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11352: Monetary Policy Evaluation in Real Time: Forward-Looking Taylor Rules Without Forward-Looking Data Downloads
Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy
11351: Los beneficios del liderazgo en el mercado de depósitos bancarios: Una comparación entre Cournot y Stackelberg (The benefits of leadership in the banking deposit market: A comparison between Cournot and Stackelberg) Downloads
Antonio Ruiz-Porras
11348: Taylor Rules and the Euro Downloads
Tanya Molodtsova, Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy and David Papell
11347: Educational breakthrough in eritrea: some expectations and outcomes Downloads
Ravinder Rena
11346: Analyzing new profit opportunities: a guide to making business projects financially successful Downloads
K. Tobias Winther
11345: Developing quality heathcare software using quality function deployment: A case study based on Sultan Qaboos University Hospital Downloads
Mohiuddin Ahmed, Rafikul Islam and Salim Khloof Alwahaibi
11343: Financial Globalization and Inequality Downloads
Takuma Kunieda
11342: Financial Development, Capital Flow, and Income Differences between Countries Downloads
Takuma Kunieda
11341: Financial Development and Volatility of Growth Rates: New Evidence Downloads
Takuma Kunieda
11340: Finance and Growth Cycles Downloads
Takuma Kunieda
11336: Application of quality function deployment in redesigning website: A case study on TV3 Downloads
Rafikul Islam, Mohiuddin Ahmed and Masliza Alias
11335: Externalities in a Model of Perpetual Youth with Age-Dependent Productivity Downloads
Ron Wendner
11334: The janus face of race: Rhonda M. Williams on orthodox economics schizophrenia Downloads
Patrick Mason
11333: The divide-and-conquer and employer/employee models of discrimination: neoclassical competition as a familial defect Downloads
Patrick Mason
11332: Excavating for economics in africana studies Downloads
Patrick Mason
11331: Variable labor effort, involuntary unemployment, and effective demand Downloads
Patrick Mason
11330: NEA presidential address: identity, markets, and persistent racial inequality Downloads
Patrick Mason
11329: Race, culture, and skill: interracial wage differentials among African Americans, Latinos, and whites Downloads
Patrick Mason
11328: Driving while black: do police pass the test? Downloads
Patrick Mason
11327: Intergenerational mobility and interraical inequality:the return to family values Downloads
Patrick Mason
11326: Annual income, hourly wages, and identity Among Mexican Americans and other Latinos Downloads
Patrick Mason
11325: An empirical derivation of the industry wage equation Downloads
Patrick Mason
11321: Does Lax Environmental Regulation Attract FDI when accounting for "third-country" effects? Downloads
Madina Kukenova and Jose-Antonio Monteiro
11317: A benchmarking model for measuring the efficiency of a humanitarian aid program: a case study of an international NGO Downloads
Elli Malki
11312: Corruption of the Politicized University: Lessons from the Orange Revolution in Ukraine Downloads
Ararat Osipian
11311: Experience Studies on Determining Life Premium Insurance Ratings: Practical Approaches Downloads
Mirela Cristea and Narcis Mitu
11306: The Impact of Yuan/Ringgit on Bilateral Trade Balance of China and Malaysia Downloads
Chee Wooi Hooy and Tze-Haw Chan
11305: Business Cycle Correlation and Output Linkages among the Asia Pacific Economies Downloads
Tze-Haw Chan and Roy W. L. Khong
11304: National flags, national flag colors, and the well-being of countries Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
11303: Welfare dynamics based on a new concept of inefficient equilibrium Downloads
Md Monowaruz Zaman
11302: A multi-agent growth model based on the von Neumann-Leontief framework Downloads
Wu Li
11301: Free Trade Agreements versus Customs Unions: An Examination of East Asia Downloads
Innwon Park and Soonchan Park
11298: Blogs and the Economics of Reciprocal Attention Downloads
Alexia Gaudeul, Laurence Mathieu and Chiara Peroni
11295: Belgium’s Expansionist History between 1870 and 1930: Imperialism and the Globalisation of Belgian Business Downloads
Jan-Frederik Abbeloos
11293: Microfinance and Gender Empowerment Downloads
Thi Minh Ngo and Zaki Wahhaj
11292: In Search of Market Index Leaders: Evidence from World Financial Markets Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
11291: Tourism - Part of Sustainable Local Development Downloads
Tiberiu Avramescu and Ramona Popescu
11289: From knowledge creation to economic development: Missing links in Muslim World Downloads
Muhammad Ayub Mehar
11287: Soth Asian Economic Zone: Extension and Possibilities Downloads
Muhammad Ayub Mehar
11286: Unemployment, economic status and ethnic politics: A case study of Karachi Downloads
Muhammad Ayub Mehar
11284: Is there a Vicious circle in Muslim World? Trade competitiveness and investment strategies Downloads
Muhammad Ayub Mehar
11283: Business competitiveness in Muslim World: role of governance and higher education Downloads
Muhammad Ayub Mehar
11280: Measures of Gross National Happiness Downloads
Ruut Veenhoven
11279: Sustainable consumption and happiness Downloads
Ruut Veenhoven
11277: Social equality and state welfare effort: More income-equality, no more equality in quality of life Downloads
Ruut Veenhoven
11275: Inequality in happiness: inequality in countries compared across countries Downloads
Ruut Veenhoven
11272: A modern approach on modeling the cost behavior by ABC/ABM method Downloads
Constanta Iacob, Laura Giurca Vasilescu and Dracea Raluca
11268: Note d'introduction sur l'évaluation d'impact d'un programme public par la méthode de régression par discontinuité (The Evaluation of Public Program Effect Using Regression Discontinuity Method: An introduction) Downloads
Gino Santarossa
11267: Geographical Diversification of Developing Country Exports Downloads
Ben Shepherd
11266: The symbiosis of towns and textiles: urban institutions and the changing fortunes of cloth manufacturing in the Low Countries and England, 1270 - 1570 Downloads
John Munro
11261: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Stock market Development: Ghana Evidence Downloads
Anokye Adam and George Tweneboah
11256: Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Market Movement: Evidence from Ghana Downloads
Anokye Adam and George Tweneboah
11249: Empirical assessment of bifurcation regions within new Keynesian models Downloads
William Barnett and Evgeniya A. Duzhak
11248: Schuldenanstieg und Haftungsausschluss im deutschen Föderalstaat: Zur Rolle des Moral Hazard (Increasing debt and potential bail-out clauses in the German federation: on the role of moral hazard) Downloads
Guntram Wolff
11246: In Search of Market Index Leaders: Evidence from Asian Markets Downloads
Emanuele Canegrati
11243: The distributive consequuences of machismo: A simulation analysis of intrahousehold allocation Downloads
Jose Cuesta
11240: La expansión internacional como Estrategia Corporativa: Estudio de Caso de la Industria Hotelera en Iberoamérica (International Expansion as Corporate Strategy: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Iberoamérica) Downloads
D. Gómez Selemeneva and Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez
11238: Treasury cash flows in the enterprise Downloads
Caruntu Alexandru and Marcel Laurentiu Romanescu
11237: The vulnerability of enterprise and the operating financial balance Downloads
Caruntu Alexandru and Marcel Laurentiu Romanescu
11233: Evolutia arieratelor in Romania (The Arrears Evolution in Romania) Downloads
Nicolae Ecobici
11232: Studiu de caz privind arieratele si inlesnirile la plata obligatiilor bugetare aprobate la nivelul judetului Gorj (Study of the arrears and the facility of payment’s overdue debts in Gorj county) Downloads
Nicolae Ecobici
11231: Comparative Survey on the Records of Fixed Assets of Companies and Public Institutions Downloads
Nicolae Ecobici
11228: IPSAS versus National Norms on Public Institutions' Own Capitals Downloads
Nicolae Ecobici
11227: Applications used in workgroup information systems. Group collaboration in business Downloads
Anca Mehedintu, Cerasela Pirvu and Laura Giurca Vasilescu
11225: Rent Seeking Behavior and Optimal Taxation of Pollution in Shallow Lakes Downloads
Gillian Salerno, Rodney Beard and Stuart McDonald
11224: FDI and the labor share in developing countries: a theory and some evidence Downloads
Bruno Decreuse and Paul Maarek
11223: On the spike in hazard rates at unemployment benefit expiration: The signalling hypothesis revisited Downloads
Bruno Decreuse and Elvira Kazbakova
11222: A benchmarking model for measuring the efficiency of a humanitarian aid program: a case study of an international NGO Downloads
Elli Malki
11221: Distributional analysis of prospective 2009 US individual income taxes: current law and the candidates’ tax plans Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Robert P. Strauss
11220: Determinants of patent withdrawals: evidence from a sample of Italian applications with the EPO Downloads
Alessandro Sterlacchini and Francesco Schettino
11215: The "De Medici New Generation": The Italian Foundations' Collections and Philanthropy in the Third Millennium Downloads
Angela Besana
11212: Price Regulation, Market Exit, and Financial Leverage of Canadian Property-Liability Insurers Downloads
Jason Strauss
11209: Builders’ wages in southern England and the southern Low Countries, 1346 -1500: a comparative study of trends in and levels of real incomes Downloads
John Munro
11206: Infant and Child Mortality in Andhra Pradesh: Analysing changes over time and between states Downloads
Edoardo Masset and Howard White
11204: Concorrência Espacial, Sistemas de Informação e Comunicação, Pesquisa de Preços e Regulação – um ensaio para o caso do mercado de combustíveis líquidos em Portugal (Spatial Competition, Information and Comunications Systems, Regulation and Price Search: an Essay for Portuguese Oil Market) Downloads
Sérgio Nunes and Ana Amorim
11199: Hanseatic commerce in textiles from the Low Countries and England during the Later Middle Ages: changing trends in textiles, markets, prices, and values, 1290 - 1570 Downloads
John Munro
11196: A Case Study about the Reputation of Insurance Companies in Craiova (Romania) Downloads
Cristina Otovescu
11195: Rural Finance and Farmers' Indebtedness: A Study of Two Punjabs Downloads
Lakhwinder Singh
11193: Domestic resources, governance, global links, and the economic performance of Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
11185: A Damped Diffusion Framework for Financial Modeling and Closed-form Maximum Likelihood Estimation Downloads
Minqiang Li
11184: The Bitter Taste of Strawberry Jam: Distortions on Romanian Labour Market beyond 2007 Downloads
Grigore Silasi and Ovidiu Laurian Simina
11183: Measuring and Explaining Country Efficiency in Improving Health and Education Indicators Downloads
Ruwan Jayasuriya and Quentin Wodon
11181: Cashew Production, Taxation, and Poverty in Guinea-Bissau Downloads
Boubacar-Sid Barry, Edward Creppy and Quentin Wodon
11180: Livelihoods in Guinea-Bissau Downloads
Estanislao Gacitua-Mario, Hakon Nordang and Quentin Wodon
11179: Poverty and Its Determinants in Guinea-Bissau Downloads
Edward Creppy and Quentin Wodon
11176: Hedging strategies and minimal variance portfolios for European and exotic options in a Levy market Downloads
Wing Yip, David Stephens and Sofia Olhede
11175: Cooperación en el Caso de la Gestión Hotelera en Cuba: Modelo para su Monitoreo Considerando el Criterio de los Expertos Implicados (Coopetition in the Case of Hotel Management in Cuba: Model of Corporate Governance considering the Actors Involved) Downloads
D. Gomez Selemeneva
11174: Living better in a better world: Guidance and counselling in an ecosystemic model of culture Downloads
André Pilon
11173: Purchasing Power Parity and Real Exchange Rate in Japan Downloads
Dara Long
11171: Recurrence of a modified random walk and its application to an economic model Downloads
Stephen W. Salant and Roberta S. Wenocur
11167: Flexible Rate Filing Insurance Rate Regulation as Alternative to Incentive Incompatibility in Prior-Approval Downloads
Jason Strauss
11165: ¿Qué podemos saber sobre el Valor Estadístico de la Vida en España utilizando datos laborales? Downloads
Jorge Eduardo Martinez Perez and Ildefonso Mendez
11163: Advanced communications policy and adoption in rural Western Australia Downloads
Gary Madden, Scott J Savage, Grant Coble-Neal and Paul Bloxham
11161: Market structure, competition, and pricing in United States international telephone service markets Downloads
Gary Madden and Scott J Savage
11160: Challenges for higher education in eritrea in the post-independent period to the present – a case of asmara university Downloads
Ravinder Rena
11159: R&D spillovers, information technology and telecommunications, and productivity in Asia and the OECD Downloads
Gary Madden and Scott J Savage
11158: Some economic and social aspects of residential internet use in Australia Downloads
Gary Madden and Scott J Savage
11157: Trade imbalance in international message telephone services Downloads
James Alleman, Gary Madden and Scott J Savage
11155: Asian and OECD international R&D spillovers Downloads
Gary Madden, Scott J Savage and Paul Bloxham
11154: Economies of scale and scope in Australian telecommunications Downloads
Harry Bloch, Gary Madden and Scott J Savage
Page updated 2025-03-25
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