MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 78860: On the Relationship between Globalisation and the Economic Participation of Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu, Uchenna Efobi and Belmondo Tanankem
- 78859: Royalty and license fee under vertical differentiation in oligopoly with or without entry of innovator: Two-step auction

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 78858: Royalty and license fee under oligopoly with or without entry of innovator: Two-step auction

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 78857: Robustness of subsidy in licensing under vertical differentiation: General distribution and cost functions

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 78856: License and entry strategies for an outside innovator in duopoly with combination of royalty and fixed fee under vertical differentiation

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 78854: License and entry strategies for an outside innovator under duopoly with combination of royalty and fixed fee

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 78853: Public Investment, Taxation and Transfer of Technology

- Iraklis Kollias, Sugata Marjit and Nickolas Michelacakis
- 78852: Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Domestic Consumption in Ghana

- Bernard Njindan Iyke and Sin-Yu Ho
- 78850: The Khaldun-Laffer Curve Revisited: A Personal Income Tax-Based Analysis for Turkey

- Hüseyin Şen, Zeynep Bulut-Cevik and Ayşe Kaya
- 78848: Activity Based Costing (ABC) as a tool for Lean Transformation: The Case of the Greek Power Public Corporation (PPC)

- Michail Angelopoulos and Yannis Pollalis
- 78846: Response of the Financial Markets to the European Central Bank’s Policy Announcements during the Subprime and Global Financial Crisis

- Milton Ayoki
- 78843: Uganda’s Emerging Middle Class and its Potential Economic Opportunities

- Milton Ayoki
- 78842: The Revenue Effects of Uganda’s Tax Reforms, 1989-2008

- Milton Ayoki, Marios Obwona and Moses Ogwapus
- 78841: Eurasian Economic Union: Asymmetries of Growth Factors

- Bulat Khusainov, Anel Kireyeva and Ruslan Sultanov
- 78838: Wybory młodych Europejczyków w pokryzysowej rzeczywistości - propozycja modelu decyzyjnego opartego na metodzie AHP (Choices of young Europeans in a post-crisis reality - Proposal of an AHP-based decision-making model)

- Remigiusz Gawlik
- 78837: Distretti, pmi, competitività. Analisi e proposte sulla Sicilia (Districts, SMEs, competitiveness. Analysis and proposals on Sicily)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 78831: The Impact of Housing Prices on Health in U.S. Before, During and After the Great Recession

- Jaesang Sung
- 78829: Using REIT Data to Assess the Economic Worth of Mega-Events: The Case of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

- Ryoh Ogawa
- 78826: Drivers of the Post-Crisis Slump in the Eurozone and the US

- Robert Kollmann, Beatrice Pataracchia, Rafal Raciborski, Marco Ratto, Werner Roeger and Lukas Vogel
- 78824: The Role Of Corporate Governance And Its Impact On Risk And Firm Performance Of Real Estate Industry: Amanahraya Reit

- Wahidah Mohamad
- 78822: “Factors of Workplace Environment that Affects Employee Performance in an Organization”: A study on Greenwich University of Karachi

- Marium Zafar, Emadul Karim and Omair Abbas
- 78821: A Theory on the Economic Impacts of Immigration

- Taiji Harashima
- 78817: Dimensiunea calitativă a eşecului financiar şi percepţia acestuia în diverse regiuni geografice ale lumii (The qualitative dimension of financial failure and its perception in various geographic regions of the world)

- Fedaa Abd Almajid SABBAR Alaraji and Constanta Iacob
- 78814: Constructing markets: environmental economics and the contingent valuation controversy

- Spencer Banzhaf
- 78813: Tuition Reduces Enrollment Less Than Commonly Thought

- Tomas Havranek, Zuzana Irsova and Olesia Zeynalova
- 78810: Convergence in pollution terms of trade

- Satoshi Honma and Yushi Yoshida
- 78806: How savings can lower economic growth levels: the U.S. case

- Kees De Koning
- 78805: Is globalization detrimental to financial development? Further evidence from a very large emerging economy with significant orientation towards policies

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Hrushikesh Mallick, Mantu Kumar and Shawkat Hammoudeh
- 78804: Performance and Risk of Macroeconomics Factors: Empirical evidence from Silver Ridge Holdings

- Joan Salome Lourdes
- 78803: Promises and Endogenous Reneging Costs

- Yuval Heller and David Sturrock
- 78797: Egyetemi funkciók és helyi gazdasági hatások: módszertani problémák és lehetséges megoldások (University Functions and Local Economic Effects: Methodological Problems and Possible Solutions)

- Balázs Kotosz, Miklós Lukovics, Bence Zuti and Gabriella Molnár
- 78796: About the minimal magnitudes of measurement’s forbidden zones. Version 1

- Alexander Harin
- 78794: Cross-Border European Funding Opportunities

- Miklós Lukovics, Imre Prof. Lengyel, Szabolcs Imreh and Bence Zuti
- 78789: Evaluación de la Política Fiscal de Bolivia (Evaluation of Bolivia's Fiscal Policy)

- Joab Valdivia Coria
- 78785: أثر تنويع الاستثمار الحكومي على النمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر دراسة اقتصادية قياسية للفترة: 1990-2016 (The impact of diversification of government investment on economic growth in Algeria-Econometric study For the period: 1990-2016)

- Rachid Satour and Benzarour Choukri
- 78784: Acelerador financiero, impacto del precio del gas (Financial accelerator, oil price impact)

- Joab Valdivia Coria
- 78783: Lucas Paradox in the Short-Run

- Bilal Keskinsoy
- 78779: A Review of Literature on Time Zone Difference and Trade

- Biswajit Mandal, Alaka Prasad and Prasun Bhattacharjee
- 78777: “Decentralization” of income per capita and its relationship to administrative decentralization in the context of European Union members

- Christos Benos, Ioanna Angelopoulou and Theodore Metaxas
- 78776: Regionalism in South Asia: Negotiating cooperation, institutional structures

- Jia Hao Chan
- 78774: Policy landscape of trade in environmental goods and services

- Arun Jacob and Anders K Møller
- 78771: Information Flow Interpretation of Heteroskedasticity for Capital Asset Pricing: An Expectation-based View of Risk

- Chamil W Senarathne and Prabhath Jayasinghe
- 78767: Capacidades Locales: Una propuesta de política pública para la disminución de la pobreza, la desigualdad y la vulnerabilidad de la población del municipio de Puerto López (Local Capabilities: a public policy proposal for the reduction of poverty, the inequality and the vulnerability of the population of the municipality of Puerto López)

- Dorian Leon
- 78765: Optimal Versus Required Defence Expenditure Revisited

- Andreas S. Andreou, Konstantine Parsopoulos, Michael Vrachatis and George Zombanakis
- 78763: Multimarket Competition and Profitability: Evidence from Ukrainian banking

- Tho Pham, Oleksandr Talavera and Junhong Yang
- 78758: Iceland’s response to economic crises: A success story?

- Georgia Dimitriou and Theodore Metaxas
- 78751: Labor markets and informality: the case of Central Asia

- Bakhrom Mirkasimov and Muzaffarjon Ahunov
- 78749: The Cyprus Puzzle and the Greek – Turkish Arms Race

- Andreas S. Andreou, Nicos H. Mateou and George Zombanakis
- 78739: La elección del consumidor bajo intolerancia distributiva (Consumer choice under distributive intolerance)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 78734: Liveable city from an economic perspective

- Daniela Antonescu
- 78732: Efeitos da desoneração tributária sobre a difusão da banda larga no Brasil: Enfoque na incidência do FISTEL sobre o terminal de acesso individual por satélite (Effects of tax relief on broadband diffusion in Brazil: Focus on the incidence of FISTEL over the individual satellite access terminal)

- Luciano De Freitas, Leonardo Euler de Morais and Egon Cervieri Guterres
- 78731: السياحة والنمو الاقتصادي في الجزائر: الأدلة من التكامل المشترك و تحليل السببية (Tourism and economic growth in Algeria: Evidence of Cointegration and causal analysis)

- Benzarour Choukri and Rachid Satour
- 78725: Employment and Productivity Trends in the Organised Manufacturing Sector of Tamil Nadu: 1983-2006

- Prakash Bagur and Balu Anthony
- 78723: Growth, Employment and Productivity in the Manufacturing Sector-A District-Level Analysis of Tamil Nadu: 2001-06

- Balu Anthony
- 78722: An analysis of Marketed Surplus and Price Spread of Cauliflower in S. Chotanagpur (Jharkhand) for Sustainable financial inclusion of Tribal Farmers

- Tara Shankar and K.M. Singh
- 78721: An Analysis on Problems of Vegetables Marketing in Farmers’ Market of Jharkhand - A Case Study in Ranchi District

- Tara Shankar and K.M. Singh
- 78717: Economic Forecasting Based on the Relationship between GDP and Real Money Supply

- Sergey Blinov
- 78716: An Empirical Theory of Pure Exchange:Individual Demand and Equilibrium

- C-Rene Dominique
- 78715: Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? A Panel Study of 2500 Danish Firms

- Nina Smith, Valdemar Smith and Mette Verner
- 78711: Jobless Growth Based on a 2-Digit Industry-wise Analysis for Tamil Nadu: Pre and Post-reform Years: 1984-2006

- Balu Anthony and Prakash Bagur
- 78710: Jobless Growth-A District-Level Analysis of Tamil Nadu: 2001-05

- Prakash Bagur and Balu Anthony
- 78706: Capital Income Tax, Linear R&D Technology, and Economic Growth

- Yohei Tenryu
- 78703: BOOK REVIEW: The Asian Mediterranean: Port Cities and Trading Networks in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, 13th – 21st Century by Francois Gipouloux

- Jia Hao Chan
- 78702: Religious Fractionalisation and Crimes in Disaster-Affected Communities: Survey Evidence from Bangladesh

- Masahiro Shoji
- 78698: The economic bubble and its measurement

- Carmine Gorga
- 78696: Concordian economics and the economic bubble

- Carmine Gorga
- 78687: Performance and Size: Empirical Evidence From Batu Kawan Berhad

- Fatin Hidayah Nazarudin
- 78686: Affirmative Action in the Presence of a Creamy Layer: Identity or Class Based?

- Brishti Guha and Prabal Roy Chowdhury
- 78681: Monitoring Performance of Maybank Berhad in the Presence of Risk

- Nur'Izzate Iwana Shahardin
- 78676: Economic and Political Cooperation between India and East Asia: The Emerging Perspective

- Anushree Chakraborty and Debashis Chakraborty
- 78669: Sobre algunos supuestos de la teoría neoclásica (On some assumptions of neoclassical theory)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 78667: Спектральная оценка компоненты бизнес цикла ВВП России с учетом высокой зависимости от условий торговли (Spectral estimation of the business cycle component of the Russian GDP under high dependence on the terms of trade)

- Andrey Polbin and Anton Skrobotov
- 78663: Optimal Versus Required Defence Spending

- Andreas Andreou, Konstantine Parsopoulos, Michael Vrachatis and George Zombanakis
- 78660: Measuring Relative Military Security

- Andreas Andreou and George Zombanakis
- 78657: OPEC, Saudi Arabia, and the Shale Revolution: Insights from Equilibrium Modelling and Oil Politics

- Dawud Ansari
- 78655: Output Composition of Monetary Policy Transmission in Pakistan

- Asmma Kamal
- 78652: Fiscal Instruments for Sustainable Development: The Case of Land Taxes

- Matthias Kalkuhl, Blanca Fernandez Milan, Gregor Schwerhoff, Michael Jakob, Maren Hahnen and Felix Creutzig
- 78647: Special Theory of Employment and Co-Productive Goods

- Adam Noga
- 78644: What drives the profitability of household PV investments, self-consumption and self-sufficiency?

- Valentin Bertsch, Jutta Geldermann and Tobias Lühn
- 78640: Genting plantation berhad performance and risk

- Nur Shahwani Arshad
- 78636: Menilai Prestasi Belajar melalui Penguatan Self Regulated Learning dan Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa pada Pembelajaran Matematika (Assessing Learning Achievement through Strengthening Self-Regulated Learning and Student Emotional Intelligence on Mathematics Learning)

- Widodo Winarso and Deddy Supriady
- 78628: Using your ties to get a worse job? The differential effects of social networks on quality of employment: Evidence from Colombia

- Thibaud Deguilhem, Jean-Philippe Berrou and François Combarnous
- 78626: To Examine the Relationship Between Risk Factors and Profitability of Apollo Food Holdings Berhad

- Sandranivashni Ravishankar
- 78625: The Relationship between Profitability and the Risk Factors and other Macroeconomic Factors

- Sirivige Ramarow
- 78624: Event and festival in Cirebon: Review of shariah marketing mix

- Aan Jaelani
- 78623: Robust modelling of the impacts of climate change on the habitat suitability of forest tree species

- Daniele de Rigo, Giovanni Caudullo, Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz and José I. Barredo
- 78622: Теория эндогенного экономического роста и уравнения математической физики (The theory of endogenous economic growth and equations of mathematical physics)

- Victor Polterovich
- 78620: The Impact Of Corporate Environmental Performance Of Market Risk On Tropicana Corporation Berhad

- Fazlini Zainal Abidin
- 78619: Evaluation of the Technical Efficiency of Export: Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

- Mohammad Movahedi
- 78614: The Multiple Effects of Child Health Insurance in Vietnam

- Thang Dang
- 78613: Financial Markets and Debt Crisis in European Union: Preventing spillover effects of financial crisis between EU periphery and the eurozone

- Dubravko Radosevic
- 78611: Folosirea inovaţiilor tehnologice pentru creşterea accesibilității şi atractivităţii patrimoniului muzeal (The use of technological innovation for increasing the museum heritage accessibility and attractiveness)

- Izabela Pop and Tiberiu Alexa
- 78606: Settlers and Temporary Migrants in Germany (Results of Empirical Survey of Individuals Travelling by Busses from Bulgaria to Germany)

- Vesselin Mintchev
- 78605: The Bulgarian Community in Spain (Will The Bulgarians Return from Spain?)

- Vesselin Mintchev and Venelin Boshnakov
- 78604: Përcaktuesit mikro- dhe makroekonomikë të marzhit neto të interesave në sistemin bankar shqiptar (2002-2014) (Micro- and macroeconomic determinants of net interest margin in the Albanian banking system (2002-2014))

- Meri Papavangjeli and Eralda Leka
- 78602: Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space: A Comment

- Marcus Berliant and Adam Weiss
- 78599: Risk and performance of ltkm berhad

- Anis Nashuha Jafree
- 78597: Potential and Return Migrants in Bulgaria - Demographic and Socio-economic Aspects

- Vesselin Mintchev
- 78596: The Impact of Sports Participation on Crime in England between 2012 and 2015

- Stephen Brosnan
- 78595: Dependence of Stock Markets with Gold and Bonds under Bullish and Bearish Market States

- Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad, Naveed Raza, Muhammad Shahbaz and Azwadi Ali
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