MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 75834: Generational Gap and Youth in Arab countries

- Tahar Harkat, Ahmed Driouchi and Amale Achehboune
- 75828: Social Preference and Governance: A Case Study in India

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 75827: Social Capital and Performance of Fiscal Institution in India during 1991-2012

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 75826: Evaluation of Trade Influence on Economic Growth in China: A Time Series Analysis

- Sayef Bakari and Fatma Saaidia
- 75816: Social welfare analysis of HOV to HOT conversion

- Omid M Rouhani
- 75815: L’attractivité des investissements directs étrangers Cas de l’industrie manufacturière marocaine (The attractiveness of foreign direct investments Case of the Moroccan manufacturing industry)

- Mohammed Bijou and Mohammed Elhassouni
- 75810: Транзакционен модел на транснационалната корпорация: тестване в условията на българския пазар (A Transaction Cost Model of the Multinational Corporation: Testing in the Bulgarian Market Conditions)

- Tamara Todorova
- 75809: Assessing portfolio market risk in the BRICS economies: use of multivariate GARCH models

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Lebogang Nleya
- 75806: Welfare Analysis of Cournot and Bertrand Competition With(out) Investment in R & D

- Jean-Baptiste Tondji
- 75805: Разграничение полномочий между федеральным и региональным уровнями власти в области налоговых льгот. Фискальные последствия (The differentiation of the authority in tax incentives among the federal and regional levels: Fiscal implications)

- Milyausha Pinskaya and Georgiy Kolesnik
- 75804: Social Sector Expenditure and Human Development of Indian States

- Pranjal Mittal
- 75802: Optimal Asset Allocation of a Pension Fund: Does The Fear of Regret Matter?

- Oyakhilome Ibhagui
- 75798: Транснационални корпорации и транзакционни разходи (Multinational Corporations and Transaction Costs)

- Tamara Todorova
- 75797: The Narrow and the Broad Approach to Evolutionary Modeling in Economics

- Torsten Heinrich
- 75793: El motivo precautorio en la demanda de saldos reales: un enfoque ortodoxo (The Precautionary Motive in the Real Balances Demand: An Orthodox Approach)

- Francisco Venegas-Martínez, Blanca Lilia Avendaño-Vargas and Mario Alberto García-Meza
- 75788: A General framework for modelling mortality to better estimate its relationship with interest rate risks

- Giovanna Apicella and Michel Dacorogna
- 75787: The Price of Being a Systemically Important Financial Institution (SIFI)

- Michel Dacorogna and Marc Busse
- 75783: Firm patenting activity, metropolitan innovative environment and their effects on business survival in a high-tech industry

- Alexandra Tsvetkova, Jean-Claude Thill and Tessa Conroy
- 75782: Икономическа същност на транзакционните разходи (Economic Essence of Transaction Costs)

- Tamara Todorova
- 75781: Entrepreneurial and Wage and Salary Employment Response to Economic Conditions Across the Rural-Urban Continuum

- Alexandra Tsvetkova, Mark Partridge and Micael Betz
- 75778: Investigating the Trajectory of Egypt’s Potential Output: Pre and Post the Arab Spring

- Osama El-Baz
- 75777: Self-employment effects on regional growth: A bigger bang for a buck?

- Alexandra Tsvetkova, Mark Partridge and Michael Betz
- 75775: Economics of Regulation: Credit Rationing and Excess Liquidity

- Hyejin Cho
- 75773: The Effect of Innovation on Productivity: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing Firms

- Burcu Fazlıoğlu, Başak Dalgıç and Ahmet Yereli
- 75772: Challenges for ensuring the information security of commercial banks

- Bojidar Bojinov
- 75770: Generalized quasi-maximum likelihood inference for periodic conditionally heteroskedastic models

- Abdelhakim Aknouche, Eid Al-Eid and Nacer Demouche
- 75769: The role of trade openness and investment in examining the energy-growth-pollution nexus: Empirical evidence for China and India

- Duc Khuong Nguyen, Benoît Sévi, Bo Sjö and Gazi Uddin
- 75764: Impact of TRIPS and RTAs on the Indian Pharmaceutical Product Exports

- Bishwanjit Loitongbam
- 75761: Is Bank Supervision Effective? Evidence from the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses

- Ling Yang
- 75758: Cheating on Your Spouse: A Game-Theoretic Analysis

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 75756: Financial Spillovers Across Countries: Measuring shock transmissions

- Jilber Urbina
- 75753: Ciclo financiero y acelerador cambiario en una economía con alta dolarización financiera: Estimación de la sensibilidad de los indicadores de mora crediticia ante choques sobre el tipo de cambio (Financial cycle and exchange rate accelerator in an economy with high financial dollarization: Estimation of the sensitivity of non-performing loan indicators in the presence of exchange rate shocks)

- Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
- 75752: Mechanization, Task Assignment, and Inequality

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 75750: Education, inequality, and development in a dual economy

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 75748: Modernization, Social Identity, and Ethnic Conflict

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 75741: What's BEPS got to do with it? Exploring the effectiveness of thin capitalisation rules

- Ann Kayis-Kumar
- 75740: Black Swan Events and Safe Havens: The role of Gold in Globally Integrated Emerging Markets

- Stelios Bekiros, Sabri Boubaker, Duc Khuong Nguyen and Gazi Uddin
- 75736: Corporate Income Tax Compliance Costs and their Determinants: Evidence from Greece

- Ioannis Stamatopoulos, Stamatina Hadjidema and Konstantinos Eleftheriou
- 75728: Inequality, segregation and poor performance: the education system in Northern Ireland

- Vani Borooah and Colin Knox
- 75727: Modelling Government Expenditure-Poverty Nexus for Ghana

- James Bright Nyarkoh
- 75726: An application of capital allocation principles to operational risk

- Jilber Urbina and Montserrat Guillén
- 75721: Mechanism Design when players' Preferences and information coincide

- Juan Dubra, Marcelo Caffera and Nicolás Figueroa
- 75716: How financially integrated are trading blocs in Africa?

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Queen Mabe
- 75712: Discriminatory Behaviour: Issues Related to Theory and Measurement

- Vani Borooah and Samuel Myers
- 75708: Identifying the Effects of Monetary Policy Shock on Output and Prices in Thailand

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 75707: The Mechanism of Giffen Behaviour

- Drew Zhu
- 75705: Impacto del mercado de derivados en la política monetaria: un modelo de volatilidad estocástica (Impact of the Derivatives Market on Monetary Policy: A Stochastic Volatility Model)

- María de los Ángeles Silva-Correa, José Luís Martínez-Marca and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 75704: Subsidy Policy and Elderly Labor

- Yusuke Miyake and Masaya Yasuoka
- 75703: The Welfare of Children in Central India: Econometric Analysis and Policy Simulation

- Vani Borooah
- 75702: Diminishing commodity prices and capital flight in a dutch disease and resource curse environment: The case of Bolivia

- Gover Baja Daza, Bernardo Fernandez and David Zavaleta
- 75701: Структурирование рынков – инструмент государственной промышленной политики (Market structuring as an instrument of the state industrial policy implementation)

- Georgiy Kolesnik and Nicolay Shvets
- 75694: The Indebtedness of Rural Labour in India

- Vani Borooah and Smita Das
- 75692: Capturing Benefits from Public Policy Initiatives in India: Inter-Group Differences in Access to and Usage of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana Health Insurance Cards

- Vani Borooah, Vinod Mishra, Ajaya Naik and Nidhi Sabharwal
- 75691: The Relative Age Effect Reversal among NHL Elite

- Luca Fumarco, Benjamin Gibbs, Jonathan Jarvis and Giambattista Rossi
- 75690: The Low-Skilled Labor Market from 2002 to 2014: Measurement and Mechanisms

- Jeffrey Clemens
- 75688: G-SIBOs (Global Systemically Important But Overlooked):The Collective of U.S. Households

- Kees De Koning
- 75687: Political Participation in Rural India: A Village Level Study

- Vani Borooah and Anirudh Tagat
- 75683: Measuring Inequality of Access to Higher Education in India

- Vani Borooah
- 75682: Health, Employment and the Quality of Life in Ireland

- Vani Borooah, Donal Dineen and Nicola Lynch
- 75680: Which are the "best" schools in Ireland? Analysing feeder school performance using student destination data

- Vani Borooah, Donal Dineen and Nicola Lynch
- 75679: Malice in the Rubinstein bargaining game

- Brishti Guha
- 75678: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Political Impacts of Education in Vietnam

- Thang Dang
- 75677: Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru (Burden of smoking-related disease and potential impact of cigarette price increase in Peru)

- Akram Hernandez-Vasquez
- 75676: Quasi Maximum Likelihood Analysis of High Dimensional Constrained Factor Models

- Kunpeng Li, Qi Li and Lina Lu
- 75673: The Contribution of "Shared Education" to Catholic-Protestant Reconciliation in Northern Ireland: A Third Way?

- Vani Borooah and Colin Knox
- 75672: The Killing Fields of Assam: The Myth and Reality of Its Muslim Immigration

- Vani Borooah
- 75671: Corruption in India: A Quantitative Analysis

- Vani Borooah
- 75670: Evaluating the Social Orientation of India’s Integrated Child Development Services (Anganwadi) Program

- Vani Borooah, Dilip Diwakar and Nidhi Sabharwal
- 75669: Caste, Inequality, and Poverty in India: A Re-Assessment

- Vani Borooah, Dilip Diwakar, Ajaya Naik and Nidhi Sabharwal
- 75668: Access and Performance Inequalities: post-primary education in Northern Ireland

- Vani Borooah and Colin Knox
- 75660: Role of Banking Ombudsman in Banking Reforms

- Yogesh Kolekar
- 75659: Do Immigrants Compete with Natives in the Greek Labour Market? Evidence from the Skill-Cell Approach Before and During the Great Recession

- Michael Chletsos and Stelios Roupakias
- 75658: Global Economic and Financial Crisis: Exploring the Transmission Channels and Impacts on sub-Saharan African Economies

- Sin-Yu Ho
- 75657: Controlling the Size of Autocorrelation Robust Tests

- Benedikt Pötscher and David Preinerstorfer
- 75653: Work-life Balance Decision-making of Norwegian Students: Implications for Human Resources Management

- Remigiusz Gawlik and Gorm Jacobsen
- 75652: Are the social security benefits of pensions or child-care policies best financed by a consumption tax?

- Masatoshi Jinno and Masaya Yasuoka
- 75650: Catch-Up: A Rule That Makes Service Sports More Competitive

- Steven Brams, Mehmet S. Ismail, D. Marc Kilgour and Walter Stromquist
- 75648: A Historical Retrieval of the Methods and Functions of Monetary Policy

- Sherif Maher Hassan
- 75647: Services-led Growth and Industrial Policy: Lessons for Pakistan

- Siddiqui Sulman Hafeez and Saleem Hassan Mujtaba Nawaz
- 75644: Does diversity in the payroll affect soccer teams’ performance? Evidence from the Italian Serie A

- Raul Caruso, Carlo Bellavite Pellegrini and Marco Di Domizio
- 75643: Foreign direct investment and environmental degradation: Further evidence from Brazil and Singapore

- Ioannis Kostakis, Sarantis Lolos and Eleni Sardianou
- 75641: Rules, Imbalances and Growth in the Eurozone

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 75639: Türkiye'de bütçe açıklarının makro ekonomik sonuçları (The macroeconomic effects of budget deficits in Turkey)

- Faik Bilgili
- 75636: The complementary relationship between institutional and complexity economics: The example of deep mechanismic explanations

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch
- 75634: The Impact of the Employment Protection Legislation Reform on the Labor Market’s Flexicurity in Morocco

- Said Toufik, Mohammed-Amine Arkhis and Youssef Oukhallou
- 75633: The Degree of Currency Substitution and Exchange Rate Pass-Through

- Volkan Ülke
- 75632: Market Selection and the Information Content of Prices

- Alp Atakan and Mehmet Ekmekci
- 75631: Financial Inclusion, ICBT And The Role Of ICT In COMESA

- Angella-Faith Lapukeni
- 75630: The Paradox of Thrift in an Inegalitarian Neoclassical Economy

- Mohamed Mabrouk
- 75626: Long-Run Welfare Effect of Energy Conservation Regulation

- Toshihiro Matsumura and Atsushi Yamagishi
- 75625: Long-Run Evaluation of Cost-Reducing Public Infrastructure Investment

- Toshihiro Matsumura and Atsushi Yamagishi
- 75624: Lobbying for Regulation Reform by Industry Leaders

- Toshihiro Matsumura and Atsushi Yamagishi
- 75621: Long-run expectations in a Learning-to-Forecast Experiment

- Annarita Colasante, Simone Alfarano, Eva Camacho-Cuena and Mauro Gallegati
- 75619: Unmet medical needs and health care accessibility in seven countries of Eastern Europe

- P. Marcin Sowa, James R.G. Butler and Luke Connelly
- 75609: ARIMA ve VAR Modellerinin Tahmin Başarılarının Karşılaştırılması (A comparison of VAR and ARIMA Models’ forecasting accuracies)

- Faik Bilgili
- 75606: The effects of tax-cuts and government bonds on aggregate demand

- Faik Bilgili
- 75603: Mediterraneo ed Unione Europea tra migrazioni e crescita sostenibile (Mediterranean and European Union between migration and sustainable growth)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 75601: Aquila non captat muscas:Homo Economicus between exploration and exploitation

- Thomas Friedrich
- 75600: Does stronger protection of intellectual property have effect on trade?

- Shoirahon Odilova
- 75599: Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - realities and perspectives for Romania

- Ana Ursu
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