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30907: The making of heterodox microeconomics Downloads
Frederic Lee
30905: Management of chemical and biological risks in agri-food chain Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
30902: A Note on institutional hierarchy and volatility in financial markets Downloads
Simone Alfarano, Mishael Milaković and Matthias Raddant
30901: Knowledge, learning, networks and performance of firms in knowledge-based economies Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
30898: Innovation decision of Tunisian service firms: an empirical analysis Downloads
Hanen Sdiri and Mohamed Ayadi
30895: Residui fiscali regionali e riforma federalista. Quanto residuerà delle politiche regionali e redistributive? (Fiscal residua and federalist reform in Italy. Will regional and redistributive policies survive?) Downloads
A. Giannola, Carmelo Petraglia and D. Scalera
30894: Performance e profili delle imprese multinazionali del quarto capitalismo (Performance and profiles of the multinational firms of fourth capitalism) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
30892: Population growth and endogenous technological change: Australian economic growth in the long run Downloads
Rajabrata Banerjee
30889: The US-UK productivity gap in the twentieth century: a race between technology and population Downloads
Rajabrata Banerjee
30888: Are exchange rates really free from seasonality? An exploratory analysis on monthly time series Downloads
Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia
30887: Does defence spending impede economic growth? cointegration and causality analysis for Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Talat Afza and Shahbaz Muhammad Shabbir
30886: Addressing food self-sufficiency in Tanzania: a balancing act of policy coordination Downloads
Elibariki Msuya and A. C. Isinika
30885: Hiring older employees: Do incentives of early retirement channels matter? Downloads
Pekka Ilmakunnas and Seija Ilmakunnas
30880: Does Defence Spending Stimulate Economic Growth in India? Downloads
Aviral Tiwari and Muhammad Shahbaz
30877: Can We Predict the Sustainable Withdrawal Rate for New Retirees? Downloads
Wade Pfau
30876: Channels of risk-sharing among Canadian provinces: 1961--2006 Downloads
Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher and Rosmy Jean Louis
30873: Managing knowledge management in organizational settings Downloads
Manoj Bhatt
30871: Pengertian dari dan untuk ketakmengertian: Social Complexity sebagai cara pandang baru dalam memahami fenomena sosial (Understanding from and to the inability to understand: Social Complexity as a new perspective to understand social phenomena) Downloads
Hokky Situngkir
30870: Does every stone fall in the same way? new gravity evidence on world trade Downloads
Hüseyin Cunedioğlu and Mustafa Yücel
30868: Do inventories have an impact on price transmission? Evidence from the Canadian chicken industry Downloads
Abdessalem Abbassi, Lota Tamini and Jean-Philippe Gervais
30865: Stock price reaction to earnings announcement: the case of an emerging market Downloads
Javed Iqbal and Faraz Farooqi
30864: A future for (analytical) Marxism? Downloads
Roberto Veneziani
30863: Positive externalities of congestion on health: A case study of chronic illness in Japan for the period 1988–2009 Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
30861: The sources of profitability Downloads
Peter Flaschel, Nils Fröhlich and Roberto Veneziani
30859: One numerical procedure for two risk factors modeling Downloads
Rosa Cocozza and Antonio De Simone
30857: From ‘ivory tower traditionalists’ to ‘entrepreneurial scientists’? academic scientists in fuzzy university-industry boundaries Downloads
Alice Lam
30856: Cognitive load in the multi-player prisoner's dilemma game Downloads
Sean Duffy and John Smith
30853: The pure logic of value, profit, interest Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
30852: The Bowley Ratio Downloads
Geoff Willis
30851: Why money trickles up – wealth & income distributions Downloads
Geoff Willis
30850: Comparative analysis of monetary and fiscal Policy: a case study of Pakistan Downloads
Syed Tehseen Jawaid, Imtiaz Arif and Syed Muhammad Naeemullah
30849: What motivates academic scientists to engage in research commercialization: ‘gold’, ‘ribbon’ or ‘puzzle’? Downloads
Alice Lam
30848: Information asymmetry and institutions: re-looking at autonomous councils in the hills district of Assam Downloads
Saswati Choudhury
30841: Old and new approaches to marketing. The quest of their epistemological roots Downloads
Giuseppe Volpato and Andrea Stocchetti
30840: Modelling life expectancy in Turkey Downloads
Ferda Halicioglu
30839: Econometric testing of the CAPM: A granger causality analysis on the Turkish banking industry Downloads
Selçuk Bayracı
30836: Ecological payback in Brazil energy matrix: analysis of a wind energy expansion Downloads
Andre Avelino and Joaquim Guilhoto
30832: Expectations, employment and prices: a suggested interpretation of the new 'farmerian' economics Downloads
Marco Guerrazzi
30831: From fixed to flexible exchange rates: the case of india Downloads
Ranajoy Bhattacharyya
30830: The transfer of statistical equilibrium from physics to economics Downloads
Sergio Parrinello and Takao Fujimoto
30829: The myth of the service economy Downloads
Sergio Parrinello
30827: Exhaustible natural resources, normal prices and intertemporal equilibrium Downloads
Sergio Parrinello
30823: Intertemporal competitive equilibrium: a reappraisal of a basic source of instability Downloads
Sergio Parrinello
30820: Contextual Assessment of Women Empowerment and Its Determinants: Evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Safdar Khan and Rabia Awan
30818: Regulation, enforcement and informality: an analysis based on selected countries Downloads
Punarjit Roychowdhury and Mousumi Dutta
30812: Governance and enterprise restructuring - the case of Macedonia Downloads
Mico Apostolov
30807: National competitiveness and absolute advantage in a global economy Downloads
Sergio Parrinello
30806: The spatial dimension of social capital Downloads
Roel Rutten, Hans Westlund and Frans Boekema
30804: Is Malaysia exempted from impossible trinity: empirical evidence from 1991-2009 Downloads
Ewe Ghee Lim and SooKhoon Goh
30801: Employer recruitment preferences and discrimination: a stated preference experiment Downloads
Ronald Mc Quaid and Eric Ariel Bergmann
30797: Regional input-output models and the treatment of imports in the European System of Accounts Downloads
Tobias Kronenberg
30791: Gender disparities in primary education across siblings: is intra household disparity higher in regions with low child sex ratios? Downloads
Zakir Husain, Mousumi Dutta and Manashi Saha
30790: Contraceptive use among illiterate women in India: does proximate illiteracy matter? Downloads
Zakir Husain, Mousumi Dutta and Sriparna Ghosh
30788: Trade with time zone differences: factor market implications Downloads
Toru Kikuchi and Sugata Marjit
30786: Subjective well-being, income and relative concerns in the UK Downloads
Roberta Distante
30784: Rural transformation since 1970s in Dokur Village of Andhra Pradesh, India Downloads
A Reddy
30782: Online Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A case study of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad Downloads
Khalil Ahmed
30780: Effectiveness of HRD for developing SMEs in South Asia Downloads
Vaqar Ahmed, Mohammad Abdul Wahab and Hamid Mahmood
30777: The Carnapian Aufbau model: epistemology of the sense-data Downloads
Fernando Estrada
30775: Sozialpolitische Ziele der Gründungsförderung am Beispiel von Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit (Social policy as a motivation for start-up subsidies: supporting start-ups out of unemployment) Downloads
Joern Block and Karsten Kohn
30772: Efecto de la Competencia de la Educación Privada sobre la Calidad de la Educación Pública (Effect of Private Education Competition on the Quality of Public Education) Downloads
Marcos Herrera Gómez
30770: Health related quality of life assessment in patients with hepatitis: a case of Pakistan Downloads
Masood Awan, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Aslam and Faisal Abbas
30769: Incentives through the cycle: microfounded macroprudential regulation Downloads
Giovanni di Iasio and Mario Quagliariello
30766: Developing a short-term comparative optimization forecasting model for operational units’ strategic planning Downloads
Miltiades Filippou and Panagiotis Zervopoulos
30765: Developing a step-by-step effectiveness assessment model for customer-oriented service organizations Downloads
Sophocles Brissimis and Panagiotis Zervopoulos
30761: An econometric approach to robust identification for models of inverse dynamic problem Downloads
Dmytro Filchenko
30760: Biofuel Subsidies and International Trade Downloads
Subhayu Bandyopadhyay, Sumon Bhaumik and Howard Wall
30759: Personal-bankruptcy cycles Downloads
Thomas Garrett and Howard Wall
30758: Ethnic networks and trade: Intensive vs. extensive margins Downloads
Cletus Coughlin and Howard Wall
30757: Discordant city employment cycles Downloads
Michael Owyang, Jeremy Piger and Howard Wall
30751: Individual uncertainty and the political acceptability of road pricing policies Downloads
Edoardo Marcucci and Marco Marini
30750: Fine-tuning the equivalent strike framework for bespoke cdo tranches pricing Downloads
Moez Mrad and Racem Triki
30749: Schooling, employer learning, and internal labor market effect: Wage dynamics and human capital investment in the Japanese steel industry, 1930-1960s Downloads
Masaki Nakabayashi
30741: Reforma Agrária, Eficiência e Mudança Institutional no Campo: análise teórica e de fronteira estocástica com dados em painel (1998-2006) (Land Reform, Efficiency and Rural Institutional Change: theory and stochastic frontier analysis with panel data (1998-2006)) Downloads
Gbr Lambais, Jmfj Silveira and Mm Magalhães
30740: U.S. Bilateral Trade Deficits with China and Japan: The Role of Japanese Direct Investment Downloads
Sokchea Lim and Channary Khun
30738: In the quest of macroprudential policy tools Downloads
Daniel Samano
30737: Firm-Heterogeneity, Persistent and Transient Technical Inefficiency Downloads
Mike Tsionas and Subal Kumbhakar
30736: The comeback of the Swiss watch industry on the world market: a business history of the Swatch Group (1983-2010) Downloads
Pierre-Yves Donzé
30735: A game-theoretical Specification of static Optimization Problems for the first-order Lag Models of macroeconomic Dynamics Downloads
Dmytro Filchenko
30734: The path of a scholar Downloads
Adriano Birolo
30733: Fossil-fuels, bio-fuels and food: Raking priorities Downloads
Guilherme Leite da Silva Dias and Joaquim Guilhoto
30732: Estrutura produtiva do Pará: Uma análise de insumo-produto (Production structure of Para: An Analysis of input-output) Downloads
Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho and Joaquim Guilhoto
30730: Energy versus food: How do countries differ? Downloads
Guilherme Leite da Silva Dias and Joaquim Guilhoto
30729: Employment generation in Brazilian coffee regions Downloads
Flavia M. M. Bliska, Joaquim Guilhoto, Denise Imori, Fernando M. Sakon, Fernanda S. Camargo and Celso L. R. Vegro
30728: Ecological payback in national energy matrix: analysis of wind energy expansion Downloads
Andre Avelino and Joaquim Guilhoto
30726: Post-Keynesian modelling: where are we, and where are we going to? Downloads
Sebastien Charles, Dany Lang and Angel Asensio
30720: Estimation of the competitive conditions in the Czech banking sector Downloads
Daniel Stavarek and Iveta Palečková (Řepková)
30716: Seasonal bias in household vulnerability to poverty stimates: insights from a natural experiment Downloads
Levison Chiwaula and Hermann Waibel
30713: Une analyse de la compétitivité-prix des PTM et des PECO face à la Zone Euro (The price competitiveness vis-à-vis the eurozone: A comparison of MENA countries and CEECs) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Serge Rey
30711: The consumer empowerment index. A measure of skills, awareness and engagement of European consumers Downloads
Michela Nardo, Massimo Loi, Rossana Rosati and Anna Rita Manca
30707: الخيارات وإدارة المخاطر فى أسواق السلع: دعوة لرؤية جديدة (Options as Islamic Financial Derivative: Thoughts provoking discussion) Downloads
Ibrahim Onour
30705: Local Universities as Engines for Innovation and Regional Development in Southern Economies with Reference to MOROCCO Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi and Nada Zouag
30697: Impactos econômicos das mudanças climáticas no Brasil (Economic impacts of climate change in Brazil) Downloads
Edson Domingues, Eduardo Amaral Haddad, Fernando Perobelli, Eduardo Simões de Almeida, Joaquim Guilhoto and Fabio Kanczuk
30696: Combining geoprocessing and interregional input-output systems: An application to the State of São Paulo in Brazil Downloads
Silvio Massaru Ichihara, Joaquim Guilhoto and Denise Imori
30695: Brazilian productive structure and CO2 emissions Downloads
Denise Imori and Joaquim Guilhoto
30694: A typology of propagation of technology and social preferences in the process of economic development: An input-output approach Downloads
Weslem Rodrigues Faria, Eduardo Amaral Haddad and Joaquim Guilhoto
30693: O potencial criador de emprego e renda do turismo no Brasil (The potential to create employment and income from tourism in Brazil) Downloads
Milene Takasago, Joaquim Guilhoto, Maria de Lourdes Mollo and Joaquim Pinto de Andrade
30692: Tertiary activities and informality: quantitative importance and interconnections within the economy in Brazil Downloads
Carlos Azzoni and Joaquim Guilhoto
30691: A participação da agricultura familiar no PIB do Ceará (The participation of family farming in Ceará's GDP) Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Carlos Azzoni and Sílvio Massaro Ichihara
30689: Impactos da substituição de importações de produtos agrícolas e agroindustriais na economia brasileira (Impacts of the import substitution of agricultural and agroindustrials products in the brazilian economy) Downloads
Carlos Estevão Leite Cardoso and Joaquim Guilhoto
Page updated 2025-03-25
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