MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter ( Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 40811: Algorithm for calculating corporate marginal tax rate using Monte Carlo simulation

- Pankaj Sinha and Vishakha Bansal
- 40809: Veblen effect, search for status goods, and negative utility of conspicuous leisure

- Sergey Malakhov
- 40807: Evidence review and experts’ opinion on consumer acceptance of agrifood nanotechnology

- Robert Yawson and Jennifer Kuzma
- 40806: The Comparison of the Recent Crises in Turkey in terms of Output Gap

- Turkmen Goksel and Harun Ozturkler
- 40805: Reputation and Learning: Japanese Car Exports to the United States

- Turkmen Goksel
- 40804: Costs of Low Productivity: Intensive and Extensive Margins

- Turkmen Goksel
- 40796: Analysis of efficiency in sugarcane production: the case of men and women headed households in SONY sugar out -grower zone, Rongo and Trans-Mara districts, Kenya

- Oyugi Johana Nyanjong' and Job Lagat
- 40791: The Link between Agricultural Output and the States of Poverty in the Philippines: Evidence from Self-Rated Poverty Data

- Dennis Mapa, Michael Lucagbo and Heavenly Joy Garcia
- 40790: Impact of ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement on Indian Dairy Trade: A Quantitative Approach

- Bitan Mondal Bitan Mondal, Smita Sirohi Smita Sirohi and Vishal Thorat Vishal Thorat
- 40789: Conţinutul unui program de etică în afaceri (The contents of a business ethics program)

- Doris Serban
- 40788: Coğrafi Yakınlık 'Hala' Önemli mi ? Mekansal İnovasyon Modellerinden Çok-Yerelli Bilgi Dinamiklerine Dönüşüm (Does Geographical Proximity Still Matter? Transformation from Local Innovation Models to Multi-Locational Knowledge Dynamics)

- Sungur Onur and Keskin Hidayet
- 40785: İşletme Kuluçkalarında Sunulan Destek Hizmetlerinin Yeni Kurulan Firmaların Hayatta Kalabilirliği Üzerine Etkisi: İş Geliştirme Merkezleri (İŞGEM) Örneği (The Effects of Business Incubator Support Services on Survivability of Newly Established Firms: The Case of Business Development Centers)

- Murat Karaöz, Dulupcu Murat Ali, Albeni Mesut, Demirgil Hakan and Sungur Onur
- 40784: The link between government budget and current account in the Baltic countries

- Piotr Misztal
- 40780: Pre-1900 utopian visions of the ‘cashless society’

- Matthew Hollow
- 40778: A closer look at the money multipliers for the Turkish economy: Is there a stable relationship?

- Levent Korap
- 40777: The Impact of Social Security on Household Welfare: Evidence from a Transition Country

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 40776: Does Piped Water Improve Household Welfare? Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 40773: Dynamic relationships between stock market performance and short term interest rate Empirical evidence from Sri Lanka

- Asankha Pallegedara
- 40769: Ethnic Minorities in Northern Mountains of Vietnam: Poverty, Income and Assets

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 40767: Urban Poverty in Vietnam: Determinants and Policy Implications

- Cuong Nguyen Viet, Linh Vu and Thang Nguyen
- 40765: Are Migrants in Large Cities Underpaid? Evidence from Vietnam

- Viet Cuong Nguyen and Minh Thai Pham
- 40764: Inequality aversion causes equal or unequal division in alternating-offer bargaining

- Stefan Kohler
- 40761: Envy can promote more equal division in alternating-offer bargaining

- Stefan Kohler
- 40760: Guilt causes equal or unequal division in alternating-offer bargaining

- Stefan Kohler
- 40759: ‚Getting Asylum Seekers into Employment‘? – Ein Allheilmittel für die Europäische Einwanderungspolitik? (‚Getting Asylum Seekers into Employment‘? – A panacea for European immigration policy?)

- Arno Tausch
- 40757: Highway capital expenditures and induced vehicle travel

- Sisinnio Concas
- 40752: Study of Sustainable Growth Factors of SIE/ Micro-financed Business

- Syed Tarek
- 40750: Is Income Growth Enough to Reduce Total Fertility Rate in the Philippines? Empirical Evidence from Regional Panel Data

- Dennis Mapa, Michael Lucagbo, Arsenio Balisacan, Jose Rowell T. Corpuz and Czarina Lei S. Ignacio
- 40748: How to Save Greece? A Menu for Rebuilding the Greek Economy through Industrial Policy

- Maximilian Benner
- 40747: Tourismuspolitik in Marokko: ein großer Wurf für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung? (Tourism policy in Morocco: a great effort for economic development?)

- Maximilian Benner
- 40746: Abu Dhabi und Dubai: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung wie aus 1001 Nacht? (Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Economic development as in Arabian Nights?)

- Maximilian Benner
- 40744: Exportinduziertes Wachstum als Chance für die „nächsten Tiger“? (Export-led growth as a chance for the “next tigers”?)

- Maximilian Benner
- 40743: Clusterwettbewerbe: Eine Option für Entwicklungsländer? (Cluster competitions: An option for developing countries?)

- Maximilian Benner
- 40739: Risk Sharing in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Remittances and Factor Incomes

- Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher and Rosmy Jean Louis
- 40738: Goodwin’s Growth Cycle Model with the Bhaduri-Marglin Accumulation Function

- Theodore Mariollis
- 40724: Unbiased estimation of maximum expected profits in the Newsvendor Model: a case study analysis

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 40720: A strategy to reduce the count of moment conditions in panel data GMM

- Maria Bontempi and Irene Mammi
- 40717: Regional Policies, Firm Characteristics, and Exporting in the Indian State of Karnataka

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Mohammad Zohair and Mallikarjun V. Alagawadi
- 40714: Three steps ahead

- Yuval Heller
- 40711: What Drives Commodity Prices?

- Shu-Ling Chen, John D. Jackson, Hyeongwoo Kim and Pramesti Resiandini
- 40709: Ensino superior e género: diplomados e mercado de trabalho (Higher Education and Gender: Graduates and the labour market)

- Maria da Saudade Baltazar, Maria Rego and António Caleiro
- 40708: Higher productivity in Exporters: self-selection, learning by exporting or both? Evidence from Vietnamese manufacturing SMEs

- Van Huong Vu
- 40705: Dual Citizenship Institution: A Pareto Improvement?

- Djoulassi K. Oloufade and Roland Pongou
- 40704: Profili strategici delle PMI: l’indagine RIOM (Strategic profiles of SME: RIOM survey)

- Andrea Marchini, Andrea Onofri, Francesco Diotallevi and Gianluca Angioli
- 40702: Trade Openness, Conflict Risk and Income Inequality

- Djoulassi K. Oloufade
- 40699: Evaluating the forecasting performance of linear and nonlinear monetary policy rules for South Africa

- Ndahiriwe Kasai and Ruthira Naraidoo
- 40698: Selected Macroeconomic Variables Affecting Private Investment in Malawi

- Maganga Assa and Abdi-Khalil Edriss
- 40696: Measuring the erosion of debt

- Arthur F. Shipman
- 40695: Identification-robust inference for endogeneity parameters in linear structural models

- Firmin Doko Tchatoka and Jean-Marie Dufour
- 40694: An optimal strategy for maximizing the expected real-estate selling price: accept or reject an offer?

- Martin Egozcue, Luis Fuentes García and Ricardas Zitikis
- 40692: Outcomes of cause related marketing: a demographic analysis

- Syed Tauqeer Ahmad, Irem Batool, Salman Ali Quarshi, Ahmed Imran Hunjra and Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi
- 40691: Financial crises and economic growth in Pakistan: a time series analysis

- Rauf i Azam, Iram Batool, Rabia Imran, Muhammad Chani, Ahmed Imran Hunjra and Javed Jasra
- 40690: Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical analysis of banking sector in Pakistan

- Mohsin Zafar, Sana Zafar, Aasia Asif, Ahmed Imran Hunjra and H. Mushtaq Ahmad
- 40689: Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior

- Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Javaria Siddiqui, Burhan Ali Shah and Ahmed Imran Hunjra
- 40688: Impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction: an empirical analysis of Pakistani service industry

- Syed Waqar Akbar, Muhammad Yousaf, Naeeem Ul Haq and Ahmed Imran Hunjra
- 40687: Factors explaining the choice of finance major: students’ perception towards finance profession

- Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Kashif-Ur- Rehman, Abrar Ahmad, Nadeem Safwan and Ijaz-Ur Rehman
- 40686: The impact of trust and cabin crew performance on customers’ satisfaction

- Nadeem Safwan, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Mohammad Ashfaq and Syed Qasim Haroon Naqvi
- 40685: Determinants of business success of small and medium enterprises

- Javed Jasra, Muhammad Asif Khan, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Rana Aziz Ur Rehman and Rauf i Azam
- 40683: Students’ attitude towards the uses of internet

- Kashif-Ur- Rehman, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Nadeem Safwan and Abrar Ahmad
- 40682: Individual investors perception of dividends: Pakistan’s percpective

- Muhammad Akhtar, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Arifa Andleeb and Babar Zaheer Butt
- 40680: Cause related marketing and its impact on sales: mediating by brand loyalty and customer purchase intention

- Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Rauf i Azam and Asad Afzal Humayoun
- 40677: Investment appraisal techniques and constraints on capital investment

- Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Iram Batool, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi and Ijaz ur Rehman
- 40676: Relationship between decision making styles and consumer behavior

- Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi and Hashim Khan
- 40675: Application of finance techniques: an empirical analysis of pakistani corporate sector

- Ahmed Hunjra, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Syed Waqar Akbar and Kashif-Ur- Rehman
- 40674: Africa's statistical tragedy: best statistics, best government effectiveness

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika
- 40672: Renminbi Internationalisation: A Primer

- Dong He
- 40670: Inter-generational effect of parental time and its policy implications

- Guozhong Zhu and Gulfer Vuralz
- 40668: Hopf bifurcation in the Clarida, Gali, and Gertler model

- William Barnett and Unal Eryilmaz
- 40667: Konwergencja, konsolidacja, koopetycja – jak zmienia się branża technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT) (Convergence, Consolidation, Coopetition: Evolution of The ICT Industry)

- Monika Golonka
- 40665: Emerging Asian ICT global players: natural born collaborators or stuck with aliens?

- Monika Golonka
- 40662: Risk and return relationship in stock market and commodity prices: a comprehensive study of Pakistani markets

- Ahmed Hunjra, Muhammad Azam, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Babar Zaheer Butt, Kashif-Ur- Rehman and Rauf i Azam
- 40661: Relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of islamic banks

- Muhammad Akhtar, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Syed Waqar Akbar, Kashif-Ur- Rehman and Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi
- 40659: Practices of working capital policy and performance assessment financial ratios and their relationship with organization performance

- Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Majid Rashid, Syed Waqar Akbar and Muhammad Akhtar
- 40658: Patterns of capital structure and dividend policy in Pakistani corporate sector and their impact on organization performance

- Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Muhammad Bilal, Haroon Shafi, Ikram Ullah and Kashif-Ur- Rehman
- 40656: Asian Financial Integration during the Pre- and Post-crisis Periods

- M. Azali and Chin Lee
- 40655: Possible impacts of environmental taxes, subsidies and emissions trading on the foundry industry: a domestic and global analysis

- Mitsuhide Hoshino
- 40654: Performances of Socially Responsible Investment and Environmentally Friendly Funds

- Yutaka Ito, Shunsuke Managi and Akimi Matsuda
- 40653: The Application of the Multi-Level Investment Flows Monitoring Model (MIF-Model) on china and ASEAN

- Mario Ruiz Estrada
- 40651: Trans-border Land Acquisitions:A New Guise of Outsourcing and Host Country Effects

- Gouranga Das
- 40650: A simple model and its application in currency valuation

- Zhibai Zhang
- 40649: A comparison of the BEER and Penn effect models via their applications on the valuation of the Renminbi

- Zhibai Zhang
- 40648: Understanding the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model via its application to the valuation of Chinese renminbi

- Zhibai Zhang
- 40646: EU-China Economic Relations: Interactions and Barriers

- Zheng Lu
- 40644: DETERMINANTS de la pauvreté et genre des bénéficiaires de microfinance au Mali (DETERMINANTS of poverty by gender of beneficiaries of microfinance in Mali)

- Yaya Koloma
- 40643: Collegiate and professional careers of high school athletes

- McDonald Mirabile and Mark Witte
- 40642: Can schools buy success in college football? Coach compensation, expenditures and performance

- McDonald Mirabile and Mark Witte
- 40640: LA GESTIONE DELLO SCAFFALE OLI NELLA MODERNA DISTRIBUZIONE: LE POTENZIALITA’ DEL VISUAL MARKETING PER IL POSIZIONAMENTO A SCAFFALE (The management of oil shelf in modern distribution: the potentialities of "visual marketing" in the shelf placement)

- Andrea Marchini, Francesco Diotallevi, Gianluca Angiolini and Rossella Pampanini
- 40639: Valutazioni economiche dei processi estrattivi e di valorizzazione dei reflui oleari (Economic assessments of mining processes and utilization of the waste mills)

- Andrea Marchini, Maurizio Servili and Francesco Diotallevi
- 40638: A quantitative analysis of olive oil market in Italy

- Rossella Pampanini, Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi
- 40637: Methods and instruments for value perceptions. The conjoint analysis applied to the wine packaging

- Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi
- 40636: Indifference pricing with uncertainty averse preferences

- Flavia Giammarino and Pauline Barrieu
- 40635: Determinant factors in reputation of wines:analysis of wine production in Central Italy

- Isabelle Bailet, Francesco Diotallevi and Andrea Marchini
- 40629: Earnings management surrounding CEO turnover: evidence from Korea

- Jong-Seo Choi, Young-Min Kwak and Chongwoo Choe
- 40628: Measuring concentration in economic sectors by h-index and g-index

- Francesco Bartolucci
- 40626: An Improved Recursive and Non-recursive Comb Filter for DSP Applications

- Rozita Teymourzadeh and Masuri Othman
- 40620: Strategii de diferentiere pentru produsele de presa generaliste (Positioning strategies for mainstream newspapers)

- Raluca Nicoleta Radu
- 40619: Fac „babele” audienta in Romania? Determinanti culturali pentru succesul programelor de televiziune nefictionale (Does an „old hag” raise the rating? Cultural influences and the success of reality based TV shows)

- Raluca Nicoleta Radu
- 40618: Introducing new technologies in media companies from Romania, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus. A comparative approach

- Romina Surugiu and Raluca Nicoleta Radu
- 40617: Abc method – guarantor of real costs in the mining extractive industry entities

- Mariana Man, Boca (Rakos), Ileana Sorina and Sorinel Capusneanu
- 40616: An Enhancement of Decimation Process using Fast Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) Filter

- Rozita Teymourzadeh and Masuri Othman
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