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65474: Globalisation in Africa: An Overview Downloads
Muthoka Sila, Evan Muthuri and Jared Oginga
65473: Some Statistical Properties of the Mini Flash Crashes Downloads
Guilherme Demos, Sergio Da Silva and Raul Matsushita
65470: Fostering the potential endogenous development of European regions: a spatial dynamic panel data analysis of the Cohesion Policy Downloads
Salima Bouayad-Agha-Hamouche, Nadine Turpin and Lionel Védrine
65469: Household Demand for Housing in Kenya Downloads
Muthoka Sila
65467: On the contribution of modelling to multifunctional agriculture: learning from comparisons Downloads
Jeroen C.J. Groot, Walter a.H. Rossing, Muriel Tichit, Nadine Turpin, André Jellema, Jacques Baudry, Peter Verburg, Luc Doyen and Gerrie van de Ven
65466: Shaping the landscape: agricultural policies and local biodiversity schemes Downloads
Nadine Turpin, Pierre Dupraz, Claudine Thenail, Alexandre Joannon, Jacques Baudry, Serge Herviou and Peter Verburg
65462: Short and long run estimates of the local effects of retirement on health Downloads
Eduardo Fé and Bruce Hollingsworth
65460: Differentiated property tax and urban sprawl in Italian urbanized areas Downloads
Barbara Ermini and Raffaella Santolini
65459: Small Enterprises and the Crisis in Indian Development Downloads
Nasir Tyabji
65457: Towards Recoupling? Assessing the Impact of a Chinese Hard Landing on Commodity Exporters: Results from Conditional Forecast in a GVAR Model Downloads
Ludovic Gauvin and Cyril Rebillard
65455: Do private campaing contributions affect electoral results? An examination of Argentine national elections Downloads
Sebastian Freille
65454: A Critique of “Macroeconomic Impacts of Canadian Immigration… Using the Focus Model” (Dungan, Fang and Gunderson, 2010) Downloads
Patrick Grady
65453: Dynamic of Publication Network in German Photovoltaic Industry Downloads
Esmaeil Vasaf and Mahboobeh Sanatkhani
65451: Price Dependence between Different Beef Cuts and Quality Grades: A Copula Approach at the Retail Level for the U.S. Beef Industry Downloads
Dimitrios Papagiotou and Athanassios Stavrakoudis
65450: Strategic Decisions of Heterogeneous European Firms in a Multicountry Framework Downloads
Josep Marti, Maite Alguacil and Vicente Orts
65448: Price asymmetry between different pork cuts in the USA: a copula approach Downloads
Dimitrios Panagiotou and Athanassios Stavrakoudis
65447: Incentives and justice for sequencing problems Downloads
Manipushpak Mitra and Parikshit De
65442: Quantum macroeconomics theory Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
65441: Organization of innovation and capital markets Downloads
Cuneyt Orman
65438: The baby boom, baby busts, and the role of grandmothers in childcare Downloads
Türkmen Goksel, Mehmet Gurdal and Cuneyt Orman
65434: Migration Outflow and Remittance Patterns in Indonesia: National as well as Subnational Perspectives Downloads
Palmira Bachtiar
65432: Job Satisfaction of Wage and Self-Employed workers. Do preferences make a difference? Downloads
Begoña Cueto and Gabriel Pruneda
65431: Causality and cointegration between export, import and economic growth: evidence from Morocco Downloads
Aicha El Alaoui
65428: State of the Future Index Results: Hungary Downloads
Zoltán Bartha and Klára Tóthné Szita
65427: Capitalism in India and the Small Industries Policy Downloads
Nasir Tyabji
65426: Sraffa and the Labour Theory of Value - a note Downloads
Fabio Anderaos de Araujo
65424: Developments in Promotion Strategies Review on Psychological Streams of Consumers Downloads
Syed Hasnain Alam Kazmi
65422: Mixed Economy of Welfare Emerging in Poland: Outplacement and Non-Governmental Employment Agencies Examples Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
65420: Financial Reforms and Corruption Downloads
Chandan Jha
65419: How crime affects the economy: evidence from Italy Downloads
Andreina Naddeo
65413: Economic Implications of Historically Evolved Self-Efficacy: Agent-Based Modeling and Empirical Evidence from Rural Ghana Downloads
David Wuepper and Barbara Drosten
65410: Evolving patterns of payment methods in Turkish foreign trade Downloads
Kemal Turkcan
65409: Economy-wide Estimates of Rebound Effects: Evidence from Panel Data Downloads
Morakinyo Adetutu, Anthony Glass and Thomas Weyman-Jones
65407: Socio-economic conditions, inequality and deprivation in North East India Downloads
Paranan Konwar
65404: Financial Fraud Detection Model Based on Random Forest Downloads
Chengwei Liu, Yixiang Chan, Syed Hasnain Alam Kazmi and Hao Fu
65391: Value Co-creation, Dynamic Capabilities and Customer Retention in Industrial Markets Downloads
Michael W. Preikschas, Pablo Cabanelas, Klaus Rüdiger and Jesús Lampón
65387: The Rate of Time Preference of Government Downloads
Taiji Harashima
65378: Import of Research-Data Centre to Development of Banking and Finance Education in Nigeria Downloads
Kalu O. Emenike and Wilson U. Ani
65376: How does parenthood affect life satisfaction in Russia? Downloads
Malgorzata Mikucka
65375: The price of broadband quality: tracking the changing valuation of service characteristics Downloads
Bryan Coyne and Sean Lyons
65373: Rozwój regionalny wobec starzenia się społeczeństwa (Regional Development in the Context of the Population Ageing) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
65372: Regional Development in an Ageing Society: Overview of Selected Foreign and Polish Recommendations and Practices Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
65370: Oil – The Earth’s blood, a paper on how to recover its critical declining prices by using a hedge vaccine through a leading core of countries termed as VIRUS Downloads
Gabriel Cazotto
65368: Risk-sharing versus risk-transfer in Islamic finance: An evaluation Downloads
Zubair Hasan
65360: The asymmetric housing wealth effect on childbirth Downloads
Shinichiro Iwata and Michio Naoi
65358: Environmental efficiency of energy, materials, and emissions Downloads
Michiyuki Yagi, Hidemichi Fujii, Viet-Ngu Hoang and Shunsuke Managi
65345: W kierunku neo-biurokracji: o biurokracji we współczesnych koncepcjach zarządzania publicznego (Towards Neo-Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy in Contemporary Public Management Concepts) Downloads
Marek Ćwiklicki
65343: Product Differentiation, Export Participation and Productivity Growth: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms Downloads
Cui Hu and Yong Tan
65341: Vom Regen in die Traufe – eine Analyse der neusten Version des „Saldenmechanischen Modells“ von Fritz Helmedag (Out of the frying pan and into the fire – An analysis of the latest version of the so-called Saldenmechanisches Modell developed and utilized by Fritz Helmedag) Downloads
Georg Quaas
65340: Workers’ remittances impact on the economic growth: Evidence from capital inflows in Bangladesh Downloads
Nobinkhor Kundu, Asma Banu and Farhana Sehreen
65339: Promising fortitude of vegetables worth in Dhaka city: A supply chain analysis Downloads
Nobinkhor Kundu, Nigar Sultana and Farhana Sehreen
65338: Capital Tax as a Consequence of Bargaining Downloads
Yuta Saito
65337: Note on tax enforcement and transfer pricing manipulation Downloads
Alex Augusto Timm Rathke
65335: Economic progress as related sets of non-repeating eclipses Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
65334: Health inequality and the use of time for workers in Europe Downloads
J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal and José Alberto Molina
65332: Investing in the cheapest form of energy: efficiency practices of SMEs in rural Ghana Downloads
Ishmael Ackah
65331: Index Option Returns from an Anchoring Perspective Downloads
Siddiqi Hammad
65330: Governmentally amplified output volatility Downloads
Yoshito Funashima
65328: Dynamics of Growth, Poverty and Human Capital: Evidence from Indonesian Sub-National Data Downloads
Indunil De Silva and Sudarno Sumarto
65327: Financial Performance And Corporate Governance In Microfinance: Who Drives Who? An Evidence From Asia Downloads
Ahmad Nawaz and Sana Iqbal
65323: Entrepreneurial Regions: Do Macro-psychological Cultural Characteristics of Regions help solve the “Knowledge Paradox” of Economics? Downloads
Martin Obschonka, Michael Stuetzer, Samuel D. Gosling, Peter J. Rentfrow, Michael E. Lamb, Jeff Potter and David Audretsch
65321: Measuring Switzerland's Productivity Performance (1960-2008) Downloads
Muaz Jalil
65320: Local currency bond market development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A stock-taking exercise and analysis of key drivers Downloads
Dennis Essers, Hans Blommestein, Danny Cassimon and Perla Ibarlucea Flores
65317: Greece withdraws from Euro and runs on Bitcoin; April Fools Prank or Serious Possibility? Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
65313: Pro farmer, pro industry land acquisition act Downloads
Vijaya Varma
65312: Does Social Performance Drives Corporate Governance Mechanism in MFIs? An Issue of Endogeneity Downloads
Ahmad Nawaz and Sana Iqbal
65311: How do educational transfers affect child labour supply and expenditures? Evidence from Indonesia of impact and flypaper effects Downloads
Indunil De Silva and Sudarno Sumarto
65310: A Survey-Based Analysis Regarding CSR Practices in the Romanian Tourism Distribution Sector Downloads
Ovidiu Moisescu
65309: A study on market inclusion through enhanced eco-management in Bulgarian farms Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
65307: Macroeconomıc Analysıs And Graphıcal Interpretatıon Of Azerbaıjan Economy In 1991-2012 Downloads
Elchin Suleymanov and Khatai Aliyev
65306: Macroeconomıc Analysıs And Graphıcal Interpretatıon Of Azerbaıjan Economy In 1991-2012 Downloads
Elchin Suleymanov and Khatai Aliyev
65304: China’s Strategies in Economic Diplomacy: A Survey of Updated Lessons for Africa, the West and China Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Jacinta Nwachukwu and Gilbert A. A Aminkeng
65303: The Impact of Software Piracy on Inclusive Human Development: Evidence from Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Antonio Andres
65302: Foreign Aid and Governance in Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
65300: Reinventing foreign aid for inclusive and sustainable development: a survey Downloads
Simplice Asongu
65299: Revolution empirics: predicting the Arab Spring Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
65298: Producers, Politicians, Warriors, and Forecasters: Who's Who in the Oil Market? Downloads
Carlos A. Medel
65295: Can Oil Prices Help Predict US Stock Market Returns: An Evidence Using a DMA Approach Downloads
Hanan Naser and Fatema Alaali
Tongam Sihol Nababan
65291: Electricity tariff structure and renewable energy in rural Cambodia Downloads
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
65290: Robustness in Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasting Models: Economics-based Modelling After the Financial Crisis Downloads
Carlos A. Medel, Gilmour Camilleri, Hsiang-Ling Hsu, Stefan Kania and Miltiadis Touloumtzoglou
65288: A Website-Based Analysis Regarding CSR Practices of the Top Romanian Travel Agencies Downloads
Ovidiu Moisescu
65287: Assessing Customer Loyalty: A Literature Review Downloads
Ovidiu Moisescu
65285: Rural electrification in India: Galilee Basin coal versus decentralised renewable energy micro grids Downloads
Lynette Molyneaux, Liam Wagner and John Foster
65282: New Fractional Dickey and Fuller Test Downloads
Ahmed Bensalma
65280: Scenario analysis on greenhouse gas emissions reduction in Southeast Balkans' energy system Downloads
George Halkos and Panagiotis Tzeremes
65278: Should investors diversify their portfolios with stocks from major trading countries? A comparative multivariate GARCH-DCC and wavelet correlation analysis Downloads
Dhaifina Dwihasri and Abul Masih
65276: Employment effects of wind-turbine manufacturing and installation in Europe Downloads
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
65274: Gauge field theory of market dynamics: Toward a solution of the "man vs. men" dilemma Downloads
Yingrui Yang
65273: Law of one price and optimal consumption-leisure choice under price dispersion Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
65268: Il divario digitale infrastrutturale delle Marche (The infrastructural digital divide of Marche Region) Downloads
Nicola Matteucci
65266: Quantifying the Impact of Political Frictions on Public Policy Downloads
Daryna Grechyna
65261: Islamic versus conventional stock market and its co-movement with crude oil: a wavelet analysis Downloads
Eka Azrin Kamarudin and Abul Masih
65259: Is Islamic stock index secured against interest rate risk? Evidence from Wavelet analysis Downloads
Yasmin Abd Rahim and Abul Masih
65252: On the cointegration and causality between Oil market, Nuclear Energy Consumption, and Economic Growth: Evidence from Developed Countries Downloads
Hanan Naser
65250: Consumers’ willingness to pay for dairy products: what the studies say? A Meta-Analysis Downloads
Jeannot Ngoulma
65248: Nonperforming loans of commercial banks in Bangladesh Downloads
Salena Parven
65246: Risk, capital and financial crisis Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
65244: Trade openness and inflation: A test of Romer hypothesis for Bangladesh Downloads
Asaduzzaman Sikdar, Nobinkhor Kundu and Zakir Saadullah Khan
65243: Monetary policy and informal finance: Is there a pecking order? Downloads
Saibal Ghosh and Rakesh Kumar
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