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31594: Role of small and medium-sized enterprises in economies of Poland and Slovakia - comparative analysis Downloads
Iveta Ubreziová and Krzysztof Wach
31592: Taxation and democracy Downloads
Mihai Mutascu
31590: The formation of wage expectations in the effort and quit decisions of workers Downloads
Carl Campbell
31589: Managing international business: case of Poland (chapter 4) Downloads
Krzysztof Wach
31587: More properties about odd perfect numbers Downloads
Arian Berdellima
31586: Modelos de predicción para la inflación de Chile (Inflation forecast models for Chile) Downloads
Byron Idrovo and Mauricio Tejada
31585: I rimedi nelle operazioni di concentrazione. Disciplina e prassi comunitaria. Cenni sulla disciplina e prassi italiana (Remedies in merger operations. European discipline and practice. Reference to the Italian discipline and practice) Downloads
Pierluigi Congedo and Federico Ghezzi
31583: The dynamics of national innovation systems: a panel cointegration analysis of the coevolution between innovative capability and absorptive capacity Downloads
Fulvio Castellacci and José Natera
31576: The integration of the automobile supply chain: new competitive forms and ICT Downloads
Leonardo Buzzavo, Andrea Stocchetti and Giuseppe Volpato
31570: Signs of reality - reality of signs. Explorations of a pending revolution in political economy Downloads
Hardy Hanappi
31566: Mutamenti strutturali: modelli, metodi e principi in una nuova prospettiva (Structural changes: models, methods and principles towards a new perspective) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
31564: Domestic Wheat Price Formation and Food Inflation in India Downloads
Dipak Dasgupta, R.N. Dubey and R Sathish
31562: Comparing two financial crises: the case of Hong Kong real estate markets Downloads
Charles Leung and Edward Chi Ho Tang
31558: Optimization of hydroelectric power generation, case study of Roseires Dam in Sudan Downloads
Issam Mohamed
31554: The effectiveness of virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: experiences of Malaysian SMEs Downloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
31553: Quel enseignement supérieur pour une meilleure insertion professionnelle au Bénin ? (What higher education for better employability in Benin?) Downloads
Barthélemy Mahugnon Senou
31547: Can ethnic diversity have a positive effect on school achievement? Downloads
Virginia Maestri
31546: Promoting scientific faculties: does it work? Evidence from Italy Downloads
Virginia Maestri
31536: Evaluating election platforms: a task for fiscal councils? Scope and rules of the game in view of 25 years of Dutch practice Downloads
Frits Bos and C. N. Teulings
31535: Calculating incremental risk charges: The effect of the liquidity horizon Downloads
Jimmy Skoglund and Wei Chen
31534: Environmental Kuznets curve in Indonesia, the role of energy consumption and foreign trade Downloads
Behnaz Saboori and Abdorreza Soleymani
31531: Agricultural credit constraints and borrowing behavior of farmers in rural Punjab Downloads
Waqar Akram and Zakir Hussain
31530: Does financial instability increase environmental pollution in Pakistan? Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz
31529: المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات:التحديات والأفاق من أجل التنمية فى الدول العربية (Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges and Prospects for Development in Arab countries) Downloads
Hussein Elasarg
31520: The oil and gas sector in the brazilian economy Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Silvio Massaru Ichihara and Fernando Antonio Postali
31519: Comércio externo do Brasil e suas macrorregiões: um teste do teorema de Heckscher-Ohlin (External trade in Brazil and its geographical regions: a test of the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem) Downloads
Márcia Istake and Joaquim Guilhoto
31518: Evolution or revolution? a study of price and wage volatility in England, 1200-1900 Downloads
Catherine Casson, John Fry and Mark Casson
31517: O impacto do aumento das exportações de álcool sobre a distribuição de renda do Brasil (The impact of the increased exports of ethanol on the distribution of income of the Brazil) Downloads
Guilherme Renato Caldo Moreira, Silvio Massaru Ichihara and Joaquim Guilhoto
31516: Ocena transferu wiedzy i powiązań sfery B+R oraz instytucji otoczenia biznesu z przedsiębiorstwami w województwie małopolskim w 2009 roku. Raport końcowy (Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer and Links between R&D Centres and Business Support Centres with Enterprises from Małopolskie Voivodeship. Final Report) Downloads
Jan Jerschina, Krzysztof Wach, Szymon Beźnic, Mariola Fulbiszewska, Dominika Lalik-Budzewska, Elżbieta Lesińska and Łukasz Pytliński
31515: O PIB do agronegócio no Brasil e no estado da Bahia (The GDP of the agribusiness in Brazil and in Bahia state) Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Marina Assumpção, Débora Modolo and Denise Imori
31514: Mudanças estruturais do emprego na economia brasileira: 1996 e 2002 comparados (Structural changes in employment in the economy: 1996 and 2002 compared) Downloads
Silvio Massaru Ichihara, Joaquim Guilhoto and Márcio Guerra Amorim
31513: O custo de transporte como barreira ao comércio na integração econômica: o caso do nordeste (The cost of transportation as a barrier to trade in economic integration: the case of northeast) Downloads
Eduardo Simões de Almeida and Joaquim Guilhoto
31511: Development of small business sector in Slovakia in years 1993-2006 Downloads
Iveta Ubreziová, Krzysztof Wach and Martina Majorová
31510: Agricultura familiar: contribuindo para a riqueza nacional (Familiar agriculture: contributions for the national growth) Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Silvio Massaru Ichihara, Fernando Gaiger Silveira and Carlos Azzoni
31509: Estimating SUR Tobit Model while errors are gaussian scale mixtures: with an application to high frequency financial data Downloads
Hang Qian
31508: Análise setorial e topografia da estrutura produtiva: as cooperativas agropecuárias no Paraná (Sectoral analysis of production structure and topography: the agricultural cooperatives in Paraná) Downloads
Rossana Lott Rodrigues and Joaquim Guilhoto
31507: Entrepreneurship in small and medium-sized enterprises: Comparative study between Slovakia and Poland for the years 2001-2007 Downloads
Iveta Ubrežiová, Krzysztof Wach and Jarmila Horváthová
31506: Comparative analysis of working conditions in the European Union Member States Downloads
Krzysztof Wach
31504: Evidence disclosure and severity of punishments Downloads
Evsen Turkay
31502: Towards the integration of enterprise software: The business manufacturing intelligence Downloads
Domenico Consoli and Fabio Musso
31497: Properties of an economy without human beings Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
31492: Economia della conoscenza,istituzioni e sviluppo economico (Knowledge-based economy, institutions and economic development) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
31488: Impact of the regional business environment on the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Southern Poland Downloads
Krzysztof Wach
31482: Is electrification welfare improving?: non-experimental evidence from rural Bhutan Downloads
Santosh Kumar and Ganesh Rauniyar
31481: Regional context of small and medium-sized enterprises' development. case study of southern Poland Downloads
Krzysztof Wach
31480: Rural Tourism and Ecotourism – the Main Priorities in Sustainable Development Orientations of Rural Local Communities in Romania Downloads
Maria Roxana Dorobantu and Puiu Nistoreanu
31478: Does customer relationship management matter in the banking system? the case of Iran Downloads
Omid Dehghan Nejad
31475: Analiză privind performanţele sectorului de afaceri din România în contextul crizei economice mondiale Downloads
Rizea (Pirnea), Ionela Carmen
31474: Knowledge marketing and development in the new knowledge-based economy Downloads
Ani Matei and Lucica Matei
31473: Un’infondata portata attribuita alla teoria ricardiana dei vantaggi comparati: un punto di vista post-keynesiano (A weak reach assigned to the ricardian theory of comparative advantage: a Post-Keynesian perspective) Downloads
Sergio Parrinello
31472: The "institutional factor" in the theory of international trade: new vs. old trade theories Downloads
Sergio Parrinello
31471: Instruments of policy analysis. the impact assessment development by public authorities in Romania. Case study Downloads
Ani Matei and Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
31470: European regulation of the market of services and national transposition Downloads
Lucica Matei and Ani Matei
31469: "White men can't jump," but would you bet on it? Downloads
Deniz Igan, Marcelo Pinheiro and John Smith
31468: Inter and intra-group conflicts as a foundation for contest success functions Downloads
Yohan Pelosse
31466: The funding and efficiency of higher education in Croatia and Slovenia: a non-parametric comparison Downloads
Aleksander Aristovnik and Alka Obadić
31462: Electronic governance, premise for implementation of electronic democracy Downloads
Ani Matei and Iulia Grigorovici
31461: Breaks, bubbles, booms, and busts: the evolution of primary commodity price fundamentals Downloads
Walter Enders and Matthew T. Holt
31460: Optimal foreign direct investment in the presence of human capital formation Downloads
Muhammad Asali and Adolfo Cristobal-Campoamor
31459: Estimates of Armington parameters for a landlocked economy Downloads
Jean-Pascal Nganou
31457: Foreign direct investment in Morocco Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour
31455: Cross-border bank lending to selected SEACEN economies: an integrative report Downloads
Victor Pontines and Reza Siregar
31451: Volatility of world rice prices, import tariffs and poverty in Indonesia: a CGE-microsimulation analysis Downloads
Teguh Dartanto
31450: Estimation of the parameters of a linear expenditure system (LES) demand function for a small African economy Downloads
Jean-Pascal Nganou
31447: Foreign direct investment, environmentally sound technology and informal sector Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay
31443: Adverse selection and moral hazard among the poor: evidence from a randomized experiment Downloads
Jörg L. Spenkch
31442: Social protection and economic growth in the Sudan: Trends, perspectives, cointegration and causality Downloads
Hisham Mohamed Hassan
31439: The impact of trade preferences on exports of developing countries: the case of the AGOA and CBI preferences of the USA Downloads
Edgar Cooke
31436: Building on the trust of management: overcoming the paradoxes of principles based regulation Downloads
Marianne Ojo
31434: Scientific project, Sciences Po | LIEPP laboratoire interdisciplinaire d'evaluation des politiques publiques or in english, interdisciplinary research center for the evaluation of public policies Downloads
Etienne Wasmer and Cornelia Woll
31433: The rise of emerging markets' financial market architecture: constituting new roles in the global financial goverancen Downloads
Martina Metzger and Günther Taube
31430: Monetary aggregates in Pakistan: theoretical and empirical underpinnings Downloads
Mahmood ul Hasan Khan and Fida Hussain
31413: The poverty-inequality relationship in Malawi: A multidimensional perspective Downloads
Richard Mussa
31412: Infra-estrutura de transpporte: uma análise através de modelos aplicados de equilíbrio geral inter-regional (Transport infrastructure: an analysis with applied models of general equilibrium) Downloads
Maria da Piedade Araújo and Joaquim Guilhoto
31411: Modal composition of cargo transportation and income inequality in Brazil Downloads
Carlos Azzoni and Joaquim Guilhoto
31410: A model for assessing Romania's real convergence based on distances and clusters methods Downloads
Dumitru Miron, Mihaela Dima and Cristian Paun
31408: Sistema inter-regional sul-restante do Brasil: composição do efeito multiplicador de produção e emprego (Inter-regional system of the of south rest of Brazil: composition of production's and employmnet's multiplier effect) Downloads
Rossana Lott Rodrigues, Antonio Carlos Moretto, Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho and Joaquim Guilhoto
31407: An empirical estimation of Balassa – Samuelson Effect in case of Eastern European Countries Downloads
Cristian Paun
31405: Economia Brasileira: Transformações estruturais no período de 1990-2003 (Brazilian Economy: Structural transformations in the period 1990-2003) Downloads
Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Rossana Lott Rodrigues, Antonio Carlos Moretto and Joaquim Guilhoto
31403: O impacto do crescimento econômico sobre as rodovias de São Paulo: uma análise do modelo de isumo-poduto combinado com geoprocessamento (The impact of economic growth on the highways in Sa Paulo: an analysis of input-output combined with geoprocessing) Downloads
Silvio Massaru Ichihara and Joaquim Guilhoto
31402: Oferta de trabajo infantil y el trabajo en los quehaceres del hogar (The supply of child labor and household work) Downloads
Luis García
31400: Indice de Precios de Viviendas Nuevas para el Gran Santiago (Hedonic pricing models to calculate price indexes for new houses in the Santiago province) Downloads
Byron Idrovo and Joaquín Lennon S.
31399: Support for Business Succession in the European Union Downloads
Krzysztof Wach
31397: Causal misspecifications in econometric models Downloads
Juha Itkonen
31395: Would emerging market pension funds benefit from international diversification: investigating wealth accumulations for pension participants Downloads
Ajantha Kumara and Wade Pfau
31394: Family planning, growth and income distribution in Rwanda: SAM multiplier and graph-theoretic path analysis Downloads
Tugrul Temel
31393: Common factors of the exchange risk premium in emerging European markets Downloads
Joseph Byrne and Jun Nagayasu
31392: Education and fertility: an investigation on Italian families Downloads
Luigi Aldieri and Concetto Paolo Vinci
31389: Lifecycle and fixed portfolio allocation strategies: a performance comparison for emerging market countries Downloads
Ajantha Kumara and Wade Pfau
31387: The deteriorating labour market conditions and crime: An analysis of Indian states during 2001-2008 Downloads
Vinoj Abraham
31386: Global financial crisis and return of South Asian Gulf migrants: patterns and determinants of their integration to local labour markets Downloads
Vinoj Abraham and Irudaya S Rajan
31385: The case for human development: a cross-country analysis of corruption perceptions Downloads
Kyle Peyton and Ariel Belasen
31384: The power to tax: a lecture of Hayek Downloads
Fernando Estrada
31383: Where is an oil shock? Downloads
Kristie Engemann, Michael Owyang and Howard Wall
31379: In nitely-lived agents via two-sided altruism Downloads
Abdelkrim Seghir and Sherif Salem
31373: Demande de réserves et aléa moral dans une Union Monétaire (Demand for reserves and moral hazard in a Monetary Union) Downloads
Didier Alia, Herviste Tchakoua, Roland Ngwesse and Severin Yves Kamga
31372: Indépendance de la banque centrale et efficacité de la politique économique (Central bank independence and effectiveness of economic policy) Downloads
Willy Freddie Ndjana, Didier Alia and Paulin Mendo
31370: Labor wedges and open economy puzzles Downloads
Loukas Karabarbounis
31369: Pakistan's trade competitiveness & complementarities in South Asia Downloads
Dawood Mamoon, Sohail Paracha, Hammad Mughal and Anam Ayesha
31368: Trade facilitation for economic corridors in South Asia: the perspective of Pakistan Downloads
Vaqar Ahmed and Samad Ghulam
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