MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 60539: Consumer preferences for organic foods

- Mette Wier, Lars Gaarn Hansen and Laura Mørch Andersen
- 60538: The Role of Islamic Rural Bank in Financing the SMEs: Customer Perspective Analysis [Case Study of Amanah Ummah Bank in Bogor City, Indonesia]

- Irfan Syauqi Beik, Qurroh Ayuniyyah and Laily Dwi Arsyianti
- 60526: Examining the volatility of exchange rate: Does monetary policy matter?

- Shu Yi Lim and Siok Kun Sek
- 60524: Theoretical approaches of regional development

- Daniela Antonescu
- 60523: Theoretical approaches of regional development

- Daniela Antonescu
- 60521: The small multiple in econometrics – a redesign

- Torsten Klein
- 60517: The Cost of Misguided Urbanization: The Case of Informal Settlements in Butuan City, Philippines

- Ma. Kresna Navarro and Catherine Roween Almaden
- 60514: Communicating quantitative information: tables vs graphs

- Torsten Klein
- 60513: Comparing Consumption-based Asset Pricing Models: The Case of an Asian City

- Yum K. Kwan, Charles Leung and Jinyue Dong
- 60509: Individual Scaling and Overall Evaluation of System Uncertainty

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 60503: RTAs’ Proliferation and Trade-diversion effects: Evidence of the “Spaghetti Bowl” Phenomenon

- Zakaria Sorgho
- 60502: A History of Economic Theorizing on the Prebisch-Singer Thesis

- Thomas Ziesemer
- 60501: Unfolding the potential of the Virtual Water concept. What is still under debate?

- Marta Antonelli and Martina Sartori
- 60500: Determinants of virtual water flows in the Mediterranean

- Andrea Fracasso, Martina Sartori and Stefano Schiavo
- 60499: Bulgarian labour mobility during the transition to a market economy

- Iskra Beleva
- 60497: Does ethnic diversity decrease economic interactions? Evidence from exchange networks in rural Gambia

- Jean-Louis Arcand and Dany Jaimovich
- 60495: Poverty and Banking Exclusion in Mexico: How can remittances and technology contribute to improve access?

- Erick Ramos-Murillo and Benedikt Kronberger
- 60493: Examining Entrepreneurial Potential

- Pavlin Bonev, Henrik Egbert and Thomas Neumann
- 60491: Social Identity and Class Consciousness

- Hardy Hanappi and Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger
- 60490: The role of sponsor and external management on the capital structure of Asian-Pacific REITs: the case of Australia, Japan, and Singapore

- Dong Chen, Yanmin Gao, Mayank Kaul, Charles Leung and Desmond Tsang
- 60488: The Bronx Today: A Comparative Socioeconomic Profile

- Mario Gonzalez Corzo and Vassilios Gargalas
- 60485: Labor Force and Economic Changes in Cuba

- Mario Gonzalez Corzo, Pavel Vidal Alejandro and Omar E. Perez Villanueva
- 60483: Cuba's De-Dollarization Program: Policy Measures, Main Objectives, and Principal Motivations

- Mario Gonzalez Corzo
- 60481: Cost-effectiveness analysis of Ukrainian banks using the DEA method

- Olena Kryklii, Ludmila Pavlenko and Sergei Podvihin
- 60480: Impacto de las TIC en el nivel de innovación en América Latina y el Caribe: Estimaciones econométricas a nivel de un panel (Impact of ICT on the level of innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Econometric estimates at a panel)

- Rodriguez Karol and Jorge Vélez
- 60479: Spatial and hedonic analysis of house price dynamics in Warsaw

- Marta Widłak, Joanna Waszczuk and Krzysztof Olszewski
- 60478: The behaviour of housing developers and aggregate housing supply

- Jacek Łaszek and Krzysztof Olszewski
- 60477: Economic development in Sarawak, Malaysia: An overview

- Fumitaka Furuoka
- 60476: Aggregation with Cournot competition: the Le Chatelier Samuelson principle

- Bertrand Koebel and Francois Laisney
- 60473: Monetary Policy and Bank Hetrogeneity: Effectiveness of Bank Lending Channel in Pakistan

- Sabbah Rahooja, Asif Ali, Jameel Ahmed, Fayyaz Hussain and Rizwana Rifat
- 60466: The formation of new firms: An ordered probit model approach for Latin American and Caribbean Countries

- Jorge Velez Ospina and Jacobo Campo Robledo
- 60465: Asymptotic Properties of the Weighted Least Squares Estimator Under Moments Restriction

- Deniz Bayram and Modeste Dayé
- 60460: Impact Assessment of Self Help Group towards Rural Development: A Case Study of Jharkhand, India

- Sazzad Parwez
- 60458: Los efectos de las transformaciones agrícolas en los antiguos países socialistas: Algunas consideraciones para Cuba (The effects of agricultural transformations in former socialist countries: Some considerations for Cuba)

- Mario Gonzalez Corzo
- 60457: L'Industrie Laitière Française: Modèles d'Entreprises et Formes de Concurrence/Coordination Inter-Firmes (French Dairy Industry: Enterprise models and Inter-Firms Competition/Coordination Forms)

- Pierre Albert, Hassan Ghassan, Jean Pierre Huiban and Michel Martin
- 60456: Lag Order and Critical Values of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test: A Replication

- Tamer Kulaksizoglu
- 60452: How Basis Risk and Spatiotemporal Adverse Selection Influence Demand for Index Insurance: Evidence from Northern Kenya

- Nathaniel Jensen, Andrew Mude and Christopher Barrett
- 60451: Size and value premiums in the Indian stock market

- Tariq Aziz and Valeed Ahmad Ansari
- 60449: Fiscal Policy in an Emerging Market Business Cycle Model

- Chetan Ghate, Pawan Gopalakrishnan and Suchismita Tarafdar
- 60442: Underdeveloped Supply Chain dynamics of Indian Agriculture: Reference to Information Technology and Knowledge Management

- Sazzad Parwez
- 60441: Food Supply Chain Management in Indian Agriculture: Issues, Opportunities and Further Research

- Sazzad Parwez
- 60439: 先天优势还是后天努力?——国企级别对全要素生产率影响的实证研究 (Innate Advantages or Hard Work? An Empirical Study on the Impacts of SOEs’ Administrative Level on Total Factor Productivity)

- Mingyue Fang
- 60436: Understanding crude oil import demand behaviour in Ghana

- George Marbuah
- 60432: Open Offers and Shareholders Earnings – Evidence from India

- Vinay Kumar Nangia, Rajat Agrawal and K. Srinivasa Reddy
- 60427: Managing Development and Public Policy: A Personal View

- Jim Cobbe
- 60426: International Trade Issues of the Russian Federation

- János Gács, Merton Peck, Andrei Illarionov, Peter Havlik, Masaaki Kuboniva, Vladimir Panitch, Pekka Sutela, Kamilla Lányi, Vsevolod Bulantsev, Linda Goldberg, Rafael Tenorio, Carlo De Nicola, Daniel Gros, Vladimir Drebentsov, Yevgeny Kuznetsov, Matthias Lücke, Michail Sarafanov and Alexander Astapovich
- 60425: Corporate mergers and financial performance: A new assessment of Indian cases

- K. Srinivasa Reddy, Vinay Kumar Nangia and Rajat Agrawal
- 60424: Performance in banking: theory and practice peculiarities

- Anna Buriak
- 60423: Designing case studies from secondary sources – A conceptual framework

- K. Srinivasa Reddy and Rajat Agrawal
- 60421: Evaluation of the Utility Function of an Environmental asset: Contingent valuation Method (CVM)

- Bouchrika Ali, Issaoui FakhriI and Jouber Habib
- 60420: Business Valuation: Modelling Forecasting Hurdle Rate

- Vinay Kumar Nangia, Rajat Agrawal and K. Srinivasa Reddy
- 60419: EU Structural Support: Its Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects and Social Environment

- János Gács and Vladimír Benáček
- 60418: Unified China; Divided Europe

- Chiu Yu Ko, Mark Koyama and Tuan-Hwee Sng
- 60404: Empirical study on the correlation of corporate social responsibility with the banks efficiency and stability

- Vasylieva T. and Lasukova A.
- 60398: Relationship between Developed, Emerging and South Asian Equity Markets: Empirical Evidence with a Multivariate Framework Analysis

- Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Tanveer Ahmed, Mobeen Ur Rehman and Muhammad Zakaria
- 60391: On Schumpeter’s 'The Past and Future of Social Sciences'. A Schumpeterian Theory of Scientific Development?

- Stefano Lucarelli and Hervé Baron
- 60388: Health Expenditure, education and Economic Growth in MENA Countries

- Miloud Lacheheb, Norashidah Med Nor and Imdadullah Baloch
- 60387: Can public goods experiments inform policy? Interpreting results in the presence of confused subjects

- Stephen J. Cotten, Paul Ferraro and Christian Vossler
- 60386: Managerial incentives for compliance with environmental information disclosure programs

- Mary Evans, Scott Gilpatric, Michael McKee and Christian Vossler
- 60380: Enterprise-level bargaining and labour productivity of Italian family firms: a quantile regression analysis

- Mirella Damiani, Fabrizio Pompei and Andrea Ricci
- 60379: Beyond the Headcount: Examining the Dynamics and Patterns of Multidimensional Poverty in Indonesia

- Sudarno Sumarto and Indunil De Silva
- 60378: About the Future Perspectives of Inland Waterway Freight in Central Europe

- Tamás Fleischer
- 60377: Sustainable mobility at the EU level – and the new transport White Paper

- Tamás Fleischer
- 60376: Role of transport networks in supporting the spatial dimension of sustainability

- Tamás Fleischer
- 60375: Canada at the Crossroads: Improving International Performance by Establishing a New Canadian Soccer League

- Duane Rockerbie
- 60373: A detailed analysis of fulfilling and delinquency of payments on loan

- Ihor Voloshyn
- 60367: 区域环境绩效测度及收敛性分析 (Regional eco-performance measure and its convergence)

- Zongyi Hu, Liwei Tang and Jin Su
- 60362: Computer Simulates the Effect of Internal Restriction on Residuals in Linear Regression Model with First-order Autoregressive Procedures

- Mei-Yu Lee
- 60361: What Drives Business Cycle Fluctuations: Aggregate or Idiosyncratic Uncertainty Shocks?

- Mohan Bijapur
- 60360: Analyzing the Effect of Real Exchange Rate on Petrochemicals Exporting

- Majid Delavari, Naghmeh Baranpour and Abbas Abdeshahi
- 60359: Unraveling the effects of environmental outcomes and processes on financial performance: A non-linear approach

- Nicola Misani and Stefano Pogutz
- 60350: Contro il liberoscambismo (Against Neoliberalism)

- Marco Veronese Passarella
- 60345: Benefits and Beneficiaries: An Introduction to Estimating Distributional Effects in Cost-Benefit Analysis (Second Edition)

- Elio Londero
- 60344: Sosyal Hesaplar Matrisi (SHM) Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Guidelines of A Social Accounting Matrix)

- Erginbay Ugurlu

- Erginbay Ugurlu
- 60339: Structural Change and Catching Up: Experience of the Ten Candidate Countries

- János Gács
- 60337: Positional Preferences, Endogenous Growth, and Optimal Income- and Consumption Taxation

- Sugata Ghosh and Ron Wendner
- 60336: The joint services of money and credit

- William Barnett
- 60333: Estabilidad de la demanda de trabajo y efecto del salario minimo sobre el Empleo: El caso Chileno (Labor demand stability and the minimum wage effect on employment: The Chilean evidence)

- Jorge Miranda Pinto
- 60331: Rentier Developmentalism, Servicization and DInRT Economies

- Collin Constantine
- 60330: Public Subsidy on Education, Welfare, and Wage Inequality in a Small Open Developed Economy: A Two-period Analysis

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 60324: Тайните на икономическите индикатори (The Secrets of Economic Indicators)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60323: Unemployment hysteresis in Central Asia

- Fumitaka Furuoka
- 60322: Морал и етика в научните изследвания (Morale and Ethics in Scientific Research)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60321: Economic Determinants of Regional Integration in Developing Counties

- Eduard Marinov
- 60319: Успехи и предизвикателства на регионалната икономическа интеграция в Африка (Achievements and Challenges of Regional Economic Integration in Africa)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60318: Регионалните интеграционни общности в Африка (Regional integration communities in Africa)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60317: Economic Integration in Africa – Overview, Progress and Challenges

- Eduard Marinov
- 60316: Regional Economic Integration in Africa

- Eduard Marinov
- 60315: Кризата в ЕС – финансови рискове за Африка (The EU Crisis – Financial Risks for Africa)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60314: Африканската зона за свободна търговия – стъпка към континентална интеграция (The African Free Trade Area – a Step towards Continental Integration)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60313: Impact of the European Union on Regional Integration in Africa

- Eduard Marinov
- 60312: Нормативная рамка экономических отношений между Болгарией и Россией: состояние и основние проблемы (Legal Framework of the Economic Relationships between Bulgaria and Russia – Current State and Main Problems)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60311: Нормативна рамка на икономическите отношения между България и Русия (Legal Framework of the Economic Relationships between Bulgaria and Russia)

- Eduard Marinov
- 60310: Do Economic and Financial Development Increase Carbon Emission in Pakistan: Empirical Analysis through ARDL Cointegration and VECM Causality

- Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Mobeen Ur Rehman, Maryam Hurr and Muhammad Zakaria
- 60309: Rural Household Contribution to the Financial and Capital Market in Bangladesh: A Micro Level Study of Remittances from Italy

- Mannan Kazi and Khandaker Mursheda Farhana
- 60307: The spillover effects of the ICT cluster support in Córdoba

- Franco Boneu, David Giuliodori, Alessandro Maffioli, Alejandro Rodríguez and Rodolfo Stucchi
- 60300: Regional recessions and recoveries in theory and practice: a resilience-based overview

- Paolo Di Caro
- 60299: Economic Partnership Agreements of the EU: Impact on Regional Integration in Africa

- Eduard Marinov
- 60298: Testing and explaining economic resilience with an application to Italian regions

- Paolo Di Caro
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