MPRA Paper
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- 76582: Diversification des exportations et transformation structurelle au Maroc: Quel rôle pour les IDE ? (Export Diversification and Structural Transformation in Morocco: What Role for FDI?)

- Charaf Eddine Moussir and Safaa Tabit
- 76581: Debt Sustainability and direction of trade: What does Africa’s shifting engagement with BRIC and OECD tells us?

- Kelbesa Megersa and Danny Cassimon
- 76577: As inovações nos territórios e o papel das universidades: notas preliminares para o desenvolvimento territorial no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Innovations in territories and the role of universities: preliminary notes for territorial development in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil))

- Iván G. Tartaruga
- 76574: Negative binomial quasi-likelihood inference for general integer-valued time series models

- Abdelhakim Aknouche and Sara Bendjeddou
- 76571: A Proposed Sustainable Transportation and Urban Mobility Design

- Behnam Neyestani
- 76566: بررسی تأثیر مخارج مصرفی و سرمایه ای دولت بر سرمایه گذاری بخش خصوصی در ایران (84-1350) (The Effect Of Government Consumption Expenditure And Investment Expenditure On Private Investment In Iran (1971-2005))

- A Kazerouni and F Ebghaei
- 76565: It's your turn: experiments with three-player public good games

- Yohanes Riyanto and Nilanjan Roy
- 76564: Delayed Collection of Unemployment Insurance during Recessions

- Zoe Xie
- 76563: Government Commitment and Unemployment Insurance Over the Business Cycle

- Yun Pei and Zoe Xie
- 76562: Blockchain: A Primer

- Gerald Dwyer
- 76557: Expected Duration as a Leading Index for Systemic Risk

- Guillermo Acuña
- 76556: Joint Forecast Combination of Macroeconomic Aggregates and Their Components

- Marcus Cobb
- 76552: Relación entre la anemia y el desempeño escolar en niños y adolescentes en México (Relationship between anemia and school performance in children and adolescents in Mexico)

- Alejandro Mosiño, Karen P. Villagómez-Estrada and Alberto Prieto-Patrón
- 76551: Skill-biased Technological Change, E-skills and Wage Inequality: Evidence from Tunisia

- Najeh Aissaoui and Lobna Ben Hassen
- 76547: On the Welfare Benefits of Taxation

- Charles St Pierre
- 76542: Has the South African Reserve Bank responded to equity prices since the sub-prime crisis? An asymmetric convergence approach

- Andrew Phiri
- 76534: Centralizing Disconnected Markets? An Irrelevance Result

- Milena Wittwer
- 76527: Energy Consumption, Financial Development and Economic Growth in India: New Evidence from a Nonlinear and Asymmetric Analysis

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Thi Hong Van Hoang, Mantu Kumar and David Roubaud
- 76526: Cost-benefit analysis of transport improvements in the presence of spillovers, matching and an income tax

- Jonas Eliasson and Mogens Fosgerau
- 76524: Optimal Equilibrium State in Two-Sector Growth Model

- Pete Yashin
- 76522: Análise espacial da centralidade e da dispersão da riqueza gaúcha de 1970 a 2000: notas preliminares (Spatial analysis of central tendency and dispersion of wealth in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil) – 1970-2000)

- Iván G. Tartaruga
- 76521: Ефективност на аграрните организации с отчитане на транзакционните разходи (Efficiency of agrarian organisations)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76520: Икономически граници на фермата (Economic boundaries of farm)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76519: O espaço geográfico das inovações tecnológicas: um olhar a partir das ideias de Milton Santos (The geographical space of technological innovations: a view from the ideas of Milton Santos)

- Iván G. Tartaruga
- 76517: Ефективни форми за организация на аграрните транзакции (Efficient governing forms for agrarian transactions organisation)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76514: Nowcasting Building Permits with Google Trends

- David Coble and Pablo Pincheira
- 76513: Decentralized Bargaining and the Greek Labour Relations Reform (Law 4024/2011)

- Nicholas Giannakopoulos and Ioannis Laliotis
- 76511: What Shapes Europeans’ Attitudes toward Xeno-philia(/phobia)?

- Claire Economidou, Dimitris Karamanis, Alexandra Kechrinioti and Sofia Xesfingi
- 76510: Localization of manufacturing industries and specialization in Mexican states: 1993–2013

- Manuel Gómez-Zaldívar, Marco T. Mosqueda and Jazmin A. Duran
- 76506: Policy on Balanced Regional Development in Macedonia - Goals, Challenges, Trends

- Slagan Penev and Borce Trenovski
- 76504: Bivariate modelling of the financial development-fossil fuel consumption nexus in Ghana

- Samuel Yeboah
- 76503: Natural and cyclical unemployment: a stochastic frontier decomposition and economic policy implications

- Jaime Cuéllar-Martín, Ángel Martín-Román and Alfonso Moral
- 76502: Decentralized Bargaining and the Greek Labour Relations Reform (Law 4024/2011)

- Nicholas Giannakopoulos and Ioannis Laliotis
- 76501: Relationship of Fiscal Discipline and House hold Income on Money Demand Function in Sri Lanka

- Umbreen Iftekhar, Dawood Mamoon and Hassan Shahid
- 76500: How Government Policy and Demographics affect Money Demand Function in Bangladesh?

- Umbreen Iftekhar, Dawood Mamoon and Hasaan Shahid
- 76499: Икономика на аграрните институции (Economics of agrarian institutions)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76498: Организация на аграрните иновации (Organisation of agrarian inovation)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76495: Bank Loan Loss Provisions Research: A Review

- Peterson Ozili
- 76493: The Macroeconomic Determinants of Stock Market Development: Evidence from South Africa

- Sin-Yu Ho
- 76490: Extending the NAWM for the import content of exports

- Günter Coenen and Igor Vetlov
- 76488: Effets sectoriels de la politique monétaire et activité économique: cas du Maroc (Sectoral Effects of Monetary Policy on Economic Activity: Case of Morocco)

- Charaf Eddine Moussir
- 76486: Social Motives vs Social Influence: an Experiment on Time Preferences

- Ismael Rodriguez-Lara and Giovanni Ponti
- 76485: Território e abordagem territorial: das referências cognitivas aos aportes aplicados à análise dos processos sociais rurais (Territory and territorial approach: From cognitive references to approaches applied to the rural social processes analysis)

- Sergio Schneider and Iván G. Tartaruga
- 76484: Determinants of Rural to Urban Migration in Large Agglomerations in India: An Empirical Analysis

- Sabyasachi Tripathi and Hardeep Kaur
- 76480: Assessment of Commerce Potency on Economic Growth in Italy: Empirical Analysis

- Sayef Bakari and Fatma Saaidia
- 76477: Effective marketing of mobile telecom services through brand personality: Empirical evidence from Greece

- Meletios Niros, Yannis Pollalis and Angelica Niros
- 76473: Assessment of Commerce Potency on Economic Growth in Italy: Empirical Analysis

- Sayef Bakari and Fatma Saaidia
- 76472: Ефективни граници на аграрните организации (Effective boundaries of agrarian organisations)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76471: Икономически измерения на аграрните транзакции (Economic dimensions of agrarian transations)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76468: The Tenuous Relationship between Make in India and FDI Inflows

- S Chalapati Rao K and Biswajit Dhar
- 76467: Evaluating direct and indirect treatment effects in Italian R&D expenditures

- Daniele Di Gennaro and Guido Pellegrini
- 76464: Cuentas económicas de Galicia: Tercer trimestre de 2016 (Galicia's economic accounts: 2016 Third quarter)

- Fernando González-Laxe, José Francisco Armesto-Pina, Santiago Lago-Peñas and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 76461: An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Pulses Production and Consumption in Bihar

- Amlendu Kumar and K.M. Singh
- 76460: Shrinking Net Sown Area: An Analysis of Changing Land Use Pattern in Bihar

- D.K. Sinha, Nasim Ahmad and K.M. Singh
- 76459: L’hyperinflation Bulgare de 1997: Transition, Fragilité Bancaire et Change (Bulgaria’s Hyperinflation in 1997: Transition, Banking Fragility, and Foreign Exchange)

- Sebastien Charles and Jonathan Marie
- 76458: Does Financial Development Promote Industrial Production in Pakistan? Evidence from Combine Cointegration and Causality Approach

- Muhammad Ahad, Adeel Ahmad Dar and Muhammad Imran
- 76457: BIMP-EAGA Investment Opportunities in Corridor Value Chains

- Montague Lord and Pawat Tangtrongjita
- 76456: Scoping Study for The Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ) In The Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT)

- Montague Lord and Pawat Tangtrongjita
- 76454: O papel das Instituições de Ensino Superior para o desenvolvimento territorial: Análise da comunidade de Pós-Graduação do Rio Grande do Sul e o caso das cidades de Pelotas e Rio Grande (The role of higher education institutions to the territorial development: Analyses of the postgraduate community from Rio Grande do Sul and the case of the cities of Pelotas and Rio Grande)

- Iván G. Tartaruga
- 76451: Парниковый эффект и рыночные механизмы Киотского протокола (Greenhouse Effect and Mechanisms of Kyoto Protocol)

- Rajko Bukvić and Dragan Petrović
- 76450: A New Approach to Free Entry Markets in Mixed Oligopolies: Welfare Implications

- Sang-Ho Lee, Toshihiro Matsumura and Susumu Sato
- 76446: Administration of GST: Can we Continue with Present Structures?

- R. Kavita Rao and Sacchidananda Mukherjee
- 76445: Causes and Effects of Corruption: What has Past Decade's Research Taught us? A Survey

- Eugen Dimant and Guglielmo Tosato
- 76444: License and entry strategies for outside innovator in duopoly

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 76443: Flipping in the Housing Market

- Charles Leung and Chung-Yi Tse
- 76442: Socio-economic differentials in intergenerational educational mobility among women in India

- Akanksha Choudhary and Ashish Singh
- 76441: Impact of the Degree of Relative Risk Aversion, the Interest Rate and the Exchange Rate Depreciation on Economic Welfare in a Small Open Economy

- Yazmín Viridiana Soriano-Morales, Benjamín Vallejo-Jiménez and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 76440: La Relation entre la Croissance Economique, les Exportations et les Importations en Maroc: Une Validation Empirique Basée sur des Techniques de Modélisation VAR et de Causalité au Sens de Granger (The Relationship Between Economic Growth, Exports and Imports in Morocco: An Empirical Validation Based on VAR Modeling Techniques and Causality in the Meaning of Granger)

- Sayef Bakari and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 76437: Middle income trap and income inequality: Empirical evidence on the distributional effect of economic liberalization and political regime

- Mahyudin Ahmad
- 76435: To QE or not to QE? New perspectives of an unconventional way of Eurozone revival after Brexit

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nikolaos Kyriazis
- 76434: Determinants of small business survival: The impacts of capital intensity and the collateral value of fixed assets

- Evaldo Guimarães Barbosa
- 76431: Retirement and Cognitive Decline: Evidence from Global Aging Data

- Hiroyuki Motegi, Yoshinori Nishimura and Masato Oikawa
- 76428: Information within coalitions: risk and ambiguity

- Emma Moreno-García and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 76427: The sense of causality between growth and economic development: an essay on VAR modeling in the case of Tunisia

- Mohamed Mabrouki
- 76424: Factor Endowment, the Choice of Technology, and the Volume of Trade

- Haiwen Zhou
- 76421: The Themistocles Naval Decree of 483/2 BCE and the Greek Referendum of 2015: A comparative analysis of choice set under direct democracy procedures

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou, Nicholas Kyriazis and Theodore Metaxas
- 76420: Acceso de la banca de desarrollo al banco central: El caso de COFIDE y las tasas de interés en el Perú (Access of development banks to the central bank: The case of COFIDE and interest rates in Peru)

- Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
- 76419: Improving Climate-Change Modeling of U.S. Migration

- Mark Partridge, Bo Feng and Mark Rembert
- 76417: О выравнивании социально-экономического развития регионов (On levelling the socioeconomic development of the regions)

- Vadim Daskovskiy and Inna Teberdieva
- 76416: Energy Efficiency and Directed Technical Change: Implications for Climate Change Mitigation

- Gregory Casey
- 76414: The Greek merchant fleet as a national navy during the war of independence 1800-1830

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou, Nicholas Kyriazis and Annita Prassa
- 76408: The impact of research collaboration on academic performance: An empirical analysis for Russian Universities

- Luigi Aldieri, Maxim Kotsemir and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- 76407: The Logic and Issues of International Regional Tax Integration

- Ekaterina Kudryashova
- 76405: Quantile regression for Panel data: An empirical approach for knowledge spillovers endogeneity

- Luigi Aldieri and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- 76404: The Memornada trap and almost fall of the Greek economy

- Nicholas Kyriazis and Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou
- 76403: Les normes IAS/IFRS et le défi du traitement comptable du Goodwill (IAS/ IFRS standards and the challenges in the Goodwill accounting treatment)

- Yasmine Zine-Eddine
- 76401: Border Effects in European Public Procurement

- Benedikt Herz and Xose-Luis Varela-Irimia
- 76400: Do Democracies Have Higher Current Account Deficits?

- Antonis Adam and Sofia Tsarsitalidou
- 76399: Cost-sharing in health insurance and its impact in a developing country– Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

- Ha Nguyen and Luke Connelly
- 76398: Innovation Effects on Employment in High-Tech and Low-Tech industries: Evidence from Large International Firms within the Triad

- Luigi Aldieri and Concetto Paolo Vinci
- 76396: Public Policy Against Political Frictions

- Daryna Grechyna
- 76395: Джендър различия в академичната сфера в България (Gender divisions in the academic sphere in Bulgaria)

- Alla Kirova
- 76394: Джендър анализ на релацията „академична кариера-семейство/родителство” (Gender analysis of the relation “academic career – family/parenthood”)

- Alla Kirova
- 76391: Demonetisation: Some Theoretical Perspectives

- Parag Waknis
- 76390: A Bivariate Modelling of the Electricity Consumption-Financial Development Nexus for Ghana

- Samuel Yeboah
- 76386: Estrutura e evolução da comunidade científica de pós-graduação gaúcha (2000-10) (The structure and evolution of postgraduate scientific community in Rio Grande do Sul (2000-10))

- Iván G. Tartaruga and Adelar Fochezatto
- 76384: The Use of Quantitative Economic Techniques in EU Merger Control

- Thomas Buettner, Giulio Federico and Szabolcs Lorincz
- 76383: Divesting Fossil Fuels: The Implications for Investment Portfolios

- Arjan Trinks, Bert Scholtens, Machiel Mulder and Lammertjan Dam
- 76382: Econometric modeling of exchange rate determinants by market classification: An empirical analysis of Japan and South Korea using the sticky-price monetary theory

- Richard Works
- 76378: Os principais parques científicos e tecnológicos gaúchos: estrutura e características (The main science and technology parks in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): structure and characteristics)

- Iván G. Tartaruga
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