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7434: Sustainability of BMT financing for Developing Micro-enterprises Downloads
Widiyanto Mislan Cokro and Abdul Ghafar Ismail
7430: Property Regimes in Resource Conservation-A Framework for Analysis Downloads
Lubna Hasan
7427: How To Solve The U.S. Housing Problem and Avoid A Recession: A Revived HOLC and RTC Downloads
Paul Davidson
7424: Commemorative Metal Money and Monetary Economy Downloads
Branko Matić
7423: Serial Default and Its Remedies Downloads
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
7422: Hacia la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en Mesoamérica. Estado de la Inseguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional y notas sobre políticas para su superación (To Food and Nutritional Security in Mesoamerica. Situation of the Food and Nutritional Insecurity and some notes about Policies to their Elimination) Downloads
Jorge Mora-Alfaro and Luis Fernando Fernández-Alvarado
7421: Decomposing and valuing callable convertible bonds: a new method based on exotic options Downloads
Qi-Yuan Zhou, Chong-Feng Wu and Yun Feng
7418: The Role of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Japan’s Foreign Aid Policy Downloads
Fumitaka Furuoka
7416: Nova monetarna rješenja u segmentu prigodnoga kovinskog novca (NEW MONETARY SOLUTIONS IN COMMEMORATIVE COINAGE) Downloads
Branko Matić
7414: Can Information Asymmetry Cause Agglomeration? Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Fan-chin Kung
7413: On Measuring the Complexity of Urban Living Downloads
Lubna Hasan
7412: Quality and work organisation in Portuguese industry Downloads
Zulema Pereira, António Moniz and Ilona Kovács
7410: Sovereign Credit Ratings Before and After Financial Crises Downloads
Carmen Reinhart
7407: Aggregate Productivity Loss and the Theil Index of Inequality Downloads
Shuhei Aoki
7402: A structural investigation of third-currency shocks to bilateral exchange rates Downloads
Martin Melecký
7398: Uncertainty, learning and growth Downloads
Ragchaasuren Galindev
7397: Fixed Export Cost heterogeneity, Trade and Welfare Downloads
Philipp J.H. Schröder and Jan Jørgensen
7385: Non-standard employment and mobility in the Netherlands Downloads
Ronald Dekker
7381: Exchange Rate of Indonesia: Does Rupiah Overshoot? Downloads
Wahyu Pratomo
7368: The Impact of Access to Credit on the Adoption of Tobacco in Malawi Downloads
Franklin Simtowe
7366: Mujeres trabajadoras en el medio rural. Una aproximación a la agricultura mexicana (WOMEN LABORERS IN RURAL AREAS. AN APPROACH TO THE MEXICAN AGRICULTURE) Downloads
Irma Lorena Acosta Reveles
7365: Is the Euro, as a Common Currency,a Tool for Integration? Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7359: Economic profit, NPV, and CAPM: Biases and violations of Modigliani and Miller's Proposition I Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
7352: Exports, Growth and Causality:An Application of Co-Integration and Error-correction Modelling Downloads
Ashfaque Hasan Khan, Lubna Hasan and Afia Malik
7351: Right To Information Act and NREGA: Reflections on Rajasthan Downloads
Sudha Venu Menon
7350: Transactional Sex as a Response to Risk in Western Keny Downloads
Jonathan Robinson and Ethan Yeh
7348: Dependency Ratio, Foreign Capital Inflows and the Rate of Savings in Pakistan Downloads
Ashfaque Hasan Khan, Lubna Hasan and Afia Malik
7345: Measuring Underground (Unobserved, Non-Observed, Unrecorded) Economies in Transition Countries: Can We Trust GDP? Downloads
Edgar Feige and Ivica Urban
7343: Analysing Institutional Set-up of Forest Management in Pakistan Downloads
Lubna Hasan
7342: Dependency Ratio, Foreign Capital Inflows and the Rate of Savings in Pakistan Downloads
Lubna Hasan
7341: Stochastic integration for uncoupled continuous-time random walks Downloads
Enrico Scalas, Guido Germano, Mauro Politi and René L. Schilling
7340: Real estate market and the relevance of local features in a hedonic prices quantil-spatial analysis – the case of Belo Horizonte – Brazil Downloads
Bernardo Furtado
7335: Residual income and value creation: An investigation into the lost-capital paradigm Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
7334: Vintage Capital in the AK growth model: a Dynamic Programming approach. Extended version Downloads
Giorgio Fabbri and Fausto Gozzi
7332: Role of Islamic banks in economic development Downloads
Shahid Saleem
7330: A comparison of structural productivity levels in the major industrialised countries Downloads
Renaud Bourlès and Gilbert Cette
7329: SMEDA SME Policy paper 2007- A Critical Review (An analytical commentary upon SME policy proposed by SMEDA Pakistan) Downloads
Shahid Saleem
7328: Die Rentenreform in der Diskussion Ein Mikrosimulationsmodell für die Altersvorsorge in Deutschland (AVID-PRO) Downloads
Christof Schatz and Joachim Merz
7326: Real Business Cycles with Cournot Competition and Endogenous Entry Downloads
Andrea Colciago and Federico Etro
7324: Waiting Times in Simulated Stock Markets Downloads
Alessandro Cappellini and Gianluigi Ferraris
7323: In One Ear, Out The Other Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7322: It Ain`t Broken But It Has To Be Fixed Downloads
Maria Lorca-Susino
7321: Money, Intermediation, and Banking Downloads
David Andolfatto
7320: Banking reform in China: Driven by international standards and Chinese specifics Downloads
Zdenek Kudrna
7314: Relative and individual regulation: An investigation of investment incentives under a cost-plus approach Downloads
Nikos Ebel and Yassine Lefouili
7312: When Worlds Collide: Different Comparative Static Predictions of Continuous and Discrete Agent Models with Land Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Tarun Sabarwal
7308: Decomposition of a Certain Cash Flow Stream: Differential Systemic Value and Net Final Value Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
7307: Inflazione per gruppi di famiglie e struttura dei consumi in Italia (Inflation by family group and consumption structure in Italy) Downloads
Ciro Rapacciuolo
7306: Mondialisation, convergence et croissance économique: Une analyse par les données de panel (Globalization, Convergence and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis) Downloads
Zohra Allaoui and Ali Chkir
7304: Assessment of income distribution and a hypothetical flat tax reform in Hungary Downloads
Orsolya Lelkes and Dora Benedek
7302: Happiness over the life cycle: exploring age-specific preferences Downloads
Orsolya Lelkes
7300: The real interest rate differential: international evidence based on nonlinear unit root tests Downloads
Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Venus Liew and Tze-Haw Chan
7299: Day-of-the-week effects in selected East Asian stock markets Downloads
Ricky Chia, Venus Liew and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa
7298: On Asymmetry of Exchange Rate Volatility in New EU Member and Candidate Countries Downloads
Daniel Stavarek
7297: Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in the EU and the USA: Evidence of their Mutual Interactions Downloads
Daniel Stavarek
7293: Monetary exchange rate model: supportive evidence from nonlinear testing procedures Downloads
Venus Liew, Ahmad Zubaidi Baharumshah, Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Habshah Midi
7291: Real interest rate parity: evidence from East Asian economies relative to China Downloads
Venus Liew and Tai-Hu Ling
7290: CAPM-based capital budgeting and nonadditivity Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
7288: Türkiye’de Suç Oranının Sosyo-Ekonomik Belirleyicileri: Yatay Kesit Analizi (Economic And Social Determinants Of The Crime Rate In Turkey:Cross-Section Analysis) Downloads
Necmiye Cömertler and Muhsin Kar
7283: Book Review to Luigino Bruni - "Economics and Human Relations" (2007) Downloads
Tommaso Reggiani
7282: How do nominal and real rigidities interact? A tale of the second best Downloads
Romain Duval and Lukas Vogel
7280: Romania and foreign direct investment Downloads
George Ciobanu
7279: Organized Crime and Foreign Direct Investment: the Italian Case Downloads
Vittorio Daniele and Ugo Marani
7277: The Problem of Internalisation of Social Costs and the Ideas of Ronald Coase Downloads
Enrico Baffi
Deepak Shah
7275: Institutional Credit through Cooperatives in Maharashtra: A Region-wise Analysis Downloads
Deepak Shah
7274: Banking Sector Reforms and Co-operative Credit Institutions in India Downloads
Deepak Shah
7273: Foreign direct investment in Vietnam: Is there any evidence of technological spillover effects Downloads
Anh Nguyen, Thang Nguyen, Dang Trung Le, Pham Ngoc, Chuc Nguyen and Duc Nhat Nguyen
7266: Potential dividends and actual cash flows. Theoretical and empirical reasons for using ‘actual’ and dismissing ‘potential’, Or: How not to pull potential rabbits out of actual hats Downloads
Ignacio Velez-Pareja and Carlo Alberto Magni
7265: Consumer Learning and Heterogeneity: Dynamics of Demand for Prescription Drugs after Patent Expiration Downloads
Andrew Ching
7260: Strategic Price Discounting and Rationing in Uniform Price Auctions Downloads
Sylvain Bourjade
7259: Diversification of Investor's Expertise in IPOs Downloads
Sylvain Bourjade
7258: Interactions between competition and consumer policy Downloads
Mark Armstrong
7256: Estimation of the Exchange Market Pressure in the EU4 Countries: A Model-Dependent Approach Downloads
Daniel Stavarek
7255: Power Properties of Invariant Tests for Spatial Autocorrelation in Linear Regression Downloads
Federico Martellosio
7254: Organização do trabalho e controlo de qualidade numa estação de soldadura robotizada (Work organisation and quality control in a welding robotic cell) Downloads
António Moniz
7251: Expertise and Bias in Decision Making Downloads
Sylvain Bourjade and Bruno Jullien
7248: Decomposition of external capital inflows and outflows in the small open transition economy (The case analysis of the Slovak republic) Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala
7247: Institutional Profiles and Entrepreneurship Orientation: A Case of Turkish Graduate Students Downloads
Ethem Duygulu
7246: L’azienda agraria. Introduzione all’economia dell’unità di produzione agricola (REVIEW) Downloads
Antonio Sortino
7245: Team Effectiveness and Leadership Roles Downloads
Ethem Duygulu and Nurcan Ciraklar
7242: Time Use Dynamics in Paid Work and Household Activities of Married Women - A Panel Analysis with Household Information and Regional Labour Demand Downloads
Joachim Merz
7241: Reconciling the Chinese Financial Development with its Economic Growth: A Discursive Essay Downloads
Jean-Claude Maswana
7237: Statistik und Freie Berufe im Rahmen einer empirischen Wirtschafts- und Sozialforschung Downloads
Joachim Merz
7236: Microsimulation as an Instrument to Evaluate Economic and Social Programmes Downloads
Joachim Merz
7235: Market and Non-market Labor Supply and Recent German Tax Reform Impacts - Behavioral Response in a Combined Dynamic and Static Microsimulation Model Downloads
Joachim Merz
7234: Lobbyismus und Mittelstand: Zur Identifikation der Interessenverbände des Mittelstands in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Downloads
Thomas Krickhahn
7233: Two Scales, One Methodology - Expenditure Based Equivalence Scales for the United States and Germany Downloads
Joachim Merz, Thesia Garner, Timothy M. Smeeding, Jürgen Faik and David Johnson
7232: Microsimulation - A Survey of Methods and Applications for Analyzing Economic and Social Policy Downloads
Joachim Merz
7231: Microdata Adjustment by the Minimum Information Loss Principle Downloads
Joachim Merz
7230: What makes the Difference between Unsuccessful and Successful Firms in the German Mechanical Engineering Industry? Downloads
Ulrich Widmaier, Hiltrud Niggemann and Joachim Merz
7229: Relative Inequality and Poverty in Germany and the United States Using Alternative Equivalence Scales Downloads
Richard Burkhauser, Timothy M. Smeeding and Joachim Merz
7228: Freie Berufe in der DDR, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und im wiedervereinigten Deutschland: Auswertungen von Berufstätigenerhebung und Arbeitsstättenzählung Downloads
Andreas Rönnau
7226: Freie Berufe im Mikrozensus I - Struktur und quantitative Bedeutung anhand der ersten Ergebnisse für die neuen und alten Bundesländer 1991 Downloads
Joachim Merz and Dagmar Kirsten
7225: Freie Berufe im Mikrozensus II - Einkommen und Einkommensverteilung anhand der ersten Ergebnisse für die neuen und alten Bundesländer 1991 Downloads
Joachim Merz and Dagmar Kirsten
7224: Schattenwirtschaft und Arbeitsplatzschaffung Downloads
Joachim Merz
7222: Productivity Shocks, Unemployment Persistence, and the Adjustment of Real Wages in OECD Countries Downloads
Razvan Pascalau
7221: Corporate Management of Highly Dynamic Risks: The Case of Terrorism Insurance in Germany Downloads
Christian Thomann, Razvan Pascalau, J.-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg and Bruno Gas
7220: Unit Roots Tests with Smooth Breaks: An Application to the Nelson-Plosser Data Set Downloads
Razvan Pascalau
7218: Recruitment of Seemingly Overeducated Personnel: Insider-Outsider Effects on Fair Employee Selection Practices Downloads
Oliver Fabel and Razvan Pascalau
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