MPRA Paper
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- 24487: Informed and uninformed traders at work: evidence from the French market

- Fabrizio Ferriani
- 24485: Housing wealth, credit conditions and consumption

- Janine Aron, John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphy
- 24480: Structural models and structural change: analytical principles and methodological issues

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 24479: The Dynamics and Status of India’s Economic Reforms

- Nirvikar Singh
- 24477: Exchange Rate Volatility and Employment Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from Turkey

- Firat Demir
- 24475: Just luck: an experimental study of risk taking and fairness

- Alexander Cappelen, James Konow, Erik Sørensen and Bertil Tungodden
- 24474: Cross-border Merger, Vertical Structure, and Spatial Competition

- Hamid Beladi, Avik Chakrabarti and Sugata Marjit
- 24473: Time Zones and Periodic Intra-Industry Trade

- Toru Kikuchi and Sugata Marjit
- 24470: The analysis of the total factors productivity growth in waemu banks: the x efficiency approach

- Isaїe Armand Zoma
- 24468: Cournot or Stackelberg competition? A survey on experimental evidence

- Andreas Hildenbrand
- 24464: Global Cement Industry: Competitive and Institutional Dimensions

- Tarek Selim and Ahmed Salem
- 24463: OPEC and the non-oil developing countries in the 1970s

- Paul Hallwood and Stuart Sinclair
- 24461: The deterministic simulation bias in the Klein-Goldberger model

- Giorgio Calzolari
- 24460: The asymptotic distribution of power spectra in dynamic econometric models

- Giorgio Calzolari
- 24457: The Welfare Impacts of Commodity Price Fluctuations: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia

- Marc Bellemare, Christopher Barrett and David Just
- 24456: Stochastic simulation experiments on Model 5 of Bonn University

- Giorgio Calzolari
- 24455: Internet access: where law, economy, culture and technology meet

- Sulan Wong, Eitan Altman and Julio Rojas-Mora
- 24451: Is trade deficit sustainable in India? An inquiry

- Aviral Tiwari
- 24449: Empresas de base tecnológica induzidas e espontâneas na região metropolitana de Campinas: limitações, potencialidades e relações com o espaço geográfico (Induced and Spontaneous Technology-Based Companies in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas: limitations, potentialities and relations with the geographic space)

- Guilherme B. R. Lambais
- 24447: The Impact of Oil Prices on the Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Norway

- Usama Al-mulali
- 24446: Evaluation of The Necessary of Agriculture Public Expenditure for Poverty Reduction and Food Security in Benin

- Adeniyi Constant Labintan
- 24440: Simulation of a nonlinear econometric model

- Carlo Bianchi and Giorgio Calzolari
- 24439: IMTS: un linguaggio per la gestione dell'archivio delle serie storiche (IMTS: a programming language to manage the time series data base)

- Giorgio Calzolari
- 24438: Poverty and Inequality in Standards of Living in Malawi: Does Religious Affiliation Matter?

- Richard Mussa
- 24437: A brief report of research activities of Indus Institute of Higher Eduction (IIHE) Karachi, Pakistan 2007-2010 (August)

- Gobind M. Herani and Riaz Ahmed Shirazi
- 24436: La propiedad de los medios de trabajo y producción; una clave para proponer salidas a la crisis económica contemporánea (The property of labor and production’s means, a key for real solutions to the actual economic crisis)

- Sergio Reuben Soto
- 24434: Oil price distortions and their short- and long-run impacts on the Nigerian economy

- Chuku Chuku, Ekpeno Effiong and Ndifreke Sam
- 24433: Alternative estimators of the covariance matrix in GARCH models

- Giorgio Calzolari, Gabriele Fiorentini and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 24431: Measuring the maritime potential of nations. The CenPRIS ocean index, phase one (ASEAN)

- Hans-Dieter Evers
- 24429: Ethno-diversity and bio-diversity: Methods and measurement

- Hans-Dieter Evers, Anis Yusoff and Shamsul
- 24428: Conditional heteroskedasticity in nonlinear simultaneous equations

- Giorgio Calzolari and Gabriele Fiorentini
- 24427: Issues in Infrastructure Development Today: The Interlinkages

- Sebastian Morris
- 24425: Variance reduction with Monte Carlo estimates of error rates in multivariate classification

- Claus Weihs, Giorgio Calzolari and Michael C. Roehl
- 24423: Analisi e simulazione stocastica di un modello aggregato dell'economia italiana 1952-1971 (Analysis and stochastic simulation of a macro model of the Italian economy 1952-1971)

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari, Tito A. Ciriani, Paolo Corsi, Eugene M. Cleur, Bruno Sitzia and Gian C. Romagnoli
- 24421: A simulation approach to some dynamic properties of econometric models

- Carlo Bianchi and Giorgio Calzolari
- 24420: Relationship quality as the predictor of long term relationship in the Malaysian dairy industry

- Bonaventure Boniface, Amos Gyau and Randy Stringer
- 24419: Quantifying Flexibility Real Options Calculus

- V. G. Makhankov and M. A. Aguero-Granados
- 24416: Settlements in cartel cases

- Aurora Ascione and Massimo Motta
- 24415: Information-Sharing in Academia and the Industry: A Comparative Study

- Carolin Haeussler
- 24412: Commercial Microfinance and Social Responsibility: A Critique

- Tara Nair
- 24411: The institutions of poverty

- Oliver Schmidt
- 24410: Mission Drift of large MFIs?

- Oliver Schmidt and N. V. Ramana
- 24408: Impact du pacte de convergence, de stabilité et de croissance sur la convergence réelle dans l’UEMOA (The impact of convergence, stability and growth pact on real convergence in the WAEMU)

- Adama Combey and Komla Mally
- 24403: An Analysis of the Underlying Causes of the Poor Performance of Recent Immigrants Using the 2006 Census PUMF and Some Observations on Their Implications for Immigration Policy

- Patrick Grady
- 24402: Some Observations on Net Fiscal Transfers to Recent Immigrants Resulting From Income Taxes and Government Transfer Programs

- Patrick Grady
- 24401: Asymptotic properties of dynamic multipliers in nonlinear econometric models

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari, Paolo Corsi and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 24399: Neoliberalism’s relationship with economic growth in the developing world: Was it the power of the market or the resolution of financial crisis?

- Joseph N Cohen
- 24398: Implementation of the Forest Rights Act in the Western Ghats Region of Kerala

- Jyothis Sathyapalan
- 24397: Income Inequality and Economic Growth

- Inyong Shin
- 24396: El conflicto colombo-venezolano y la construcción de escenarios desde la Teoría de Juegos (The Colombo-Venezuelan conflict and the construction of scenes from Theory of Games)

- Santiago Arroyo and Alexander Alegría
- 24394: Dimensión Territorial como Factor del Desarrollo Económico: Algunos Aportes Metodológicos para su Medición (Territorial Dimension like Factor of Economic Development: Some Contributions Methodological for his Measurement)

- Santiago Arroyo and Christian Bustamante
- 24393: Accesibilidad al régimen contributivo de salud en Colombia: caso de la población rural migrante (Accessibility to the contributing regime of health in Colombia: the case of the migrant rural population)

- Santiago Arroyo and Luís Tovar Cuevas
- 24392: Exploring Greek innovation activities: the adoption of generalized linear models

- George Halkos
- 24391: Financial and real sector interactions:the case of Greece

- George Halkos
- 24390: Exports and productivity selection effects for Dutch firms

- Henk Kox and Hugo Rojas Romasgosa
- 24389: Competitive, but too small - productivity and entry-exit determinants in European business services

- Henk Kox, George Leeuwen and Henry Wiel
- 24387: Resource Devolution from the Centre to States: Enhancing the Revenue Capacity of States for Implementation of Essential Health Interventions

- M. Govinda Rao, Mita Choudhury and Mukesh Anand
- 24386: Uttaranchal: Review of Public Expenditure on Health

- Mukesh Anand and Amarnath Habbar Kalle
- 24382: Is inflation targeting preferred by Filipinos?

- Edsel Beja
- 24376: Debt and Growth Revisited

- Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- 24375: The Value of Information in Auctions with Default Risk

- Jennifer Lamping
- 24374: Ignorance Is Bliss: Matching in Auctions with an Uninformed Seller

- Jennifer Lamping
- 24373: The Value of Commitment in Auctions with Matching

- Jennifer Lamping
- 24372: The ‘Trade-off’ between Spatial Equity and Economic Efficiency Revisited: Evidence from the US States

- Stilianos Alexiadis and Konstantinos Eleftheriou
- 24361: Consumption in developed and emerging economies

- Peter Kadish
- 24360: Credit Monitoring in the USA and EU Countries

- Peter Kadish
- 24358: Explaining union growth and decline with flows in and out of membership. An analysis of Swiss union locals

- Daniel Oesch
- 24356: The determinants of health expenditure in Malaysia: A time series analysis

- Chor Foon Tang
- 24355: A note on the nonlinear wages-productivity nexus for Malaysia

- Chor Foon Tang
- 24351: House allocation with fractional endowments

- Stergios Athanassoglou and Jay Sethuraman
- 24347: The Metropolitan Region of Campinas, Brazil: applying the technopolis framework

- Guilherme B. R. Lambais
- 24346: Are the Institutions of the Stock Market and the Market for Corporate Control Evolutionary Advances for Developing Countries?

- Ajit Singh
- 24344: Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part I)

- Marianne Ojo and Jose Rodríguez-Miguez
- 24340: Effort in Nomination Contests: Evidence from Professional Soccer

- Jeanine Miklós-Thal and Hannes Ullrich
- 24338: What Determines the Long run Growth in Kenya?

- Saten Kumar and Gail Pacheco
- 24336: The Determinants of Corporate Growth

- Francisco Rosique
- 24333: Location of SEZs and Policy Benefits What Does the Data Say?

- Partha Mukhopadhyay and Kanhu Pradhan
- 24332: Does the Presence of the Japan Post Bank in a Regional Financial Market Affect the Deposit Interest Rates of Credit Associations?

- Kazumine Kondo
- 24331: Axiomatic Basics of e-Economics

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 24330: Valuing travel time variability: Characteristics of the travel time distribution on an urban road

- Mogens Fosgerau and Daisuke Fukuda
- 24329: The relationship between frequency of family dinner and adolescent problem behaviors after adjusting for other family characteristics

- Bisakha Sen
- 24327: Benefits of U.S. organic agriculture

- Luanne Lohr
- 24326: Underwriting area-based yield insurance to crowd-in credit supply and demand

- Michael Carter, Francisco Galarza and Stephen Boucher
- 24324: The institution of a stockmarket in a socialist economy: Notes on the Chinese economic reform program

- A. Singh
- 24323: Agricultural policy implications of biotechnology

- Samuel H. Logan, Harold O. Carter and Luanne Lohr
- 24318: Edith Penrose and a learning-based perspective on the MNE and OLI

- Christos Pitelis
- 24317: The (new) nature and essence of the firm

- Christos Pitelis and David Teece
- 24315: Are Large Multinational Companies Undervalued? Emerging Markets Perspective

- Peter Kadish
- 24314: A generalization of Rader's utility representation theorem

- Gianni Bosi and Magalì Zuanon
- 24313: Local food systems: concepts, impacts, and issues

- Steve Martinez, Michael Hand, Michelle Da Pra, Susan Pollack, Katherine Ralston, Travis Smith, Stephen Vogel, Shellye Clarke, Luanne Lohr, Sarah Low and Constance Newman
- 24312: The Army, UN Peacekeeping Mission and Democracy in Bangladesh

- Nurul Islam
- 24310: Incentives from Exchange Rate Regimes in an Institutional Context

- Ashima Goyal
- 24309: Risk and Asian exchange rate regimes

- Ashima Goyal and Ankita Agarwal
- 24307: Maternal prenatal substance use and behavior problems among children in the U.S

- Bisakha Sen and Shailender Swaminathan
- 24305: Corporate Governance, Competetion, The new International Financial Architecture and Large Corporations in Emerging Markets

- Ajit Singh, Alaka Singh and Bruce Weisse
- 24304: Historical Examination of the Golden Age of Full Employment in Western Europe

- Ajt Singh
- 24303: Austeria

- Arthur F. Shipman
- 24302: Corporate governance, corporate finance and stock markets in emerging countries

- Ajit Singh
- 24301: Special and Differential Treatment, The Multilateral Trading System and Economic Development in the 21st Century

- Ajit Singh
- 24299: Foreign direct investments and international agreements: a south perspective

- Ajit Singh
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