MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 96767: Systemic healthcare failure as a symptom of market failure in Sierra Leone

- Emerson Jackson
- 96766: Use of Whatsapp for flexible learning: Its effectiveness in supporting teaching and learning in Sierra Leone's Higher Education Institutions

- Emerson Jackson
- 96764: How peaceful is the harmony of source and sink?

- Thomas Friedrich
- 96763: The role of non-tariff measures in the agri-food sector: positive or negative instruments for trade?

- Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Emilia Lamonaca
- 96756: The Correlation between Time Preference and Incomes Is Spurious: They Are Bridged by Fluid Intelligence

- Taiji Harashima
- 96754: Economic Slowdowns: Fundamentals Overshadowed by Structural and Policy Problems

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 96753: The Spanish Current Account Revisited: Descriptive and Empirical Research from 1993 to 2018

- Alejandro Rodrigo
- 96752: Social norms and gender discrimination in the labor market: An agent-based exercise

- Coralia Azucena Quintero Rojas and Lari Artur Viianto
- 96749: Социальная продовольственная помощь в столице Казахстана: международный опыт, инфраструктура, оценка потенциала, межведомственное сотрудничество (Social food assistance in the capital of Kazakhstan: international experience, infrastructure, capacity assessment, interagency cooperation)

- Виктор Стукач and Евгения Задворнева
- 96746: International human capital mobility and FDI: Evidence from G20 countries

- Sumiko Takaoka and Ivan Etzo
- 96743: Does railway accessibility boost population growth? Evidence from unfinished historical roadways in France

- Eliakim Kakpo, Julie Le Gallo, Camille Grivault and Marie Breuillé
- 96741: Game of Thrones or Game of Class Struggle? Revisiting the Demise of Feudalism and the Dobb-Sweezy Debate

- Thomas Lambert
- 96740: Action economics? working with citizen groups in Revelstoke, BC to evaluate the impact of a living wage

- Johannus Janmaat, Lindsay Harris, Kenneth Carlaw and Mike Evans
- 96736: Дигитализация на селското стопанство и райони в България (Digitalisation of Bulgarian agriculture and rural areas)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 96735: Disaggregated Short-Term Inflation Forecast (STIF) for Monetary Policy Decision in Sierra Leone

- Emerson Jackson, Edmund Tamuke and Mohamed Jabbie
- 96734: Kültür ve Ekonomik Başarı (Culture and Economic Success)

- Fatih Cemil Ozbugday
- 96732: Private Sector Development in Ghana: An Overview

- Mabel Akosua Hoedoafia
- 96730: University Postgraduate Research Programmes: Digitization(ICT),Innovations and Applications

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 96729: Intertemporal Modeling of the Current Account

- Hassan Ghassan and Ramzi Drissi
- 96722: Факторы инфраструктурного обустройства агропродовольственного комплекса пригородной зоны мегаполиса: функции органов государственной власти и местного самоуправления, методы оценки (Factors of infrastructure arrangement of the agri-food complex of the suburban zone of the metropolis: functions of state authorities and local self-government, assessment methods)

- Виктор Стукач and Евгения Задворнева
- 96720: Studying the Robustness of the Triadic Trust Design with Mechanical Turk Subjects

- Robert Mayo, Kevin McCabe and Frank Krueger
- 96719: Can Prospect Theory Explain Market Calendar Effects?

- Robert Mayo
- 96716: On the Special Role of Deposits for Long-Term Lending

- Elena Perazzi
- 96712: Life After The Storm: The Effect of L’Aquila Earthquake on Marriage Rates

- Lorenzo Cicatiello, Salvatore Ercolano, Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta and Benedetta Parenti
- 96710: Clique games: a family of games with coincidence between the nucleolus and the Shapley value

- Christian Trudeau and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 96708: Social Trust Formation in the Workplace: Applying the Job Strain Model to Explain Variations in Social Trust Levels among Employed Individuals

- Larysa Tamilina and Natalya Tamilina
- 96707: Globalization, protectionisms and new equilibriums theory

- Andrea Vicini
- 96705: Testing for Multiple Bubbles in Inflation for Pakistan

- Muhammad Danial Butt and Mumtaz Ahmed
- 96704: Bank loan loss provisioning during election years in Nigeria

- Peterson Ozili
- 96703: Weight status and mental health in Italy: Evidence from EHIS2 microdata

- Adriana Barone and Cristian Barra
- 96702: Doubling farmers’ income: An action research initiative in Bihar (India)

- K M Singh and Pushpa Singh
- 96700: К вопросу обеспечения асимптотической устойчивости макропараметров технологического процесса (Of the asymptotic stability of macro parameters of the technological process)

- Олег Пигнастый
- 96699: Class Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research, Statistics and Probability (Fourth Edition, v1)

- Roger Goodwin
- 96696: Optimal Rate of Inflation in Nepal: An Empirical Investigation

- Siddha Raj Bhatta
- 96689: Steuerreformvorschläge des Mirrlees Committee und der Stiftung Marktwirtschaft (Tax Reform Proposals of the Mirrlees Committee and the Stiftung Marktwirtschaft)

- Matthias Malte Schock
- 96683: Fiscal Watchdogs and Sound Fiscal Policy: Is the Barking Loud Enough to Tame Politicians?

- Xavier Debrun, Marc Gerard and Jason Harris
- 96681: Ranking of company performance indicators for managerial decision making purposes with application of the Delphi method

- Remigiusz Gawlik
- 96679: Challenges of Ensuring Food and Nutritional Security in Bihar

- K M Singh and Pushpa Singh
- 96678: Agricultural Development and Crop output in Bihar: A Decomposition Analysis

- Priyanka Kumari, K M Singh, Anjani Kumar and Nasim Ahmad
- 96675: Detecting social network effects on willingness to pay for environmental improvements using egocentric network measures

- Johannus Janmaat, Solomon Geleta and John Loomis
- 96672: Economic Dynamics with Renewable Resources and Pollution

- My Dam, Thai Ha-Huy, Cuong Le Van and Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen
- 96671: Pas de changement en vue: Le développement politique et socio-économique du Togo (2017 - 2019) (Kohnert, Dirk(2019): No change in sight: Togo's Political and Socio-Economic Development (2017-2019))

- Dirk Kohnert
- 96667: The relationship between carry trade and asset markets in South Africa

- Tebogo Maake and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 96665: Finansowanie szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce i innych krajach Unii Europejskiej (Higher education financing in Poland and other European Union member states)

- Ryszard Beniak and Patrycja Beniak
- 96663: Central bank digital currency and monetary policy: a literature review

- Patrycja Beniak
- 96662: Technological spillovers from multinational firms

- Andrés Barge-Gil, Alberto López and Ramón Núñez-Sánchez
- 96660: Electricity market competition when forward contracts are pairwise efficient

- Geert Van Moer
- 96657: Oil Bonanza and the Composition of Government Expenditure

- Keisuke Okada and Sovannroeun Samreth
- 96656: Gentrification and Transit in Northwest Chicago

- Jeffrey Lin
- 96655: The Nexus among Domestic Investment, Taxation, and Economic Growth in Germany: Cointegration and Vector Error Correction Model Analysis

- Sayef Bakari, Ali Ahmadi and Sofien Tiba
- 96649: The Dynamics of Financial Development, Globalization, Economic Growth and Life Expectancy in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Muhammad Shafiullah and Mantu Kumar
- 96644: The First Industrial Revolution: Creation of a New Global Human Era

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 96643: Ghost of GDP: Sponge, Myth or Moustache Twitching?

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 96642: Per unit and ad valorem royalties in a patent licensing game

- Marta Montinaro and Marcella Scrimitore
- 96641: Should the Caribbean Look to the East? An Assessment of Caribbean Export Potential

- Troy Lorde, Antonio Alleyne, Roger Hosein and Mu Yifei
- 96640: Lying in Two Dimensions and Moral Spillovers

- Diogo Geraldes, Franziska Heinicke and Stephanie Rosenkranz
- 96639: Bank loan loss provisioning during election years: cross-country evidence

- Peterson Ozili
- 96638: Augmented Reality: Pokémon Go, Google Glass und Krimi-Dystopie führen zu Missverständnissen (Augmented reality: Pokémon Go, Google Glass and Crime Dystopia lead to misunderstandings)

- Stefan Heng
- 96637: Industrie 4.0: Keinesfalls allein ein Betätigungsfeld für Informatiker (Industry 4.0: Not alone an issue for computer scientists)

- Stefan Heng
- 96635: Sharing Economy: Neue Potenziale könnten auf Basis althergebrachten Wirtschaftsstrebens realisiert werden (Sharing economy: New potentials could be realized on the basis of traditional economic incentives)

- Stefan Heng
- 96633: Resource Curse Hypothesis and Role of Oil Prices in USA

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Khalid Ahmed, Aviral Tiwari and Zhilun Jiao
- 96629: The Impact of Internet on Economic Growth: Evidence from North Africa

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 96626: Construcción de una Bolivia artificial: Efectos de la Política Económica desde 2006 (Construction of an artificial Bolivia: Effects of the Economic Policy since 2006)

- Joab Valdivia Coria and Daney David Valdivia Coria
- 96622: Impact of Globalization on the Australian Automobile Industry case of Ford Falcon

- Dominique Trual Molintas
- 96621: A new unit root analysis for testing hysteresis in unemployment

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Ahamuefula Ogbonna, Fumitaka Furuoka and Luis Gil-Alana
- 96619: Are Exchange Rate, Exports and Domestic Investment in Tunisia Cointegrated? A Comparison of ECM and ARDL Model

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 96618: Long run and Short run Macroeconomics Determinants of Economic Growth in the USA: Cointegration and VECM Analysis

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 96617: Delivery in the city: evidence on monopolistic competition from New York restaurants

- Jacob Cosman and Nathan Schiff
- 96616: Tie among Domestic Investment, Total Consumption and External Debt: Lessons from Tunisia

- Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
- 96615: Основы статистической теории моделирования технологических процессов (Statistical technological process modelling)

- Олег Пигнастый
- 96614: If You Think 9-Ending Prices Are Low, Think Again

- Avichai Snir and Daniel Levy
- 96613: Distance Matters: The Impact of Physical and Relative Distance on Pleasure Tourists’ Length of Stay in Barbados

- Mahalia Jackman, Troy Lorde, Simon Naitram and Tori Greenaway
- 96604: Eco-efficiency analysis in generalized IO models: Methods and examples

- Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
- 96602: Brexit Impacts: Opportunities for German-Irish Trade

- Edgar Morgenroth
- 96599: ظاهرة التكتلات الاقتصادية وإشكالية الأزمات الرأسمالية دراسة تحليلية لأثر التكتلات كقوة ممانعة وكمعبر للتدويل (The correlation between economic blocs and economic crises)

- Okba Abdellaoui and Omar Azzaoui
- 96597: Trade Liberalization and Industrial Growth in Pakistan: Co integration Analysis (1990-2017

- Amir Azam and Amir Khan
- 96589: Public debt rule breaking by time-inconsistent voters

- Ryo Arawatari and Tetsuo Ono
- 96587: Critical Factors Affecting The Happiness: A Vietnamese Perspective

- Phuc Van Nguyen, Phong Nguyen, Vy Dang Bich Huynh and Quyen Nguyen
- 96585: Measuring production efficiency level of Vietnam for inputs imported from China

- Phuc Van Nguyen, Vy Dang Bich Huynh, Phong Nguyen and Quyen Nguyen
- 96583: Impacts of risk factors on the performance of public-private partnership transportation projects in vietnam

- Do Tien Sy, Veerasak Likhitruangsilp, Masamitsu Onishi and Phong Nguyen
- 96582: Calculating Weights of Social Capital Index Using Analytic Hierarchy Process

- Phuc Van Nguyen, Phong Thanh Nguyen, Quyen Nguyen and Vy Dang Bich Huynh
- 96581: Different Perceptions of Concern Factors for Strategic Investment of The Private Sector in Public-Private Partnership Transportation Projects

- Do Tien Sy, Veerasak Likhitruangsilp, Masamitsu Onishi and Phong Nguyen
- 96580: National happiness and Environment quality in Africa

- Edmond Noubissi and Boker Poumie
- 96579: Preferencias por la distribución del ingreso. Un análisis empírico para Argentina entre 1995 y 2012 (Preferences for the distribution of income. An empirical analisys for Argentina between 1995 and 2012)

- Mariana De Santis and Luis Caggia
- 96577: The impact of economic policy uncertainty and commodity prices on CARB country stock market volatility

- Syed Abul Basher, Alfred A. Haug and Perry Sadorsky
- 96570: Empirical evidence of systemic tail risk premium in the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

- Jean Joel Kouadio, John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 96569: Firm dynamics in an global and uncertain economy

- Timothee Gigout
- 96568: The sources of international investment income in emerging market economies

- Joseph Joyce
- 96564: On Using Risk-Neutral Probabilities to Price Assets

- Kuo-Ping Chang
- 96563: Superkurtosis

- Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis, Grigorios Siourounis and Lorenzo Trapani
- 96561: Behavioral Economics versus Traditional Economics: Are They Very Different?

- Kuo-Ping Chang
- 96547: Transmission channels of central bank asset purchases in the Irish economy

- Cormac Cawley and Marie Finnegan
- 96546: Squaring the energy efficiency circle: evaluating industry energy efficiency policy in a hybrid model setting

- Kristoffer Steen Andersen, Steffen Dockweiler and Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
- 96545: The emerging market reaction to Fed tightening

- Patrycja Beniak
- 96544: Sources of Economic Growth in Models with Non-Renewable Resources

- Hongsilp Sriket and Richard M. H. Suen
- 96542: The Real Effects of Credit Supply: Review, Synthesis, and Future Directions

- Ozan Guler, Mike Mariathasan, Klaas Mulier and Nejat Okatan
- 96539: Movements of Islamic Stock Indices in Selected OIC Countries

- Rininta Nurrachmi
- 96537: The Potential Industry of Islamic Tourism in ASEAN Countries

- Rininta Nurrachmi
- 96531: Organizational Approach for the Design of a Comprehensive Compensation Package for Bank Employees in Afghanistan A Strategy for Acquiring and Retaining Talent

- Aimal Mirza
- 96529: Globalisation impact on Danish SME: Offshore Outsourcing & local competitiveness

- Dominique Trual Molintas
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