong Dai
40558: Mutual Optimism as a Rationalist Explanation for War Downloads
Branislav L. Slantchev and Ahmer S. Tarar
40556: Transact taxes in a price maker/taker market Downloads
Dale Rosenthal and Nordia Diana Marie Thomas
40555: From China with love: Effects of the Chinese economy on skill-biased technical change in the US Downloads
Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi and Yuichi Furukawa
40549: External Sector Development Index:The Case of Chinese and ASEAN Economies Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40546: THE Global Dimension of the Regional Integration Model (GDRI-Model) APPLIED ON eu, nafta, asean AND mercosur Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40541: What makes them feel healthier? the correlates of self-perceived health among older adults in India Downloads
Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak
40539: A statistical analysis of various factors associated with selected health problems among older adults in India Downloads
Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak
40534: Gun laws and sudden death: Did the Australian firearms legislation of 1996 make a difference? Downloads
J Baker and Samara McPhedran
40533: Who is happier: Housewife or working wife? Downloads
Edsel Beja
40531: The Effect of Family Background on Student Effort Downloads
Zoe Kuehn and Pedro Landeras
40530: Capital Substitution in an Industrial Revolution Downloads
Mark Staley and Peter Berg
40526: IAS 28 Investment in Associates - A Closer Look Downloads
Muthupandian K S
40516: Living arrangements of older adults in India: reduced forms for co-residence model Downloads
Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak
40515: Economic Growth and Electricity Consumption in Africa and Asia: MS-VAR and MS-GRANGER Causality Analysis Downloads
Melike Bildirici
40512: Altruistic Punishment: the Bridge Leading to the Other Side of the Evolution (Altruistic Punishment: the Bridge Leading to the Other Side of the Evolution) Downloads
Darong Dai
40511: The Evolution of Cooperation in a Generalized Moran Process Downloads
Darong Dai
40510: Financial risk and its impact on new purchasing behavior in the online retail setting Downloads
Byron W. Keating, Anton Kriz and Ali Quazi
40509: Outbound tourism from China: literature review and research agenda Downloads
Byron W. Keating and Anton Kriz
40508: What Drives the Choice of Third Party Logistics Provider? Downloads
Edward Anderson, Tim Coltman, Timothy M. Devinney and Byron W. Keating
40507: Unpacking the RFID investment decision Downloads
Byron W. Keating, Tim Coltman, Samuel Fosso-Wamba and Valerie Baker
40506: Exploring the mediating role of relationship quality in online services Downloads
Byron W. Keating, Frank Alpert, Anton Kriz and Ali Quazi
40505: Borrowed Power: Debt Finance and the Resort to Arms Downloads
Branislav Slantchev
40504: The challenges of upgrading and diversifying Vietnam's industrial structure Downloads
Binh Giang Nguyen
40503: Development of industrial estates, ports and metropolitan and alternative roads in the Greater Hanoi Area Downloads
Binh Giang Nguyen
40502: Potential economic corridors between Vietnam and Lao PDR: Roles played by Vietnam Downloads
Binh Giang Nguyen
40500: The Law and Economics of Private Prosecutions in Industrial Revolution England Downloads
Mark Koyama
40497: New Approach to Analyzing Monetary Policy in China Downloads
Marjan Petreski and Branimir Jovanovic
40494: IAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans - A Closer Look Downloads
Muthupandian K S
40492: Best-worst scaling approach to predict customer choice for 3PL services Downloads
Tim Coltman, Timothy M. Devinney and Byron W. Keating
40491: Marketing and the law: defending single color trademarks Downloads
Byron W. Keating and Tim Coltman
40490: In pursuit of a sustainable supply chain: insights from Westpac Banking Corporation Downloads
Byron W. Keating, Ali Quazi, Anton Kriz and Tim Coltman
40489: Managing ethics in the tourism supply chain: The case of Chinese travel to Australia Downloads
Byron W. Keating
40488: Designing IS service strategy: an information acceleration approach Downloads
Pierre J. Richard, Tim Coltman and Byron W. Keating
40487: Doing business in China: tips for an outsider (lǎo wài) Downloads
Anton Kriz and Byron Keating
40484: Analysis and Valuation of Hospital Foodservice Quality-the Perugia case-study Downloads
Francesco Diotallevi, Andrea Marchini, Francesco Musotti and Chiara Riganelli
40483: Lo scenario competitivo degli oli extravergine di oliva nel canale della GDO Downloads
Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi
40482: L'analisi della competitività degli oli extravergine di oliva nel canale della GDO (Analysis of competitivy of extra virgin olive oils in modern distribution channel) Downloads
Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi
40481: Le interdipendenze competitive nella vendita degli oli extravergine di oliva:un'analisi network-based (Competitive interdipendencies in olive oil selling: a network-based analysis) Downloads
Andrea Marchini, Francesco Diotallevi and Linda Fioriti
40480: La domanda di olio extra-vergine di oliva nel Sud Italia.Quali le migliori strategie:brand leadership, private label o piccoli produttori? (The extra-virgin olive oil demand in South Italia.Whic are best strategies: leadership brands, private labels or small producers?) Downloads
Francesco Diotallevi and Antonio Stasi
40479: Le problematiche socio-economiche dell'obesità nel sistema agroalimentare: il ruolo della GDO nelle scelte di acquisto e di consumo di frutta e verdura (Socio-economic problems of obesity in the agri-food system: the modern distribution role in purchasing and consumption chooses of fruit and vegetables) Downloads
Linda Fioriti, Francesco Diotallevi, Andrea Marchini and Rossella Pampanini
40478: Basic education as a human right redux Downloads
Larry Willmore
40476: Influența deficitului bugetar asupra dezvoltării economice a României (The impact of budget deficit on the economic development of Romania) Downloads
Oana Elena Mesea
40472: Impact of inflatıon gap to nomınal interest rates: case of Turkey Downloads
Bulent Dogru and Akif Marabaoglu
40471: Effect of judıcıal independence to FDI into Eastern Europea and South Asia Downloads
Bulent Dogru
40470: Valuation of 2G spectrum in India- A real option approach Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Nataraj Sathiyanarayanan
40469: Patents versus R&D subsidies in a Schumpeterian growth model with endogenous market structure Downloads
Angus Chu and Yuichi Furukawa
40467: Monetary policy and endogenous market structure in a Schumpeterian economy Downloads
Angus Chu and Lei Ji
40463: Social context and the burden of ill health among the older adults in India Downloads
Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak
40461: Analysis of technical efficiency of crop producing smallholder farmers in Tigray,Ethiopia Downloads
Shumet Asefa
40457: On the existence and stability of Pareto optimal endogenous matching with fairness Downloads
Darong Dai
40452: Asymptotic theory for partly linear models Downloads
Jiti Gao
40449: Strategie di prezzo e profittabilità nel mercato degli oli extra-vergine di oliva:un modello di analisi attraverso gli scanner data (BIG AND SMALL PRODUCERS, PRIVATE LABEL AND GDO’S PRICE STRATEGIES FOR EXTRA-VIRGIN OLIVE OIL) Downloads
Antonio Stasi, Francesco Diotallevi and Andrea Marchini
40447: A Nelson-Winter Model of the German Economy Downloads
Georg Quaas
40446: The Real Indicator of Economic Health: The Rewards for Savings. The U.K. example Downloads
Kees De Koning
40443: Innovation, productivity, and export: Evidence from SMEs in Lower Normandy, France Downloads
Mohammad Movahedi and Olivier Gaussens
40442: News and financial intermediation in aggregate and sectoral fluctuations Downloads
Christoph Görtz and John Tsoukalas
40440: Open innovation for sustainability: Lessons from the GreenXchange experience Downloads
Roya Ghafele and D. O’Brien, Robert
40438: Promoting intellectual property monetization in developing countries: a review of issues and strategies to support knowledge-driven growth Downloads
Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
40434: Comparative analysis of students training needs regarding Internet and its effects Downloads
Monica Turturean and Ciprian Turturean
40431: Purchasing power parity and free trade area Downloads
Chin Lee
40430: Is Malaysia exchange rate misalignment before the 1997 crisis? Downloads
Chin Lee, M. Azali, Zulkornain Yusop and Mohammed Yusoff
40427: Business relationships in China: Lessons about deep trust Downloads
Anton Kriz and Byron W. Keating
40426: An analytical and numerical search for bifurcations in open economy New Keynesian models Downloads
William Barnett and Unal Eryilmaz
40425: A produção e industrialização do café no Brasil e a economia nacional: simulações sob um modelo inter-regional de insumo-produto (The production and industrialization in Brazil and the national economy: simulations using an inter-regional input-output model) Downloads
Fernando Malateux Sakon, Denise Imori, Fernanda Sartori Camargo da Cunha, Joaquim Guilhoto and Flávia Maria de Mello Bliska
40422: Crecimiento Económico y Sector Externo en la Economía Ecuatoriana (Economic Growth and the External Sector in Ecuador’s Economy) Downloads
Diego Ochoa Jiménez
40419: An empirical investigation on the inter-sectoral linkages in India Downloads
Gunjeet Kaur, Sanjib Bordoloi and Raj Rajesh
40416: Investigating the impact of global financial crisis on indian economy in an aggregate demand framework Downloads
Raj Rajesh and Sanjib Bordoloi
40414: The classical newsvendor model under normal demand with large coefficients of variation Downloads
George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
40411: The analysis of competitive interdependencies through Social Network Analysis: the case study of extra-virgin olive oil Downloads
Andrea Marchini, Francesco Diotallevi and Linda Fioriti
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