MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 91332: How Social Capital, Supply Chain Integration, and Customer Loyalty Affect Performance

- Rickey Mask and Richard Works
- 91329: Family firms and labour productivity: the role of enterprise-level bargaining in the Italian economy

- Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei and Andrea Ricci
- 91326: Why Is Executive Compensation So High? A Model of Executive Compensation

- Taiji Harashima
- 91325: Political Reforms vs. Undemocratic Institutional Arrangements in Hong Kong

- Cesare M. Scartozzi
- 91322: Sources of Economic Growth: A Global Perspective

- Marcin Błażejowski, Jacek Kwiatkowski and Jakub Gazda
- 91321: Les transferts de fonds des migrants contribuent elles à l'inclusivité de la croissance en Afrique Subsaharienne? (Do remittances contribute to inclusive growth in Subsaharan Africa?)

- Narcisse Cha'ngom and Georges Bertrand Tamokwe Piaptie
- 91317: Indonesia's Commitment to Reducing GHG and Its Impact on the Indonesian Economy: CGE Approach

- Kuntari Dasih and Tri Widodo
- 91316: A General Assessment of Climate Change - Loss of Agricultural Productivity in Indonesia

- Rima Restu Ananda and Tri Widodo
- 91315: Applying Tax Rate of 33,33% on Primary Energy in Indonesia

- Vitriyani Tri Purwaningsih and Tri Widodo
- 91314: The Impact of Carbon Tax on GDP and Environment

- Mohammad Khaerul Azis and Tri Widodo
- 91313: The Implication of B20 Policy on Environment

- Latifah Dian Iriani and Tri Widodo
- 91303: The role of employee incentive pay in the competitiveness of family and non-family firms

- Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei and Andrea Ricci
- 91302: Knowledge-intensive sectors and the role of collective performance-related pay

- Cardinaleschi Stefania, Damiani Mirella and Fabrizio Pompei
- 91301: Family firms, performance-related pay and the great crisis: evidence from the Italian case

- Fabrizio Pompei, Mirella Damiani and Ricci Andrea
- 91300: Labour shares, employment protection and unions in European economies

- Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei and Ricci Andrea
- 91298: Estimating a fiscal reaction function for the South East European countries

- Biljana Tashevska, Marija Trpkova-Nestorovska and Borce Trenovski
- 91297: Lessons Learned From the Global Recession - Redesigned Framework of Key Macroeconomic Policies

- Borce Trenovski and Biljana Tashevska
- 91264: Big data analytics and business failures in data-Rich environments: An organizing framework

- Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
- 91262: The Importance of Education in Peace Marketing

- Margarita Išoraitė
- 91261: Fixed Sample Size as an Internal Control

- Dianita Meirini, Atik Tri Andari and Elmi Rakhma Aalin
- 91260: Le city branding comme moteur de développement pour le Maroc ? Cas de la ville de Dakhla (City branding as a development engine for Morocco? Case of the city of Dakhla)

- Khalifa Ahsina, Noura Ettahir and Abdellah Moussalih
- 91257: The Effect of Responsive and Proactive Market Orientation on Product Innovation and Company Performance: A Case Study on MSMEs in the Culinary Field in D.I. Yogyakarta

- Ichwan, A’bdul Fatach and Siti Nursyamsiah
- 91256: The Role of Work Engagement in Moderating the Impact of Job Characteristics, Perceived Organizational Support, and Self-Efficacy on Job Satisfaction

- Adhe Rachman Sulistyo and Suhartini Suhartini
- 91253: How Persistent and Dependent are Pricing of Bitcoin to other Cryptocurrencies Before and After 2017/18 Crash?

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Olusanya E Olubusoye
- 91249: Sport eFANgelism Demographics

- Zeki Yuksekbilgili
- 91240: Revisiting the Impacts of Exchange Rate Movement on the Dollarization Process in Cambodia

- Sovannroeun Samreth and Pagna Sok
- 91237: Economics in the Interdisciplinary Discourse

- Paata Leiashvily
- 91235: About the problem of selecting models for production line

- Oleh Pihnastyi and Kristina Bondarenko
- 91231: Impacts of China Coal Import Tariff against US on Global Economy and CO2 Emissions

- Mustika Septiyas Trisilia and Tri Widodo
- 91230: Climate Change Mitigation Through Market-based instruments in Large Asian Emitters

- Ririn Nopiah and Tri Widodo
- 91227: Modelling crude oil-petroleum products’ price nexus using dynamic conditional correlation GARCH models

- Olaoluwa Yaya and Ahamuefula Ogbonna
- 91226: Forecasting the state of the Finnish business cycle

- Harri Pönkä and Markku Stenborg
- 91222: The Rise and Fall of Family Firms in the Process of Development

- Maria Rosaria Carillo, Vincenzo Lombardo and Alberto Zazzaro
- 91215: Peers and productivity: Evidence from an experimental factory

- Diane Reyniers
- 91212: Los efectos de la crisis económica en Galicia a través de 25 cuadros (The effects of the economic crisis in Galicia through 25 graphs)

- Fernando González Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina and Patricio Sánchez-Fernández
- 91210: Econometric Ways to Estimate the Age and Price of Abalone

- Md. Mobarak Hossain and Md Niaz Chowdhury
- 91206: On the impact of non-tariff measures on trade performances of African agri-food sector

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Emilia Lamonaca
- 91204: Development Analysis of Global Competitiveness Index of ASEAN-7 Countries and Its Relationship on Gross Domestic Product

- Tongam Sihol Nababan
- 91203: Conversion Theory II: the case for Recession Bonds

- Kees De Koning
- 91196: Акредитацията на висшите училища като гаранция за качество на висшето образование в контекста на академичната автономия (Тне higher school accreditation as warranty for quality от тне higher education in тне context of тне academic autonomy)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Darina Dimitrova
- 91192: Vergi gelirlerinin tahminlenmesine yönelik ekonometrik model (Econometric model for forecasting tax revenues)

- Engin Yılmaz
- 91190: Factors influencing CO2 Emission in China: A Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lags Investigation

- Ahmed AhAtil, Faten Ben Bouheni, Amine Lahiani and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 91189: Was ist falsch an der Arbeitswerttheorie? Wie Wert wirklich gebildet wird (What is wrong with the labor value theory? How value is really made)

- Rainer Lippert
- 91187: Why expected discount factors yield incorrect expected present values

- Szabolcs Szekeres
- 91177: Toward Understanding Outbound GCC International Tourism: The Role of Expatriates and Institutional Quality

- Faruk Balli, Hassan Ghassan and Hisham Al-Jeefri
- 91176: Re examination of Kinked Demand Oligopoly Market: Theory, Evidence and Policy Implications from Lakshadweep

- R. Pazhanisamy
- 91173: On the Algebraic Calculation of the Fiscal Multiplier

- Ahmed Mehedi Nizam
- 91166: Estimating the Inflation-Output Gap Trade-Off with Triangle Model in Pakistan

- Bushra Sharif and Abdul Qayyum
- 91165: How Cash Flow News and Discount Rate News Impact the Unexpected Stock Returns of Energy Firms of Pakistan

- Rabia Kausar and Abdul Qayyum
- 91161: The Segmentation of Visitor Tanah Lot Tourism Attraction

- I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama
- 91137: Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction

- Saima Asghar and Isaiah Oino
- 91136: Bayesian MCMC analysis of periodic asymmetric power GARCH models

- Abdelhakim Aknouche, Nacer Demmouche and Nassim Touche
- 91131: Food Price Volatility in India – Drivers, Impact and Policy Response

- Sendhil Ramadas, Ramasundaram Palanisamy, Anil Kuruvila, Sundaramoorthy Chandrasekaran, Randhir Singh and Indu Sharma
- 91119: Temporal homogeneity between financial stress and the economic cycle

- Leroi Raputsoane
- 91118: The GATS and regional approaches to services trade and investment liberalisation

- Milton Ayoki
- 91104: The effect of government social spending on income inequality in oecd: a panel data analysis

- Mustafa Ilker Ulu
- 91100: High-Value Work and the Rise of Women: The Cotton Revolution and Gender Equality in China*

- Melanie Meng Xue
- 91095: World Resources Determine World Prices

- Baoping Guo
- 91093: Does aid enhance growth?

- Ismahen Yahyaoui and Najeh Bouchoucha
- 91074: Nigerian economy: business, governance and investment in period of crisis

- Shafiu Abdullahi
- 91067: Analysing Carbon Pass-Through Rate Mechanism in the Electricity Sector: Evidence from Greece

- Athanasios Dagoumas and Michael Polemis
- 91060: R&D expenditures - growth nexus in Turkey

- Ozlem Ulger and Okyay Ucan
- 91050: A Paradox of international (non)recognition: the relationship between de facto states and patron states

- Vildan Meydan
- 91049: Theories of Governance and Development: How Does India’s Experience Fit?

- Nirvikar Singh
- 91048: Punjab’s Agricultural Innovation Challenge

- Nirvikar Singh
- 91047: Financial Inclusion: Concepts, Issues and Policies for India

- Nirvikar Singh
- 91046: Mental Health Policy in India: Seven Sets of Questions and Some Answers

- Arshad Mirza and Nirvikar Singh
- 91042: Dynamic Growth Rate of U.S. Economy

- Md. Mobarak Hossain
- 91039: Quality Service Strategy in Improving Performance of Puskesmas Service Area of Mranggen District

- Nanang Wahyudin
- 91034: Electronic Commerce: Theory and Practice

- Margarita Išoraitė and Neringa Miniotienė
- 91032: Users’ Perception of Internet Banking Service: An Evaluative Study of Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

- Rashed al Karim
- 91027: Analysis of Human Resource Competency as Effort to Increase SMEs Economic Sector Productivity with Gender as Differentiating Variable

- Dian Prihardini Wibawa
- 91024: Image Improvement of the State Islamic University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar through the Satisfaction and Trust of Stakeholder on Graduate Quality

- Murtiadi Awaluddin
- 91021: Influence of Female Leadership Styles and Organization Culture on Locus of Control and Job Satisfaction

- Muh Akil Rahman
- 91000: Production Technology and Carbon Emission: Long run relation with Short run Dynamics

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 90995: Административен контрол върху процедурите за придобиване на научни степени и за заемане на академични длъжности (Administrative control over the procedures for conferal of higher education degree and holding academic posts)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Darina Dimitrova
- 90994: Актуални правни аспекти на защитата от дискриминация при упражняване правото на висше образование (Actual legal aspects of the protection against discrimination in practicing of the right of higher education)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 90992: Съдебен контрол върху административните актове по процедури за хабилитация (Judicial control over the administrative acts in procedures of habilitation)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Darina Dimitrova
- 90989: Правни аспекти на стопанската дейност на държавните висши училища (Legal aspects of the economic activity of the public higher schools)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 90987: Административноправни аспекти на правната уредба на ректора като орган за управление на висшето училище (Administrative aspects of the legal regulation of the rector as a body of governance of the higher school)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 90985: Правилникът за дейността на висшето училище като основен вътрешноустройствен акт (административноправни аспекти) (The higher schools’ rules of operation as the main internal-constitution act (administrative legal aspects))

- Darina Dimitrova
- 90983: The (intertemporal) equity-efficiency trade-off of fiscal consolidation

- Stelios Sakkas and Petros Varthalitis
- 90980: Правомощия и актове на общото събрание на висшето училище в условията на академична автономия (административноправни аспекти) (Powers and acts of the general assebly of the higher school under the conditions of academic autonomy (administrative legal aspects))

- Darina Dimitrova

- Agustina Hanafi and Hendra Hadiwijaya
- 90974: The causes of political misperceptions: Suggestions for research

- Vladimir Popov and Jurgen Grote
- 90963: Relasi negara dan pasar bebas dalam mewujudkan keadilan ekonomi: Analisis sejarah keuangan publik Islam (State and free markets relation in realizing economic justice: Analysis of History of Islamic Public Finance)

- Aan Jaelani
- 90952: Motivating bureaucrats with non-monetary incentives when state capacity is weak: Evidence from large-scale field experiments in Peru

- Andrew Dustan, Stanislao Maldonado and Juan Manuel Hernandez-Agramonte
- 90950: Examining the Fiscal Policy-Poverty Reduction Nexus in Nigeria

- Olaolu Opasina, Joel Owuru and Adesoji Farayibi
- 90949: A design of experiment of DSLR image clarity: An experimental economic analysis

- Lishu Chen
- 90948: Does Inflation Uncertainty Matter for Validity of Romer’s Hypothesis? Evidence from Nigeria

- R. Alimi and Sola Olorunfemi
- 90946: The deterrence effect of linear versus convex penalties in environmental policy: laboratory evidence

- Marcelo Caffera, Carlos Chavez and Analía Ardente
- 90945: Uncertain Penalties and Compliance

- Carol Luengo, Marcelo Caffera and Carlos Chavez
- 90937: Pengaruh Implementasi Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen (SIAM), Desentralisasi, dan Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Penyusunan Anggaran Kabupaten Empat Lawang (Impact of the Implementation of Management Accounting Information Systems (MAIS), Decentralization, and Clarity of Budget Objectives on the Performance of Four Lawang District Budgeting)

- Febrianty Febrianty and Jovan Febriantoko
- 90932: An Enduring Platform for Public and Cooperative Economics Research: a Centennial Perspective

- Marco Marini and Bernard Thiry
- 90921: Evaluasi Potensi Penerimaan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Bidang Pariwisata di Indonesia (Evaluation of the Potential Revenues of Regional Original Revenue in Tourism in Indonesia)

- Jovan Febriantoko and Hendra Rotama
- 90909: "Bad Apple" Peer Effects in Elementary Classrooms: the Case of Corporal Punishment in the Home

- Kien Le and My Nguyen
- 90906: Inequality and asset fire sales

- Shiba Suzuki
- 90881: Is an unfunded social security system good or bad for growth? A theoretical analysis of social security systems financed by VAT

- Noritaka Maebayashi

- Rahayu Meilindawati Meilindawati

- Lilla Fadhilah Naendhy Sunaendy
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