MPRA Paper
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- 36062: A Pareto-metaheuristic for a bi-objective winner determination problem in a combinatorial reverse auction

- Tobias Buer and Herbert Kopfer
- 36061: Timing asset market peaks: the role of the liquidity risk cycle of the banking system

- Patrick Weber
- 36059: Iedzīvotāju būvniecības pieprasījuma salīdzināšana Latvijā un Eiropas Savienībā (Householders construction demand comparison for Latvia and European Union)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 36058: Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social: una política de inclusión para los más vulnerables (Universal Allocation per Child for Social Protection: an inclusion policy for the most vulnerable)

- Alejandro Calabria, Analía Verónica Calero, Vanesa D´Elia, Julio Gaiada and Sergio Rottenschweiler
- 36057: Are financial analysts of IPO firms under pressure: the European evidence

- Romain Boissin
- 36056: Are Proposed African Monetary Unions Optimal Currency Areas? Real and Monetary Policy Convergence Analysis

- Simplice Asongu
- 36055: African Stock Market Performance Dynamics: A Multidimensional Convergence Assessment

- Simplice Asongu
- 36054: African Development: Beyond Income Convergence

- Simplice Asongu
- 36053: African Financial Development Dynamics: Big Time Convergence

- Simplice Asongu
- 36051: Real and Monetary Policy Convergence: EMU Crisis to the CFA Zone

- Simplice Asongu
- 36045: Developing a composite index of economic activity for Australia

- Philip Chindamo
- 36044: Análisis del mercado de órganos para trasplante: evaluación de la introducción de incentivos en la Argentina (Analyzing the market for organs donation: evaluation of the introduction of incentives in Argentina)

- Alejandro Calabria
- 36043: Factors affecting the location of payday lending and traditional banking services in North Carolina

- Mark Burkey and Scott P. Simkins
- 36040: 中监为体、西监为用 or the specifics of Chinese bank regulation

- Violaine Cousin
- 36032: Beliefs and rationalizability in games with complementarities

- Laurent Mathevet
- 36031: A simple axiomatics of dynamic play in repeated games

- Laurent Mathevet
- 36030: Does the Iranian oil supply matter for the oil prices?

- Mohammad Reza Farzanegan
- 36029: Theory and empirics of an affine term structure model applied to European data

- Vicente Jakas
- 36028: The real estate bubble in spain has been Pumped Up by All of Us

- Stefanie Claudia Müller
- 36027: The chinese financial system at the Dawn of the 21st century: An Overview

- Chen Yulu, Ma Yong and Ke Tang
- 36026: Capable companies or changing markets? Explaining the export performance of firms in the defence industry

- Fulvio Castellacci and Arne Fevolden
- 36025: The effects of the underground economy on economic competitiviness

- Gabriel Donici
- 36020: Testing weak-form efficiency of exchange traded funds market

- Gerasimos G. Rompotis
- 36019: The first qualitative survey on Albanian firms: preliminary results

- Enrico D'Elia
- 36018: Actual and perceived inflation

- Enrico D'Elia
- 36016: Government Expenditure and Household Consumption in Bangladesh through the Lens of Economic Theories: An Empirical Assessment

- Mir Mahmud and Mansur Ahmed
- 36012: String of defaults: Spanish financial crises through the years

- Tomer Shachmurove and Yochanan Shachmurove
- 36011: Implementing repurchase agreements in emerging markets

- William P. Osterberg
- 36010: The Transaction Cost Benefits of Electronic Patent Licensing Platforms: A Discussion at the Example of the PatentBooks Model

- Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
- 36005: The future development of living standards of the retirees in Belgium. [:] an application of the static microsimulation model station

- Gijs Dekkers
- 36001: International Shock Transmission after the Lehman Brothers Collapse. Evidence from Syndicated Lending

- Ralph De Haas and Neeltje Van Horen
- 35997: Fiscal policy, public expenditure composition and growth. theory and empirics

- Semmlero Willi, Alfred Greiner, Diallo Bobo, Rajaram Anand and Armon Rezai
- 35996: The role of higher education stratification in the reproduction of social inequality in the labour market. A comparative study of recent European graduates

- Moris Triventi
- 35993: Contagion between United States and european markets during the recent crises

- Mª Pilar Muñoz, M.Dolores Márquez Cebrián and Josep A. Sánchez
- 35981: The Regional Benefits of the Employer of Last Resort Program

- Michael Murray
- 35980: Falling Rate of Profit and Overaccumulation in Marx and Keynes

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 35979: The Masquerade Ball of the CEOs and the Mask of Excessive Risk

- Sadettin Çitçi and Eren Inci
- 35978: Free Parking for All in Shopping Malls

- Kevin Hasker and Eren Inci
- 35976: Measuring the effects of monetary policy in Pakistan: A factor augmented vector autoregressive approach

- Kashif Munir and Abdul Qayyum
- 35974: The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on India’s External Sector

- Dr Jomon Mathew Sreenilayam
- 35971: Rationality and choices in economics: behavioral and evolutionary approaches

- Mario Graziano and Daniele Schiliro'
- 35968: An Analysis of Intraday Patterns and Liquidity on the Istanbul Stock Exchange

- Bülent Köksal
- 35961: Indonesian Stock Market Crisis Observation with Spectral and Composite Index

- Hokky Situngkir
- 35955: Divorce and the birth control pill

- Miriam Marcén
- 35952: Islamic private equity: what is new?

- Ouidad Yousfi
- 35950: ¿Akaike o Schwarz? ¿Cuál elegir para predecir el PIB chileno? (Akaike or Schwarz? Which One is a Better Predictor of Chilean GDP?)

- Carlos A. Medel
- 35949: How informative are in-sample information criteria to forecasting? the case of Chilean GDP

- Carlos A. Medel
- 35947: Crop diversification and risk: an empirical analysis of Indian states

- Sanchita Mukherjee
- 35945: Towards effective emerging infectious disease surveillance: H1N1 in the United States 1976 and Mexico 2009

- Sophal Ear
- 35944: Towards effective emerging infectious disease surveillance: Cambodia, Indonesia, and NAMRU-2

- Sophal Ear
- 35943: Impact of rural to urban labour migration and the remittances on sending household welfare: a Sri Lankan case study

- Seetha Ranathunga
- 35942: Indeterminacy and nonlinear dynamics in an OLG growth model with endogenous labour supply and inherited tastes

- Luca Gori and Mauro Sodini
- 35940: Optimal football strategies: AC Milan versus FC Barcelona

- Christos Papahristodoulou
- 35938: Where russians should live: a counterfactual alternative to Soviet location policy

- Tatiana Mikhailova
- 35937: Growth and volatility reconsidered: reconciling opposite views

- Laura Bisio and Luigi Ventura
- 35932: Unconditional mean, Volatility and the Fourier-Garch representation

- Razvan Pascalau, Christian Thomann and Greg N. Gregoriou
- 35930: Game complete analysis of symmetric Cournot duopoly

- David Carfì and Emanuele Perrone
- 35929: Theoretical analysis of the bid-ask bounce and Related Phenomena

- Peter Lerner
- 35928: The state and autonomous communities in spain: A Relationship that Complicates the Task of Reducing Public Deficit

- Luis Maria Cazorla Prieto
- 35927: The puzzle of privately-imposed price limits: are the limits imposed by financial exchanges effective?

- David Reiffen and Bahattin Buyuksahin
- 35926: Analisi dei modelli d’impresa: discontinuità e sviluppo (Analysing firm's evolution: discontinuity and growth)

- Enrico D'Elia, Leopoldo Nascia and Alessandro Zeli
- 35925: A simple model of discontinuous firm’s growth

- Enrico D'Elia
- 35917: On the economics of whistle-blowing behavior: the role of incentives

- Mauricio Villena and Marcelo Villena
- 35912: Lessons and consequences of the evolving 2007-? Credit Crunch

- Bruce L. Corneil and Sue McNamara
- 35911: Forecasting stochastic Volatility using the Kalman filter: an application to Canadian Interest Rates and Price-Earnings Ratio

- Raymond Théoret and François-Éric Racicot
- 35910: fama and macbeth revisited: A Critique

- Juan Salazar and Annick Lambert
- 35908: A more resilient financial system but… Basel III and the FSB

- Enrique Perez Hernandez
- 35906: Cognitive load in the multi-player prisoner's dilemma game

- Sean Duffy and John Smith
- 35905: On the distribution of authorship-merits for the comparative-advantage proposition

- Jorge Morales Meoqui
- 35903: Finance-dominated capitalism, re-distribution and the financial and economic crises - a European perspective

- Eckhard Hein
- 35902: High Non-Wage Employment in India: Revisiting the ‘Paradox’ in Capitalist Development

- Satyaki Roy
- 35901: Trends and Patterns in Consumption Expenditure: A Review of Class and Rural-Urban Disparities

- Satyaki Roy
- 35898: The Role of Human Development on Deforestation in Africa: A Modelling-Based Approach

- Brian Jingwa and Simplice Asongu
- 35895: Changing Banking Relationships and Client Firm Performance: Evidence for Japan from the 1990s

- Daisuke Tsuruta
- 35894: Turkish voter response to government incompetence and corruption related to the 1999 earthquakes

- Ali Akarca and Aysıt Tansel
- 35893: Comparing performance of statistical models for individual’s ability index and ranking

- Javed Iqbal
- 35888: Зависимость долгосрочного роста ресурсной экономики от начального состояния: сравнение моделей на примере российской нефтедобычи (The dependence of the potential sustainability of a resource economy on the initial state: a comparison of models using the example of Russian oil extraction)

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 35884: Identificación de ciclos económicos en Bolivia: 1970-2008 (Identification of business cycles in Bolivia: 1970-2008)

- Daney Valdivia and Paola Yujra
- 35883: How important are real interest rates for oil prices?

- Vipin Arora and Matthew Tanner
- 35879: The Aftermath

- Jaime Requeijo
- 35875: Transaction costs, externalities and innovation

- Fernando Estrada
- 35874: Mathematical Genesis of the Spatio-Temporal Covariance Functions

- Gema Fernández-Avilés, José-María Montero and J Mateu
- 35873: Decomposition Analysis of Agricultural Growth: A Review of Measurement Issues

- Kiran Kakarlapudi
- 35872: The Impact of Trade Liberalisation on Employment: Evidence from India’s Manufacturing Sector

- Kiran Kakarlapudi
- 35871: Accountants in the Global Financial Crises Bail-Out: The Outlook

- Akinwande Atanda and Olufunmilola Fareedat Idowu
- 35870: The dependence of the potential sustainability of a resource economy on the initial state: a comparison of models using the example of Russian oil extraction

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 35869: International risk sharing and globalization

- Eleonora Pierucci and Luigi Ventura
- 35867: Is culture a determinant of financial development?

- Nabamita Dutta and Deepraj Mukherjee
- 35865: Agricultural Growth Deceleration in India: A Review of Explanations

- Kiran Kakarlapudi
- 35864: Costos de transaccion, externalidades e innovación (Transaction costs, externalities and innovation)

- Fernando Estrada and Natalia Diaz
- 35861: Weather insurance design with optimal hedging effectiveness

- Ines Kapphan
- 35859: Immigrazione, criminalità e sviluppo economico: un’analisi economica sulla situazione in Italia (Immigration, crime and economic development: an economic analysis of the Italian situation)

- Giuseppina Talamo
- 35858: Nonlinearity In Inflation, A Case of Pakistan

- Javed Iqbal, Muhammad Rehman and Hafeez Ur-Rehman
- 35857: On the distributional properties of size, pro fit and growth of Icelandic firms

- Einar Jón Erlingsson, Simone Alfarano, Marco Raberto and Hlynur Stefánsson
- 35855: Alcuni dati sui patrimoni mafiosi (A recent analysis of Mafia assets)

- Giuseppina Talamo
- 35853: Corporate governance and capital flows

- Giuseppina Talamo
- 35850: The management of Pakistan's economy 1947-82

- Rashid Amjad
- 35846: Monetary Policy and Share Pricing Business in Nigeria

- A. Bolaji Adesoye and Akinwande Atanda
- 35844: Is Monetary Policy a Growth Stimulant in Nigeria? A Vector Autoregressive Approach

- A. Bolaji Adesoye, Olukayode Maku and Akinwande Atanda
- 35839: Development Finance Institutions in Nigeria: Structure, Roles and Assessment

- A. Bolaji Adesoye and Akinwande Atanda