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70545: Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Price Volatility in Ghana Downloads
Kwadwo Prempeh
70542: Determinants of Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate and its Misalignment in Kenya: A Behavioral Equilibrium Exchange Rate Approach Downloads
Moses Kiptui and Lydia Ndirangu
70541: Turning a blind eye to policy prescriptions. Exploring the sources of procyclical fiscal behavior at subnational level Downloads
Osvaldo Meloni
70539: Capitale umano, innovazione tecnologica e divari economici nell’era post-knowledge? Un’analisi econometrica a livello sub nazionale (Human capital, technological innovation and economic gaps in the post-knowledge era. A sub-national level econometric analysis) Downloads
Rita Lima
70535: Quota implementation of the maximum sustainable yield for age-structured fisheries Downloads
Zafer Kanik and Serkan Küçükşenel
70529: Estimating the Long-Run Creditworthiness of Pakistan Downloads
Rimsha Karim Hashmi and Abdul Qayyum
70527: Disaster and political trust: The Japan Tsunami and Earthquake of 2011 Downloads
Eric Uslaner and Eiji Yamamura
70526: Report on the Environmental Benefits and Costs of Green Roof Technology for the City of Toronto Downloads
Banting Doug, Doshi Hitesh, Li James and Paul Missios
70525: Транзиција и судбина руских природних богатстава (Transition and the Fate of the Russian Natural Resources) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70523: The Sensitive Nature of Social Trust to Intelligence Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika, Simplice Asongu and Florentin Azia-Dimbu
70522: Money, Social Capital and Materialism. Evidence from Happiness Data Downloads
Marcin Piekalkiewicz
70521: Анализ условий внешней торговли России (The analysis of Russian foreign trade conditions) Downloads
Elena Drobot and Ilyasova Kristina
70520: Is uncertainty over Brexit damaging the UK and European equities? Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
70519: Brexit concerns, UK and European equities: A lose-lose scenario? Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
70515: Arab Spring - Islamic Winter - North-African Exodus. An explanation of the political economy of Mediterranean long-run dynamics Downloads
Hardy Hanappi
70513: A Review of Scientific Approach in the Methodology of Social Science Research: Contributions of Kuhn, Popper and Lakatos Downloads
Justine George
70512: Financing of India’s Balance of Payments: The Role of Debt Creating Flows Downloads
Justine George
70511: Residual State Property in the Czech Republic Downloads
Evžen Kočenda
70510: An Alternative to the BDS Test: Integration Across the Correlation Integral Downloads
Evžen Kočenda
70509: Inflation Convergence Within the European Union: A Panel Data Analysis Downloads
Evžen Kočenda and David Papell
70508: Energy, Environment, and Economy Interactions in Iran with Cointegrated and ECM Simultaneous Model Downloads
Vahid Mohamad Taghvaee, Alireza Seifi Aloo and Jalil Khodaparast Shirazi
70506: Volatility of a Seemingly Fixed Exchange Rate Downloads
Evžen Kočenda
70504: Cross-border VAT frauds and measures to tackle them Downloads
Olena Sokolovska
70503: Population Diversity, Division of Labor and Comparative Development Downloads
Emilio Depetris-Chauvin and Ömer Özak
70502: Culture, Diffusion, and Economic Development Downloads
Ani Harutyunyan and Ömer Özak
70500: Africa’s Economic Growth: A Fallacy of Numbers? Downloads
Theophilus Acheampong
70499: Nacionalna proizvodnja i makroagregati u stalnim cenama kao njen realan izraz (Product of nation and macroaggregates in constant prices as its real values) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70495: Money Demand in India Downloads
Tirupati Basutkar
70494: Love, Life, and “Leftover Ladies” in Urban China Downloads
Jing You, Xuejie Yi and Meng Chen
70493: Unilateral tariff cuts: a theory Downloads
Olena Sokolovska
70489: When does the yield curve contain predictive power? Evidence from a data-rich environment Downloads
Jari Hännikäinen
70481: Modeling inflation shifts and persistence in Tunisia: Perspectives from an evolutionary spectral approach Downloads
Zied Ftiti, Khaled Guesmi, Duc Khuong Nguyen and Frédéric Teulon
70473: Экодом и устойчивое развитие людских поселений (Ecohome and the sustainable development of human settlements) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70471: The Dichotomy, Inconsistency, and Peculiar Outmodedness of the „Mainstream“ Textbook. The Example of Institutions Downloads
Wolfram Elsner
70470: Innovation Strategies in Indian Textile Sector – Evidence from Surat Textile Cluster Downloads
Sanjib Pohit, Tabassum Jamal, Yogesh Suman, Nitesh Kumar Yadav and Mahesh Kumar Saini
70461: Asset Markets in the Lab: a literature review Downloads
Andrea Morone and Simone Nuzzo
70460: Динамическая модель замкнутого однотоварного рынка с конечными автоматами в качестве участников (The dynamic model of the closed market with one commodity and with finite linear automata as participants) Downloads
Mark Voronovitsky
70457: The response of industrial production to the price of oil: new evidence for Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
70456: Is foreign portfolio Investment beneficial to India’s balance of Payments?: An Exploratory analysis Downloads
Justine George
70453: Human Capital and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model Downloads
Angus Chu, Ning Lei and Zhu Dongming
70452: Oil, Gold, US dollar and Stock market interdependencies: A global analytical insight Downloads
Arfaoui Mongi and Aymen Ben Rejeb
70447: Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Downloads
Siew-Ling Liew
70445: Review on Determinants of Capital Flight Downloads
Siew-Ling Liew
70443: В память об академике Богомолове (In Memory of Academician Bogomolov) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70439: The Agent-Based Model of the Closed Market of the One Commodity with Finite Automata as Participants of the Market Downloads
Mark Voronovitsky
70437: Exploring the characteristics of transfer pricing systems across countries Downloads
Alex Augusto Timm Rathke and Amaury José Rezende
70435: Der Euro: Aspekte der Umsetzung für den Verbraucher (The euro: Aspects of implementation for consumers) Downloads
Heinz Handler and Edith Frauwallner
70433: Expected utility for nonstochastic risk Downloads
Victor Ivanenko and Illia Pasichnichenko
70406: Analysing the Effect of Remittances on Rural Household in Pakistan Downloads
Kiran Fatima and Abdul Qayyum
70404: How accounting accuracy affects DSGE models Downloads
Minseong Kim
70403: Oblici konkurencije u prehrambenoj industriji Jugoslavije (Patterns of Competition in Food Industry of Yugoslavia) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70392: Credence Goods, Risk Averse, and Optimal Insurance Downloads
Yaofu Ouyang
70391: I flussi migratori interni ed internazionali dei laureati italiani (The internal and international migration flows of Italian college graduates) Downloads
Romano Piras
70387: Leadership Style and Organization Performance Downloads
Dr. Rahul Khan
70386: Finansijski položaj i efikasnost poslovanja poljoprivrede Srbije u tranziciji (1990–2002) (Financial position and business efficiency in Serbian agriculture in transition (1990-2002)) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70385: Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Dairy Industry in China Downloads
Wasim Ahmed, Safdar Hussain, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Wang Guang-Ju, Ambar Rabnawaz, Zulkaif Ahmed Saqib and Yang JianZhou
70384: Moderating Role of Consumer’s Demographics on the Relationship between Consumers’ Shopping Orientation and Behavior Downloads
Zulkaif Ahmed Saqib, Ambar Rabnawaz, Khubaib Ahmad Saqib, Umme Salma, Wasim Ahmed, Safdar Hussain, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar and Muhammad Zulqarnain
70383: Client Intentions and Buying Behavior with Regard of Dairy Products-Review Downloads
Safdar Hussain, Wasim Ahmed, Ambar Rabnawaz, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Zulkaif Ahmed Saqib, Sana Ullah and Yang JianZhou
70382: On the reactions of sectoral equity returns to oil price in France: Implications for portfolio allocation Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour, Refk Selmi and Amal Miftah
70381: Supply Chain Management of Agricultural Technology Innovation: Study of Fujian and Taiwan Downloads
Safdar Hussain, Wasim Ahmed, Ambar Rabnawaz, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Haseeb Akhtar and Yang JianZhou
70380: Integration and Effective Supply Chain Management: A Review of Agriculture in Pakistan and China Downloads
Safdar Hussain, Wasim Ahmed, Ambar Rabnawaz, Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Haseeb Akhtar, Wang GuangJu, Sana Ullah and Yang JianZhou
70379: The infernal couple China-Oil Price and the Responses of G7 Equities: A QQ Approach Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
70378: Aptitudes of Pakistani Rice Industry with Respect to Global Trade Downloads
Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar, Ambar Rabnawaz, Safdar Hussain, Wasim Ahmed and Peifen Zhuang
70377: Impact of Public Investment on Economic Growth Downloads
Ambar Rabnawaz and Rana Muhammad Sohail Jafar
70375: Corruption, Inequality and Economic Growth Downloads
Ambar Rabnawaz
70374: Reducing the role of random numbers in matching algorithms for school admission Downloads
Wouter Hulsbergen
70373: Dynamic Relationships among CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption, Economic Growth, and Economic Complexity in France Downloads
Muhlis Can and Giray Gözgör
70371: Monetary Policy and Large Crises in a Financial Accelerator Agent-Based Model Downloads
Federico Giri, Luca Riccetti, Alberto Russo and Mauro Gallegati
70370: Управљање кризним ситуацијама – случај финансијске пирамиде МММ (Crisis Management – The Case of the MMM Financial Pyramid) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70359: Bureaucrats or Politicians? Political Parties and Antidumping in the US Downloads
Tommaso Aquilante
70356: How accounting accuracy affects DSGE models Downloads
Minseong Kim
70353: Structural breaks, cointegration and B share discount in Chinese stock market Downloads
Dayong Zhang, David Dickinson and Marco Barassi
70352: Volatility Switching in Shanghai Stock Exchange: Does regulation help reduce volatility? Downloads
Dayong Zhang, David Dickinson and Marco Barassi
70350: Tractable Likelihood-Based Estimation of Non-Linear DSGE Models Using Higher-Order Approximations Downloads
Robert Kollmann
70349: Banks and the Domestic and International Propagation of Macroeconomic and Financial Shocks Downloads
Robert Kollmann
70348: Domestic Financial Frictions: Implications for International Risk Sharing, Real Exchange Rate Volatility and International Business Cycles Downloads
Robert Kollmann
70347: Monetary Policy Rules in a Two-Country World Downloads
Robert Kollmann
70343: Exchange Rate Undervaluation and Sectoral Performance of the South African Economy Downloads
Bernard Njindan Iyke
70342: Effects of Government Purchases in Open Economies: Empirical Evidence and Predictions of a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model With Nominal Rigidities Downloads
Robert Kollmann
70339: Economic Philosophy of al-Mawardi: Economic Behavior in Adab al-Dunya wa-al-Din and al-Ahkam al-Sulthaniyah Downloads
Aan Jaelani
70338: Blanchard and Kahn’s (1980) solution for a linear rational expectations model with one state variable and one control variable: the correct formula Downloads
Robert Kollmann and Stefan Zeugner
70334: Life Insurance Holdings and Well-Being of Surviving Spouses Downloads
Timothy Harris and Aaron Yelowitz
70332: Public investment multipliers in EU countries: Does the efficiency of public sector matter? Downloads
Sotiris Papaioannou
70331: Public spending, monetary policy and growth: Evidence from EU countries Downloads
Sotiris Papaioannou
70329: Adverse selection and optimum insurance policies Downloads
Eytan Sheshinski
70326: Does education increase political participation? Evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Rasyad Parinduri
70325: The Optimal Trading Partner for an Upstream Monopolist Downloads
Mai Yamada
70313: Does urbanization cause increasing energy demand in Pakistan? Empirical evidence from STIRPAT model Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, A. R. Chaudhary and Ilhan Ozturk
70310: Futures market approach to understanding equity premium puzzle Downloads
Minseong Kim
70308: The Foreign Policy of a Democratic Socialist Regime: From Intervention to Protection to Warfare Downloads
Michael Makovi
70300: Институционални оквири привредног развоја Косова и Метохије, 1945–1990 (The Institutional Framework of the Economic Development of Kosovo and Metohia, 1945–1990) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
70292: Negative Consequences of Smooth Devaluation Downloads
Sergey Blinov
70291: Stepping out of the limit order book: Empirical evidence from the EBS FX market Downloads
Yushi Yoshida and Masayuki Susai
70289: Measuring the Stringency of Land-Use Regulation: The Case of China's Building-Height Limits Downloads
Jan Brueckner, Shihe Fu, Yizhen Gu and Junfu Zhang
70288: Profit-maximizing Wages under Duopoly Downloads
Keisuke Hattori
70280: Environmental Regulation and Choice of Innovation in Oligopoly Downloads
Hiroki Iwata
70279: Pancasila, Globalisasi dan Pasar Bebas: Meneguhkan Kembali Ekonomi Pancasila sebagai Karakter Bangsa (Pancasila Economic and the Challenges of Globalization and Free Market In Indonesia) Downloads
Aan Jaelani
70275: Resurgent India: An Economic Perspective Downloads
Tirupati Basutkar
70272: Financial Literacy in Urban India: A Case Study of Bohra Community in Mumbai Downloads
Tirupati Basutkar
70271: The regional pricing of risk: An empirical investigation of the MENA equity determinants Downloads
Khaled Guesmi, Akassi Kablan and Aymen Belgacem
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