MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 79407: Revisit Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: evidence from Malaysia (1960-2015)

- Lutfi Abdul Razak and Abul Masih
- 79404: Climate Change, Agricultural Production, and Poverty in India

- Saibal Kar and Nimai Das
- 79403: IMF, Democracy and Economic Development: Review and Critique

- Nikolaos - Alexandros Psofogiorgos and Theodore Metaxas
- 79402: Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Healthcare Sector of India

- Nimai Das and Rajeev Kumar
- 79400: Quality Upgrading and the Stages of Diversification

- Chris Papageorgiou, Fidel Perez-Sebastian and Nikola Spatafora
- 79399: Capital structure and competitive intensity: Considerations for Start-Up Firms

- Ashish Pandey
- 79398: The impact of “anti-political” parties after the restoration of democracy in Greece and the challenge of confronting the crisi

- Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis and Stelios Tzagarakis
- 79397: The Growth-Volatility Relationship: What Does Volatility Decomposition Tell?

- Debdulal Mallick
- 79395: Correlated Equilibrium and the Estimation of Static Discrete Games with Complete Information

- Zhou Yang
- 79392: Баланс трудовых ресурсов сельской местности региона: мониторинг, прогнозирование, развитие человеческого капитала (Balance of labor resources in rural areas of the region: monitoring, forecasting, development of human capital)

- Victor Stukach, Ekaterina Astasheva, Lyubov Zinich, Alla Zinich, Natalia Kuznetsova, Albina Tetereva, Svetlana Nardina, Olga Kosenchuk and Inna Volkova
- 79384: Patients Compliance and Follow-Up Rate after Tooth Extraction

- Samra Faheem
- 79383: Региональные организации: типы и логика развития (Regional Organizations: Typology and Development Paths)

- Alexander Libman and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 79377: Dynamics of multidimensional child poverty and its triggers: Evidence from Ethiopia using Multilevel Mixed Effect Model

- Mulugeta Birhanu, Birhanu Ambaw and Yohannis Mulu
- 79371: Analyse de l’efficacite des petits exploitants de legumes en zone de foret dans la region du sud-ouest cameroun (Understanding Variation in Smallholder Efficiency Levels in Vegetable Farms within Forest Based System Farming in Southwest Cameroon)

- Yannik Fosso Djoumessi
- 79370: Do some electoral systems select better politicians than others? Single- vs dual-ballot elections

- Aline Menezes
- 79369: The Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Development: Evidence from Lao PDR

- Khaysy Srithilat and Gang Sun
- 79367: Communism, Value Neutrality and Monetary Neutrality

- Yinghao Luo
- 79365: The capital goods industry: diagnosis of the 2000-2012 period and perspectives based on the Brazilian economic scenario

- Thiago Miguez, Luiz Daniel Willcox and Gabriel Daudt
- 79363: A Unified Characterization of Randomized Strategy-proof Rules

- Souvik Roy and Soumyarup Sadhukhan
- 79362: The case of societal collapse in Europe

- Christophe Aubin-Nury de Malicorne
- 79361: Renewable energy governance in India: challenges and prospects for achieving the 2022 energy goals

- Salma Rehman and Zaki Hussain
- 79360: The Nexus between Industrial Exports and Economic Growth in Tunisia: Empirical Analysis

- Asma Elmakki, Sayef Bakari and Mohamed Mabrouki
- 79358: Do Individual Investors Ignore Transaction Costs?

- Deniz Anginer, Celim Yildizhan and Xue Snow Han
- 79357: A Reconsideration of the Equity Premium Puzzle

- Miguel Cantillo
- 79355: Consommation d’énergie et croissance au Maroc (Energy consumption and economic growth in morocco)

- Fouad Elbiyaali
- 79354: Villains or Heroes? Private Banks and Railroads after the Sherman Act

- Miguel Cantillo
- 79339: Happiness and Public Expenditure: Evidence from a panel analysis

- Kamal Kasmaoui and Othmane Bourhaba
- 79332: Decision process, preferences over risk and consensus rule: a group experiment

- Andrea Morone, Simone Nuzzo and Tiziana Temerario
- 79331: Agent-based modelling. History, essence, future

- Hardy Hanappi
- 79330: Counting the NEETs for Countries with no or less Data, Using Information on Unemployment of Youth Aged 15-24: The Case of Arab Countries

- Ahmed Driouchi and Tahar Harkat
- 79326: Comparison of methods of data mining techniques for the predictive accuracy

- Vladislav Pyzhov and Stanislav Pyzhov
- 79325: Local Authorities’ contribution on Gastronomy Tourism Development: the case of Ontario, Canada

- Dimitris Karagiannis and Theodore Metaxas
- 79324: Smile Curve and its linkages with Global Value Chains

- Sakshi Aggarwal
- 79318: Generator Cooling Fan Vibrational Problems: A Design and Operational Case in Jordan

- Rakan Naamneh, Asem Alboursh and Ayman Al-Amer
- 79307: Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms

- Eva Erhardt
- 79306: How Does Mortgage Debt Affect Household Consumption? Micro Evidence from China

- Ying Fan and Abdullah Yavas
- 79305: Hungarian car parts industry at a cross-roads: Fordism versus lean production

- Attila Attila Havas
- 79303: PENGARUH BERBAGAI UKURAN BOBOT UBI BENIH KENTANG G4 (SOLANUM TUBEROSUM L.) VARIETAS GRANOLA DAN KOMPOS BATANG PISANG TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN, HASIL DAN KUALITAS KENTANG (The Effect of Various Sizes Weight of Potato Seed Tuber G4 (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varieties of Granola and Banana Stems Compost on Growth, Yield and Quality of Potato)

- Imam Khoyirul Alam Lidinilah
- 79300: Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding Variety

- Dominique Bianco
- 79297: Gravitation of market prices towards normal prices: some new results

- Enrico Bellino and Franklin Serrano
- 79295: Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms

- Eva Erhardt
- 79294: Microfinance beyond self-employment: Evidence for firms in Bulgaria

- Eva Erhardt
- 79290: Агропродовольственный рынок региона: классификация институтов, административные барьеры, трансакционные издержки, неэффективные посредники (The region's agro-food market: the classification of institutions, administrative barriers, transaction costs, ineffective intermediaries)

- Victor Stukach and Egor Grishaev
- 79284: Representation of strongly independent preorders by sets of scalar-valued functions

- David McCarthy, Kalle Mikkola and Teruji Thomas
- 79277: Natural capital depletion: The impact of natural disasters on inclusive growth

- Darshana Rajapaksa, Moinul Islam and Shunsuke Managi
- 79275: The economic distortions of a border-adjusted corporate cash flow tax

- M Kevin McGee
- 79273: Global Perspective of CPEC Regarding Economic Integration and Trade Openness

- Muhammad Ahsan Rabbi
- 79271: Private Investment in Renewable Energy Sector in Africa: An Economic Analysis

- Walaa Mahrous
- 79270: Dynamic Impacts of Changes in Government Spending on Economic Growth in Kenya: A Structural VAR Analysis

- Walaa Mahrous
- 79267: HUBUNGAN PERSEPSI SISWA TENTANG GURU MATEMATIKA DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA SISWA (The Relationship Between Student Perception Towards Mathematics Teacher with Mathematics Academic Performace)

- Mohamad Najichun and Widodo Winarso
- 79265: Speed of Adjustment and Financial Constraints: Evidence from the UK

- Hafezali Iqbal Hussain, Shamsudin Mohd Farid, Jabarullah Noor H, Salem Milad Abdelnabi and Shawtari Fekri Ali

- Mohamad Najichun and Widodo Winarso
- 79261: Non Linear Speed of Adjustment to Lead Leverage Levels and the Timing Element in Equity Issues: Empirical Evidence from the UK

- Hafezali Iqbal Hussain, Shamsudin Mohd Farid and Jabarullah Noor H
- 79257: تفكيك اثرات منشأ شوكهاي نفتي بر همبستگی پویای بین رشد بخش صنعت و معدن و قیمت نفت خام در ایران (Separation of the Effects of Oil Price Shocks Origin on Dynamic Correlation between Growth of Industry and Mine Sector and Crude Oil Price in Iran)

- Saharnaz Babaei Balderlou, Mahyar Ebrahimi Torki and Hassan Heidari
- 79244: Hopf Bifurcation from new-Keynesian Taylor rule to Ramsey Optimal Policy

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 79243: Motivation, workout and performance - a model for amatorial sports

- Raffaele Mattera
- 79242: International stocks and flows of students and researchers reconstructed from ORCID biographies

- Sultan Orazbayev
- 79241: Option contracts in a vertical industry

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 79240: Aligning with both the Soviet Union and with the Pharmaceutical Transnationals: Dilemmas attendant on initiating Drug Production in India

- Nasir Tyabji
- 79238: Uncertainty, Learning, and Local Opposition to Hydraulic Fracturing

- Joshua Hess, Dale Manning, Terrence Iverson and Harvey Cutler
- 79237: Energy Intensity of GDP: A Nonlinear Estimation of Determinants in Iran

- Hassan Heidari, Saharnaz Babaei Balderlou and Mahyar Ebrahimi Torki
- 79236: بررسی اثرگذاری واردات کالاهای مصرفی، واسطهای و سرمایهای در روند انتقال نوسانات قیمت نفت خام به بخش صنعت و معدن در ایران (Effects of the Import of Consumption, Intermediate and Capital Goods on Transmission of Crude Oil Price Volatility to the Industry and Mining Sector in Iran)

- Hassan Heidari, Saharnaz Babaei Balderlou and Mahyar Ebrahimi Torki
- 79234: عوامل مؤثر بر انتقال نوسانات قیمت نفت خام به رشد بخش صنعت و معدن در ایران رهیافتی از مدلهای تبدیل مارکف (Crude Oil Price Contagion to the Growth of Industry and Mine Sector in Iran: An Approach to Markov-Switching Models)

- Hassan Heidari and Saharnaz Babaei Balderlou
- 79233: Водохозяйственная инфраструктура Казахстана в трансформационном периоде: модели управления, тарифная политика, направления водосбережения (Water infrastructure of Kazakhstan in the transition period: management models, tariff policy, directions of water conservation)

- Victor Stukach and Elena Shevchenko
- 79228: بررسی تأثیر نااطمینانی قیمت نفت خام بر رشد بخش صنعت و معدن در ایران کاربردی از مدلهای تبدیل مارکف (Investigation of the Effect of Crude Oil Price Uncertainty on the Growth of Industry and Mine Sector in Iran: An Application of Markov-Switching Models)

- Hassan Heidari and Saharnaz Babaei Balderlou
- 79225: Рынок производственных услуг в сельском хозяйстве: инфраструктура; платежеспособный спрос; сегментация; интеграционные модели; кооперативы в сфере производственного и агрохимического обслуживания (The market of production services in agriculture: infrastructure; effective demand; segmentation; Integration models; Cooperatives in the field of industrial and agrochemical services)

- Victor Stukach, Tanyana Stepanova and Natali Hramzova
- 79223: Education as Protection? The Effect of Schooling on Non-Wage Compensation in a Developing Country

- Thang Dang
- 79219: Convergence of public and private enterprise wages in a transition economy: Evidence from a distributional decomposition in Vietnam, 2002–2014

- Tien Vu and Hiroyuki Yamada
- 79211: An Efficient Bayesian Approach to Multiple Structural Change in Multivariate Time Series

- John Maheu and Yong Song
- 79210: An Analysis of the Causes and Consequences of Unemployment in District Peshawar

- Zaheer Ahmad Ahmad and Jangraiz Khan
- 79199: Foreign reserve holdings: an extended study through risk-inspired motives

- Gerti Shijaku and Elona Dushku
- 79197: Buyer groups, preferential treatment through key account management, and cartel stability

- Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
- 79194: CDS Rate Construction Methods by Machine Learning Techniques

- Raymond Brummelhuis and Zhongmin Luo
- 79189: Une perspective macroprudentielle pour la stabilité financière (A macroprudential perspective of financial stability)

- Christian Pinshi
- 79185: Corporate Voting

- Alan Miller
- 79181: Auctions with Signaling Concerns

- Olivier Bos and Tom Truyts
- 79179: Moves Towards an Islamic Common Market: Evaluation of the Potentials

- Said Jafarli
- 79176: What are the Top Five Journals in Economics? A New Meta–ranking

- Lutz Bornmann, Alexander Butz and Klaus Wohlrabe
- 79167: Chocs macroéconomiques et intégration d’une union économique et monétaire: cas du Nigéria (Macroeconomic shocks and integration of an economic and monetary union: case of Nigeria)

- Aïchat Nassirou
- 79164: Crop Insurance in the European Union: Lessons and Caution from the United States

- Austin Ramsey and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 79163: Macroeconomic Trends and Factors of Production Affecting Potato Producer Price in Developing Countries

- Olli Salmensuu
- 79160: The new automobile modular platforms: from the product architecture to the manufacturing network approach

- Jesús Lampón, Pablo Cabanelas and Vincent Frigant
- 79158: Synthetic data: an endogeneity simulation

- Carolina Carbajal De Nova
- 79156: A note on the relation between fiscal equalization and economic growth

- Felix Chan and Jeff Petchey
- 79155: Asymmetries in Yield Curves: Some Empirical Evidence from Ghana

- Bernard Njindan Iyke
- 79149: Currency choice in international trade: a new monetarist approach and firm-level evidence

- Tao Liu, Dong Lu and Ruifeng Zhang
- 79145: Designing International Environmental Agreements under Participation Uncertainty

- Liang Mao
- 79142: Multidimensional Rank Based Poverty Measures A Case Study: Tunisia

- Naouel Chtioui and Mohamed Ayadi
- 79140: Getting a Yes. An Experiment on the Power of Asking

- Lisa Bruttel, Florian Stolley and Verena Utikal
- 79139: Fiscal policy, output and financial stress in the case of developing and emerging European economies: a threshold VAR approach

- Gerti Shijaku
- 79138: The probability of sudden stop of capital flows - the case of Albania

- Gerti Shijaku
- 79137: The Effect of Public Sector Development Expenditures and Investment on Economic Growth: Evidence from Pakistan

- Shujaat Ahmed and Asif Javed
- 79136: Of Traders, Usurers and British Capital: Managing Agencies and the Dalmia Jain Case

- Nasir Tyabji
- 79134: A Nonparametric Option Pricing Model Using Higher Moments

- Peter Julian Cayton and Kin-Yip Ho
- 79129: Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. Ein mehrsprachiges Kompendium (Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium)

- Kurt Lüscher, Andrzej Klimczuk, Andreas Hoff, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak and Ayşe Canatan
- 79128: Catallactics misapplication: it impact on Africa’s economy

- Emmanuel Tweneboah Senzu
- 79125: Управление технологическим развитием сельского хозяйства: ресурсы для развития, институциональная среда, государственное регулирование, кадровый потенциал, рынок инноваций, стратегические приоритеты (Management of technological development of agriculture: resources for development, institutional environment, state regulation, human resources, innovation market, strategic priorities)

- Victor Stukach and Inna Volrova
- 79123: Human Rights and Sovereign Debts in the Context of Property and Creditor Rights

- Arturo Porzecanski
- 79120: Адаптация хозяйствующих субъектов аграрной сферы: конъюнктурное изучение, государственное регулирования, информационная база (Adaptation of economic entities of the agrarian sphere: opportunistic study, state regulation, information base)

- Victor Stukach and Marat Daueshov
- 79110: What cluster model for the competitiveness of Tunisian companies?

- Mohamed Bouhari, Rafika Khabbouchi and Yamina Mathlouthi
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