MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 66556: Measuring the attractiveness of academic journals: A direct influence aggregation model

- Fabien Cornillier and Vincent Charles
- 66555: Maternal Health Care: The Case of Iron Supplementation in India

- Rana Khan and Muhammad Ali Raza
- 66552: Structural Transformation in West Kalimantan Towards ASEAN Economic Community 2015

- Memet Agustiar
- 66551: Action levers for a sustainable farmland management in Niger

- Mahamadou Tankari
- 66550: Nutritional Status of Children in Bangladesh:Measuring Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) and its Determinants

- Rana Khan and Muhammad Ali Raza
- 66547: Human Development Indicators in Rural Egypt

- Ibrahim Soliman
- 66542: Designing and enabling interfaces for collaborative knowledge creation and innovation. From managing to enabling innovation as socio-epistemological technology

- Markus Peschl and Thomas Fundneider
- 66541: Why space matters for collaborative innovation networks. On designing enabling spaces for collaborative knowledge creation

- Markus Peschl and Thomas Fundneider
- 66540: Evolving the future by learning from the future (as it emerges)? Toward an epistemology of change

- Markus Peschl and Thomas Fundneider
- 66539: Learning how to innovate as a socio-epistemological process of co-creation. Towards a constructivist teaching strategy for innovation

- Markus Peschl, Gloria Bottaro, Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler and Katharina Rötzer
- 66538: Theory-U and Emergent Innovation. Presencing as a method of bringing forth profoundly new knowledge and realities

- Markus Peschl and Thomas Fundneider
- 66536: Spaces enabling game-changing and sustaining innovations: Why space matters for knowledge creation and innovation

- Markus Peschl and Thomas Fundneider
- 66535: Global Recession: A Money Gift Cure Possibly

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos
- 66534: Disclosure of Voluntary Accounting Ratios by Malaysian Listed Companies

- Azrul Abdullah and Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail
- 66533: Comparative Analysis of Factor Affecting Child Mortality in Pakistan

- Sarah Rabbani and Abdul Qayyun
- 66532: An Investigation of Evergreen Solar Inc. Bankruptcy by Considering Financial and Engineering Facets

- Milad Doostan, Behdad Vatani and Saeed Mohajeryami
- 66531: Trends in corporate environmental management studies and databases

- Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
- 66529: Economical Efficiency of Poultry Projects for Chicken Meat Production

- A. Anwar, T. A.Shamma and I. Soliman
- 66527: الحساب الجاري في المدى البعيد عبر نموذج داخلي الزمن (The Current Account in the Long Run through the Intertemporal Model)

- Hassan Ghassan and Essam H. Al-Jefri
- 66521: Could the global financial crisis improve the performance of the G7 stocks markets?

- João Paulo Vieito, Wing-Keung Wong and Zhu Zhenzhen
- 66518: An Investigation of the Determinants of US FDI in Developed Countries, 1982-2010

- Huy Duong
- 66517: La tasa de reemplazo en el Sistema Privado de Pensiones (The replacement rate in the Peruvian private pension system)

- Javier Olivera
- 66516: Порядок аттестации муниципальных служащих и проведение квалификационных экзаменов (Order of certification of municipal employees and carrying out qualification examinations)

- Виктор Муравченко
- 66498: A procedure to analyse the strategic outliers and the multiple motivations in a contingent valuation: a case study for a concrete policy purpose

- Daniel Franco and Luca Luiselli
- 66497: Механизмы государственных программ стимулирования энергосбережения в промышленности: перспективы применения зарубежного опыта в России (Mechanisms of state programs of energy saving in industry: perspectives of the international experience adoption in Russia)

- Alexandra Bratanova and Vladimir Erin
- 66496: Shared ecological knowledge and wetland values: a case study

- Daniel Franco and Luca Luiselli
- 66495: Diagnosis of the applications of Continuous Learning of Watkins and Marsick Model in IT Industry of Indian Silicon Valley

- Manohar Shetty
- 66494: Evidences of efficient investment portfolio in Indian capital markets-An analysis based on BSE and NSE indices

- Deepshikha Mehta
- 66493: Управление муниципальной службой (Management of municipal service)

- Виктор Муравченко
- 66492: Causal latent Markov model for the comparison of multiple treatments in observational longitudinal studies

- Francesco Bartolucci, Fulvia Pennoni and Giorgio Vittadini
- 66491: The Way Out: Global Turmoil and Policy Recommendations

- Ibrahim Turhan
- 66490: A Cost System Approach to the Stochastic Directional Technology Distance Function with Undesirable Outputs: The Case of U.S. Banks in 2001-2010

- Emir Malikov, Subal Kumbhakar and Mike Tsionas
- 66489: Social Capital as Social Relations: the contribution of normative structures

- Bill Reimer, Tara Lyons, Nelson Ferguson and Geraldina Polanco
- 66487: Сбережения и инфляция на примере России 1992 года (Savings and Inflation Using the Example of Russian in 1992)

- Sergey Blinov
- 66486: Popularising Direct Seeded Rice: Issues and Extension Strategies

- K.M. Singh and Brajesh Shahi
- 66485: Decomposing economic mobility transition matrices

- Jeremiah Richey and Alicia Rosburg

- Heidrun Feigelfeld, Florian Huber and Robert Wieser
- 66478: Growth Anatomy of Croatian Economy

- Mirjana Cizmovic, Jelena Jankovic and Milenko Popovic
- 66475: An Empirical Time Series Model of Economic Growth and Environment

- Amant J. Lal
- 66474: Estimation of a Hedonic House Price Model with Bargaining: Evidence from the Italian Housing Market

- Gaetano Lisi and Mauro Iacobini
- 66473: Socio-cultural factors determining roles and responsibilities in traditional cattle production systems within rural communities of upper Egypt

- B. Molina-flores, G. Velasco, S. Loza and I. Soliman
- 66472: From value chain analysis to global value chain analysis: fresh orange export sector in mediterranean partner countries

- Christopher Sausman, Marian Garcia, Andrew Fearne, Melanie Felgate, Akka Ait el mekki, Selim Cagatay, Ibrahim Soliman, Boubaker Thabet, Chokri Thabet, Mohamed Ben saïd, Abderraouf Laajimi, Haitham Al ashkar, Fatima El hadad-gauthier, Samir Mili and Carolina Martínez
- 66470: The law of one price revisited: How do goods market frictions generate large and volatile price deviations?

- Inkoo Lee and Sang Soo Park
- 66468: Fundamentals in Systematics of Uncertainty Management Theory

- Evgeny Kuzmin
- 66467: The Corporate Social Responsibility is just a twist in a Mobius strip

- Viviana Solferino and Nazaria Solferino
- 66464: Social assistance and minimum income benefits: Benefit levels, replacement rates and policies across 33 countries, 1990-2009

- Jinxian Wang and Olaf Vliet
- 66462: Wo Frau Kanzlerin Angela Merkel irrt: Der Sozialschutz in der Welt, der Anteil Europas und die Beurteilung seiner Effizienz (Where Chancellor Angela Merkel got it wrong: social protection in the world, Europe's share in it and the assessment of its efficiency)

- Arno Tausch
- 66453: Quasifiltering for time-series modeling

- Alexander Tsyplakov
- 66451: Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis: Confidence Intervals for Rosenthal’s Fail-Safe Number

- Konstantinos Fragkos, Michail Tsagris and Christos Frangos
- 66450: Competition, product safety, and product liability

- Yongmin Chen and Xinyu Hua
- 66449: Application of Markowitz Portfolio Theory by Building Optimal Portfolio on the US Stock Market

- Martin Sirucek and Lukáš Křen
- 66448: Export diversification and exchange-rate regimes: Evidences from 72 developing countries

- Xiaohui Liu and Jing Zhang
- 66447: Inequality Constrained State Space Models

- Hang Qian
- 66445: Over consumption. A horse race of Bayesian DSGE models

- Amedeo Argentiero, Maurizio Bovi and Roy Cerqueti
- 66443: Diagnosis and Challenges of Sustainable Agricultural Development in Egypt

- Ibrahim Soliman
- 66441: Inequalities in Economic and Educational Status in Social Groups in India: Evidences from Village Study in Uttar Pradesh

- I. C. Awasthi and Puneet Kumar Shrivastav
- 66438: Energy Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions of a Suburban Coastal Transport System

- John Paravantis, Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos and Stamatios Ntanos
- 66437: Trading Costs in East Asia’s Global Value Chains

- Montague Lord, Fabio Artuso, Richard Record and Julian Clarke
- 66436: Regional Economic Integration in Central Asia and South Asia

- Montague Lord
- 66435: Can Land Use Regulations and Taxes Help Mitigate Vehicular CO2 emissions?: An Empirical Study of Japanese Cities

- Kazuyuki Iwata and Shunsuke Managi
- 66434: Hamidullah on Mutuality based Islamic Insurance

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 66429: Fertility, Official Pension Age, and PAYG Pensions

- Hung-Ju Chen
- 66428: Гарантии муниципальных служащих (Guarantees of municipal employees)

- Viktor Muravchenko
- 66427: Предмет муниципальной службы (Subject of municipal service)

- Виктор Муравченко
- 66426: Should stay the Mali in Zone franc area ? (Should stay the Mali in Zone franc area ?)

- Tidiani Sidibe
- 66423: Tax evasion as a determinant of corruption: a game-theoretical analysis

- Olena Sokolovska and Dmytro Sokolovskyi
- 66422: VAT efficiency in the countries worldwide

- Olena Sokolovska and Dmytro Sokolovskyi
- 66421: Trade freedom and revenue from trade taxes: a cross-country analysis

- Olena Sokolovska
- 66420: Decentralization, Local Government Reforms and Perceptions of Local Actors: The Greek Case

- Panos Ioannidis
- 66417: Scoping Study for the Special Border Economic Zone (SBEZ) in the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT)

- Montague Lord and Pawat Tangtrongjita
- 66414: Testing semi-strong efficiency in a fixed odds betting market: Evidence from principal European football leagues

- Giovanni Bernardo, Massimo Ruberti and Roberto Verona
- 66405: Social paradigms of the digital marketing- an Indian perspective of Social Media Marketing

- Deepika Malhotra
- 66393: The Basilicata Wealth Fund: resource policy and long-run economic development in Southern Italy

- Roberto Iacono
- 66392: The determinants of body mass in Greece: Evidence from the National Health Survey

- Joan Daouli, Apostolos Davillas, Michael Demoussis and Nicholas Giannakopoulos
- 66391: Comentario a: Los alcances de la seguridad ciudadana en Bolivia como bien público y tarea de todos (A comment on: The scope of citizen security in Bolivia as a public good and everyone's job)

- Erick Gonzales Rocha
- 66389: Time series properties of the renewable energy diffusion process: Implications for energy policy design and assessment

- Basher Syed Abul, Masini Andrea and Aflaki Sam
- 66386: Reflexiones Sobre el Contrato en el Derecho Colombiano (Reflections about the Contract in Colombian Law)

- Ivan Vargas-Chaves
- 66384: Modified VCG Mechanisms in Combinatorial Auctions with Budget Constraints

- Phuong Le
- 66382: Enquete sur les conditions de travail des enfants issus des ménages agricoles en Afrique de l'Ouest (A Survey of the Child Labor in West Africa)

- Kodzovi Abalo
- 66379: Relative Affluence and Child Labor - Explaining a Paradox

- Jayanta Dwibedi and Sugata Marjit
- 66378: How much can we identify from repeated games?

- Jose Miguel Abito
- 66377: Arrow’un İmkânsızlık Teoremi İle Kafkasya’daki Sorunların Analizi (Analysis of Problems In Caucasıa Using Arrow's Impossibility Theorem)

- Bulent Dogru
- 66373: How to Choose the Level of Significance: A Pedagogical Note

- Jae Kim
- 66371: Public Health Expenditure and Health Status in Ghana

- Micheal Kofi Boachie and K. Ramu
- 66363: Did the Financial Crisis Affect Environmental Efficiency? Evidence from the Japanese Manufacturing Sector

- Hidemichi Fujii, A. George Assaf, Shunsuke Managi and Roman Matousek
- 66362: Forecasting with Temporal Hierarchies

- George Athanasopoulos, Rob Hyndman, Nikolaos Kourentzes and Fotios Petropoulos
- 66360: Two Opposing Economic-Literary Critiques of Socialism: George Orwell Versus Eugen Richter and Henry Hazlitt

- Michael Makovi
- 66358: Ethnic Inequality: Theory and Evidence from Formal Education in Nigeria

- Pritha Dev, Blessing Mberu and Roland Pongou
- 66357: Kauzalní vztah peněžní nabídky a amerického akciového trhu (Money supply and US stock market causality)

- Martin Sirucek
- 66356: IQ and the wellbeing of nations

- Raufhon Salahodjaev
- 66355: Sukuk pricing dynamics - factors influencing yield curve of the Malaysian Sukuk

- Fadhlee Awaludin and Abul Masih
- 66351: Korelasi Bebas-skala dalam Studi Geo-politik Pemilihan (Scale-free correlation within Geopolitics of Election Studies)

- Ardian Maulana and Hokky Situngkir
- 66347: Evolving foresight in a small transition economy: The design, use and relevance of foresight methods in Hungary

- Attila Havas
- 66344: Future-oriented technology analysis: Its potential to address disruptive transformations

- Cristiano Gagnin, Attila Havas and Ozcan Saritas
- 66343: Growth Accelerations: The Role of Government Expenditures and Revenues

- Saahil Parekh and Manish Pandey
- 66341: Devising futures for universities in a multi-level structure: A methodological experiment

- Attila Havas
- 66337: The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic growth

- Shoaib Shafique and Zahid Hussain
- 66334: A Theory of Intergenerational Mobility

- Gary Becker, Scott Kominers, Kevin M. Murphy and Jörg Spenkuch
- 66333: Universities and the emerging new players: Building futures for higher education

- Attila Havas
- 66330: Uma perspectiva sobre a evolução do sistema de inovação industrial gaúcho: análise dos resultados das pesquisas de inovação (pintec) 2000 e 2011 (An outlook on the evolution of industrial innovation system of rio grande do sul: analysis of results of innovation survey)

- Livio Oliveira
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