MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 28939: Oil Boom, Chewing-Gum, and Oil Fund

- Engin Sorhun
- 28937: Searching out of Trading Noise: A Study of Intraday Transactions Cost

- William Lin, David Sun and Shih-Chuan Tsai
- 28936: Human Capital Accumulation through Interaction between a Married Couple: Comparison between a Housewife and a Working Wife

- Yukichi Mano and Eiji Yamamura
- 28935: Technical efficiency of hospital psychiatric care in Bulgaria – assessment using Data Envelopment Analysis

- T. Kundurjiev and Petko Salchev
- 28934: Fraud cycles

- Jiong Gong, Randolph McAfee and Michael Williams
- 28932: Congestion pricing, infrastructure investment and redistribution

- Antonio Russo
- 28930: Estimating Demand for Nutrients in Nigeria: A Vector Error Correction Model

- Kolawole Ogundari
- 28928: Can Corporate Diversification Promote Firm Value? A Survey

- Tania Dey and Rajabrata Banerjee
- 28927: Entrepreneurs, Sticky Competition and the Schumpeterian Cobb-Douglas Production Function

- Pak-Hung Mo
- 28924: From the lab to the field: Cooperation among fishermen

- Jan Stoop, Charles Noussair and Daan van Soest
- 28921: The optimal rate of inequality: A framework for the relationship between income inequality and economic growth

- Jorge A. Charles-Coll
- 28917: Trade Liberalization Sequence for Sustained Economic Growth

- Pak-Hung Mo
- 28913: Moderation Effect of Market Condition on the Relationship between Dividend Yield and Stock Return

- Meysam Safari and Reza TahmooresPour
- 28911: Institutions, Entrepreneurship and Channels to Sustained Economic Growth

- Pak-Hung Mo
- 28910: On the economic architecture of the workplace: Repercussions of social comparisons among heterogeneous workers

- Oded Stark and Walter Hyll
- 28909: Endogenous Selection of Comparison Groups, Human Capital Formation, and Tax Policy

- Oded Stark and Walter Hyll
- 28908: Globalisation and sustainable exports of Indian medicinal and aromatic plants: A protection study

- Soumitra Kumar Bera
- 28905: Migration for degrading work as an escape from humiliation

- Oded Stark and C. Simon Fan
- 28902: Casting the naturalization of asylum seekers as an economic problem

- Oded Stark
- 28900: Non-positive scaling factor in probability quantification methods: deriving consumer inflation perceptions and expectations in the whole euro area and Ireland

- Tomasz Łyziak
- 28895: Macro Factors in UK Excess Bond Returns: Principal Components and Factor-Model Approach

- Deniz Erdemlioglu
- 28894: Die relative Steuerlast mittelständischer Kapitalgesellschaften (The relative tax burden of medium-sized corporations in Germany)

- Heinz Gebhardt and Lars-Hinrich Siemers
- 28889: Evolutionary Game Theory and Thorstein Veblen’s Evolutionary Economics: Is EGT Veblenian?

- Mauricio Villena and Marcelo Villena
- 28888: The Making of a Good Society: Economic Freedom, Instrumentalism, and Government Control

- Murray, Michael/ M J
- 28887: Inflation and unemployment in Switzerland: from 1970 to 2050

- Oleg Kitov and Ivan Kitov
- 28884: Product innovation when consumers have switching costs

- Evens Salies
- 28883: The Neuroeconomics of Learning and Information Processing; Applying Markov Decision Process

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 28881: When Opposites Attract: Is the Assortative Matching Always Positive?

- Francesco Reito
- 28880: Endogenous Needs, Values and Technology

- Hardy Hanappi
- 28878: An Introduction to International Financial Reporting Standards

- Muthupandian K S
- 28874: Risk Analysis of Accounting Information System Infrastructure

- Arsenie-Samoil Mihalache
- 28871: Social Europe and/or global Europe? Globalization and flexicurity as debates on the future of Europe

- Andreas Antoniades
- 28869: Examining facets of the hegemonic: the globalisation discourse in Greece and Ireland

- Andreas Antoniades
- 28868: Longevity risk and capital markets: The 2009-2010 update

- David Blake, Patrick Brockett, Samuel Cox and Richard MacMinn
- 28867: Estimates of the Sticky-Information Phillips Curve for the USA with the General to Specific Method

- Antonio Paradiso, B. Rao and Marco Ventura
- 28866: On Smith's ambiguities on value and wealth

- Ferdinando Meacci
- 28864: The particle system model of income and wealth more likely to imply an analogue of thermodynamics in social science

- John Angle
- 28863: Clothed in rags by hyperinflation: the case of Zimbabwe

- Albert Makochekanwa
- 28862: Money and Keynesian Uncertainty

- B. Lucarelli
- 28861: Hate Source: White Supremacist Hate Groups and Hate Crime

- Sean Mulholland
- 28859: Trade and GDP Growth in Morocco: Short-run or Long-run Causality?

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 28853: Military Expenditure and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis

- Aynur Alptekin and Paul Levine
- 28851: Database Optimizing Services

- Adrian Ghencea and Immo Gieger
- 28849: The political economy of innovation; an institutional analysis of industrial policy and development in Brazil

- Jose Menezes
- 28847: Hessian and approximated Hessian matrices in maximum likelihood estimation: a Monte Carlo study

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 28846: Uncertainty of policy recommendations for nonlinear econometric models: some empirical results

- Giorgio Calzolari, Carlo Bianchi, Paolo Corsi and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 28845: Mode predictors in nonlinear systems with identities

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 28844: Анализ некоторых аспектов реформы технического регулирования (Analysis of several aspects of Russian technical regulation reform)

- Alexander Veselovsky
- 28842: Ein allgemeines Dekompositionsverfahren fuer lineare Optimierungsprobleme (A General Decomposition Algorithm for Linear Optimization Problems)

- Hergen H. Heinemann
- 28838: Partially-honest Nash implementation: Characterization results

- Michele Lombardi and Naoki Yoshihara
- 28837: Optimal Environmental Policy under Monopolistic Provision of Clean Technologies

- Keisuke Hattori
- 28836: Fiscal regulation and expenditure pattern in Maharashtra state

- Sanjay Rode
- 28834: Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Öğrenimleri Üzerine Etkileri ve Bilişim Harcama Esnekliği: ÇOMÜ Biga İİBF Örneği (Effects of Information Technology Use on The Education of Studens And Information Technology Expenditure Elasticity: The Case of Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University)

- Erkan Aktaş, Osman Alioğlu and Engin Vardar
- 28833: Zeytin Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çanakkale (Improvements in Olive Production and Çanakkale)

- Erkan Aktaş
- 28832: Tarım Politikasındaki Değişiklikler ve Bağcılık: Çanakkale ili Örneği (Improvements in Agricultural Policy in Turkey and Case Study of Viniculture in Çanakkale Province)

- Erkan Aktaş and Sibel Tan
- 28831: On Stability and Efficiency in School Choice Problems

- Jose Alcalde and Antonio Romero-Medina
- 28829: Türkiye’de Tarım Sektöründe Kullanılan Mazota Yönelik Vergi ve Destekler (Taxes and Subsidies for Diesel Fuel Used in Turkey's Agricultural)

- Erkan Aktaş, Selçuk İpek and Serkan Işık
- 28828: Biga’da Bilisim Teknolojileri Kullanımının Öğrencilerin Basarı ve Harcama Düzeylerine Olası Etkileri (The Probable Effects of Information Technology Use on the Success and Expenditure Level of Students in Biga)

- Erkan Aktaş, Betül Balkan and Kayanur Karapinar
- 28823: Repeated moral hazard and contracts with memory: The case of risk-neutrality

- Susanne Ohlendorf and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 28821: Leasing and Secondary Markets: Theory and Evidence from Commercial Aircraft

- Alessandro Gavazza
- 28819: Real-time nowcasting of GDP: Factor model versus professional forecasters

- Joëlle Liebermann
- 28816: Evolution of the Governmental Accounting Reform implementation in Greek Public Hospitals: Testing the institutional framework

- Filippos Stamatiadis and Nikolaos Eriotis
- 28814: Social Norm, Costly Punishment and the Evolution to Cooperation

- Tongkui Yu, Shu-Heng Chen and Honggang Li
- 28812: Trade sustainability impact assessment (SIA) on the comprehensive economic and trade agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada: Final report

- Colin Kirkpatrick, Selim Raihan, Adam Bleser, Dan Prud'homme, Karel Mayrand, Jean Frederic Morin, Hector Pollitt, Leonith Hinojosa and Michael Williams
- 28806: Evaluating Forecast Uncertainty in Econometric Models: The Effect of Alternative Estimators of Maximum Likelihood Covariance Matrix

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 28804: A Simulation Study on FIML Covariance Matrix

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 28802: Coherent Forecast with Nonlinear Econometric Models

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 28800: A Political Agency Model of Coattail Voting

- Galina Zudenkova
- 28798: An Analysis of Remuneration, Employment & VRS at Executive level in CPSEs

- Kumar Singh Sunny
- 28796: Safe Savings Rates: A New Approach to Retirement Planning over the Lifecycle

- Wade Pfau
- 28791: The price impact of the disposition effect on the ex-dividend day of NYSE and AMEX common stocks

- Vassilis Efthymiou and George Leledakis
- 28788: Food and energy prices, government subsidies and fiscal balances in south Mediterranean countries

- Ronald Albers and Marga Peeters
- 28787: Should We Track Migrant Households When Collecting Household Panel Data?:Household Relocation, Economic Mobility and Attrition Biases in the Rural Philippines

- Nobuhiko Fuwa
- 28785: Performance assessment of Russian homeowners associations: The importance of being social

- Leonid Polishchuk and Ekaterina Borisova
- 28782: The Baby Boom, Baby Busts, and Grandmothers

- Cuneyt Orman, Turkmen Goksel and Mehmet Gurdal
- 28781: Is Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Small Open Economy Time Consistent?

- X Liu
- 28774: Virtual Socializing: Its Motives and Spread

- Rajasekharan Pillai, Thoranath Rahul, Beena Babu Peringat, Sindhya Thilakarajan and Neethu Janardhanan
- 28771: A St.-Louis equation to reassess the influence of macroeconomic-policy instruments

- Stefan Belliveau
- 28768: Does the Food Stamp Program Really Increase Obesity? The Importance of Accounting for Misclassification Errors

- Achilleas Vassilopoulos, Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga and Panagiotis Lazaridis
- 28767: Trade union structure with environmental concern and firms' technological choice

- Elias Asproudis
- 28766: Third parties �participation in tradable permits market. Do we need them?

- Elias Asproudis and Tom Weyman-Jones
- 28764: Runda Doha: început fără sfârşit (Doha Round: the endless beginning)

- Diana Popa
- 28762: The Australian Phillips curve and more

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 28760: The Theory of Institutional Change Revisited: The Institutional Dichotomy, Its Dynamic, and Policy Implications in a More Formal Analysis

- Wolfram Elsner
- 28758: Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization in Mongolia

- Ariunaa Lkhagvadorj
- 28755: The Impact of Corruption on Economic Development of Bangladesh:Evidence on the Basis of an Extended Solow Model

- Mohammad Habibullah Pulok
- 28753: Konversi Lahan dan Pilihan Petani

- Catur Sugiyanto and Dwi Nugroho
- 28752: An econometric essay for the asymmetric volatility content of the portfolio flows: EGARCH evidence from the Turkish economy

- Levent Korap
- 28751: Tensión diplomática entre Colombia y Ecuador durante 2006-2009: una mirada desde la teoría de juegos (Diplomatic tension between Colombia and Ecuador during 2006-2009: a look from the theory of games)

- Santiago Arroyo and Juan Bolaños
- 28750: La pobreza y las clases: Dinámicas y estrategias en Bolivia (Poverty and class: Dynamics and strategies in Bolivia)

- Jorge Buzaglo and Alvaro Calzadilla
- 28749: Simulating extended reproduction: Poverty reduction and class dynamics in Bolivia

- Jorge Buzaglo and Alvaro Calzadilla
- 28746: Vertical Integration versus Vertical Separation: An Equilibrium Model

- Philippe Cyrenne
- 28745: Do Food Stamps Cause Obesity? A Generalised Bayesian Instrumental Variable Approach in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity

- Matthew Salois and Kelvin Balcombe
- 28744: Un analisis de la relacion entre economía, energía y medio ambiente (An analysis of the relationship between economy, energy and environment)

- André Luiz Andrade
- 28743: O trinômio economia, energia e meio ambiente (The triplet economy, energy and environment)

- André Luiz Andrade and Lm Mattei
- 28741: Social Norm, Costly Punishment and the Evolution to Cooperation

- Tongkui Yu, Shu-Heng Chen and Li Honggang
- 28740: Transition Probability Matrix Methodology for Incremental Risk Charge

- Tzahi Yavin, Hu Zhang, Eugene Wang and Michael Clayton
- 28739: The Average Tree Solution for Multi-choice Forest Games

- Sylvain Béal, Aymeric Lardon, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- 28738: Colonial Origins of Inequality in Hispanic America? Some reflections based on new empirical evidence

- Rafael Dobado González and Hector Garcia Montero
- 28737: Indicatori de măsurare a integrării financiare europene. Literature review (Measuring European financial market integration. A literature review)

- Andreea Avadanei
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