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40811: Algorithm for calculating corporate marginal tax rate using Monte Carlo simulation Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Vishakha Bansal
40809: Veblen effect, search for status goods, and negative utility of conspicuous leisure Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
40807: Evidence review and experts’ opinion on consumer acceptance of agrifood nanotechnology Downloads
Robert Yawson and Jennifer Kuzma
40806: The Comparison of the Recent Crises in Turkey in terms of Output Gap Downloads
Turkmen Goksel and Harun Ozturkler
40805: Reputation and Learning: Japanese Car Exports to the United States Downloads
Turkmen Goksel
40804: Costs of Low Productivity: Intensive and Extensive Margins Downloads
Turkmen Goksel
40796: Analysis of efficiency in sugarcane production: the case of men and women headed households in SONY sugar out -grower zone, Rongo and Trans-Mara districts, Kenya Downloads
Oyugi Johana Nyanjong' and Job Lagat
40791: The Link between Agricultural Output and the States of Poverty in the Philippines: Evidence from Self-Rated Poverty Data Downloads
Dennis Mapa, Michael Lucagbo and Heavenly Joy Garcia
40790: Impact of ASEAN-India Free Trade Agreement on Indian Dairy Trade: A Quantitative Approach Downloads
Bitan Mondal Bitan Mondal, Smita Sirohi Smita Sirohi and Vishal Thorat Vishal Thorat
40789: Conţinutul unui program de etică în afaceri (The contents of a business ethics program) Downloads
Doris Serban
40788: Coğrafi Yakınlık 'Hala' Önemli mi ? Mekansal İnovasyon Modellerinden Çok-Yerelli Bilgi Dinamiklerine Dönüşüm (Does Geographical Proximity Still Matter? Transformation from Local Innovation Models to Multi-Locational Knowledge Dynamics) Downloads
Sungur Onur and Keskin Hidayet
40785: İşletme Kuluçkalarında Sunulan Destek Hizmetlerinin Yeni Kurulan Firmaların Hayatta Kalabilirliği Üzerine Etkisi: İş Geliştirme Merkezleri (İŞGEM) Örneği (The Effects of Business Incubator Support Services on Survivability of Newly Established Firms: The Case of Business Development Centers) Downloads
Murat Karaöz, Dulupcu Murat Ali, Albeni Mesut, Demirgil Hakan and Sungur Onur
40784: The link between government budget and current account in the Baltic countries Downloads
Piotr Misztal
40780: Pre-1900 utopian visions of the ‘cashless society’ Downloads
Matthew Hollow
40778: A closer look at the money multipliers for the Turkish economy: Is there a stable relationship? Downloads
Levent Korap
40777: The Impact of Social Security on Household Welfare: Evidence from a Transition Country Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
40776: Does Piped Water Improve Household Welfare? Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
40773: Dynamic relationships between stock market performance and short term interest rate Empirical evidence from Sri Lanka Downloads
Asankha Pallegedara
40769: Ethnic Minorities in Northern Mountains of Vietnam: Poverty, Income and Assets Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
40767: Urban Poverty in Vietnam: Determinants and Policy Implications Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet, Linh Vu and Thang Nguyen
40765: Are Migrants in Large Cities Underpaid? Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Viet Cuong Nguyen and Minh Thai Pham
40764: Inequality aversion causes equal or unequal division in alternating-offer bargaining Downloads
Stefan Kohler
40761: Envy can promote more equal division in alternating-offer bargaining Downloads
Stefan Kohler
40760: Guilt causes equal or unequal division in alternating-offer bargaining Downloads
Stefan Kohler
40759: ‚Getting Asylum Seekers into Employment‘? – Ein Allheilmittel für die Europäische Einwanderungspolitik? (‚Getting Asylum Seekers into Employment‘? – A panacea for European immigration policy?) Downloads
Arno Tausch
40757: Highway capital expenditures and induced vehicle travel Downloads
Sisinnio Concas
40752: Study of Sustainable Growth Factors of SIE/ Micro-financed Business Downloads
Syed Tarek
40750: Is Income Growth Enough to Reduce Total Fertility Rate in the Philippines? Empirical Evidence from Regional Panel Data Downloads
Dennis Mapa, Michael Lucagbo, Arsenio Balisacan, Jose Rowell T. Corpuz and Czarina Lei S. Ignacio
40748: How to Save Greece? A Menu for Rebuilding the Greek Economy through Industrial Policy Downloads
Maximilian Benner
40747: Tourismuspolitik in Marokko: ein großer Wurf für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung? (Tourism policy in Morocco: a great effort for economic development?) Downloads
Maximilian Benner
40746: Abu Dhabi und Dubai: Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung wie aus 1001 Nacht? (Abu Dhabi and Dubai: Economic development as in Arabian Nights?) Downloads
Maximilian Benner
40744: Exportinduziertes Wachstum als Chance für die „nächsten Tiger“? (Export-led growth as a chance for the “next tigers”?) Downloads
Maximilian Benner
40743: Clusterwettbewerbe: Eine Option für Entwicklungsländer? (Cluster competitions: An option for developing countries?) Downloads
Maximilian Benner
40739: Risk Sharing in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Remittances and Factor Incomes Downloads
Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher and Rosmy Jean Louis
40738: Goodwin’s Growth Cycle Model with the Bhaduri-Marglin Accumulation Function Downloads
Theodore Mariollis
40724: Unbiased estimation of maximum expected profits in the Newsvendor Model: a case study analysis Downloads
George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
40720: A strategy to reduce the count of moment conditions in panel data GMM Downloads
Maria Bontempi and Irene Mammi
40717: Regional Policies, Firm Characteristics, and Exporting in the Indian State of Karnataka Downloads
Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Mohammad Zohair and Mallikarjun V. Alagawadi
40714: Three steps ahead Downloads
Yuval Heller
40711: What Drives Commodity Prices? Downloads
Shu-Ling Chen, John D. Jackson, Hyeongwoo Kim and Pramesti Resiandini
40709: Ensino superior e género: diplomados e mercado de trabalho (Higher Education and Gender: Graduates and the labour market) Downloads
Maria da Saudade Baltazar, Maria Rego and António Caleiro
40708: Higher productivity in Exporters: self-selection, learning by exporting or both? Evidence from Vietnamese manufacturing SMEs Downloads
Van Huong Vu
40705: Dual Citizenship Institution: A Pareto Improvement? Downloads
Djoulassi K. Oloufade and Roland Pongou
40704: Profili strategici delle PMI: l’indagine RIOM (Strategic profiles of SME: RIOM survey) Downloads
Andrea Marchini, Andrea Onofri, Francesco Diotallevi and Gianluca Angioli
40702: Trade Openness, Conflict Risk and Income Inequality Downloads
Djoulassi K. Oloufade
40699: Evaluating the forecasting performance of linear and nonlinear monetary policy rules for South Africa Downloads
Ndahiriwe Kasai and Ruthira Naraidoo
40698: Selected Macroeconomic Variables Affecting Private Investment in Malawi Downloads
Maganga Assa and Abdi-Khalil Edriss
40696: Measuring the erosion of debt Downloads
Arthur F. Shipman
40695: Identification-robust inference for endogeneity parameters in linear structural models Downloads
Firmin Doko Tchatoka and Jean-Marie Dufour
40694: An optimal strategy for maximizing the expected real-estate selling price: accept or reject an offer? Downloads
Martin Egozcue, Luis Fuentes García and Ricardas Zitikis
40692: Outcomes of cause related marketing: a demographic analysis Downloads
Syed Tauqeer Ahmad, Irem Batool, Salman Ali Quarshi, Ahmed Imran Hunjra and Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi
40691: Financial crises and economic growth in Pakistan: a time series analysis Downloads
Rauf i Azam, Iram Batool, Rabia Imran, Muhammad Chani, Ahmed Imran Hunjra and Javed Jasra
40690: Service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty: an empirical analysis of banking sector in Pakistan Downloads
Mohsin Zafar, Sana Zafar, Aasia Asif, Ahmed Imran Hunjra and H. Mushtaq Ahmad
40689: Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior Downloads
Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Javaria Siddiqui, Burhan Ali Shah and Ahmed Imran Hunjra
40688: Impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction: an empirical analysis of Pakistani service industry Downloads
Syed Waqar Akbar, Muhammad Yousaf, Naeeem Ul Haq and Ahmed Imran Hunjra
40687: Factors explaining the choice of finance major: students’ perception towards finance profession Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Kashif-Ur- Rehman, Abrar Ahmad, Nadeem Safwan and Ijaz-Ur Rehman
40686: The impact of trust and cabin crew performance on customers’ satisfaction Downloads
Nadeem Safwan, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Mohammad Ashfaq and Syed Qasim Haroon Naqvi
40685: Determinants of business success of small and medium enterprises Downloads
Javed Jasra, Muhammad Asif Khan, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Rana Aziz Ur Rehman and Rauf i Azam
40683: Students’ attitude towards the uses of internet Downloads
Kashif-Ur- Rehman, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Nadeem Safwan and Abrar Ahmad
40682: Individual investors perception of dividends: Pakistan’s percpective Downloads
Muhammad Akhtar, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Arifa Andleeb and Babar Zaheer Butt
40680: Cause related marketing and its impact on sales: mediating by brand loyalty and customer purchase intention Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Rauf i Azam and Asad Afzal Humayoun
40677: Investment appraisal techniques and constraints on capital investment Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Iram Batool, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi and Ijaz ur Rehman
40676: Relationship between decision making styles and consumer behavior Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi and Hashim Khan
40675: Application of finance techniques: an empirical analysis of pakistani corporate sector Downloads
Ahmed Hunjra, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Syed Waqar Akbar and Kashif-Ur- Rehman
40674: Africa's statistical tragedy: best statistics, best government effectiveness Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika
40672: Renminbi Internationalisation: A Primer Downloads
Dong He
40670: Inter-generational effect of parental time and its policy implications Downloads
Guozhong Zhu and Gulfer Vuralz
40668: Hopf bifurcation in the Clarida, Gali, and Gertler model Downloads
William Barnett and Unal Eryilmaz
40667: Konwergencja, konsolidacja, koopetycja – jak zmienia się branża technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT) (Convergence, Consolidation, Coopetition: Evolution of The ICT Industry) Downloads
Monika Golonka
40665: Emerging Asian ICT global players: natural born collaborators or stuck with aliens? Downloads
Monika Golonka
40662: Risk and return relationship in stock market and commodity prices: a comprehensive study of Pakistani markets Downloads
Ahmed Hunjra, Muhammad Azam, Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Babar Zaheer Butt, Kashif-Ur- Rehman and Rauf i Azam
40661: Relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of islamic banks Downloads
Muhammad Akhtar, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Syed Waqar Akbar, Kashif-Ur- Rehman and Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi
40659: Practices of working capital policy and performance assessment financial ratios and their relationship with organization performance Downloads
Ghulam Shabbir Khan Niazi, Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Majid Rashid, Syed Waqar Akbar and Muhammad Akhtar
40658: Patterns of capital structure and dividend policy in Pakistani corporate sector and their impact on organization performance Downloads
Ahmed Imran Hunjra, Muhammad Bilal, Haroon Shafi, Ikram Ullah and Kashif-Ur- Rehman
40656: Asian Financial Integration during the Pre- and Post-crisis Periods Downloads
M. Azali and Chin Lee
40655: Possible impacts of environmental taxes, subsidies and emissions trading on the foundry industry: a domestic and global analysis Downloads
Mitsuhide Hoshino
40654: Performances of Socially Responsible Investment and Environmentally Friendly Funds Downloads
Yutaka Ito, Shunsuke Managi and Akimi Matsuda
40653: The Application of the Multi-Level Investment Flows Monitoring Model (MIF-Model) on china and ASEAN Downloads
Mario Ruiz Estrada
40651: Trans-border Land Acquisitions:A New Guise of Outsourcing and Host Country Effects Downloads
Gouranga Das
40650: A simple model and its application in currency valuation Downloads
Zhibai Zhang
40649: A comparison of the BEER and Penn effect models via their applications on the valuation of the Renminbi Downloads
Zhibai Zhang
40648: Understanding the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model via its application to the valuation of Chinese renminbi Downloads
Zhibai Zhang
40646: EU-China Economic Relations: Interactions and Barriers Downloads
Zheng Lu
40644: DETERMINANTS de la pauvreté et genre des bénéficiaires de microfinance au Mali (DETERMINANTS of poverty by gender of beneficiaries of microfinance in Mali) Downloads
Yaya Koloma
40643: Collegiate and professional careers of high school athletes Downloads
McDonald Mirabile and Mark Witte
40642: Can schools buy success in college football? Coach compensation, expenditures and performance Downloads
McDonald Mirabile and Mark Witte
40640: LA GESTIONE DELLO SCAFFALE OLI NELLA MODERNA DISTRIBUZIONE: LE POTENZIALITA’ DEL VISUAL MARKETING PER IL POSIZIONAMENTO A SCAFFALE (The management of oil shelf in modern distribution: the potentialities of "visual marketing" in the shelf placement) Downloads
Andrea Marchini, Francesco Diotallevi, Gianluca Angiolini and Rossella Pampanini
40639: Valutazioni economiche dei processi estrattivi e di valorizzazione dei reflui oleari (Economic assessments of mining processes and utilization of the waste mills) Downloads
Andrea Marchini, Maurizio Servili and Francesco Diotallevi
40638: A quantitative analysis of olive oil market in Italy Downloads
Rossella Pampanini, Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi
40637: Methods and instruments for value perceptions. The conjoint analysis applied to the wine packaging Downloads
Andrea Marchini and Francesco Diotallevi
40636: Indifference pricing with uncertainty averse preferences Downloads
Flavia Giammarino and Pauline Barrieu
40635: Determinant factors in reputation of wines:analysis of wine production in Central Italy Downloads
Isabelle Bailet, Francesco Diotallevi and Andrea Marchini
40629: Earnings management surrounding CEO turnover: evidence from Korea Downloads
Jong-Seo Choi, Young-Min Kwak and Chongwoo Choe
40628: Measuring concentration in economic sectors by h-index and g-index Downloads
Francesco Bartolucci
40626: An Improved Recursive and Non-recursive Comb Filter for DSP Applications Downloads
Rozita Teymourzadeh and Masuri Othman
40620: Strategii de diferentiere pentru produsele de presa generaliste (Positioning strategies for mainstream newspapers) Downloads
Raluca Nicoleta Radu
40619: Fac „babele” audienta in Romania? Determinanti culturali pentru succesul programelor de televiziune nefictionale (Does an „old hag” raise the rating? Cultural influences and the success of reality based TV shows) Downloads
Raluca Nicoleta Radu
40618: Introducing new technologies in media companies from Romania, Portugal, Spain and Cyprus. A comparative approach Downloads
Romina Surugiu and Raluca Nicoleta Radu
40617: Abc method – guarantor of real costs in the mining extractive industry entities Downloads
Mariana Man, Boca (Rakos), Ileana Sorina and Sorinel Capusneanu
40616: An Enhancement of Decimation Process using Fast Cascaded Integrator Comb (CIC) Filter Downloads
Rozita Teymourzadeh and Masuri Othman
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