MPRA Paper
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- 115049: Новите предизвикателства пред външнотърговските кадри (New challenges for foreign trade personnel)

- Dimitar Hadjinikolov
- 115047: Hidden inefficiency: strategic inflation of project schedules

- Matej Lorko, Maroš Servátka and Le Zhang
- 115044: Honesty in the city

- Martin Dufwenberg, Paul Feldman, Maroš Servátka, Jorge Tarrasó and Radovan Vadovič
- 115042: Modeling and Forecasting the Electricity Price in Iran Using Wavelet-Based GARCH Model

- Mojtaba Pourghorban and Siab Mamipour
- 115032: Tanneries in Kanpur and pollution in the Ganges: a theoretical analysis

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 115031: Public policy and economic misery nexus: a comparative analysis of developed and developing world

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 115030: The role of environmental conditions and purchasing power parity in determining auality of life among big Asian cities

- Amjad Ali, Marc Audi and Razan Al-Masri
- 115029: FDI and economic growth in SADC region

- Vincent Gibogwe, Ayine Nigo and Karen Kufuor
- 115028: Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Tanzania

- Vincent Gibogwe, Ayine R.S. Nigo and Karen Kufuor
- 115027: Costly participation and default allocations in all-pay contests

- Sandro Shelegia and Chris M. Wilson
- 115020: Towards a different regional innovation policy: eight years of European experience through the European Regional Development Fund innovative actions

- Mikel Landabaso and Bénédicte Mouton
- 115018: Learning regions in Europe: theory, policy and practice through the RIS experience

- Mikel Landabaso, Christine Oughton and Kevin Morgan
- 115017: Developing Regional Innovation Strategies: The European Commission as Animateur

- Mikel Landabaso and Alasdair Reid
- 115016: Endogenous innovation scale and patent policy in a monetary Schumpeterian growth model

- Po-yang Yu and Ching-chong Lai
- 115015: The promotion of innovation in regional policy: proposals for a regional innovation strategy

- Mikel Landabaso
- 115014: The European community's regional development and innovation: Promoting ‘innovative milieux’ in practice

- Mikel Landabaso
- 115011: Survey of non-Walrasian disequilibrium economic theory

- Shogo Ogawa
- 115010: Factor price divergence in Heckscher-Ohlin model when countries have different technologies: a simple numerical illustration

- Victor Spirin
- 115009: Housing market forecasts via stock market indicators

- Varun Mittal and Laura Schaposnik
- 115004: Reform of a modern welfare-state through a basic income to re-start higher levels of economic growth

- Cameron Weber
- 115003: Optimal fiscal policy in the automated economy

- Ryota Nakatani
- 115002: Predicting a recession with ensemble forecasting: the Fisher Knight recession indicator

- Georgii Podshivalov
- 114995: The strategy of developing the domestic tourism sector in Algeria in light of the Corona pandemic

- Mohamed Benchaib
- 114994: The influence of covid-19 on provision measurement given international financial reporting standards

- Abdelkader Kadri
- 114993: The contribution of business centers of private banks in the financing of SMEs in Algeria: case of the wilaya of Bejaia

- Nacer-Eddine Mouffok and Salim Saidani
- 114990: Measuring the effect of foreign exchange reserves on foreign direct investment in Algeria during the period 1990-2020 using the ARDL model

- Bouzid Bourenane, Kamel Rezig and Zakaria Djorfi
- 114989: Duality between online and offline shopping in the age of Covid-19: what future for e-commerce in Algeria?

- Djamal Tebache and Saida Chetbani
- 114988: Crise sanitaire et crise économique: combinaison lourde pour une économie assez fragile: le cas algérien (2010/2020) (Health crisis and economic crisis: a heavy combination for a fairly fragile economy: the Algerian case (2010/2020))

- Omar Hadjene and Radia Bakhtache
- 114987: An overview on the Algerian National Innovation System in the digital era

- Amina Dehimat and Mohammed Baroudi
- 114985: Rationalizing Decision Choices: What Influences our Social Decision Making?

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 114984: Reorienting livestock production to respond to the meat quality requirements of high-end domestic and export markets

- Alemu Yami, Fekadu Gelaw, Koster Hinner and Bewket Siraw
- 114982: За справедливостта на медицинската експертиза при лица с множество увреждания (The fairness of medical expertise in the case of persons with multiple disabilities)

- Мария Радева
- 114978: Трудовоправни аспекти на атестирането на учителите (LABOUR LAW ASPECTS OF THE APPRAISAL OF EDUCATIONALISTS)

- Мария Радева
- 114977: Актуелно стање и перспективе текстилне индустрије у Србији (Current State and Perspectives of the Textile Industry in Serbia)

- Rajko Bukvić and Dragan Petrović
- 114975: Ekonomske slobode i ekonomski suverenitet u uslovima globalizacije – prilagođavanje ili potčinjavanje (Economic freedoms and economic sovereignty in the globalization conditions – adjustment or submission)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 114970: Constructivist grounded theory: a new research approach in social science

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 114969: Эконометрический анализ факторов банкротств российских компаний в обрабатывающем секторе (Econometric Analysis of Bankruptcy Factors for Russian Companies in the Manufacturing Industry)

- Olga Bekirova and Andrey Zubarev
- 114968: Макроэкономические факторы банкротства компаний обрабатывающей отрасли в Российской Федерации (Macroeconomic Factors of Corporate Bankruptcy in the Manufacturing Sector in the Russian Federation)

- Olga Bekirova and Andrey Zubarev
- 114964: Perceived monetary policy uncertainty

- Joscha Beckmann and Robert Czudaj
- 114963: The role of expectations for currency crisis dynamics - the case of the Turkish lira

- Joscha Beckmann and Robert Czudaj
- 114962: Determinants of taxation in South Africa: an econometric approach

- Nyiko Worship Hlongwane, Olebogeng David Daw and Mixo Sweetness Sithole
- 114959: Politics and income taxes: progress and progressivity

- Marcus Berliant and Pierre Boyer
- 114957: Market Power and Separating Equilibrium in Job Market Signaling

- Abhimanyu Khan
- 114951: Cost minimization analysis of a running firm with economic policy

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 114950: تطوير الغذاء الحرفي: رؤى من تجارب دولية (Artisanal food development: Insights from international experiences)

- Benzarour Choukri
- 114948: An evaluation of Crisis-Intervention Team (CIT) training

- Danielle Nemschoff
- 114945: A spatial analysis of the determinants of Inter-regional migration: evidence from Ghana

- Felix Sebastian Veit Ginzinger
- 114944: The impact of monetary policy on exchange rate dynamics of Bangladesh: a co integration approach

- Abul Kalam Azad
- 114941: Price adjustment behaviour of manufacturing and service sector firms in Tanzania: a survey evidence of price stickiness

- Deogratius Kimolo
- 114939: Relative-performance delegation destabilizes upstream collusion

- Jen-Yao Lee, Leonard F. S. Wang and Ji Sun
- 114938: Economic rationale for the state collection of zakah

- Zafar Iqbal
- 114934: Des dictatures ouest-africaines « éclairées » contestées par la capture de l'État ? Perspectives du Bénin, du Togo et du Sénégal ('Enlightened’ West African dictatorship challenged by state capture ? Insights from Benin, Togo and Senegal)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 114928: On blocking mechanisms in economies with club goods

- Anuj Bhowmik and Sandipan Saha
- 114924: Institutions and the Resource Curse in GCC countries

- Basma Selahmi and Chunping Liu
- 114923: Fractal analysis of Dow Jones Industrial Index returns

- Marco Desogus, Claudio Conversano, Ambrogio Pili and Beatrice Venturi
- 114922: Why you should never use the Hodrick-Prescott filter: comment

- Alban Moura
- 114914: Feminism and feminist grounded theory: a comprehensive research analysis

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 114913: 'Enlightened' West African dictatorship challenged by state capture ? Insights from Benin, Togo and Senegal

- Dirk Kohnert
- 114909: A dichotomy between democracy and personal freedom on the spread of COVID-19

- Joshua Ping Ang, Gao Guanlin and Andrew Sparks
- 114905: El emprendimiento juvenil: Factores determinantes en Europa (Youth entrepreneurship: Determinants in several european countries)

- Carlos Buil
- 114899: Green finance research around the world: a review of literature

- Peterson Kitakogelu Ozili
- 114896: Efficiency and Welfare Effects of Fiscal Policy in Emerging Economies: The Case of Morocco

- Ahmed El-Khalifi, Hicham Ouakil and Jose Torres
- 114895: Term premium estimation for South Africa

- Daan Steenkamp and Ruan Erasmus
- 114893: Asymmetric price adjustment and the effects of structural reforms and low demand in the gasoline market: the case of Greece

- Zacharias Bragoudakis and Dimitrios Sideris
- 114892: Measuring productivities for the 38 OECD member countries: an input-output modelling approach

- Zacharias Bragoudakis, Evangelia Kasimati, Christos Pierros, Nikolaos Rodousakis and George Soklis
- 114888: Revisiting the impact of uncertainty in the private provision of public goods

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Sebastián Cea and Conrado Cuevas
- 114887: A new characterization of consumer heterogeneity in a growing economy

- Noritaka Maebayashi and Hideki Murahara
- 114884: Efficient networks in connections models with heterogeneous nodes and links

- Norma Olaizola and Federico Valenciano
- 114883: Central bank digital currency: When price and bank stability collide

- Linda Schilling, Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde and Harald Uhlig
- 114880: Driving diversity, equity and inclusivity in workplaces and education via menstrual health management

- Tanya Narang
- 114877: Economía experimental: Nuevas metodologías para analizar el comportamiento individual (Experimental Economics: New Methodologies to Analyze the Individual Behavior)

- Francisco Galarza and Mauricio Power
- 114875: Macroeconomic factors and value and growth strategies: evidence from Brazil

- Carlos Enrique Carrasco Gutierrez and Iasmin Emillyn Peixoto Messias
- 114874: What is the price of a skill? Revealing the complementary value of skills

- Fabian Stephany, Ole Teutloff and Vili Lehdonvirta
- 114872: Rise in public approval of religious extremism in Pakistan

- Syeda Ulya Ehsen Kazmi
- 114871: Globalization? Trade war? A counterbalance perspective

- Arthur Hu, Xingwei Hu and Hui Tong
- 114869: The impact of corruption on economic growth in Tunisia: application of ARDL approach

- Hayet Kaddachi and Naceur Ben Zina
- 114868: Education, informality and the pandemic: explaining the unequal impacts of Covid-19 in the Mexican labour market

- Aida Garcia Lazaro, Christopher Martin and Magdalyn Okolo
- 114867: The impact of corruption on economic growth in Tunisia: application of ARDL approach

- Hayet Kaddachi and Naceur Ben Zina
- 114866: The relationship between institutional quality and welfare: Panel-SUR Analysis on BRICS-T countries

- İsmail Şentürk and Amjad Ali
- 114865: Revisiting China’s market economy status: state capitalism within the WTO liberal trading system

- Boyka Stefanova and Paskal Zhelev
- 114864: Do remittances impact human development in developing countries? A panel analysis of selected countries

- Chan Bibi and Amjad Ali
- 114862: Financing imports, the Triffin dilemma and more

- Alessandro Saccal
- 114861: The Economic Impact of Covid-19 and Associated Lockdown Measures in China

- Matthieu Charpe
- 114860: Convergence Heterogeneity at the Local Level in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Matthieu Charpe
- 114859: Tradable Jobs and Local Labour Market in sub-Saharan Africa

- Matthieu Charpe
- 114855: Reaction of the Philippine stock market to domestic monetary policy surprises: an event study approach

- Raluca Maran
- 114854: Movilidad urbana y datos de alta frecuencia (Urban mobility and high frequency data)

- Antonio Gutiérrez
- 114845: ﻣﺮوري ﻧﻈﺎمﻣﻨﺪ ﺑﺮ ﭼﻬﺎرﭼﻮبﻫﺎ، ﻣﺰاﯾﺎ، ﺷﺎﺧﺺﻫﺎي ﺳﻨﺠﺶ و ﻓﺎﮐﺘﻮرﻫﺎي ﮐﻠﯿﺪي ﻣﻮﻓﻘﯿﺖ ﻣﻌﻤﺎري ﺳﺎزﻣﺎﻧﯽ (Systematic review of frameworks, benefits, benchmarks and key success factors of Enterprise architecture)

- Mina Ranjbarfard and Resyhaneh Mirsalari
- 114835: Centralized Bargaining with Pre-donation in a Vertically Related Industry

- Ismail Saglam
- 114832: Effectiveness of online capacity building programs in wholistic development of faculties: an empirical analysis

- G. K. Chetan Kumar, K. B. Rangappa and S. Suchitra
- 114825: The Moral Theory of Value; A Gift Lemma

- Adil Ahmad Mughal
- 114818: The Impact of Visibility on School Athletic Finances: An Empirical Analysis using Google Trends

- Sarthak Behera and Divya Sadana
- 114816: Micro-level description of the economic coordination

- Sergey Parinov
- 114814: Econometric analysis of labor productivity in industrial enterprises

- Komiljon Khomitov and Dilmurod Nasimov
- 114812: The ”climate adaptation problem” in biodiversity conservation: the role of reversible conservation investments in optimal reserve design under climate change

- Charlotte Gerling, Oliver Schöttker and John Hearne
- 114810: Backward-bending Labor Supply and Urban Location

- Takatoshi Tabuchi
- 114809: Global report on integral human development 2022: measuring the contributions of Catholic and other faith-based organizations to education, healthcare, and social protection

- Quentin Wodon
- 114801: Maximum profit ensured for industry sustainability

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 114800: When consensus hurts: experts' advice and electoral support

- Antoni-Italo De Moragas
- 114782: Modelling and Forecasting Inflation in Tanzania: A Univariate Time Series Analysis

- Deogratius Kimolo
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