MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 25827: Property Rights and Theory of Value

- Arman Calbay
- 25826: Inequality and happiness: When perceived social mobility and economic reality do not match

- Christian Bjørnskov, Axel Dreher, Justina A. V. Fischer and Jan Schnellenbach
- 25820: On interactions of optimal climate policy and international trade. An assessment of border carbon measures

- Oliver Schenker and Raphael Bucher
- 25817: The Regional Multi-Agent Simulator (RegMAS): an open-source spatially explicit model to assess the impact of agricultural policies

- Antonello Lobianco and Roberto Esposti
- 25814: An Application of Constant Market Share Analysis for the Study of Firm Profitability

- Giovanni Marini
- 25812: Consumer demand for variety: intertemporal effects of consumption, product switching and pricing policies

- Ricardo Ribeiro
- 25811: Fertility and PAYG pensions in the overlapping generations model

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 25810: A Contribution Towards New Zealand’s Tax Reform

- Belkacem Laabas and Weshah Razzak
- 25809: Franchise Relocations, Expansions, and Mergers in Professional Sports Leagues

- Daniel Rascher
- 25808: Major League Baseball and Globalization: The World Baseball Classic

- Nagel Mark, Brown Matt, Daniel Rascher and McEvoy Chad
- 25807: Illustrations of Price Discrimination in Baseball

- Daniel Rascher and Schwarz Andrew
- 25806: Free Ride, Take it Easy: An Empirical Analysis of Adverse Incentives Caused by Revenue Sharing

- Daniel Rascher, Brown Matt, Nagel Mark and McEvoy Chad
- 25805: Simulation in Sport Finance

- Drayer Joris and Daniel Rascher
- 25804: Where did National Hockey League Fans go During the 2004-2005 Lockout?: An Analysis of Economic Competition Between Leagues

- Daniel Rascher, Brown Matt, Nagel Mark and McEvoy Chad
- 25803: Variable Ticket Pricing in Major League Baseball

- Daniel Rascher, McEvoy Chad, Nagel Mark and Brown Matt
- 25802: The Use of Simulation Technology in Sport Finance Courses: The Case of the Oakland A’s Baseball Business Simulator

- Drayer Joris and Daniel Rascher
- 25801: Washington "Redskins" - Disparaging Term or Valuable Tradition?: Legal and Economic Issues Concerning Harjo v. Pro-Football, Inc

- Nagel Mark and Daniel Rascher
- 25799: Major League Baseball Anti-Trust Immunity: Examining the Legal and Financial Implications of Relocation Rules

- Nagel Mark, Brown Matt, Daniel Rascher and McEvoy Chad
- 25798: Partial Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard in Banking

- Li Gan and Grace Wang
- 25797: Comment on Benjamin Smith (2004): “Oil Wealth and Regime Survival in the Developing World, 1960-1999”

- Marek Hlavac
- 25796: Comment on Claude Berrebi and Esteban F. Klor (2008): “Are voters sensitive to terrorism? Direct evidence from the Israeli electorate”

- Marek Hlavac
- 25795: Duration of Non-standard Employment

- Constantine Kapsalis and Pierre Tourigny
- 25794: The potential effects for families of introducing the French fiscal system in Germany

- Ivonne Honekamp and Johannes Schwarze
- 25793: Tools to keep brands on the market

- E Doval and O Doval
- 25790: Issues of standardization concerning organizational culture in change management

- E Doval and O Doval
- 25788: Approaches on investments in continuing management knowledge turnover apprising

- E Doval and M Stoica
- 25781: The role of trading frictions in real asset markets

- Alessandro Gavazza
- 25777: بناء نظام تقييمي للبرمجيات باستخدام تقنيات الاستدلال على الحالات السابقة CBR (Building a programs' evaluation system by using CBR Cased Based Reasoning)

- Fadi Amroush and A.Baderddeen Alkhoder
- 25774: Financial Market Integration of South Asian Countries: Panel data Analysis

- Hasan Mohsin and P Rivers
- 25773: Anti-Money Laundry regulation and Crime: A two-period model of money-in-the-utility-function

- F Fanta and Hasan Mohsin
- 25772: Estimating Value-at-Risk (VaR) using TiVEx-POT Models

- Dennis Mapa, Peter Julian Cayton and Mary Therese Lising
- 25771: Sources of exchange rate dynamics in the European transition economies

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 25770: Impacts of International and Internal Remittances on Household Welfare: Evidence from Viet Nam

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 25768: Rural Versus Urban Students – Differences in Accessing and Financing PSE, Their PSE Outcomes and Their Use of Distance Education Research Projects

- Laval Lavallée, Constantine Kapsalis and Alexander Usher
- 25767: Criza comerţului mondial (The World Trade Crisis)

- George Georgescu
- 25766: Criza organizaţiilor internaţionale (The Crisis of International Organizations)

- George Georgescu
- 25764: Passenger Road Transport in India: Major Challenges in Reducing Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions and Ways Ahead

- Kaushik Bandyopadhyay and K L Thukral
- 25762: Updating Poverty Maps of Vietnam using Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2002 and Population Census 1999

- Cuong Nguyen Viet, Roy van der Weide and Ngoc Truong Tran
- 25761: Targeting the Poor in Vietnam using a Small Area Estimation Method

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 25760: Religion, Income Inequality, and the Size of the Government

- Ceyhun Elgin, Turkmen Goksel, Mehmet Gurdal and Cuneyt Orman
- 25759: The impact of trade liberalization on manufacturing employment and wages in Egypt 1990-2007

- Mona Said and Abeer Elshennawy
- 25758: Using Artificial intelligence to select the optimal E-CRM Based business needs

- Fadi Amroush, Alkhoder Baderddeen and Talal Yusef
- 25755: Factors Affecting the Repayment of Student Loans

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25754: Employee Training: An International Perspective

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25753: Catching up with the Swedes: Probing the Canada-Sweden Literacy Gap

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25752: Moving to E-CRM in Arab world to increase profit, AqsaCRM a case study of Building an Arabic E-CRM

- Fadi Amroush, A.Baderddeen Alkhoder and Talal Yusef
- 25751: Profiles and Transitions of Groups at Risk of Social Exclusion: Lone Parents

- Constantine Kapsalis and Pierre Tourigny
- 25750: Globalization and the Composition of Public Education Expenditures: A Dynamic Panel Analysis

- Thushyanthan Baskaran and Zohal Hessami
- 25748: Gender disparities in completing school education in India: Analyzing regional variations

- Zakir Husain
- 25747: Is health status of elderly worsening in India:A comparison of successive rounds of National Sample Survey data

- Zakir Husain and Saswata Ghosh
- 25746: An Explanation of the Increasing Age Premium

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25744: The Role of Employees in Training Decisions in Canada

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25742: An Analysis of Expansion and Relocation Sites for Major League Soccer

- Daniel Rascher, Matthew J. Baehr, Jason Wolfe and Steven Frohwerk
- 25741: Revenue and Wealth Maximization in the National Football League: The Impact of Stadia

- Matthew Brown, Mark Nagel, Chad McEvoy and Daniel Rascher
- 25740: NBA Expansion and Relocation: A Viability Study of Various Cities

- Daniel Rascher and Heather Rascher
- 25739: Does Bat Day Make Cents? The Effect of Promotions on the Demand for Major League Baseball

- Mark McDonald and Daniel Rascher
- 25738: The risk of catastrophic terrorism: an extreme value approach

- Hamid Mohtadi and Antu Murshid
- 25737: The Connection between Literacy and Work: Implications for Social Assistance Recipients

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25736: Weather as a transient influence on survey-reported satisfaction with life

- Christopher Barrington-Leigh
- 25735: Veblen goods and neighbourhoods: endogenising consumption reference groups

- Christopher Barrington-Leigh
- 25734: Public Policy on Microfinance in South America

- Miguel Delfiner, Anabela Gomez and Silvana Peron
- 25732: Alliance Partner Choice in Markets with Vertical and Horizontal Externalities

- Keisuke Hattori and Ming Hsin Lin
- 25731: Eliciting risk and time preferences under induced mood states

- Andreas Drichoutis and Rodolfo Nayga
- 25724: Seismic vulnerability assessment: Methodological elements and applications to the case of Romania

- H. Sandi, A. Pomonis, S. Francis, E. S. Georgescu, R. Mohindra and I. S. Borcia
- 25720: Property and Contract Rights in Autocracies and Democracies

- Christopher Clague, Philip Keefer, Stephen Knack and Mancur Olson
- 25718: The Price Stabilisation Effects of the EU import regime of fruit and vegetables: the case of tomatoes

- Antonio Cioffi, Fabio Gaetano Santeramo and Cosimo Damiano Vitale
- 25717: Contract Intensive Money

- Christopher Clague, Philip Keefer, Stephen Knack and Mancur Olson
- 25715: Economia (Economics)

- Giuseppe Tattara and Adriano Birolo
- 25710: Safety and the Allocation of Costs in Large Accidents

- Eric Langlais
- 25709: Optimal Time and Opportunity Cost of Job Search in Low-Income Groups: an Out-of-the-job Search Model

- Tamara Todorova and Veselina Dzharova
- 25707: Active Hedging Greeks of an Options Portfolio integrating churning and minimization of cost of hedging using Quadratic & Linear Programing

- Pankaj Sinha, Akshay Gupta and Hemant Mudgal
- 25705: Innovation and competition in EU15: Empirical evidence on the Lisbon Decade and beyond

- Mehmet Ugur and Ümit Güner
- 25704: Dematerialisation of consumption: a win-win strategy?

- Tobias Kronenberg
- 25701: An International Comparison of Employee Training

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25700: Seasonal Work and Employment Insurance Use

- Shawn de Raaf, Constantine Kapsalis and Carole Vincent
- 25698: Who Gets Student Loans?

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 25693: Labor Matching Behavior in Open Economies and Trade Adjustment

- Nicholas Sly
- 25691: Poverty in India: A Chronological Review on Measurement and Identification

- Kaushik Bandyopadhyay
- 25685: Pasinetti’s Structural Change and Economic Growth: a conceptual excursus

- Nadia Garbellini and Ariel Wirkierman
- 25684: Structural Change and Economic Growth: Production in the Short Run — A generalisation in terms of vertically hyper-integrated sectors

- Nadia Garbellini
- 25683: Appraisal on End Products and Services Offered by Islamic Banks from Maqasid Shari’ah Perspective

- Ezry Fahmy and Zusuff Kan
- 25680: A contribution towards New Zealand's tax reform

- Weshah Razzak
- 25676: What Enhances Mathematical Ability? A Cross-Country Analysis Based on Test Scores of 15-year Olds

- Mark Bailey and Vani Borooah
- 25675: International Business Cycles and Remittance Flows

- Debdulal Mallick and Arusha Cooray
- 25674: Medición fisiológica integral de la pobreza crónica profunda y estrategias de políticas sociales para el desarrollo temprano (Integral physiologic measurement of chronic poverty and strategies for social policies development)

- Rodrigo Lopez-Pablos
- 25667: INDIAN Bank Base Rate:An Overview

- Debasis Kumar Dash
- 25666: Policy Games with Liquidity Constrained Consumers

- Alice Albonico
- 25665: Is grade repetition one of the causes of early school dropout?:Evidence from Senegalese primary schools

- Pierre André
- 25659: Nonparametric pseudo-Lagrange multiplier stationarity testing

- Manuel Landajo and María José Presno
- 25658: Financial Development and Income Inequality: Evidence from African Countries

- Michael Batuo, Francesco Guidi and Kupukile Mlambo
- 25657: Costs and benefits of trade liberalization

- Arsalan Hasan
- 25650: The diffusion dynamics of the informal sector and sustainable WEEE supply chain

- Yenming Chen and Tien-Hua Wu
- 25647: Endogenous Growth, Monetary Shocks and Nominal Rigidities

- Barbara Annicchiarico, Alessandra Pelloni and Lorenza Rossi
- 25646: Practitioners' tools in analysing financial markets evolution

- Mihaela Nicolau
- 25645: Vanilla Option Pricing on Stochastic Volatility market models

- Mario Dell'Era
- 25641: Implication of Fuel Price Deregulation on Fuel Demand and CO2 Emission: A Case Study of Car Ownership and Utilisation in India

- Kaushik Bandyopadhyay
- 25639: Natural resource wealth “a truly double edged sword?”: a comparative study between Iran and Norway

- Nima Nasrollahi Shahri
- 25638: Experiential marketing, customer satisfaction, behavioral intention: timezone game center surabaya

- Christina Rahardja and Dudi Anandya
- 25636: Spatial Period-Doubling Agglomeration of a Core-Periphery Model with a System of Cities

- Kiyohiro Ikeda, Takashi Akamatsu and Tatsuhito Kono
- 25632: Une approche Macroprudentielle du risque systémique en zone CEMAC (A Macro-prudential approach of systemic risk in CEMAC zone)

- Christian Nguenang, Severin Kamgna and Nzeusseu Jules Tinang
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