MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 31988: A novel result on the revenue equivalence theorem

- Haoyang Wu
- 31984: Sistemas regionales de innovación: un espacio para el desarrollo de las PYMES. El caso de la industria de maquinados industriales (Regional system of innovation: a space for the developemnt of SME, the case of the machine shops)

- Gabriela Dutrénit
- 31982: El sistema nacional de innovación mexicano: estructuras, políticas, desempeño y desafíos (The Mexican national innovation system: structures, policies, performance and challenges)

- Gabriela Dutrénit, Mario Capdevielle, Juan Manuel Corona, Martin Puchet, Fernando Santiago and Alexandre Vera-Cruz
- 31978: Financial liberalization, financial development and economic growth: An empirical analysis for Turkey

- Meltem Ince
- 31977: An international agreement with full participation to tackle the stock of greenhouse gases

- Uwe Kratzsch, Gernot Sieg and Ulrike Stegemann
- 31974: Refusal to Deal, Intellectual Property Rights, and Antitrust

- Yongmin Chen
- 31969: Demand for private tuition classes under the free education policy. Evidence based on Sri Lanka

- Asankha Pallegedara
- 31963: Measuring teacher and school effectiveness at improving student achievement in Los Angeles elementary schools

- Richard Buddin
- 31961: Poverty Reduction

- Isabel Ortiz
- 31958: Warum sind manche Individuen und Länder protektionistischer als andere? (Why Are Some People and Countries More Protectionist than Others?)

- Faxin Teng
- 31957: Size and specialization as determinant of iberian port performance: new methodology to group different ports

- Vitor Caldeirinha
- 31952: State border corruption and illegal migration: A model

- Ted Lundgren and Petr Lappo
- 31951: People smuggling syndicates: An oligopoly analysis in context of the Söderköping process

- Ted Lundgren
- 31950: Match of the Day: The search for a suitable spouse

- Avraham Bram and Eda Seyhan
- 31949: Unobserved Factors Linking Functional Decline and Depression Among the Oldest Americans

- Maksym Obrizan
- 31946: Trade integration,restructuring and global imbalances --A tale of two countries

- Faxin Teng, Claudia Meier, Dmitry Kamenev and Martin Klein
- 31939: Innovation, Growth and Quality of Life: a Theoretical Model and an Estimate for the Italian Regions

- Giorgio d'Agostino and Margherita Scarlato
- 31938: A time-scale analysis of systematic risk: wavelet-based approach

- Rabeh Khalfaoui and Mohamed Boutahar
- 31937: TARGET2 Unlimited: Monetary Policy Implications of Asymmetric Liquidity Management within the Euro Area

- José M Abad, Axel Loeffler and Holger Zemanek
- 31935: Carbon emission and production technology: evidence from the US

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 31933: Status of Health related Quality of life between HBV and HCV Patients of Pakistan

- Masood Awan, Muhammad Waqas, Mumtaz Ali and Muhammad Aslam
- 31931: Optimal monetary policy and default

- Sandra Lizarazo and Jose-Maria Da-Rocha
- 31930: Are the U.S. farm wages equalizing? Markov chain approach

- Tugrul Temel
- 31928: Foreign direct investment in East Asian newly industrializing economies

- Devrim Dumludag
- 31927: Some Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Reform and Indexing

- Patrick Grady and Donald R. Stephenson
- 31925: Stable producer co-operatives in competitive markets

- Marco Marini
- 31921: The formation of offer prices in farmland markets: A hedonic price approach

- Tugrul Temel
- 31920: New facts for old debates: Farm size and productivity in US agriculture

- Tugrul Temel
- 31919: O uso da informação quantitativa em história; tópicos para discussão (The use of quantitative information in History; topics for discussion)

- Heitor Moura Filho
- 31917: Industrial policy, collective action, and the direction of technological change

- Tugrul Temel
- 31915: Disaggregate fluctuations in the US farm output: Testing for convergence

- Tugrul Temel
- 31914: Crises and the recent recession

- John Tatom
- 31912: Экономический кризис, мировая экономика, экономическая наука и экономическая политика (Economic crisis, world economy, economics and economic policy)

- Mikhail Sherstnev
- 31910: Scelte e razionalità nei modelli economici: un'analisi multidisciplinare (Choices and rationality in economic models: a multidisciplinary analysis)

- Daniele Schiliro' and Mario Graziano
- 31905: A matching decomposition of the rural-urban difference in malnutrition in Malawi

- Richard Mussa
- 31903: Can Lipset’s theory travel through time and space? the destination Nicaragua, 1972-1998. A time series test of the social requisites of democracy

- Katja Michalak
- 31902: Upstream innovation protection: common law evolution and the dynamics of wage inequality

- Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
- 31900: Getting on Track for a Sustainable Retirement: A Reality Check on Savings and Work

- Wade Pfau
- 31899: Institutions and foreign direct investment (FDI) in Malaysia: empirical evidence using ARDL model

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Mohd Azlan Shah Zaidi, Mohd Adib Ismail and Bakri Abdul Karim
- 31896: Variable-population voting rules

- Marcus Pivato
- 31892: Fuentes de financiamiento de los sistemas de seguridad social en países de América del Sur (Sources of financing social security systems in countries of South America)

- Alejandro Calabria, Vanesa D´Elia, Sergio Rottenschweiler, Analía Calero and Julio Gaiada
- 31891: Crisis in the Euro area: coopetitive game solutions as new policy tools

- David Carfì and Daniele Schiliro'
- 31888: Rising food prices, food price volatility, and political unrest

- Marc Bellemare
- 31887: Agglomeration Economies and Local Comovement of Stock Returns

- Shihe Fu and Liwei Shan
- 31886: Adoption of technology in teaching of language: A critical assessment of Punjabi(mother tongue)

- Kaur Mandeep and Gursharan Kainth
- 31882: Distributional results for thresholding estimators in high-dimensional Gaussian regression models

- Benedikt Pötscher and Ulrike Schneider
- 31881: A model of technological progress in the microprocessor industry

- Unni Pillai
- 31880: A nonparametric hypothesis test via the Bootstrap resampling

- Tugrul Temel
- 31878: The roles and potentials of renewable energy in less-developed economies

- Rabindra Nepal
- 31877: Charitable asymmetric bidders

- Olivier Bos
- 31871: Managers Compensation and Collusive Behaviour under Cournot Oligopoly

- Marco Marini
- 31870: Property Rights and Market: Employee Privatization as a Cooperative Bargaining Process

- Marco Marini
- 31869: The efficiency of Islamic banks: empirical evidence from the Asian countries’ Islamic banking sectors

- Mohamad Akbar Noor Mohamad Noor, Nor Hayati Bt Ahmad and Fadzlan Sufian
- 31868: The dynamic process of economic takeoff and industrial transformation

- Ming-Jen Chang, Ping Wang and Danyang Xie
- 31864: Trade Collapse, Trade Relapse and Global Production Networks: Supply Chains in the Great Recession (revised)

- Hubert Escaith
- 31859: Effect of regional integration agreement on foreign direct investment: A theoretical perspective

- Nimesh Salike
- 31857: Firm Registration and Bribes: Results from a Microenterprise Survey in Africa

- George Clarke
- 31855: Property Rights, Land Disputes and Social Discontent in Sudan (Property Rights, Land Disputes and Social Discontent in Sudan)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31853: 100 years of educational reforms in Europe: a contextual database

- Christelle Garrouste
- 31851: Illegal to punish or punish the illegals: Which way should Ukraine and Moldova choose?

- Ted Lundgren
- 31846: The use of supply chain DEA models in operations management: A survey

- George Halkos, Nickolaos Tzeremes and Stavros Kourtzidis
- 31844: Fair division of income distribution, development and growth:evidence from a panel of countries

- Mingliang Frank Shao
- 31843: Estimating population means in covariance stationary process

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 31842: Non-negative demand in newsvendor models:The case of singly truncated normal samples

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 31841: Forecasting an ARIMA (0,2,1) using the random walk model with drift

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 31840: Confidence intervals in stationary autocorrelated time series

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 31838: Favored child? School choice within the family

- Romulo Chumacero and Ricardo Paredes
- 31835: The impact of RES-E policy setting on integration effects - A detailed analysis of capacity expansion and dispatch results

- Marco Nicolosi
- 31834: Wind power integration, negative prices and power system flexibility - An empirical analysis of extreme events in Germany

- Marco Nicolosi
- 31833: The end of plantation? Coffee and land inequality in early twentieth century São Paulo

- Renato Colistete and Maria Lucia Lamounier
- 31830: Why do Parents Make their Children Work? Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

- Masood Awan, Muhammad Waqas and Muhammad Aslam
- 31829: The impact of human capital on urban poverty: The case of Sargodha city

- Masood Awan, Nasir Iqbal and Muhammad Waqas
- 31827: Hierarchical shrinkage in time-varying parameter models

- Belmonte Miguel, Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
- 31826: Impact of education on poverty reduction

- Masood Awan, Nouman Malik, Haroon Sarwar and Muhammad Waqas

- Christelle Garrouste and Massimo Loi
- 31824: Heterodox surplus approach: production, prices, and value theory

- Frederic Lee
- 31822: Endogenous R&D and Intellectual Property Laws in Developed and Emerging Economies

- Aniruddha Bagchi and Abhra Roy
- 31819: The Impacts of Water Pollution on Economic Development in Sudan (The Impacts of Water Pollution on Economic Development in Sudan)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31818: Sobre a Demanda Agregada por Carnes no Mercado Brasileiro (On the Demand for Meat in Brazil)

- Moisés Resende Filho, V G F Bressan, Marcelo Braga and A A Bressan
- 31816: Measurement of SF-6D utility among patients with active tuberculosis

- Masood Awan, Muhammad Waqas, Muhammad Aslam and Muhammad Sarwar
- 31815: Role of Institutional Credit on Agricultural Production: A Time Series Analysis of Pakistan

- Maqbool Hussain Sial, Masood Awan and Muhammad Waqas
- 31813: Economics and Hegemony; Globalization and International Trade Agreements (Economics and Hegemony; Globalization and International Trade Agreements)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31812: Tyrannical Greed and National Disintegration of the Sudanese Nation (Tyrannical Greed and National Disintegration of the Sudanese Nation)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31811: Impacts of Tribal and Economic Factors on Civil Conflict between North and South Sudan (Impacts of Tribal and Economic Factors on Civil Conflict between North and South Sudan)

- Issam Mohamed
- 31804: Does improved sanitation reduce diarrhea in children in rural India?

- Kumar Santosh and Sebastian Vollmer
- 31795: Oil and gold: correlation or causation?

- Thai-Ha Le and Youngho Chang
- 31794: Consumer behavioural biases in competition: A survey

- Steffen Huck and Jidong Zhou
- 31793: Revisiting the empirical existence of the Phillips Curve for India

- B Karan Singh, A Kanakaraj and T.o Sridevi
- 31792: Exploitation and its unintended outcomes. An axiomatic obituary for Marx’s surplus value

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 31791: Government bias in education, schooling attainment and growth

- Parantap Basu and Keshab Bhattarai
- 31789: Analiza HR indeksa u finansijskom sektoru Srbije (Analysis of HR Index in Serbian Financial Sector)

- Jovan Zubović, Marko Jeločnik and Jonel Subić
- 31783: Empirical Analysis of Field Data on HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Khartoum State, Sudan

- Issam Mohamed
- 31782: Introduction to the Macroeconomic Structure of Yemen

- Issam Mohamed
- 31781: Surveying HIV/AIDS Incidence in Sudan

- Issam Mohamed
- 31779: Does religion matter? Exploring economic performance differences among Romanian emigrants

- Monica Roman and Zizi Goschin
- 31778: The economic and environmental factors of water in arid regions: Study of the rural water use in Northern Darfur Region, Sudan

- Issam Mohamed
- 31777: Successfully implementing major financial stability regulatory reforms: the risk weighting based controversy (Basel v Dodd Frank) and the role of national supervisors

- Marianne Ojo

- Monica Roman and Bogdan Ileanu
- 31772: Relación consumo de energía y PIB: evidencia desde un panel cointegrado de 10 países de América Latina entre 1971 - 2007 (Energy consumption and GDP relationship: evidence from a panel cointegration of ten Latin America Countries between 1971 - 2007)

- Jacobo Campo Robledo and Viviana Sarmiento Guzmán
- 31768: Some Empirical Evidence on the Quantity Theoretic Proposition of Money in ASEAN-5

- Chin-Hong Puah, Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Shazali Abu Mansor
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